172 research outputs found

    Product innovations, advertising, and stock returns

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    Under increased scrutiny from top management and shareholders, marketing managers feel the need to measure and communicate the impact of their actions on shareholder returns. In particular, how do customer value creation (through product innovation) and customer value communication (through marketing investments) affect stock returns? This article examines, conceptually and empirically, how product innovations and marketing investments for such product innovations lift stock returns by improving the outlook on future cash flows. The authors address these questions with a large-scale econometric analysis of product innovation and associated marketing mix in the automobile industry. They find that adding such marketing actions to the established finance benchmark model greatly improves the explained variance in stock returns. In particular, investors react favorably to companies that launch pioneering innovations, that have higher perceived quality, that are backed by substantial advertising support, and that are in large and growing categories. Finally, the authors quantify and compare the stock return benefits of several managerial control variables. The results highlight the stock market benefits of pioneering innovations. Compared with minor updates, pioneering innovations have an impact on stock returns that is seven times greater, and their advertising support is nine times more effective as well. Perceived quality of the new car introduction improves the firm’s stock returns, but customer liking does not have a statistically significant effect.Promotional incentives have a negative effect on stock returns, indicating that price promotions may be interpreted as a signal of demand weakness. Managers can combine these return estimates with internal data on project costs to help decide the appropriate mix of product innovation and marketing investment.pre-prin

    Fortalecimiento de gestiones a través del Centro de Información de Actividades Porcinas (CIAP) para el desarrollo sustentable de pequeños y medianos productores porcinos familiares de la zona de influencia de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario

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    Fortalecimiento de gestiones a través del Centro de Información de Actividades Porcinas (CIAP) para el desarrollo sustentable de pequeños y medianos productores porcinos familiares de la zona de influencia de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional de RosarioFil: Silva, Patricia. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentin

    Communication in health practices: integrative literature review

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    Objectivethis study aims to describe the main thematic axes explored in the communication field in health practices in the scenarios of the Unified Health System (SUS). Methodintegrative literature review conducted by means of search for articles in the databases Latin American Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), International Literature on Health Sciences (MedLine), and Science Direct, using the descriptors: health communication or communication. A crossing of the descriptors communication and health education was provided. Resultfour themes were constructed: 1) communication to establish relationships between health professionals and users; 2) (in)communication: barriers to the communicative act, 3) communication and health professional education; and 4) communicative health models: search for the dialogic model. Conclusionby understanding dialogic communication, which must be observed in communication, the new requirements posed by the legalization of SUS have shown weaknesses of the single-line and vertical communication model and the need to provide health professionals, since the undergraduate course, with knowledge that enable dialogic communication practices. The challenge of reflective and participatory experiences in the various health care settings still remains, in order to promote a sharing of knowledge that leads to understanding between the interlocutors involved in the communicative act.Objetivoeste artigo tem por objetivo descrever os principais eixos temáticos explorados no campo da comunicação nas práticas em saúde nos cenários do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Métodorevisão integrativa da literatura realizada a partir da busca de artigos nas bases de dados Literatura Latino-Americana em Ciências da Saúde (Lilacs), Literatura Internacional em Ciências da Saúde (MedLine) e Science Direct, utilizando os descritores: comunicação em saúde ou comunicação. Procedeu-se ao cruzamento dos descritores comunicação e educação em saúde. Resultadoforam construídas quatro temáticas: 1) a comunicação no estabelecimento de relações entre profissionais da saúde e usuários; 2) (des)comunicação: barreiras ao ato comunicativo; 3) comunicação e formação do profissional da saúde; e 4) modelos comunicativos em saúde: a busca pelo modelo dialógico. Conclusãoa partir do entendimento da comunicação dialógica, que deve estar presente na comunicação, as novas demandas da legalização do SUS vêm mostrando fragilidades do modelo unilinear e verticalizado de comunicação e a necessidade de instrumentalizar os profissionais da saúde, desde a graduação, com saberes que proporcionem práticas comunicativas dialógicas. Persiste o desafio de vivências reflexivas e participativas nos vários cenários de assistência à saúde, de forma a promover um compartilhamento de saberes que conduza ao entendimento entre os interlocutores envolvidos no ato comunicativo.Universidade Federal de PernambucoUniversidade Federal de Pernambuco Departamento de FonoaudiologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Centro de Desenvolvimento do Ensino Superior em SaúdeUniversidade Federal de Pernambuco Departamento de EnfermagemUNIFESP, Centro de Desenvolvimento do Ensino Superior em SaúdeSciEL

    Sales promotions and channel coordination

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    Consumer sales promotions are usually the result of the decisions of two marketing channel parties, the manufacturer and the retailer. In making these decisions, each party normally follows its own interest: i.e. maximizes its own profit. Unfortunately, this results in a suboptimal outcome for the channel as a whole. Independent profit maximization by channel parties leads to a lack of channel coordination with the implication of leaving money on the table. This may well contribute to the notoriously low profitability of sales promotions. This paper first shows analytically why the suboptimality occurs, and then presents an empirical demonstration, using a unique dataset from an Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) project; ECR is a movement in which parties work together to optimize the distribution channel). In this dataset, actual profit is only a small fraction of potential profit, implying that there is a large degree of suboptimality. It is important that (1) channel parties are aware of this suboptimality; and (2) that they have tools to deal with it. Solutions to the channel coordination problem should ensure that the goals of the individual channel parties are aligned with the goals of the channel as a whole. The paper proposes one particular agreement for this purpose, called proportional discount sharing. Application to the ECR data shows a win-win result for both the manufacturer and the retailer. Recognition of the channel coordination problem by the manufacturer and the retailer is the necessary starting point for agreeing on a way of solving it in a win-win fashion

    Potencialidades das certificações e da rastreabilidade para explicitar a sustentabilidade, qualidade e agregar maior valor à produção agrícola brasileira.

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    Introdução. Mercado Consumidor de Produtos Agrícolas Certificados. Sustentabilidade da Produção Agrícola e Certificações no Brasil. Potencialidades das Certificações e Rastreabilidade na Integração dos Elos das Cadeias Produtivas. Potencialidades das Certificações e Rastreabilidade na Automação e Segurança dos Processos Produtivos. Identificação e Tecnologias de Certificações e Rastreabilidade dos Produtos Agrícolas. Fortalecimento da Imagem dos Produtos Agrícolas Brasileiros. Conclusões