2,247 research outputs found

    A falta de emoção dos apresentadores robôs chineses como obstáculo para a construção da credibilidade jornalística

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    A proposta desta pesquisa é identificar como a falta de expressões emocionais dos apresentadores robôs atua na criação de sentidos dos produtos noticiosos chineses. Para isso, analisei a performance de três apresentadores robôs utilizados pela agência estatal de notícias chinesa Xinhua: AI Anchor, Xin Xiaohao e Xin Xiaomeng, lançados em 2018 e 2019. A Análise de Discurso foi a metodologia escolhida para analisar a construção de sentidos a partir da performance dos apresentadores robôs. Neste trabalho, entende-se que o jornalismo é uma construção e que a credibilidade é uma negociação entre apresentador e público; trago a técnica do telejornal como referência para explicar a função de apresentador e a emoção como constitutiva da cognição e da razão. A tecnologia sempre moldou o jornalismo e seus formatos, mas os apresentadores robôs ainda despertam mais interesse como técnica do que como interação comunicativa: os movimentos bucais são pouco naturais e dessincronizados com as falas; suas vozes são metálicas e sem emoção; os olhos são vazios e sem vida; os corpos possuem movimentos limitados e artificiais: faltam características que destaquem a informação dada pelo apresentador, pois a falta de emoções dos robôs acaba por não estabelecer laços que possibilitem a construção da confiança e da credibilidade.The purpose of this research is to identify how the robot anchors‘ lack of emotional expressions works in the creation of senses in chinese news products. Thereunto, I analysed the performance of three robot anchors used by China‘s state news agency Xinhua: Ai Anchor, Xin Xiaohao and Xin Xiaomeng, released in 2018 and 2019. The Discourse Analysis was the chosen methodology to analyse the construction of senses from the robot anchors‘ performances. In this paper, it is understood that journalism is a construction and that credibility is a negotiation between anchor and audience; I bring television news‘ techniques as a reference to explain the occupation of anchor and the emotion as constitutive of cognition and rationality. Technology has always molded journalism and it‘s formats, but the robot anchors yet arouse more interest as technique than as communicative interaction: mouth movements are unnatural and out of sync with the speech; their voices are mechanic and emotionless; their eyes are empty and lifeless; their bodies have limited and artificial movements: they are missing characteristics that put the information given by the anchor in a stand out position, because the robots‘ lack of emotion ends up not establishing ties that allow to build trust and credibility

    Enfermedades infecciosas que causan abortos en bovinos con enfoque en rodeos lecheros de Uruguay

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    Estudios realizados en Uruguay muestran que las principales causas de aborto en bovinos son de origen infeccioso. El diagnóstico etiológico de pérdidas reproductivas en bovinos es complejo, y la identificación y determinación de las prevalencias de los diferentes agentes involucrados puede ser realizada mediante el uso de diferentes técnicas de laboratorio aplicables sobre muestras del feto, de la madre que abortó, del toro y/o del rodeo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar a nivel poblacional la neosporosis, la leptospirosis, la campilobacteriosis, la tricomoniasis y la diarrea viral bovina mediante técnicas directas e indirectas utilizadas en el abordaje diagnóstico de enfermedades infecciosas abortivas. Para esto, fueron realizados los diagnósticos en muestras clínicas de bovinos recibidas entre los años 2016 y 2019 en la Plataforma de Investigación en Salud Animal para el diagnóstico de patógenos involucrados con pérdidas reproductivas. Además, se muestrearon, por conveniencia, los rodeos de 20 tambos para determinarar la prevalencia de dichas enfermedades y factores asociados en esta población de estudio. Para Neospora caninum se determinó una seroprevalencia de 36,1% de las vacas en ordeñe (406/1200) y 100% (20/20) de los predios positivos a N. caninum. Se demostró que la presencia de perros nacidos en los tambos está asociada a una mayor seroprevalencia a este parásito (p=0,001). Además del kit ELISA utilizado para determinar la prevalencia en este estudio, otros 2 kits ELISA comerciales fueron comparados entre ellos para una aproximación diagnóstica del aborto por N. caninum en bovinos lecheros en la región de este estudio. Resultando en una variación de débil a fuerte entre los kits (coeficiente Kappa de Cohen=0.58 a 0.83). Sin embargo, los 3 kits fueron eficaces en la asociación del aborto con la seropositividad a N. caninum. Para Leptospira spp. se observó que 19,4% de los animales fueron seroreactivos al menos a uno de los serovares evaluados. El serovar más prevalente fue Pomona con 24,7%, pero no hubo asociación estadística entre aborto y seropositividad para los serovares estudiados. La qPCR reveló que 0,35% (4/1138) de los sueros de las vaquillonas analizadas fueron positivos para vDVB y el subtipo identificado fue el BVDV-1a. Se identificaron BVDV-1a y BVDV-2b asociado a los casos clínicos de enfermedad de la mucosa, infecciones transitorias postnatales asociadas con salmonelosis entérica y septicémica, bronconeumonía por Histophilus somni, coinfecciones del tracto urinario con Escherichia coli y Streptococcus sp., coinfección entérica con coccidios, infecciones fetales transplacentarias y abortos con coinfección por N. caninum. Por PCR se detectó que en 2,25% (7/310) de los toros (leche: 6/121 y carne: 1/189) muestreados fueron positivos para Tritrichomona foetus. Campylobacter fetus venerealis no fue diagnosticado en ninguna de las muestras prepuciales analizadas. La determinación de las frecuencias de los agentes que causan abortos sugiere, en esta población de estudio, que neosporosis es la principal enfermedad involucrada en las pérdidas gestacionales en los rodeos lecheros. Además, el desarrollo y validación de un kit ELISA comercial anti-N. caninum se hace necesario para minimizar costos de diagnósticos una vez que la serología es una herramienta clave para el control de la enfermedad. La detección de T. foetus en toros revela que este protozoario sigue circulando en el país. Futuros estudios deberían estimar el impacto económico de BVDV en bovinos en Uruguay, debido a las evidencias de que el virus está asociado con enfermedad y muerte de bovinos en los rodeos uruguayos. Un avance importante registrado en este proyecto es el desarrollo de técnicas de diagnóstico que permitirán, no solo el diagnóstico, sino también la continuidad de los trabajos de investigación para estudiar la epidemiología, la importancia económica y los métodos de control para las diferentes enfermedades reproductivas en el ganado lechero y cárnico del Uruguay.Studies in Uruguay show that the main cause of abortion in cattle are of infectious origen. Considering the complexity of the etiological diagnosis of reproductive losses in cattle, the identification and determination of the prevalence of the different agents involved can be done using different laboratory techniques on samples of the fetus, the aborted dam, the bull and/or the herd. The objective of this work was to study neosporosis, trichomonosis, campylobacteriosis, leptospirosis, and bovine viral diarrhea by direct and indirect techniques used in the diagnostic approach of abortive infectious diseases. For this, different diagnostic tests were carried out from clinical samples of bovines that arrived between 2016 and 2019 in the PSA for the diagnosis of pathogens involved in reproductive losses. In addition, the herds of 20 dairy farms were sampled for convenience to determine the prevalence of these diseases and associated factors in this study population. A seroprevalence of 36.1% of the dairy cow (406/1200) and 100% (20/20) of the positive farms for N. caninum was determined. It was shown that the presence of dogs born in dairy farms is associated with a greater seroprevalence to this parasite (p = 0.001). In addition to the ELISA kit used to determine the prevalence in this study, another 2 commercial ELISA kits were compared to each other for a diagnostic approach to abortion by N. caninum in dairy cattle in the region of this study. It was determined a variation from weak to strong among the kits (Cohen's Kappa coefficient = 0.58 to 0.83), however, all 3 kits were effective in the association of abortion with seropositivity to N. caninum. For Leptospira spp. it was observed that 19.4% of the animals were seroreactive to at least one of the serovars evaluated. The most prevalent serovar was Pomona with 24.7%, but there was no statistical association between abortion and seropositivity for the serovars studied. The qPCR revealed that 0.35% (4/1138) of the sera of the heifers analyzed were positive for vDVB and the subtype identified was BVDV-1a. BVDV-1a and BVDV-2b were associated with clinical cases of mucosal disease, postnatal transient infections associated with enteric and septicemic salmonellosis, Histophilus somni bronchopneumonia, urinary tract coinfections with Escherichia coli and Streptococcus sp., enteric coinfection with coccidia, and transplacental fetal infections and abortions with coinfection by N. caninum. By PCR it was detected that in 2.25% (7/310) of the bulls (milk: 6/121 and beef: 1/189) sampled were positive for Tritrichomonas foetus. Campylobacter fetus venerealis was not diagnosed in any of the prepucial samples analyzed. The determination of the frequencies of the agents that cause abortions suggests, in this study population, that neosporosis is the main disease and may be involved in gestational losses in dairy herds. In addition, the development and validation of a commercial anti-N. caninum ELISA kit becomes necessary to minimize diagnostic costs once serology is a key tool for disease control. The detection of T. foetus in bulls reveals that this protozoan continues to circulate in the country. Future studies should estimate the economic impact of BVDV in cattle in Uruguay, due to the evidence that the virus is associated with bovine disease and death in Uruguayan herds. An important advance registered in this project is the development of diagnostic techniques that will allow, not only the diagnosis, but also the continuity of research works to study the epidemiology, economic importance and control methods for the different reproductive diseases in dairy and meat cattle in Uruguay

    Relação entre a gestão ambiental e educação ambiental : as ecoauditorias no contexto escolar

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    Orientador: Profa. Dra Marilia Andrade Torales CamposMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Curso de Graduação em PedagogiaInclui referências : p. 38-40Resumo : A necessidade de buscar metodologias capazes de incorporar a educação ambiental às práticas educativas é uma preocupação importante dentro do ensino. A partir dessa proposta, foram analisadas ações de gestão ambiental que são desenvolvidas no contexto de um Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil (CMEI) em Curitiba-PR para solução ou mitigação de problemas ambientais considerando os fundamentos teóricos e metodológicos das Ecoauditorias escolares. As Ecoauditorias visam uma nova possibilidade na formação de professores, atendendo a atual legislação, na medida em que trabalham de forma interdisciplinar, promovendo a participação de toda a comunidade escolar, fazendo com que a escola se torne o principal meio transformador. A importância do tema se justifica na emergência de uma nova prática, baseada na busca de um novo padrão de comportamento dos agentes escolares e a aquisição de novos significados para os comportamentos já existentes, resultando em mudanças em relação ao espaço no qual estão inseridos. Por meio das análises das entrevistas e da formação ofertada para as professoras foi possível identificar uma receptividade em relação as ações de gestão ambiental. O envolvimento de todos os agentes escolares nas práticas do centro de educação infantil mostram que o CMEI é receptivo à aplicação das Ecoauditorias escolares e consequentemente, à adoção das premissas incorporadas pela metodologia.Abstract : The need to find out methodologies able to incorporate environmental education into the educational practices is a major concern inside the education. Inside of this scope, environmental management actions that are developed in the context of a Municipal Center of Early Childhood Education (CMEI) in Curitiba-PR were analyzed for solution or mitigation of environmental problems considering the theoretical and methodological foundations of the Ecoauditorias school methodology. The Ecoauditorias aim a new possibility in teacher's education, attend the current legislation, according as working in an interdisciplinary way, promoting the participation of the whole school community, causing the school to become the primary transformer agent. The importance of the issue is justified in the emergence of a new practice, based on the search for a new pattern of behavior of the school agents and acquiring new meanings for existing behaviors, resulting in changes inrespect of the area they are located. Through the analysis of the interviews and training offered to teachers it was possible to identify a receptivity to the actions of environmental management. The involvement of all school agents in the center ofearly childhood education practices show that CMEI is receptive to the implementation of school Ecoauditorias and consequently the adoption of assumptions incorporated by the methodology

    O que Dizem os Professores de Química sobre as Aulas Durante a Pandemia no Estado do Paraná: Um Olhar sobre as Perguntas Diante das Aulas Remotas

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    O presente estudo busca compreender como ocorreram as interações por meio das perguntas entre professores e alunos na disciplina de Química no âmbito do Ensino Remoto Emergencial (ERE) durante a pandemia da COVID-19, pois possivelmente nos permitirá identificar quais fatores potencializaram ou diminuíram as interações no sentido de promover espaços para a formulação de perguntas. Os participantes foram três professores da Rede Pública de Ensino do Estado do Paraná e os materiais empíricos foram constituídos por meio de uma entrevista semiestruturada. A análise ocorreu com base na Análise de Conteúdo em que emergiram três categorias: caracterização do ERE no Estado do Paraná; as perguntas no decorrer do ERE; e as demandas para o professor no ERE. Assim, foi possível caracterizar as formas de comunicação entre professores e alunos, bem como como as aulas do Programa Aula Paraná, além de identificar os tipos de perguntas que foram realizadas no decorrer do ERE e as principais demandas do trabalho do professor titular ao longo desse período. Nesse sentido, infere-se que poucos foram os momentos para a formulação de perguntas nas aulas remotas, apesar dos diferentes meios de comunicação construídos entre professores e estudantes

    Barreiras e facilitadores percebidos por pessoas com transtorno bipolar para a prática de exercício físico : um estudo qualitativo

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    Introduction: Exercising regularly has benefits for people with bipolar disorder. Nevertheless, as a group, these patients tend to be less physically active than the general population and little is known from the viewpoint of the patients about the barriers and facilitators to such a practice. Objective: To know the barriers and facilitators perceived by people with bipolar disorder for the practice of exercise. Methods: This study had a descriptive, qualitative, exploratory nature. The investigation method used for data collection was a semi-structured in-depth interview, using grounded theory as theoretical framework. Results: The data analysis generated two main areas of interest: adherence to regular physical exercise (barriers and facilitators) and the participants’ exercise history and perception of disease management, as described below. The main findings were: most of our sample did not exercise regularly, nor knew how exercise can positively influence their disorder; with regard to adherence to physical exercise, the presence of symptoms and stigma were the most important barriers to the practice of physical exercise. Social support, especially from family and friends, could be a facilitator to the practice of exercise. Conclusions: Even considering the limitations for generalization of qualitative and exploratory studies, understanding perceived barriers and facilitators for the practice of exercise among people who suffer with bipolar disorder may contribute to the promotion of activities in which people with mental illness can participate.Introdução: A prática regular de exercício físico tem benefícios para pessoas com transtorno bipolar. No entanto, como grupo, esses pacientes tendem a ser mais sedentários do que a população geral, e pouco se sabe do ponto de vista dos pacientes sobre as barreiras e facilitadores para tal prática. Objetivo: Conhecer as barreiras e facilitadores percebidos por pessoas com transtorno bipolar para a prática de exercício. Métodos: Este foi um estudo descritivo, qualitativo e exploratório. O método de investigação utilizado na coleta de dados foi entrevista semiestruturada em profundidade, segundo a grounded theory. Resultados: A análise dos conteúdos que surgiram nas entrevistas gerou duas principais áreas de interesse: adesão ao exercício físico regular (barreiras e facilitadores) e a história de exercícios dos participantes e a percepção do manejo da doença. Os principais achados foram: a maioria da nossa amostra não se exercitava regularmente, nem mesmo sabia como a prática regular podia influenciar positivamente sua doença; em relação à adesão ao exercício físico, a presença dos sintomas e do estigma foram as barreiras mais importantes para praticar o exercício físico. O apoio social, especialmente da família e dos amigos, pode ser um facilitador da adesão ao exercício. Conclusões: Apesar das limitações de um estudo qualitativo e exploratório, conhecer as barreiras e os facilitadores percebidos para a prática de exercício entre pessoas que sofrem de transtorno bipolar pode facilitar a promoção de atividades onde essas pessoas possam participar e se beneficiar efetivamente

    Microfoundations of dynamic coopetition capabilities in firms from a microbrewery cluster

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    Purpose – The objective of this research was to analyze the microfoundations of dynamic capabilities used by microbreweries in Porto Alegre (Brazil) in their coopetition strategies.  Design/methodology/approach – A case study with a qualitative approach was developed. Data were collected during interviews with owners of eleven microbreweries, via analysis of documents, and non-participatory observation. The authors used the content analysis technique to infer knowledge. Findings – We identified the microfoundations of dynamic coopetition capabilities including collective purchases, shared distribution expenses, shared production, education of consumers and other beer producers, group interaction, and a business roundtable with entrepreneurs from the food and drink sector in the hospitality industry. Research, Practical & Social implications – We developed a framework that considers the relationship between the microfoundations of dynamic capabilities and coopetition regarding the paradox between competition and cooperation. It is relevant to identify different actors’ movements and the potential outcomes of coopetitive strategies, which yield a competitive advantage for the cluster. Originality/value – Our study highlights how small companies can jointly develop competitive advantage in a market dominated by a large company.&nbsp


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    The search for more efficient biotechnological tools for forest regeneration has increased over the past decades. Mycorrhizal inoculation is a valuable strategy to promote seedling growth, but its efficiency depends on the substrate used. This study aimed to investigate the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal inoculation and different types of substrates on the growth of Pseudobombax grandiflorum and Apuleia leiocarpa seedlings. Experiments were carried out under greenhouse conditions in a completely randomized 6 × 2 factorial design (six substrates and two inoculation levels) with six replications of 12 treatments. Both species showed similar growth patterns. Plants grown in inoculated substrates composed of 70% Cambisol and 30% bovine manure or 80% Cambisol and 20% Biomix showed improved nutritional status. These substrates had good physical and chemical characteristics (pH and P and N levels), which favored plant development and mycorrhizal symbiosis. P. grandiflorum seedlings showed enhanced growth in inoculated substrate composed of 80% Cambisol and 20% Biomix and in inoculated Cambisol fertilized with P. For A. leiocarpa, the best results were observed for seedlings grown in inoculated substratescomposed of 80% Cambisol and 20% Biomix, 70% Cambisol and 30% bovine manure, or Cambisol fertilized with P

    Numerical Evaluation of the Hydropneumatic Power of the Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter Submitted to Regular and Irregular Waves

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    The purpose of this study is to computationally analyze the hydropneumatic power available in the air duct of an Oscillating Water Column (OWC) Wave Energy Converter (WEC) device when subject to realistic sea state data (irregular waves) and when submitted to the regular waves representative of this sea state. The OWC WEC is mainly composed of a hydropneumatic chamber and an air duct where a turbine and electric generator are coupled. The chamber is open below the free surface while the duct is open to the atmosphere. The oscillating movement of the water-free surface inside the chamber causes the air to flow, moving the turbine and generating electricity. To execute this study, a bi-dimensional computational model was considered and numerical simulations of wave generation were carried out using ANSYS Fluent, which is a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software based on the Finite Volume Method (FVM). The Volume of Fluid (VOF) multi-phase model was applied in the treatment of the water-air interaction. To evaluate the average hydropneumatic power available in the duct, the static pressure, velocity, and air mass flow rate were monitored. The results were analyzed, showing that the available power is 250% greater when the device is subject to realistic irregular waves rather than subject to representative regular waves