776 research outputs found

    Optimization of fast moving robots and implementation of I2C protocol to control electronic devices

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    This paper briefly describes the main changes in the robots from Minho Team since the last RoboCup. Work has been carried out on the robots in order to constantly improve their capabilities, based on the experiences from previous participations. The main topics to deal in this paper are related with the I2C new communications protocol recently implemented in the robots, a description of the whole electronics system based on a new diagram which contains all the devices used in the robots, the inclusion of new faster motors, a description of the robot game play strategy, some operating system remarks which are related to some requirements of our actual system, and the main conclusions related to the work carried out so far. The use of the I2C protocol forced the team to change all the electronic boards and these were completely redesigned in-house, tested and implemented on the robots.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - POSI/ROBO/43892/200

    O processo político de tramitação das medidas provisórias de saneamento básico do governo Temer

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciência Política, 2019.No presente estudo, analisa-se o processo político de tramitação das Medidas Provisórias n° 844 e 868/2018. A pesquisa orientou-se pela seguinte indagação: como atores, ideais o e instituições influenciaram no processo de tramitação das Medidas Provisórias de Saneamento Básico do governo Temer? A análise em todo o trabalho mostrou os conflitos presentes no setor de saneamento básico no Brasil, resultando em debates que dificultam o objetivo geral de todos os atores envolvidos: a universalização dos serviços. A questão do saneamento básico é fundamental, por se tratar de setores ligados diretamente a saúde humana e preservação da natureza. Na tentativa de responder a essa pergunta, utilizou-se um estudo de caso de duas proposições do tipo rastreamento de processo (process tracing). Por meio de eventos relacionados às duas Medidas Provisórias, buscou-se identificar a importância do histórico institucional, entidades e ideias para os episódios centrais. A presente Monografia mostrou que, diante de tantos conflitos no setor de saneamento básico, editar Medidas Provisórias para tratar de temática tão complexa não é o melhor caminho, por se tratar de mecanismo com tempo determinado de eficácia.The objective of the present study is to analyze the political process of the Provisional Measures (MP) 844/2018 and 868/2018. This research aims to clarify the following question: How did the interest groups, ideas and institutions influenced in the law-making process of the two Temer Government’s Provisional Measures that ruled about sanitation? The analysis on this study presents the conflicts in the sanitation area in Brazil, resulting in debates which hinder the main goal of all the engaged protagonists: the sanitation services universalization. The matter in hand is fundamental, since it is about human health and nature preservation. To answer that question, one used a process tracing double proposition case study. Through the events related to the two Provisional Measures, one sought to identify the importance of the institutional historic, entities and ideas for the central episodes. This monograph demonstrates that, in view of so many conflicts in Brazil’s sanitation area, enforcing Provisional Measures about a very complex subject is not the best strategy because they are a short term efficacy instrument

    New improvements of MINHO Team for RoboCup middle size league in 2003

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    Although this research group has started a robotic football team in 1998, MINHO team has been participating in RoboCup only since 1999. The robots were completely developed by the undergraduate team members (mechanics, hardware and software), due to budget reasons, and every year new improvements had been made. The team came to a point where new improvements would mean complete changes in the robot design, hardware and mechanics. Therefore, this year major changes have been implemented. Being all member of an Industrial Electronics department, our main research areas consist of general electronics, computer vision/image processing, and control. In this paper, the major changes implemented are described and some results assessed

    Heidegger: Technique and World Picture

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    This article presents some aspects of Heidegger’s inquire on the technique, introducing and approaching, therefore, two texts from the author: “The Age of the World Picture” and “The Question Concerning Technology”. The purpose is to confront the philosopher’s definition of the modern technique with the metaphysics of the “world picture” that he attributed to modernity. In this endeavor, also the innovative character of Heidegger’s approach to this matter is highlighted and it is shown how this approach is distant from the debates of his time which were limited to questioning the neutrality and the cultural aspects of techniqueO artigo apresenta alguns aspectos da investigação de Heidegger sobre a técnica, introduzindo e aproximando, para tanto, dois textos do autor: “O tempo da imagem de mundo” e “A Pergunta pela Técnica”. Trata-se de confrontar a definição que o filósofo deu à essência da técnica moderna com a metafísica da “imagem de mundo” que atribuiu à modernidade. Neste empenho, é ainda destacado o caráter inovador com que Heidegger abordou o assunto, afastando-se dos debates correntes que se limitavam a questionar a neutralidade e os aspectos culturais da técnic

    Three omni-directional wheels control on a mobile robot

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    Traditional two wheels differential drive normally used on mobile robots have manoeuvrability limitations and take time to sort out. Most teams use two driving wheels (with one or two cast wheels), four driving wheels and even three driving wheels. A three wheel drive with omni-directional wheel has been tried with success, and was implemented on fast moving autonomous mobile robots. This paper deals with the mathematical kinematics description of such mobile platform, it describes the advantages and also the type of control used

    Controlling omni-directional Wheels of a MSL RoboCup autonomous mobile robot

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    Autonomous Mobile Locomotion is of extreme importance in RoboCup robots. Even though in 2050 the robotic team will very likely use legs rather than wheels, at the moment all teams on middle size league use wheels to overcome other problems first. Most teams are using two driving wheels (with one or two cast wheels), four driving wheels and even three driving wheels. The Minho team has been using two driving wheels for the last 5 years (with two caster wheels), but for reaction speed optimization purposes a new approach of three wheels is being developed. This paper deals with the description of such platform, it describes the advantages and also the type of control used

    Mobile robot construction for edutainment application

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    As time goes on, there are more and more robotics applications. The limit is almost the imagination of each person. A great deal of industrial work can yet be done by robots and new ideas are blossoming. The entertainment industry is arriving and there are already many ideas as well as real robots on the field. It is important to point out that the entertainment applications not just entertain people as it also brings new research which will then be used in industrial work applications. This paper describes a team of robot football players which compete in a worldwide scientific challenge – the RoboCup.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Vision, kinematics and game strategy in multi-robot systems like MSL RoboCup

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    In Multi-Robot systems like the RoboCup football challenge, there are a small number of key issues which are of extreme relevance for the successfulness of the final application. In MSL RoboCup these main issues are three: a) The vision system, which has to be as reliable and fast as possible in order to perceive the necessary entities to carry out the game actions; b) Correct kinematics of the robot, that makes the robots move towards the desired goal in the fastest, shortest and optimized away; c) Game strategy, which needs collaboration and communication between all the agents in the field. Other issues are also important but these three consist of the fundamental ones towards the next step in this challenge which is ball pass between the robots in a controlled way. A team of robots will only be able to pass the ball to another robot only when these three issues are sorted out. This paper describes how these three issues were tackled by the MINHO team and shows their next directions