1,917 research outputs found

    The impact of renewable energy sources on economic growth and CO2 emissions - a SVAR approach

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    Over the last years renewable energy sources (RES) have increased their share on electricity generation of most developed economies due to environmental and security of supply concerns. The aim of this paper was to analyze how an increasing share of RES on electricity generation (RES-E) affects Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Several methodologies could be used for this purpose. The Structural Vector Autoregressive (SVAR) methodology considers the interactions among all variables in the model and is well suited to predict the effects of specific policy actions or important changes in the economy. Therefore, we chose to implement this methodology. We used a 3 variable SVAR model for a sample of four countries along the period 1960-2004. The existence of unit roots was tested to infer the stationarity of the variables. The countries chosen have rather different levels of economic development and social and economic structures but a common effort of investment in RES in the last decades. Through the impulse response functions (IRF), the SVAR estimation showed that, for all countries in the sample, except for the USA, the increasing RES-E share had economic costs in terms of GDP per capita. As expected, there was also an evident decrease of CO2 emissions per capita. The variance decomposition showed that a significant part of the forecast error variance of GDP per capita and a relatively smaller part of the forecast error variance of CO2 per capita were explained by the share of RES-E.Renewables, economic growth, CO2 emissions, SVAR

    The impact of renewable energy sources on economic growth and CO2 emissions : a SVAR approach

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    We analyze how an increasing share of Renewable Energy Sources on Electricity generation (RES-E) affects Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions using a 3 variable Structural Vector Autoregressive (SVAR) methodology. We used a sample of four countries with different levels of economic development and social and economic structures but a common effort of investment in RES in the last decades. The period considered was 1960 to 2004. The existence of unit roots was tested to infer the stationarity of the variables. Through the impulse response functions (IRF), the SVAR estimation showed that, for all countries in the sample, except for the USA, the increasing RES-E share had economic costs in terms of GDP per capita. There was also an evident decrease of CO2 emissions per capita. The variance decomposition showed that a significant part of the forecast error variance of GDP per capita and a relatively smaller part of the forecast error variance of CO2 per capita were explained by the share of RES-E.peer-reviewe

    Maximum entropy: a stochastic frontier approach for electricity distribution regulation

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    The literature on incentive-based regulation in the electricity sector indicates that the size of this sector in a country constrains the choice of frontier methods as well as the model specification itself to measure economic efficiency of regulated firms. The aim of this study is to propose a stochastic frontier approach with maximum entropy estimation, which is designed to extract information from limited and noisy data with minimal statements on the data generation process. Stochastic frontier analysis with generalized maximum entropy and data envelopment analysis – the latter one has been widely used by national regulators – are applied to a cross-section data on thirteen European electricity distribution companies. Technical efficiency scores and rankings of the distribution companies generated by both approaches are sensitive to model specification. Nevertheless, the stochastic frontier analysis with generalized maximum entropy results indicate that technical efficiency scores have similar distributional properties and these scores as well as the rankings of the companies are not very sensitive to the prior information. In general, the same electricity distribution companies are found to be in the highest and lowest efficient groups, reflecting weak sensitivity to the prior information considered in the estimation procedure.publishe

    Conflicto trabajo-familia: un estudio con conductores profesionales

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    Este estudo pretende contribuir para a compreensão do conflito entre trabalho e família em motoristas profissionais que trabalham com transporte de passageiros e da influência que outras variáveis possam ter nesse âmbito. Foi analisada especificamente a relação entre o conflito trabalho-família e as variáveis sociodemográficas (idade), do contexto familiar (número e idade dos filhos) e do contexto profissional (duração da jornada de trabalho, satisfação com o trabalho, suporte social dos supervisores e suporte social dos colegas de trabalho). Os dados foram recolhidos por meio de questionário, tendo participado 154 trabalhadores de uma empresa de transportes de passageiros do norte de Portugal. Todos os participantes eram do sexo masculino, e a maioria deles tinha idade entre 40 e 59 anos, eram casados e tinham filhos. Os resultados revelaram que os motoristas apresentam valores médios relativamente reduzidos de conflito trabalho-família e indicaram que a idade dos filhos, o número de horas trabalhadas semanalmente e a percepção de suporte dos supervisores constituíram preditores significativos do conflito trabalho-família.This study aims to contribute to the understanding of work-family conflict among professional drivers, and the influence that other variables may have in that context. We analyzed the relationship between work-family conflict and socio-demographic variables (age), family context (number of children and their ages), and professional context (number of working hours, job satisfaction, and perception of supervisor and co-worker social support) in particular. Data were collected through a questionnaire administered to 154 male workers of a passenger transport company in the north of Portugal. The majority of the participants were aged 40-50, were married, and had children. Data showed that the drivers reported relatively low mean levels of workfamily conflict. Results also showed that the age of their children, weekly hours worked, and the perception of supervisor support were significant predictors of work-family conflict.Este estudio pretende contribuir a la comprensión del conflicto entre trabajo y familia en conductores profesionales que trabajan con el transporte de pasajeros, y de la influencia que otras variables puedan tener en ese contexto. Específicamente, se analizó la relación entre el conflicto trabajo-familia y las variables sociodemográficas (edad), el contexto familiar (número de hijos y su edad), así como el contexto profesional (duración de la jornada de trabajo, satisfacción laboral, apoyo social de los supervisores y soporte social de los compañeros de trabajo). Los datos se recogieron mediante un cuestionario aplicado a 154 trabajadores hombres de una empresa de transporte de pasajeros del norte de Portugal. La mayoría de los participantes tenía entre 40 y 59 años, estaban casados y tenían hijos. Los resultados muestran que los conductores tienen valores medios relativamente bajos de conflicto trabajo-familia. Los resultados también indicaron que la edad de los hijos, el número de horas trabajadas semanalmente y la percepción de apoyo de los supervisores constituyeron predictores significativos del conflicto trabajo-familia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Edad, empleo y prácticas de gestión de recursos humanos: un estudio en PYMEs de Portugal

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    Como na Europa, Portugal está a envelhecer rápida e acentuadamente com reflexos no mercado de trabalho e na Gestão de Recursos Humanos. A mundialização, competitividade e rarefação dos empregos contribuem para um mercado de trabalho seletivo. Os trabalhadores mais idosos parecem ser afetados com essa nova realidade do mercado de trabalho, caracterizando-se por fraca empregabilidade e desemprego de longa duração. Pretende-se compreender as variáveis que interferem na empregabilidade dos trabalhadores acima dos 40 anos e perceber qual é o papel das empresas e dos trabalhadores/desempregados neste processo de “empregabilidade”. Foi realizado um estudo exploratório em PME do norte de Portugal, envolvendo desempregados e diretores de recursos humanos. Analisaram-se as perceções de desempregados acima de 40 anos sobre a sua situação, os seus recursos pessoais e estratégias de resolução adotadas. Na perspetiva das empresas exploraram-se as suas perceções sobre trabalhadores acima de 40 anos e caracterizou-se a gestão destes trabalhadores.As in Europe, Portugal is aging rapidly and markedly, with implications for the labor market and human resource management. Globalization, competitiveness, and job rarefaction are contributing to a more selective employment market. Older employees seem to be more affected by this new employment market reality, characterized by weak employability and long-term unemployment. Our intent here is to understand the variables involved in the employability of employees over 40 years old, and the role of organizations and employees/unemployed in the process of “employability”. An exploratory study was conducted with SMEs in the North of Portugal, involving both unemployed individuals and human resources managers. We analyzed the perceptions of the unemployed individuals over 40 about their situation, their personal resources, and resolution strategies adopted. From the companies’ viewpoint, we explored their perceptions about workers over the age of 40 and characterized the management of these workers.Como Europa, Portugal está envejeciendo acentuadamente con reflejos en el mercado de trabajo y en la gestión de los recursos humanos. La globalización, la competitividad y el enrarecimiento de los empleos contribuyen a un mercado de trabajo selectivo. Los trabajadores de más edad son afectados por esta realidad, caracterizándose por reducida empleabilidad y por desempleo de larga duración. Con este estudio, se pretende comprender variables que interfieren en la empleabilidad de trabajadores encima de los 40 años y percibir cuál es el papel de las empresas y de los trabajadores/desempleados. Se realizó un estudio exploratorio en PME del norte de Portugal, involucrando desempleados y directores de recursos humanos. Se analizaron las percepciones de desempleados de más de 40 años sobre su situación, sus recursos personales y estrategias de tomadas de decisión. En la perspectiva de las empresas se explotan sus percepciones sobre los trabajadores por encima de 40 años y se caracterizó su gestión.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Consequences of shift work and night work: a literature review

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    Nonstandard work schedules such as shift work and night work tend to trigger problems for workers in different areas. To illustrate the diversity of areas affected and the relative interest of the scientific community, we conducted a literature review of the effects of shift work and night work on workers. In particular, we intended to identify the main variables addressed in the field of health, the family sphere, and the organizational context. The literature review was carried out using the Web of Science with the following terms: “shift work”, “rotating shifts”, and “night work”. Inclusion criteria incorporated empirical studies and articles written in Portuguese or English published in 2019. We selected 129 of the 619 articles identified. Regarding the impacts of shift work and night work, there existed a high discrepancy of focus between the three defined areas: health, family life, and organizational context. Specifically, health-related variables were the most studied (83.4%), followed by organizational variables (9.2%), and, lastly, family variables (7.4%). Based on these results, it is essential to extend the study of the two underrepresented impacts to other crucial areas, not only for the worker but also for organizations.This work is financed by national funds through FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project «UIDB/04647/2020» of CICS.NOVA–Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa

    Characterization of monocarboxylate permeases in yeast : functional and structural analysis

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    Os ácidos carboxílicos de cadeia curta são compostos importantes produzidos de forma natural no decorrer de numerosos processos metabólicos, para além de poderem ser utilizados como única fonte de carbono e energia por diversos seres vivos, incluindo leveduras. É neste contexto que o estudo das permeases de monocarboxilatos se reveste de especial importância, dado que o transporte destes nutrientes através da membrana é um factor essencial no metabolismo da grande maioria das células. Com o trabalho descrito na presente tese procurou-se desenvolver o conhecimento actual sobre permeases de monocarboxilatos de leveduras, através de um aprofundamento do estudo da permease de lactato/piruvato de Saccharomyces cerevisiae codificada pelo gene JEN1. A primeira etapa deste trabalho consistiu na expressão heteróloga do gene JEN1 na levedura Pichia pastoris. Este gene foi clonado num vector do tipo integrativo (pPICZB) assim como num vector replicativo vector (pZPARS), e posteriormente expresso em duas estirpes diferentes, Mut+ e Muts. A confirmação da expressão do gene JEN1 foi efectuada em células induzidas 24 horas em metanol tanto ao nível do mRNA como ao nível proteico. A actividade máxima da permease obtida em células de P. pastoris apresentou um Vmax de 2,1 nmol s-1 mg-1 peso seco. Este valor representou um aumento de cinco vezes comparativamente com os parâmetros descritos na literatura para células da estirpe selvagem crescidas em lactato. Numa segunda fase, a actividade da permease foi reconstituída em vesículas híbridas, obtidas por fusão de membranas extraídas a partir de células de P. pastoris induzidas em metanol e lipossomas de Escherichia coli contendo citocromo c oxidase, como proteína geradora de uma força proto-motriz. A actividade da proteína reconstituída apresentou propriedades semelhantes à proteína selvagem de S. cerevisiae no que diz respeito ao simporte de protões como mecanismo acoplado ao transporte de lactato e também aos inibidores testados. Com este trabalho foi possível demonstrar a funcionalidade da proteína Jen1 de S. cerevisiae como sendo um transportador de lactato. A caracterização molecular de outros genes codificantes de permeases de monocarboxilatos levou-nos ao estudo do transporte de ácidos monocarboxílicos na levedura Candida albicans. A presença de uma permease de monocarboxilatos foi identificada em células da estirpe C. albicans RM1000 crescidas em lactato. Estudos de inibição demonstraram que o transporte de lactato é inibido competitivamente por piruvato e propionato, mas não por acetato que se revelou ser um inibidor não competitivo. Uma pesquisa de homólogos do gene ScJEN1 em C. albicans revelou a existência de uma ORF com 61% de similaridade que foi designada por CaJEN1. Deleções de ambos os alelos de C. albicans originaram uma ausência de detecção do CaJEN1 mRNA e da actividade da permease. Em células da estirpe selvagem C. albicans RM1000 crescidas em glucose não se verificou expressão do CaJEN1 assim como não foi possível detectar actividade da permease. A expressão heteróloga do gene CaJEN1 foi efectuada na estirpe S. cerevisiae jen1Δ, mas não foi recuperado o transporte de ácido láctico. A levedura C. albicans possui uma alteração no código genético o que faz com que a proteína CaJen1 ao ser expressa em S. cerevisiae possua uma mutação S217L. Foi aplicada a técnica de mutagénese dirigida de forma a restabelecer a sequência proteica original, sendo desta forma recuperada actividade da permease em S. cerevisiae. Com este estudo confirmou-se que o gene CaJEN1 codifica um transportador de monocarboxilatos em C. albicans. Estudos adicionais com uma estirpe deletada no gene CaCAT8 demonstraram que a expressão deste gene influencia a expressão do CaJEN1, fenómeno idêntico ao que se verifica com os correspondentes genes homólogos de S. cerevisisae. Na última parte do trabalho efectuou-se uma pesquisa de domínios da ScJen1p envolvidos no reconhecimento/transporte do substrato. Foi efectuada uma análise por mutagénese da sequência 379NXX[S/T]HX[S/T]QDXXXT391 em cinco dos aminoácidos conservados. A substituição dos resíduos N379, H383 ou D387, mesmo que por aminoácidos muito similares, provocou uma acentuada redução do transporte de lactato e piruvato mas manteve transporte de acetato mensurável. Ensaios de inibição de transporte de acetato demonstraram que estes mutantes têm a capacidade de ligar mas não de transportar lactato e piruvato. Ensaios de transporte com o duplo mutante H383D/D387H demonstraram a existência de interacções entre estes dois aminoácidos, dado que este exibe uma perda de função para o transporte de lactato e piruvato mas apresenta parâmetros cinéticos idênticos ao Jen1p para o transporte de acetato. As mutações nos resíduos N379, H383 e D387 afectam simultaneamente a capacidade de transporte e a especificidade da Jen1p. Quanto aos aminoácidos Q386 eT391 o seu efeito parece ser mais ao nível da afinidade de ligação ao substrato do que na capacidade de transporte. Na sua globalidade estes resultados sugerem que a sequência aqui estudada intervém na via de translocação do substrato da permease de lactato/piruvato de S. cerevisiae.Short chain carboxylic acids are important compounds that result from normal cell metabolism and that can be used as sole carbon and energy source by different organisms. In this context the study of monocarboxylate permeases is of great significance since the uptake of these nutrients across cellular membranes is essential for the metabolism of most cells. With the work presented in this thesis we seek to increase the current knowledge on yeast monocarboxylate permeases by studying the Saccharomyces cerevisiae lactate/pyruvate proton symporter, encoded by the JEN1gene. The first step of this work was the heterologous expression of the JEN1 gene in Pichia pastoris. JEN1 was cloned in an integrative vector (pPICZB) and a replicative vector (pZPARS), and expressed in two different strains, Mut+ and Muts. JEN1 expression was confirmed in 24 hour methanol-induced cells both at mRNA and protein level. Maximum lactate permease activity was obtained in P. pastoris cells with a Vmax of 2.1 nmol s-1 mg-1 dry weight, representing a 5 fold increase in the permease activity when compared to the wild-type lactate-grown cells. In the second part of this work the lactate permease activity was reconstituted in hybrid vesicles, obtained by fusion of plasma membranes from P. pastoris methanol-induced cells with Escherichia coli liposomes containing cytochrome c oxidase, as proton-motive force. The reconstituted lactate uptake activity presented similar properties with those of the permease evaluated in S. cerevisiae in what concerns the proton symporter mechanism and the inhibitors tested. This work demonstrated that S. cerevisiae Jen1p is a fully functional lactate transporter. The molecular identification of other genes encoding monocarboxylate permeases led us to study the uptake of monocarboxylates in the yeast Candida albicans. A lactate permease was biochemically identified in C. albicans RM1000 lactate-grown cells. Inhibition assays demonstrated that lactate uptake was competitively inhibited by pyruvic and propionic acids but not by acetic acid, that behaved as a non-competitive substrate. A ScJEN1 homologue search within the C. albicans genome revealed the existence of an ORF possessing 61% similarity, that was named CaJEN1. Deletions of both CaJEN1 alleles resulted in absence of mRNA detection and in the lack of measurable lactate uptake. In the presence of glucose no CaJEN1 expression and lactate permease activity were detected. Heterologous expression of CaJEN1 was performed in S. cerevisiae jen1Δ strain, but no activity for the permease was achieved with the native CaJEN1 gene. Due to a difference in the C. albicans genetic code, site directed mutagenesis was performed to re-establish the CaJen1p codon 217 as a serine when expressed in S. cerevisiae, and permease activity was recovered. This was the confirmation that the CaJEN1 gene codes for a monocarboxylate transporter. Additionally, studies with a CaCAT8 deletion strain demonstrated that the CaJEN1 transcription level is influenced by the expression of this gene, in a similar way to what happens to the corresponding S. cerevisiae homologs. The last part of this work was dedicated to the search for ScJen1p domains involved in substrate recognition/transport. This was performed using a mutational analysis of the conserved sequence 379NXX[S/T]HX[S/T]QDXXXT391. The study focused on five amino acids, charged or polar, and highly conserved. Substitution of amino acid residues N379, H383 or D387, even with very similar amino acids, resulted in a very dramatic reduction of lactate and pyruvate uptake, but conserved measurable acetate transport. Acetate transport inhibition assays showed that these mutants conserve the ability to bind but not transport lactate and pyruvate. The double mutant H383D/D387H, demonstrated the existence of an interaction between these two aminoacids, since it behaves as a total loss-of-function allele for lactate and pyruvate uptake, but fully restores the kinetic parameters of Jen1p for acetate transport. Thus, residues N379, H383 or D387 affect both the transport capacity and the specificity of Jen1p. The Q386 and T391 residues seem to contribute more for substrate binding affinity than transport capacity. Overall the results obtained suggest that the conserved sequence here studied is part of the substrate translocation pathway in the S. cerevisiae proton symporter monocarboxylate permease.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) - SFRH/BD/4699/2001

    Structural characterization of the Aspergillus niger citrate transporter CexA uncovers the role of key residues S75, R192 and Q196

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    Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the online version at doi:10.1016/j.csbj.2023.04.025.The Aspergillus niger CexA transporter belongs to the DHA1 (Drug-H+ antiporter) family. CexA homologs are exclusively found in eukaryotic genomes, and CexA is the sole citrate exporter to have been functionally characterized in this family so far. In the present work, we expressed CexA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, demonstrating its ability to bind isocitric acid, and import citrate at pH 5.5 with low affinity. Citrate uptake was independent of the proton motive force and compatible with a facilitated diffusion mechanism. To unravel the structural features of this transporter, we then targeted 21 CexA residues for site-directed mutagenesis. Residues were identified by a combination of amino acid residue conservation among the DHA1 family, 3D structure prediction, and substrate molecular docking analysis. S. cerevisiae cells expressing this library of CexA mutant alleles were evaluated for their capacity to grow on carboxylic acid-containing media and transport of radiolabeled citrate. We also determined protein subcellular localization by GFP tagging, with seven amino acid substitutions affecting CexA protein expression at the plasma membrane. The substitutions P200A, Y307A, S315A, and R461A displayed loss-of-function phenotypes. The majority of the substitutions affected citrate binding and translocation. The S75 residue had no impact on citrate export but affected its import, as the substitution for alanine increased the affinity of the transporter for citrate. Conversely, expression of CexA mutant alleles in the Yarrowia lipolytica cex1Δ strain revealed the involvement of R192 and Q196 residues in citrate export. Globally, we uncovered a set of relevant amino acid residues involved in CexA expression, export capacity and import affinity.This work was supported by the Strategic Programme UID/BIA/04050/2020 and the project LA/P/0069/2020 granted to the Associate Laboratory ARNET, both funded by Portuguese funds through the FCT-IP. J.A. acknowledges the FCT and the Doctoral Program in Applied and Environmental Microbiology for the PD/BD/150584/2020 PhD grant and a COST Action CA18113 Short-Term Scientific Mission grant (EuroMicropH). M.S.S. acknowledges the Norte2020 for the UMINHO/BD/25/2016 PhD grant with the re ference NORTE-08-5369-FSE-000060. I.S-S. was supported by the program contract FCTUMINHO/Norma transitória from the Legal Regime of Scientific Employment (RJEC)

    Recursos pessoais e contextuais preditores de perceção de saúde na adolescência

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    Self-Rated Health is the product of the interaction between personal characteristics and contextual conditions. It reflects the resources of the person, and it consists in a dynamic evaluation, i.e., a personal judgment that reflects both a point-in-time status and a developmental process. The Developmental Assets® framework provides a holistic approach in to the understanding of development, which focuses on resources that can be explored both at individual and contextual levels, in order to foster a healthy development. The purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between adolescents’ Perception of Health and their experience of Developmental Assets. A convenience sample of 503 Portuguese students was evaluated, mean age of 16 years (SD = 1.2), 63% of female gender. Results indicate that better Health Perception is associated with greater experience of Developmental Assets. Results suggest the impact of a subset of Developmental Assets on Health prediction, with Internal Assets being the strongest predictors. Results suggest the theoretical and practical utility of the Developmental Assets® framework for the understanding of Health Perception in adolescents.La Percepción de Salud es el producto de la interacción entre características personales y condiciones contextuales. Esto refleja los recursos de la persona, así como consiste en una evaluación dinámica, un juicio que refleja el estado y el proceso de desarrollo. El Modelo de Recursos del Desarrollo - Developmental Assets® - proporciona un enfoque holístico en la comprensión del desarrollo, foco en Recursos que pueden ser explorados tanto a nivel individual, como contextual para propiciar a los adolescentes un desarrollo saludable. El objetivo del presente estudio consiste en explorar la relación entre la Percepción de Salud y la experiencia de Recursos del Desarrollo. Se evaluó una muestra de conveniencia constituida por 503 estudiantes portugueses, con edades comprendidas entre los 13 y 19 años (M = 16, DE = 1.2), mayoritariamente del género femenino (63%). Los resultados indican que la mejor percepción de la salud está asociada a la mayor experiencia de recursos del desarrollo. Los datos sugieren el impacto de un subconjunto de Recursos en la predicción de Salud, constituyendo los Recursos Internos los predictores más fuertes. Se sugiere la utilidad teórica y práctica de la utilización del Modelo de Recursos del Desarrollo para la comprensión de la Percepción de Salud en adolescentes.A Perceção de Saúde é o produto da interação entre características pessoais e condições contextuais. Esta reflete os recursos da pessoa, assim como consiste numa avaliação dinâmica, um julgamento que reflete estado e processo de desenvolvimento. O Modelo de Recursos do Desenvolvimento – Developmental Assets® – proporciona uma abordagem holística na compreensão do desenvolvimento, foco em Recursos que podem ser explorados quer ao nível individual, quer contextual de modo a propiciar aos adolescentes um desenvolvimento saudável. O objetivo do presente estudo consiste em explorar a relação entre a Perceção de Saúde e a experiência de Recursos do Desenvolvimento. Foi avaliada uma amostra de conveniência constituída por 503 estudantes portugueses, com idades compreendidas entre os 13 e 19 anos (M = 16; DP = 1,2), maioritariamente do género feminino (63%). Os resultados indicam que melhor Perceção de Saúde está associada a maior experiência de Recursos do Desenvolvimento. Os dados sugerem o impacto de um subconjunto de Recursos na predição de Saúde, constituindo os Recursos Internos os preditores mais fortes. Sugere-se a utilidade teórica e prática da utilização do Modelo de Recursos do Desenvolvimento para a compreensão da Perceção de Saúde em adolescentes

    Expanding the knowledge on the skillful yeast Cyberlindnera jadinii

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    Cyberlindnera jadinii is widely used as a source of single-cell protein and is known for its ability to synthesize a great variety of valuable compounds for the food and pharmaceutical industries. Its capacity to produce compounds such as food additives, supplements, and organic acids, among other fine chemicals, has turned it into an attractive microorganism in the biotechnology field. In this review, we performed a robust phylogenetic analysis using the core proteome of C. jadinii and other fungal species, from Asco- to Basidiomycota, to elucidate the evolutionary roots of this species. In addition, we report the evolution of this species nomenclature over-time and the existence of a teleomorph (C. jadinii) and anamorph state (Candida utilis) and summarize the current nomenclature of most common strains. Finally, we highlight relevant traits of its physiology, the solute membrane transporters so far characterized, as well as the molecular tools currently available for its genomic manipulation. The emerging applications of this yeast reinforce its potential in the white biotechnology sector. Nonetheless, it is necessary to expand the knowledge on its metabolism, regulatory networks, and transport mechanisms, as well as to develop more robust genetic manipulation systems and synthetic biology tools to promote the full exploitation of C. jadinii.This work was supported by the strategic program UID/BIA/04050/2019, funded by Portuguese funds through the FCT I.P., the projects: PTDC/BIAMIC/5184/2014, funded by national funds through the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) I.P. and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the COMPETE 2020–Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI), and EcoAgriFood: Innovative green products and processes to promote AgriFood BioEconomy (operação NORTE-01–0145-FEDER-000009), supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Program (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). M.S.S. acknowledges the Norte2020 for the UMINHO/BD/25/2016 PhD grant with the reference NORTE-08–5369-FSE-000060