7,116 research outputs found

    Managing Access to Service Providers in Federated Identity Environments: A Case Study in a Cloud Storage Service

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    © 2015 IEEE. Currently the diversity of services, which are adhering to Identity Federation, has raised new challenges in the area. Increasingly, service providers need to control the access to their resources by users from the federation as, even though the user is authenticated by the federation, its access to resources cannot be taken for granted. Each Service Provider (SP) of a federation implements their own access control mechanism. Moreover, SPs might need to allow different access control granularity. For instance, all users from a particular Identity Provider (IdP) may access the resources due to some financial agreement. On the other hand, it might be the case that only specific users, or groups of users, have access to the resources. This paper proposes a solution to this problem through a hierarchical authorization system. Our approach, which can be customized to different SPs, allows the SP administrator to manage which IdPs, or users, have access to the provided resources. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of our approach, we present a case study in the context of a cloud storage solution

    Flight and Digging Effort in Leaf-cutting Ant Males and Gynes

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    The nuptial flight and nest digging are high intensity activities which consume body reserves. The flight and digging effort was quantified by measuring the carbohydrate and total lipids content in males and females before and after the nuptial flight, and the queen’s digging effort during the foundation. The digging effort was quantified by experimentally stimulating the queens to dig a nest – one, two or three consecutive times – compared to the queens that did not dig. The colorimetric method was used to determine the soluble carbohydrates and extraction method of immersion was used to determine the total lipids. The results showed significant loss of carbohydrates and total lipids in males and females after the flight. On average the males contained 0.027 mg of soluble carbohydrates before the nuptial flight, and 0.005 mg after the nuptial flight, and the females contained 0.129 mg of soluble carbohydrates before the nuptial flight, and 0.079 mg after the nuptial flight. For the males the percentage of lipids decreased from 5.27±1.07% to 2.60±0.63% and for females from 36.46±4.86% to 32.62% after the nuptial flight. The digging effort of the queen caused a slight reduction in total carbohydrates, it was without digging 0.054 mg, normal digging 0.055 mg, double digging 0.045 mg (decrease of 20,22 %), and triple digging 0.044 mg  (decrease of 20 %) per queen. Based on our results we conclude that the carbohydrate content is the main energetic resource used for the nuptial flight and nest digging, for males and gynes of leaf-cutting ants

    Alarm of monitoring invasive of blood pressure: are we giving the attention required?

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    Objective: To identify the cause of the invasive blood pressure alarms (PAI) have sounded and the staff response time; to describe the conduct set out to address them. Method: Descriptive study of quantitative/qualitative approach. The observation occurred in an adult ICU of a military hospital in Rio de Janeiro. The Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (CAAE 03284612.4.3001.5250) approved it. We considered as fatigued the alarms that had not been attended in 10 minutes or stop pedringing before they are attended. Results: Were corded 76-PAI alarms; 21 (28%) were seen on average at 2.45 min. 55 (72%) were considered alarms fatigued. Conclusion: The high number of outworn alarms that represent risk. It is a challenge to respond to all alarms considering the relation between the nurse/patient imposed by ANVISA

    Migração e segurança em plataformas cloud computing

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    paradigma cloud computing é cada vez mais uma tecnologia presente nas infraestruturas das organizações e vista por muitos como um marco no que respeita às tecnologias de informação. De facto, cloud computing representa mais uma mudança de paradigma na forma como os sistemas são implementados. Mas, de uma forma geral, cloud computing é também sinónimo de insegurança, que aos poucos se vai alterando. Ao migrar para um ambiente cloud, uma organização relega para o fornecedor do serviço o controlo sobre os seus dados e sistemas, fomentando um sentimento de insegurança pela perda de controlo inerente. As organizações têm que ter um nível muito elevado de confiança nos fornecedores cloud, antes de decidir confiar-lhes a sua informação confidencial ou regulada por normas ou leis. Neste trabalho propomos uma análise à segurança em ambientes cloud, riscos, vantagens e desvantagens, terminando com uma proposta de ferramenta de trabalho em migração para infraestruturas cloud computing, mantendo a segurança, privacidade e disponibilidade de sistemas, dados e informação.The cloud computing paradigm is becoming an existing technology at the organizations infrastructures and seen by many as a milestone in relation to Information Technology. In fact, cloud computing represents a paradigm shift in the way systems are implemented. But, in general, cloud computing is also synonymous with insecurity, which is gradually changing. When one organization migrate their data and systems to a cloud environment, it relegates to the service provider control over it, fostering a sense of insecurity for the loss of control inherent. Organizations have to have a very high level of trust in cloud providers before deciding to entrust them their confidential information or regulated by rules or laws. In this work we present a review of security in cloud environments, risks, advantages and disadvantages, ending with a proposal of a tool for migrating to an infrastructure of cloud computing, maintaining security, privacy and availability of systems, data and information

    Coisas incorporadas

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    Esta monografia intitulada de “Coisas Incorporadas” é fruto de minhas inquietações como artista e estudante de Artes Visual interessado na experiência corpórea e em seus fenômenos; tais como lembrança, movimento, sentimento, ancestralidade e o que eles podem motivar. A pesquisa pretende compreender modos de incorporação nas coisas comigo enquanto sujeito encarnado expressando sentimentos e lembranças que atravessam minhas proposições há alguns anos. Portanto irei expor com detalhes minhas visões cujo resultado foi uma sequência de tentativas de incorporar coisas que juntas ao meu corpo devem ser compreendidas como vozes com significações poéticas comunicando minhas vivências no mundo. Trata-se, portanto, de um estudo prático/teórico centrado na filosofia merleaupontyana como base teórica ligando os fatos observados no estudo, a partir do campo das Artes Visuias