3,049 research outputs found

    What drives the allocation of motorways? Evidence from Portugal's fast-expanding network

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    This study investigates the factors that influenced the allocation of motorways across municipalities in mainland Portugal. Our analysis, based on Poisson Pseudo-maximum Likelihood models, suggests that population size and market potential in 1981 are important determinants of motorway density in 2020. Physical and geographical variables also help explain the spatial distribution of motorway investment, as terrain ruggedness and distance to the coast are negatively associated with motorway density. In addition, we consider the influence of the proximity to historical and pre-existing transport networks on the allocation of motorways; we find that municipalities that are closer to 1800's itineraries, the main roads of the 1945's National Road Plan, and 1981's train stations appear to have higher motorway densities in 2020, but this effect is concentrated in the vast and sparsely populated area of the country that excludes what we term the high-density Portuguese “blue banana”. Interestingly, it is also only in this low-density region that partisan alignment between the municipal and the national levels of government appears to affect the allocation of transport investment, which suggests that motorways are more of a political asset in more remote or less urbanised areas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    What drives the allocation of motorways? Evidence from Portugal’s fast-expanding network

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    This study investigates the factors that influenced the allocation of motorways across municipalities in mainland Portugal over the period from 1981 to 2011. Our analysis, based on Poisson Pseudo-maximum Likelihood models, suggests that population size and market potential in 1981 are important determinants of motorway density in 2011. Likewise, physical and geographical variables also help explain the spatial distribution of motorway investment, as terrain ruggedness, distance to the coast, and distance to the border with Spain are negatively associated with motorway density. In addition, we consider the influence of the proximity to historical and pre-existing transport networks on the allocation of motorways; we find that municipalities that are closer to the 1800’s itineraries, the main roads of the 1945’s National Road Plan, and 1981’s train stations appear to have higher motorway densities in 2011, but this effect is concentrated in the vast and sparsely populated area of the country that excludes what we term the highdensity Portuguese “blue banana”. Interestingly, it is also only in this low-density region that partisan alignment between the municipal and the national levels of government appears to affect the allocation of transport investment, which suggests that motorways are more of a political asset in more remote or less urbanised areas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Motorways, urban growth, and suburbanisation : evidence from three decades of motorway construction in Portugal

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    Portugal moved from having less than 200 km of motorways before joining the European Union in 1986 to having the fifth highest motorway density relative to population in the Union in 2017. This paper studies the relationship between the expansion of the Portuguese motorway network between 1981 and 2011 and the growth of population and employment in the 275 mainland municipalities of the country. We address the endogeneity of the geography of motorways using instrumental variables based on historical transport networks from 1800 and 1945. Our findings suggest that, on average, new motorways caused large increases in both population and employment. In line with existing evidence for other countries, we find that motorways contributed to suburbanisation, as the impact of motorways on population growth (but not on employment growth) is particularly strong in suburban municipalities. In addition, motorways also appear to have influenced urban agglomeration dynamics, as their effect on population growth depends positively on the municipality’s population size in 1970.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparação de desempenho entre Máquina de Vetor de Suporte e Comitê de Redes Neurais Artificiais para Classificação de Spam

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    O e-mail é uma das mais populares formas de comunicação. Porém, não é raro encontrar mensagens indesejadas nas caixas de entrada do correio eletrônico. Estas mensagens são conhecidas como spams. Em um contexto onde uma quantidade cada vez maior de mensagens são enviadas e recebidas por todo mundo, técnicas para filtrar automaticamente estas mensagens consideradas como spams são de grande importância. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar dois classificadores para filtrar mensagens de e-mail indesejadas, isto é, identificar se determinado e-mail é ou não é um spam. Foram utilizadas duas técnicas de aprendizado de máquina: Máquina de Vetor de Suporte (SVM, do inglês SupportVectorMachine) e Rede Neural Artificial (RNA). Para o segundo classificador, utilizou-se 5 (cinco) RNAs do tipo MultilayerPerceptron (MLP) com o algoritmo de aprendizagem ResilientPropagation - Rprop (variação do Backpropagation), com arquiteturas (camadas) e configurações (taxa de aprendizado e número de épocas) distintas, formando um comitê de redes. Os dois classificadores apresentaram taxas médias de acerto de 91,3\% e 93,6\%, respectivamente. Percebeu-se que a técnica de aprendizado SVM apresentou resultados superiores quando comparada a uma única RNA específica (dependendo da arquitetura), porém mostrou-se inferior quanto ao desempenho de um comitê de RNA. Além disso, SVM se mostrou mais rápida na realização do treinamento do que as RNAs


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    A Síndrome de Dyke-Davidoff-Masson é uma síndrome associada à epilepsia refratária. A malformação de Chiari II é uma malformação congênita complexa do cérebro. Os autores relatam um caso de uma adolescente de 15 anos apresentando a síndrome de Dyke-Davidoff- Masson associada à malformação de Chiari tipo II. Este caso demonstra uma associação incomum nos exames de neuroimagemque indica a necessidade de avaliar doenças associadas, como mielomeningocele,disgenesia do corpo caloso e a siringohidromieli


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    Tifton 85 (Cynodon sp.) is a forage crop widely used for the voluminous production, but it has also the potential to promote preservation or improvement in soil structural quality, when well managed. The aim of this work was to evaluate the soil physical quality in a rotational grazing area of Tifton 85 under irrigation in Prudente de Morais, MG, Brazil, due to the application of mineral and organic nitrogen fertilizers. The treatments included different forms of N supply: 400 kg ha -1 of urea; 400 kg ha-1 of bovine manure; 400 kg ha-1 of urea and manure, in proportion 1:1 and the control, without nitrogen fertilization. The following soil physical quality indicators were determined in the layers 0.0-0.05 m and 0.05-0.10 m after two years of N application: water retention curve, total porosity, macroporosity, microporosity, soil bulk density, available water capacity, bulk soil air capacity, soil matrix air capacity and relative water capacity. There were differences among the treatments, in both layers. In general, the treatments using bovine manure promoted greater water storage and availability, which was related to the increase of the microporosity, due to the organic matter effect. However, these same treatments presented a relative compaction, which was associated to the maintenance of higher soil moistures. It was concluded that, even under the effects of intensive grazing, there was generally adequate soil physical quality, but a special attention is recommended to the soil susceptibility to compaction

    Application of BYOD in digital inclusion in the elderly municipal park - Doctor Thomas

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    One of the biggest challenges today faced by people over 60 years of age is technological news, these people nowadays feel more alone than in the past, family members seem more distant and less attentive to their elderly, because most of the day they stay connected even at meals at home, meanwhile, their elderly are without communication or even without attention. The idea is not only to introduce the elderly to technologies, but also how to make this transition from the real world to the digital one, in a way that does not cause even a trauma, as most of them are unable to keep up with these technological changes. The elderly inclusion project using the BYOD methodology in the Municipal Park for the Elderly was motivated due to having the highest concentration of elderly people in the state practicing some activity in order to fill this time gap, working mind and body. The idea of using the BYOD methodology, is that today the Park\u27s technological equipment is mostly gone and the few that exist are broken or outdated, and the institution does not have more funds to renovate its computer lab, with that, the main objective of our article is to make digital inclusion using the personal technological equipment of the elderly in a place with comfort and tranquility


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    In this research we approach the use of Active Methodologies in the teaching of Physical Education. The general objective is to know the contributions of the active methodologies in the development of the teaching and learning process in Physical Education classes. The research was elaborated in a critical line of investigation using the qualitative approach. This is a bibliographic study with the steps: choice of theme, preliminary bibliographic survey, interpretative textual analysis and problematization. It is structured in subtopics that discuss the theme. It is noteworthy that the active methodologies are based on ways of developing the learning process, using real or simulated experiences, aiming at the conditions to successfully solve challenges arising from the essential activities of social practice in different contexts, because they are based on teaching strategies based on a critical and reflective pedagogical conception that allow reading and intervention on reality, favoring the interaction between the different actors of the process and valuing a collective construction of knowledge and its different knowledge and learning scenarios. In addition, they are practices that stimulate creativity in building problem solutions and promote freedom in the process of thinking and acting.En esta investigación abordamos el uso de metodologías activas en la enseñanza de la educación física. El objetivo general es conocer las contribuciones de las metodologías activas en el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en las clases de Educación Física. La investigación se elaboró ​​en una línea crítica de investigación utilizando el enfoque cualitativo. Este es un estudio bibliográfico con los pasos: elección del tema, encuesta bibliográfica preliminar, análisis textual interpretativo y problematización. Está estructurado en subtemas que discuten el tema. Es de destacar que las metodologías activas se basan en formas de desarrollar el proceso de aprendizaje, utilizando experiencias reales o simuladas, apuntando a las condiciones para resolver con éxito los desafíos que surgen de las actividades esenciales de la práctica social en diferentes contextos, porque se basan en Estrategias de enseñanza basadas en una concepción pedagógica crítica y reflexiva que permita la lectura y la intervención sobre la realidad, favoreciendo la interacción entre los diferentes actores del proceso y valorando una construcción colectiva del conocimiento y sus diferentes escenarios de conocimiento y aprendizaje. Además, son prácticas que estimulan la creatividad en la construcción de soluciones a problemas y promueven la libertad en el proceso de pensar y actuar.Nesta pesquisa abordamos o uso das Metodologias Ativas no ensino da Educação Física. O objetivo geral é conhecer quais as contribuições das metodologias ativas no desenvolvimento do processo de ensino e aprendizado nas aulas de Educação Física. A pesquisa foi elaborada em uma linha crítica de investigação a abordagem qualitativa. Trata-se de um estudo bibliográfico com as etapas: escolha do tema, levantamento bibliográfico preliminar, analise textual interpretativa e problematização. Encontra-se estruturado em subtópicos que discorrem acerca da temática. Ressalta-se que as metodologias ativas baseiam-se em formas de desenvolver o processo de aprender, utilizando experiências reais ou simuladas, visando às condições de solucionar com sucesso, desafios advindos das atividades essenciais da prática social em diferentes contextos, pois, se baseiam em estratégias de ensino fundamentadas na concepção pedagógica crítico e reflexiva que permitem leitura e intervenção sobre a realidade favorecendo a interação entre os diversos atores do processo e valorizando uma construção coletiva do conhecimento e de seus diferentes saberes e cenários de aprendizagem. Além disso, são práticas que estimulam a criatividade na construção de soluções de problemas e promovem a liberdade no processo de pensar e agir

    Intra-aortic Balloon Pump: Reviewing its Role in Cardiogenic Shock

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    Cardiogenic shock is a high-mortality condition caused, mostly, by ST-elevation myocardial infarction. When the adequate therapy is implemented in a timely fashion, recovery can be achieved. Treatment is based on intensive care measures, vasoactive drugs, early revascularization and the use of assist circulatory devices. In this review, the authors aim to discuss the available evidence on the use of intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) in this clinical setting