227 research outputs found

    Comparison of precipitated calcium carbonate/polylactic acid and halloysite/polylactic acid nanocomposites

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    PLA nanocomposites with stearate coated precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) and halloysite natural nanotubes (HNT) were prepared by melt extrusion. The crystallization behavior, mechanical properties, thermal dynamical mechanical analysis (DMTA), and the morphology of the PCC/PLA, HNT/PLA, and HNT/PCC/PLA composites were discussed. Compared to halloysite nanotubes, PCC nanoparticles showed a better nucleating effect, which decreased both the glass transition and cold crystallization temperatures. The tensile performance of PLA composites showed that the addition of inorganic nanofillers increased Young’s modulus but decreased tensile strength. More interestingly, PLA composites with PCC particles exhibited an effectively increased elongation at break with respect to pure PLA, while HNT/PLA showed a decreased ultimate deformation of composites. DMTA results indicated that PLA composites had a similar storage modulus at temperatures below the glass transition and the addition of nanofillers into PLA caused to shift to lower temperatures by about 3°C. The morphological analysis of fractures surface of PLA nanocomposites showed good dispersion of nanofillers, formation of microvoids, and larger plastic deformation of the PLA matrix when the PCC particles were added, while a strong aggregation was noticed in composites with HNT nanofillers, which has been attributed to a nonoptimal surface coating

    Effects of nucleating agents on diopside crystallization in new glass-ceramics for tile-glaze application

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    The effect of crystallization produced by addition of TiO2, ZrO2 and P2O5 oxides to glass-ceramic of the system CaO-MgO-SiO2 was studied using structural and thermal techniques. The devitrification process was independent of thermal treatment. X-ray diffraction studies performed on the glass-ceramic system indicated that diopside crystalline phase was more thermodynamically favourable than other phases. The effect of the nucleating agent depends on its nature: TiO2 decreased the activation energy while P2O5 and ZrO2 did not. SEM analysis of the doped glass-ceramics showed randomly distributed crystals with significant dimensional variations from those of the undoped system. All these formulations, showing a high crystallization rate, and a fast heating rate, can be used as tile glazes and/or tile-glaze components

    Robust area coverage with connectivity maintenance

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    Robot swarms herald the ability to solve complex tasks using a large collection of simple devices. However, engineering a robotic swarm is far from trivial, with a major hurdle being the definition of the control laws leading to the desired globally coordinated behavior. Communication is a key element for coordination and it is considered one of the current most important challenges for swarm robotics. In this paper, we study the problem of maintaining robust swarm connectivity while performing a coverage task based on the Voronoi tessellation of an area of interest. We implement our methodology in a team of eight Khepera IV robots. With the assumptions that robots have a limited sensing and communication range - and cannot rely on centralized processing - we propose a tri-objective control law that outperforms other simpler strategies (e.g. a potential-based coverage) in terms of network connectivity, robustness to failure, and area coverage

    Immobilization of Monolayer Protected Lipophilic Gold Nanorods on a Glass Surface

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    We present a novel process of immobilization of gold nanorods (GNRs) on a glass surface. Wedemonstrate that by exploiting monolayer protection of the GNRs, their unusual opticalproperties can be completely preserved. UV–visible spectroscopy and atomic forcemicroscopy analysis are used to reveal the optical and morphological properties of monolayerprotected immobilized lipophilic GNRs, and molecular dynamics simulations are used toelucidate their surface molecule arrangements

    Increased duplex stabilization in porphyrin-LNA zipper arrays with structure dependent exciton coupling

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    Porphyrins were attached to LNA uridine building blocks via rigid 5-acetylene or more flexible propargyl-amide linkers and incorporated into DNA strands. The systems show a greatly increased thermodynamic stability when using as little as three porphyrins in a zipper arrangement. Thermodynamic analysis reveals clustering of the strands into more ordered duplexes with both greater negative ??S and ??H values, and less ordered duplexes with small positive ??S differences, depending on the combination of linkers used. The exciton coupling between the porphyrins is dependent on the flanking DNA sequence in the single stranded form, and on the nature of the linker between the nucleobase and the porphyrin in the double stranded form; it is, however, also strongly influenced by intermolecular interactions. This system is suitable for the formation of stable helical chromophore arrays with sequence and structure dependent exciton coupling

    Purification of bacterial membrane sensor kinases and biophysical methods for determination of their ligand and inhibitor interactions

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    This article reviews current methods for the reliable heterologous overexpression in Escherichia coli and purification of milligram quantities of bacterial membrane sensor kinase (MSK) proteins belonging to the two-component signal transduction family of integral membrane proteins. Many of these methods were developedatLeedsalongsideProfessor SteveBaldwintowhomthisreviewisdedicated.Italsoreviewstwo biophysical methods that we have adapted successfully for studies of purified MSKs and other membrane proteins – synchrotron radiation circular dichroism (SRCD) spectroscopy and analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC), both of which are non-immobilization and matrix-free methods that require no labelling strategies. Other techniques such as isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) also share these features but generally require high concentrations of material. In common with many other biophysical techniques, both of these biophysical methods provide information regarding membrane protein conformation, oligomerization state and ligand binding, but they possess the additional advantage of providing direct assessments of whether ligand binding interactions are accompanied by conformational changes. Therefore, both methods provide a powerful means by which to identify and characterize inhibitor binding and any associated protein conformational changes, thereby contributing valuable information for future drug intervention strategies directed towards bacterial MSKs

    Interaction of a short peptide with G-quadruplex-forming sequences: an SRCD and CD study

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    G-quadruplex (G4) forming DNA sequences were recently found to play a crucial role in the regulation of genomic processes such as replication, transcription and translation, also related to serious diseases. Therefore, systems capable of controlling DNA and RNA G-quadruplex structures would be useful for the modulation of various cellular events. In particular, peptides represent good candidates for targeting G-quadruplex structures, since they are easily tailored to enhance their functionality. In this work, we analyzed, by circular dichroism and synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectroscopies, the interaction of a 25-residue peptide deriving from RHAU helicases (Rhau25) with three G-quadruplex-forming oligonucleotide sequences, in both sodium- and potassium-containing buffers, the most relevant monovalent cations in physiological conditions. The peptide displayed greater affinity for the G4 sequences adopting a parallel structure. However, it showed the ability to also interact with antiparallel or hybrid G-quadruplex structures, inducing a conformation conversion to the parallel structure. The stability of the oligonucleotide structure alone or in presence of the Rhau25 peptide was studied by temperature melting and UV denaturation experiments, and the data showed that the interaction with the peptide stabilized the conformation of oligonucleotide sequences when subjected to stress conditions

    Analisi del processo di “pack chromising” su superleghe di Ni per turbine a gas

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    I rivestimenti diffusivi sono utilizzati per la realizzazione di strati protettivi necessari a migliorare la resistenza dicomponenti soggetti a fenomeni degradativi ad alta temperatura, come ossidazione e corrosione a caldo (es.: componentiper impianti turbogas, bruciatori, etc.). In particolare, l’arricchimento in cromo della superficie di leghe metalliche, adesempio attraverso processi tipo “pack-cementation”, garantisce una buona protezione dalla corrosione a caldo di tipoII. Tuttavia, in letteratura, non esistono studi sistematici ed approfonditi sui meccanismi di formazione e sull’effetto deiparametri di processo sulla microstruttura di questi rivestimenti.Lo scopo del presente lavoro, pertanto, è stato lo studio dell’effetto della composizione della miscela di polveri (packmix)e della durata del trattamento termico (12 e 24 h) sulla microstruttura e sullo spessore dei rivestimenti ottenutiutilizzando il processo di pack-chromizing. Come substrato è stata impiegata la superlega Inconel 738, mentre il packmixutilizzato è composto da polvere di cromo (10 e 25 wt.%), NH4Cl (1, 2 e 5 wt.%) e Al2O3 (bal.) come inerte.Inoltre, il campione con il rivestimento più promettente è stato sottoposto ad un successivo trattamento di packaluminizing,per ottenere uno strato superficiale arricchito sia in Cr, sia Al, adeguato a conferire simultaneamenteresistenza a corrosione a caldo a 700 – 900 °C e ad ossidazione a temperature intorno ai 1000 °C.Le caratteristiche strutturali e microstrutturali dei riporti ottenuti sono state studiate tramite microscopiaelettronica a scansione (SEM) e diffrazione di raggi X. Le analisi eseguite hanno evidenziato che la durata deltrattamento termico favorisce i fenomeni interdiffusivi delle specie chimiche più mobili, Cr e Ni, portando adun generale aumento di spessore dei rivestimenti. La quantità di polvere di cromo nel pack mix influenza laconcentrazionedi questo elemento all’interno dei coating solamente se la composizione del pack-mix prevedeanche una quantità di attivatore sufficiente a garantirne un trasporto ottimale sulla superficie e successivamenteall’interno del componente. La presenza di particelle ricche di alluminio e ossigeno nello strato diffusivo dimostrache durante il ciclo termico avvengono anche reazioni secondarie che interessano l’inerte, portando allo sviluppodi ossigeno che reagisce con alcuni elementi del substrato