35 research outputs found
Alternative Lines of Action for the Design of Online Multimedia Material Directed towards the Collaborative Training of Teachers in the Design of the Teaching
The aim of the study was to evaluate the potential for online multimedia materials as alternative learning tools for the collaborative training of teachers in the design of research-based teaching. A case study using a team of three trainee teachers was used to develop a process of initial training in the design of a constructivist and research-based teaching unit supported by online multimedia material. The results obtained from the research allowed some principles to be identified, and basic recommendations and alternative lines of action to be given for designing online multimedia materials. Online multimedia materials can be alternative teaching tools that contribute (with other materials) to the development of constructivist, collaborative and research-based strategies which help provide the necessary support for improving the initial and ongoing training of new teachers in the design of teaching from a research perspectiv
Values of the Parents of Pupils with Special Educational Needs due to Sociocultural Background
The aim of the study was to investigate the values behind the nature and behaviour of parents with children who have Special Educational Needs, and the way they approach their children´s schooling. The views of two hundred and sixty-eight parents living in a socially and culturally disadvantaged area, were evaluated using the Hall-Tonna Inventory of Values. The results showed that there are differences in the parents’ hierarchy of values according to whether the school they have chosen for their children is inside or outside the area. The principle differences are in the content of some of the priority values selected by each group, and/or in the priority that each group gives to some of the values common to both groups. The implications of how the parents prioritise the values are discussed with regard to their own personal development and the education of their children
Organización escolar y nuevas tecnologías
Los aspectos organizativos, se consideran por un amplio sector docente, como parte esencial para
poder llevar a cabo de una manera eficaz la utilización de las nuevas tecnologías en la práctica
educativa; siendo una de las repercusiones más significativas de estas nuevas tecnologías en el
área de formación y el aprendizaje, la posibilidad que ofrece para abrirse camino entre las
variables clásicas en la que se sustenta el modelo de enseñanza tradicional. La comunidad
educativa, entre otras muchas razones, debe apostar por las nuevas tecnologías por ser fuente de
herramientas innovadoras que permite avanzar hacia el nuevo milenio.The organizational aspects, are considered by a wide educational sector, like essential part to be
able to carry out in an effective way the use of the new technologies in the educational practice;
being one of the most significant repercussions in these new technologies in the formation area
and the learning, the posibility that offers to open up road among the classic variables in which the
pattern of traditional teaching is sustained. The educational community, among other many
reasons, it should bet for the new technologies to be source of innovate tools that allows to
advance toward the new millennium
Improving the Quality of Teaching Internships with the Help of the Platforms
This article presents an empirical study on the perceptions of university students toward the development of the teaching practicum, using the CourseSites platform as a communication and support tool for their training. The opinions of the students were collected through a questionnaire. The sample consisted of 1500 students who were registered in the degrees of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education and Pedagogy (2008-2018). A descriptive, inferential and multi-level analysis was conducted, which confirmed that future teachers had activated their professional competences, as they had the chance to share their internship experiences with their faculty members and with their own classmates
Are primary education teachers from Catalonia (Spain) trained on ICT and disability?
In this work, we present the results of a study that had as an objective to
understand the perception of key informants (directors, heads of studies and ICT
coordinators from education centers, as well as well as directors and technology
managers from teacher’s training centers), on the levels of technological training and
knowledge possessed by the Primary Education teachers from the Autonomous
Community of Catalonia, with respect to the use of ICT with students with
disabilities. For the methodology, a qualitative research design was used. The
information was obtained from an analysis of 68 interviews conducted to professional
from the education sector in Catalonia. The results obtained showed that the
professionals perceived a low level of training and knowledge of the teachers with
respect to the use of ICT with people with disabilities. The findings showed the need
to design and implement didactic training that empowers the teachers
Are primary education teachers from Catalonia (Spain) trained on the ICT and disability?
In this work, we present the results of a study that had as an objective to understand the perception of key informants (directors, heads of studies and ICT coordinators from education centers, as well as well as directors and technology managers from teacher’s training centers), on the levels of technological training and knowledge possessed by the Primary Education teachers from the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, with respect to the use of the ICT with students with disabilities. For the methodology, a qualitative research design was used. The information was obtained from an analysis of 68 interviews conducted to professional from the education sector in Catalonia. The results obtained showed that the professionals perceived a low level of training and knowledge of the teachers with respect to the use of the ICT with people with disabilities. The findings showed the need to design and implement didactic training that empowers the teachers
Formación a través de las nuevas tecnologías para el fomento de una sociedad más democrática
El objetivo de este trabajo es resaltar la conveniencia de ofrecer a los universitarios, interesados de alguna forma por el mundo de la empresa, una formación reglada para fomentar el desarrollo de habilidades relacionadas con el manejo y uso de la información a través de las nuevas tecnologías, y para profundizar en el conocimiento y desarrollo de las condiciones que favorecen la integración socio-laboral de las personas con necesidades especiales. Formación que viene ofertando la Universidad de Sevilla a través de una actividad académica de libre configuración denominada Empresa y atención a la diversidad que se viene impartiendo a través de la red
Educational Robotics and special educational needs in Early Childhood Education. Mobile apps in teacher training
La robótica educativa se ha utilizado para reforzar el aprendizaje de estudiantes de educación
infantil con dificultades de aprendizaje en áreas académicas como matemáticas, lengua, incluso
idioma extranjero; sin embargo, es importante señalar que el fin último de la implementación
de robótica en las dinámicas educativas con este alumnado no se centra únicamente en la
adquisición de conocimientos sobre robótica y/o programación, sino más bien como
“herramientas de aprendizaje” para fomentar el desarrollo y adquisición de múltiples
habilidades específicas. En este trabajo exponemos diferentes aplicaciones móviles (Apps) para
la enseñanza de la robótica y el pensamiento precomputacional en niños y niñas con
necesidades educativas especiales que estén cursando educación infantil, o que, aunque no se
encuentren matriculados en ese nivel educativo, estén estudiando currículos adaptados para
esas edades. Con estas Apps, jugando, y de una forma muy visual y divertida, los estudiantes
aprenden habilidades básicas para el siglo XXI, como ciencia, programación, lógica, algoritmos,
etc. La gran mayoría están en traducidas a varios idiomas, pero el que no lo estén no supone
problema alguno ya que son muy intuitivas y están preparadas para personas no angloparlantes,
de hecho, se pueden manejar sin incluso saber leer ni escribir.Educational robotics has been used to reinforce the learning of Early Childhood Education
students with learning difficulties in academic areas such as mathematics, language, even
foreign languages; however, it is important to point that the ultimate goal of implementing
robotics in educational dynamics with these students is not focused on the acquisition of
knowledge about robotics and/or programming, but rather as "learning tools" to encourage
learning, development and acquisition of multiple specific skills. In this paper we expose
different mobile applications (Apps) for the teaching of robotics and precomputational thinking
in children with special educational needs who are studying Early Childhood Education, or who,
although they are not enrolled in that educational level, are studying curricula. adapted for those
ages. With these Apps, playing, and in a very visual and fun way, students learn basic skills for
the 21st century, such as science, programming, logic, algorithms, etc. The majority are
translated into several languages, but they are not is not a problem since they are very intuitive
and are prepared for non-English speakers, in fact, they can be handled without even knowing
how to read or write
Developing Tools for Networks of Processors
A great deal of research eort is currently being made in the realm of so called natural computing. Natural computing mainly focuses on the denition, formal description, analysis, simulation and programming of new models of computation (usually with the same expressive power as Turing Machines) inspired by Nature, which makes them particularly suitable for the simulation of complex systems.Some of the best known natural computers are Lindenmayer systems (Lsystems, a kind of grammar with parallel derivation), cellular automata, DNA computing, genetic and evolutionary algorithms, multi agent systems, arti- cial neural networks, P-systems (computation inspired by membranes) and NEPs (or networks of evolutionary processors). This chapter is devoted to this last model