20 research outputs found


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    Songket is a kind of Balinese traditional fabrics which is so unique and specific that a serious attention should be paid to it; otherwise, it cannot be preserved and inherited by the next generation. Knowing that its market is so limited and only being used as kamben (cloth worn as part of traditional costume) this study was conducted to explore the development of songket from being worn as part of traditional costume to being used as a fashion to give a wider space to the artisans to maintain the culture and to improve their economy. A creative and innovative way of thinking is needed to develop songket from being worn as part of traditional costume to being used as a fashion. It should be packaged as a cultural product so that it still contains socio-cultural values. The data were collected through interview, questionnaire and focused discussion group. The data were then analyzed in order to know what to do to make it a modern cultural product, accepted in a wider market but its locality is still maintained. In this study it was packaged as dress, bags, wallets and other accessories, which are needed to meet the life style in the postmodern era. Keywords: Songket, cultural product, fashion, and postmodernis

    Analysis of The Utilization of Sentinel-2 Imagery for Satellite-Derived Bathymetry Using Lyzenga Algorithm (Case Study: Bali Province)

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    Bathymetric surveys nowadays are often used by the echosounding method. This method has weakness because the range that can be surveyed is limited due to cannot reach areas that have shallow depths. With advances in technology, there are alternative ways that can be done to map the depth of the sea, with the help of satellite imagery or remote sensing. This method uses a mathematical algorithm based on a combination of spectrum channels called Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB). In this research, Sentinel-2 satellite imagery was used with Lyzenga algorithm. Lyzenga (2006) uses multilinear regression which is a combination of an equation that aims to convert pixel values into in-situ depth values. Within research of six locations in Bali Province, which are Sangsit Harbor, Gunaksa Harbor, Amed Port, Keramas Beach, Serangan Harbor and Sawangan Beach produced an R2 value each of 0.451, 0.747, 0.495, 0.610, 0.451 and 0.676. While the RMSE values were 26,247, 12,377, 31,942, 3,531, 3,000, and 1,992 respectively for water depths of 146 m, 97 m, 183 m, 22 m, 13 m, and 18 m respectively. The parameters that affect the level of accuracy are: water depth, presence of breaking waves, presence of disturbance objects in the waters

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Sistem Online Rekrutmen Mahasiswa Calon Guru Indonesia

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    Sistem seleksi  mahasiswa calon guru Indonesia saat ini yang hanya mengacu pada kompetensi akademik saja sering menimbulkan berbagai persoalan. Banyak mahasiswa calon guru yang gagal menyelesaikan studi bukan karena ketidak mampuan akademiknya tetapi karena ketidak cocokan jurusan yang dipilihnya dan juga minat keguruan dari mahasiswa tersebut yang memang tidak ada. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengembangkan suatu aplikasi yang dapat digunakan dalam menyeleksi calon mahasiswa yang ingin menjadi guru menggunakan penelusuran minat keguruan dan tes kepribadian. Dalam pengembangan aplikasi ini, sistem pendukung keputusan (SPK) digunakan sebagai  sistem cerdas dalam pengambilan keputusan. Model ISO 9126 digunakan untuk menguji kehandalan dari aplikasi. Aplikasi ini dikembangkan dan divalidasi oleh pakar IT beserta validasi item oleh pengguna sistem. Dari hasil pengembangan tersebut diperoleh aplikasi sistem rekrutmen mahasiswa calon guru yang mendapat penilaian Sangat Baik (SB) oleh pakar IT dengan persentase 85,5%, dan mendapat penilaian Baik (B) oleh pengguna aplikasi dengan persentase 79,87%

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Teknik Ayunan Pengelasan dengan Metode SMAW terhadap Kekuatan Tarik pada Baja ST 37 STRIP 5 mm

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    Sistem seleksi mahasiswa calon guru Indonesia saat ini yang hanya mengacu pada kompetensi akademik saja sering menimbulkan berbagai persoalan. Banyak mahasiswa calon guru yang gagal menyelesaikan studi bukan karena ketidak mampuan akademiknya tetapi karena ketidak cocokan jurusan yang dipilihnya dan juga minat keguruan dari mahasiswa tersebut yang memang tidak ada. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengembangkan suatu aplikasi yang dapat digunakan dalam menyeleksi calon mahasiswa yang ingin menjadi guru menggunakan penelusuran minat keguruan dan tes kepribadian. Dalam pengembangan aplikasi ini, sistem pendukung keputusan (SPK) digunakan sebagai sistem cerdas dalam pengambilan keputusan. Model ISO 9126 digunakan untuk menguji kehandalan dari aplikasi. Aplikasi ini dikembangkan dan divalidasi oleh pakar IT beserta validasi item oleh pengguna sistem. Dari hasil pengembangan tersebut diperoleh aplikasi sistem rekrutmen mahasiswa calon guru yang mendapat penilaian Sangat Baik (SB) oleh pakar IT dengan persentase 85,5%, dan mendapat penilaian Baik (B) oleh pengguna aplikasi dengan persentase 79,87%

    Pengembangan Instrumen Sistem Rekrutmen Mahasiswa Calon Guru Berbasis Minat & Kepribadian

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan suatu instrumen yang dapat digunakan untuk menyeleksi mahasiswa calon guru berdasarkan minat dan kepribadian yang mereka miliki. Dalam pengembangan instrumen ini, dilakukan pengkajian yang mendalam terhadap teori filsafat pendidikan Locke dan teori kepribadian Holland. Dari hasil pengembangan, diperoleh dua instrumen untuk mengukur tingkat minat keguruan yang dimiliki seseorang dan jenis program studi yang cocok berdasarkan kepribadian calon mahasiswa tersebut. Instrumen pertama digunakan untuk menilai minat siswa menjadi guru dan instrumen kedua digunakan untuk menilai kepribadian siswa. Uji validitas memperlihatkan bahwa ada 50 item pernyataan untuk instrumen pertama dan beberapa item pernyataan yang terbagi dalam empat bagian (aktivitas, kompetensi, menilai diri, dan pekerjaan) untuk instrumen kedua. Hasil uji reliabilitas menghasilkan nilai Cronbach’s Alpha sebesar 0,875 yang berarti bahwa instrumen ini adalah reliabel untuk digunakan

    Educational LPTK, Non-educational LPTK, and Non-LPTK Students' Intention to Become Teacher

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    Abstract Teacher is seen as a profession that has a good image among the general public due to its power of influence. Intention to be a teacher is not just limited to pre-service students. Since the enactment of Permendikbud No 87 of 2013, non-pre-service students have a good chance of being teachers. This study aims to identify the intention difference to be a teacher among pre-service students and non-pre-service students in LPTK, also non-pre-service students in non-LPTK. A total of 98 pre-service and non-pre-service students studying chemistry education and chemistry at LPTK and non-LPTK in Yogyakarta were surveyed using a questionnaire. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The data was analyzed using One-way ANOVA by SPSS 20 to identify the hypothesis about the intention differences among the three groups. The study confirmed that there are differences between all three groups, which pre-service students at LPTK have big intentions, the second is non-pre-service students at LPTK, and the last is non-pre-service students at non-LPTK show a less intention

    The Decision Support System of Students Recruitment as Teacher Candidates using Multilevel Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT)

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    Recruitment is an essentialaspect of human resource management at a university, particularly at Makassar State University. Selection is a step in the recruitment process that determines whether prospective students who apply are a good fit for the program of study. The advancement of information systems facilitates the recruitment registration process. Currently, the assessment system for prospective student teachers is still lacking. In this study, we developed a system andan assessment rubric that was reviewed based on a theoretical approach that affects interests, personality, appearance, and academic ability. The decision support system is present to assist decision-makers in receiving appropriate recommendations for prospective teacher students who have been selected. The proposed research aims to assess prospective teacher students' graduation rankingbased on the assessment indicators from the compiled rubric. This study employs the MAUT method's development, which is carried out in stages, hence the Multi-Level MAUT,combinedwith Min-Max Normalization. Because assessment metrics are classified, we combine several MAUT methods to reach a final decision. The algorithm produces good results, namely the ability to rank correctly based on stakeholder preferences