188 research outputs found

    Music as living heritage

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    What is cultural heritage, and why has it received so much public interest in recent years? Almost three decades after the World Organization UNESCO defined and established international recognition of Cultural and Natural Heritage sites and devised ways of protecting them, a completely new approach to cultural heritage emerged with the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2003. This global agreement for the maintenance, protection and dissemination of cultural manifestations and achievements that are not tangible objects or immobile monuments, like previous items classified as World Heritage, was a remarkable milestone of international cultural politics. This new understanding of cultural heritage owes much to representatives from Asian, African, and Latin American countries. In fact, just a few years after the promulgation of the 2003 Convention, the world cultural heritage map had already lost much of its European predominance. Asian countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, and India very soon showed up with lists of manifestations of their centenary (in some cases even millenary) national cultural heritages

    Schriften zur Theorie und Geschichte der Architektur, industriellen Formgestaltung und bildenden Kunst im 20. Jahrhundert : Auswahlbibliographie der 1980-1983 in der DDR erschienenen Literatur

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    Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium vom 5. bis 7. Juli 1983 in Weimar an der Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen zum Thema: 'Das Bauhauserbe und die gegenwärtige Entwicklung der Architektur : zum 100. Geburtstag von Walter Gropius

    The effect of the plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on Nicotiana benthamiana viral susceptibility

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    A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Science in Environmental science School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. March 2017.Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) promotes plant growth in a variety of modes of action and also suppresses several phytopathogens causing plant diseases. There is evidence that Pseudomonas strains are able to induce systemic resistance, thereby enhancing the defensive capacity of many plant species, and they do so without any negative impact on the environment. Currently, many agricultural systems rely more on the use of chemical pesticides to combat plants diseases. The chemicals have several negative impacts on both human health and the environment. Therefore, there is need to investigate the ability to fight plant pathogens of alternatives like the Pseudomonas spp that do not harm the environment. Several strains of this genus are yet to be tested to see if they induce systemic resistance. Previous studies showed that bio surfactants produced by Pseudomonas koreensis exhibited strong effect against oomycetes P. ultimum in tomato plants. Induced systemic resistance (ISR) potential of P. koreensis following exposure to viruses has not been fully demonstrated to date. This study sought to investigate whether this strain has an effect on viruses and if it is able to induce systemic resistance against viral pathogens. The study started by growing the model plant N. benthamiana. The second stage involved carrying out assays of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) after inoculating this virus in three bio treatments: (i) seed treatment of N. benthamiana with P. koreensis (referred to as the early treatment), (ii) root treatment at the transplanting stage (late treatment) and (iii) the control. In bio treatments (i) seeds were first sterilized by dipping them into 70% alcohol for 3 minutes and 0.1 % HgCl2 for 1 minute and washing them with distilled water. Each seed was then soaked into 20ml of bacteria suspension for 30 minutes and in (ii) a litre of P. koreensis culture was then poured onto the roots of 36 N. benthamiana plants. The bacteria suspension was added at 107 colony forming units per gram of soil to each tray. It was observed that disease severity was lower in the P. koreensis plant treatments than for the control. Results of this investigation have shown that P. koreensis can induce systemic resistance in foliar parts when plant seeds or roots are inoculated with this strain. This was demonstrated by separation of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) bacteria and TMV. Seeds and roots were inoculated with bacteria while the leaves were inoculated with TMV. The early bio treatment had the lowest mean number of necrotic lesions, and exhibited the mildest effects from TMV compared to the late bio treatment and control. Plants in the late bio treatment were moderately affected while the control was severely affected (P˂0.0001) ˂0.05. The early and the late bio treatment both had higher leaf surface area than the control; (P˂0.0001) ˂0.05. The early bio treatment lost the fewest leaves, and the late bio treatment lost a moderate number while the control lost the highest number (P˂0.0001)˂0.05.The reduced symptoms exhibited by plants inoculated with P. koreensis is an indication that P. koreensis has anti-viral activity against TMV. It was concluded that P. koreensis can reduce plant‟s viral susceptibility and result in ISR. It is hence proposed that P. koreensis can be used as a biological control (bio control) agent against viruses. Key words: Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV), Pseudomonas koreensis (P. koreensis), induced systemic resistance (ISR)LG201


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    Ferromagnetic manganites: spin-polarized conduction and competing interactions

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    Electronic properties of solids are vitally important for modern technology, one may think of microelectronics, magnetic data storage, communication technologies and others. Sometimes, it seems possible to postpone the step of fundamental understanding when starting the application of a new material. However, lasting success and discovery of principally new approaches is based on it ..

    Ferromagnetic manganites: spin-polarized conduction and competing interactions

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    Electronic properties of solids are vitally important for modern technology, one may think of microelectronics, magnetic data storage, communication technologies and others. Sometimes, it seems possible to postpone the step of fundamental understanding when starting the application of a new material. However, lasting success and discovery of principally new approaches is based on it ..

    The investigation of technological, nutritional and sensorial characteristics of wheat bread, influenced by different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Yeast induced fermentation of dough is an important process in bread making and one of the oldest biochemical processes in the world. Surprisingly, our knowledge about the dough fermentation step in correlation to product quality parameters is scarce. A literature review revealed that yeast fermentation can be used to improve technological, nutritional and sensorial quality characteristics of breads. This thesis investigates the suitability of various Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains originating from the beverage industry in dough leavening to enhance bread quality characteristics compared to commercial Baker’s yeast. The results revealed that various yeast strains showed large differences in technological bread quality parameters. In the case of bread, starch being the main carbohydrate source, glycaemic control is of great interest. Therefore, the in vitro starch digestibility was analysed in comparison to Baker’s yeast bread (100) for the predicted glycaemic index (pGI). pGI values were significantly lower for S. cerevisiae s-23 (71.6), wb-06 (63.0) and Blanc (77.9). Furthermore, the impact of yeast strains on sensory characteristics, flavour and aroma profile was investigated by gas chromatography mass spectrometry after thermal desorption (GC-MS TD) and descriptive sensory analysis. Due to their specific metabolite production, another important aspect was to adapt the process parameters (fermentation time and temperature). For that reason, response surface methodology (RSM) was used as a model design. A change in fermentation parameters showed further improvement of the breads mainly in terms of prolonged shelf life, lowered pGI and higher consumer acceptance. The increasing fundamental knowledge about dough fermentation generates new opportunities for their use in the baking industry. Furthermore yeast can be used to replace or reduce the amount of expensive additives and dough improvers. This study also opens alternatives to better satisfy the high demand of consumers for an increasing variety of bread products by only changing the yeast culture
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