36 research outputs found

    Inclusione scolastica ed educazione socio emotiva: risultati di una ricerca europea

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    The article introduces the results obtained through the use of the first version of the assessment tool “Inclusive Process Assessment Scale”, developed by University of Perugia and University of Udine within the European project European Assessment Protocol for Children’s SEL Skills (EAP_SEL) which ended in 2016. The project has seen the involvement of 5 European countries:Italy, Switzerland, Slovenia, Sweden, Croatia. Main focus of the evidence-based research was assessing the effectiveness of implementing social and emotional learning programs in different primary school contexts across Europe. The Italian partner also focused on assessing the impact of social emotional learning on the inclusive process promoted by Italian primary schools, while at the same time assessing its quality as well. The results gathered from this first version of the Scale, in addition to showing the efficacy of the intervention, provided a series of causes for reflection on the connection between social and emotional learning and inclusion in the Italian school context, thus inviting to further research in the field.The article introduces the results obtained through the use of the first version of the assessment tool “Inclusive Process Assessment Scale”, developed by University of Perugia and University of Udine within the European project European Assessment Protocol for Children’s SEL Skills (EAP_SEL) which ended in 2016. The project has seen the involvement of 5 European countries:Italy, Switzerland, Slovenia, Sweden, Croatia. Main focus of the evidence-based research was assessing the effectiveness of implementing social and emotional learning programs in different primary school contexts across Europe. The Italian partner also focused on assessing the impact of social emotional learning on the inclusive process promoted by Italian primary schools, while at the same time assessing its quality as well. The results gathered from this first version of the Scale, in addition to showing the efficacy of the intervention, provided a series of causes for reflection on the connection between social and emotional learning and inclusion in the Italian school context, thus inviting to further research in the field

    Evidence-based education e la figura dell’insegnante di sostegno: problematiche, approcci e prospettive

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    Lately, the figure of the insegnante di sostegno, so characteristic of the Italian educational landscape, is going through a series of changes; to some, this figure is now obsolete and not able anymore to answer appropriately the needs and requests of inclusion in current day school, while, to others, it is still a vital part of the school system, and, although in great need of a rethinking from a methodological and educational standpoint, it needs to be preserved while updated.This article wishes to explore the possibilities of implementing an evidence based research approach to the study on this figure, in order to achieve empirical data to start a process of deep renovation of the role of insegnante di sostegno, which, in turn, should also foster the renovation of the entire school system concerning inclusion, both methodologically and culturally.Even though there is the awareness that such a research approach entails a carefully designed research framework, and that doubts and objection have been raised about it and about an activeteacher partecipation in the research process, thinking about implementing it to study the methods and impacts of school inclusion, through the figure of the insegnante di sostegno, should be thought about, also as a way to allow empirical research in schools.Lately, the figure of the insegnante di sostegno, so characteristic of the Italian educational landscape, is going through a series of changes; to some, this figure is now obsolete and not able anymore to answer appropriately the needs and requests of inclusion in current day school, while, to others, it is still a vital part of the school system, and, although in great need of a rethinking from a methodological and educational standpoint, it needs to be preserved while updated.This article wishes to explore the possibilities of implementing an evidence based research approach to the study on this figure, in order to achieve empirical data to start a process of deep renovation of the role of insegnante di sostegno, which, in turn, should also foster the renovation of the entire school system concerning inclusion, both methodologically and culturally.Even though there is the awareness that such a research approach entails a carefully designed research framework, and that doubts and objection have been raised about it and about an activeteacher partecipation in the research process, thinking about implementing it to study the methods and impacts of school inclusion, through the figure of the insegnante di sostegno, should be thought about, also as a way to allow empirical research in schools

    Insegnanti alle prese con programmi educativi evidence-based: l’esperienza italiana del Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS®)

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    The paper introduces the first attempt at implementing, within the public primary school system, an evidence-based social-emotional learning program called Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS®). The program’s central implementation elements are described, and they are ascribable to a three year long European research that has seen the involvement of 5 different countries: Italy, Switzerland, Croatia, Slovenia. Particularly, the paper describes the stages of teacher training, monitoring of program implementation, experimentation and assessment which have seen the involvement of Italian schools, with a specific focus on the effects of social-emotional learning on inclusive process. The findings, though showing overall positive trends, highlight the need for further investigating some aspects ascribable to the contextual adjustment of an evidence-based program and the use of adequate assessment tools.The paper introduces the first attempt at implementing, within the public primary school system, an evidence-based social-emotional learning program called Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS®). The program’s central implementation elements are described, and they are ascribable to a three year long European research that has seen the involvement of 5 different countries: Italy, Switzerland, Croatia, Slovenia. Particularly, the paper describes the stages of teacher training, monitoring of program implementation, experimentation and assessment which have seen the involvement of Italian schools, with a specific focus on the effects of social-emotional learning on inclusive process. The findings, though showing overall positive trends, highlight the need for further investigating some aspects ascribable to the contextual adjustment of an evidence-based program and the use of adequate assessment tools

    For an inclusive education: the innovative challenge of technologies for social emotional learning

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    The paper presents a collection of national, European and international evidence intended to identify the efficacy of social and emotional learning, of educational technologies, with a focus, in both cases, on inclusive processes. The paper, that is the outcome of the joint work of the authors, investigates the added, potential value given by technology to social and emotional learning, through different tiers of actions and the main features of ed-tech that can support such a use.Per un’educazione inclusiva: la sfida innovativa delle tecnologie per l’educazione socio-emotivaIl contributo presenta una raccolta di evidenze nazionali, europee ed internazionali, volte a individuare l’efficacia, dell’educazione socio-emotiva, delle tecnologie per la didattica, con un’attenzione, in entrambi i casi, ai processi inclusivi. Frutto del lavoro congiunto degli autori, il contributo indaga il valore aggiunto che la tecnologia può offrire all’educazione socio-emotiva, su differenti piani di azione e le principali caratteristiche ed-tech che possono supportarne tale utilizzo

    Boosting emotional intelligence in the post-Covid. Flexible approaches in teaching social and emotional skills

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    The Covid pandemic has opened new challenges for education, especially for the social and emotional wellbeing of children and adolescents who had to face unprecedented and upsetting changes in their daily lives. The paper explores the possibilities offered by the social-emotional intelligence framework in helping children and youths develop the good emotional literacy needed for facing such a challenging time and growing as wholesome adults. This is done through an in-depth analysis of the concept of replication and generalization and by proposing a perspective working model for embedding social and emotional learning in daily teaching and learning activities. Promuovere l'intelligenza emotiva nel post-Covid. Approcci flessibili per insegnare le competenze sociali e emotive. La pandemia di Covid ha introdotto nuove sfide nel mondo dell'educazione, in modo particolare per quanto riguarda il benessere sociale e emotivo di bambini e adolescenti che hanno dovuto affrontare cambiamenti sconvolgenti senza precedenti nel loro vivere quotidiano. L'articolo esplora le possibilità offerte dal costrutto di educazione socio-emotiva a supporto dello sviluppo in bambini e ragazzi di un'alfabetizzazione emotiva solida, necessaria per affrontare un periodo così sfidante e per la loro crescita futura. Tutto questo è fatto attraverso un'analisi approfondita dei concetti di replicabilità e generalizzazione e attraverso la proposta di un nuovo modello di lavoro per integrare l'educazione socio-emotiva all'interno delle azioni didattiche quotidian

    Influenza vaccination coverage among medical residents: An Italian multicenter survey

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    Although influenza vaccination is recognized to be safe and effective, recent studies have confirmed that immunization coverage among health care workers remain generally low, especially among medical residents (MRs). Aim of the present multicenter study was to investigate attitudes and determinants associated with acceptance of influenza vaccination among Italian MRs. A survey was performed in 2012 on MRs attending post-graduate schools of 18 Italian Universities. Each participant was interviewed via an anonymous, self-administered, web-based questionnaire including questions on attitudes regarding influenza vaccination. A total of 2506 MRs were recruited in the survey and 299 (11.9%) of these stated they had accepted influenza vaccination in 2011-2012 season. Vaccinated MRs were older (P = 0.006), working in clinical settings (P = 0.048), and vaccinated in the 2 previous seasons (P < 0.001 in both seasons). Moreover, MRs who had recommended influenza vaccination to their patients were significantly more compliant with influenza vaccination uptake in 2011-2012 season (P < 0.001). "To avoid spreading influenza among patients" was recognized as the main reason for accepting vaccination by less than 15% of vaccinated MRs. Italian MRs seem to have a very low compliance with influenza vaccination and they seem to accept influenza vaccination as a habit that is unrelated to professional and ethical responsibility. Otherwise, residents who refuse vaccination in the previous seasons usually maintain their behaviors. Promoting correct attitudes and good practice in order to improve the influenza immunization rates of MRs could represent a decisive goal for increasing immunization coverage among health care workers of the future. © 2014 Landes Bioscience

    Climate change effects on the sub-Saharan agriculture- a case study in Kenya on maize growth and adaptation options

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    Climate change is progressively advancing, and is affecting the entire globe, with some areas more vulnerable than others. Among them, the sub-Saharan Africa, with a very low adaptive capacity, mainly relies on one economic sector: agriculture. Due to its high climate-dependency, agriculture is at elevated risk. Among the different staple crops produced in the sub-Saharan Africa, maize is the most cultivated, and partly guarantees food security. However, climate change is projected to lower maize yields, negatively affecting some parts of the region which already suffers high levels of famine. In this study, two maize varieties based on their sowing date, early and late, are modelled in three diverse sites in Kenya under the RCP8.5 scenario using climate data retrieved from CORDEX for temperature, precipitation and evapotranspiration, from 1951 to 2100. Early and late maize yields and biomass was simulated using the crop model AquaCrop, developed by FAO. In parallel, important temperature-dependent maize development thresholds was specifically analyzed. The results indicated lower early maize biomass and yields in a future climate change scenario. This outcome suggested the late sowing maize variety as the most suitable adaptation option for the three sites in Kenya. Furthermore, the limitation of AquaCrop of only simulating year-by-year was discussed. It is therefore suggested to run model simulations on a longer time span in order to better project future climate change impacts. This study can contribute to the work of assessing climate change derived social implications in the sub-Saharan Africa, such as future food security and migrations.Nowadays, the word climate change often appears. This phenomenon is progressively advancing, and is affecting the entire globe. However, some areas are more vulnerable than others. Among them, the sub-Saharan Africa. The concern for this region arises from many reasons. Just to mention a few, it has a very low adaptive capacity, poverty and famine levels are quite spread, and the overall political, economic and social settings are weak. Another important factor is related to agriculture. As a matter of fact, the sub-Saharan Africa mainly relies on this economic sector which is, however, an extreme climate-dependent activity. Therefore, facing future climate changes, this feature makes it at elevated risk. In this frame, the practice of modelling takes place. Among its various applications, one is to find ways to tackle adversities induced by climate change. It is therefore useful for the development of the so-called adaptation strategies, whose prime purpose is to adapt to an altered condition. Many crops are cultivated in the sub-Saharan Africa. However, maize is the highest in terms of production, and it partly guarantees food security. The concern arises since climate change is projected to lower maize yields, negatively affecting some parts of the region which already suffer high levels of famine. In this study, two varieties of maize, early and late, based on their sowing date, were modelled in three sites in Kenya using the crop model AquaCrop, developed by FAO. In a future climate change scenario, they were modelled under the RCP8.5. In parallel, important temperature-dependent maize development thresholds was specifically analyzed. The results indicated lower early maize biomass and yields in a future climate change scenario. Late maize biomass and yields resulted relatively high. Therefore, the late variety appeared to be the most suitable adaptation strategy in the three sites in Kenya. In addition, the specific feature of the employed AquaCrop version to simulate only year-by-year was also discussed

    Architectural workshop on Dissonant Heritage_The former Druso Barrack, Silandro (BZ). Demilitarize gently

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    In October 2022 the former Druso Barrack in Silandro (Bozen) was partially demolished. The local Superintendency temporary stopped the demolition and part of the local community started to advocate and fight in order to save the former military site. In this frame it was decided to organise an architectural workshop useful for reopen the discussion and figure out possible ideas for the future of this place. The BIP project was addressed to architecture, interior design, urban planning, landscape architecture, engineering, and economics students in their 2nd or 3rd cycle degree. The workshop aimed at providing the opportunity to acquire skills related to the cultural re-appropriation and architectural reconversion of a so-called 'dissonant heritage,' involving theoretical training with professors and experts and operational applications. It was split into two parts, delivered online and on-site (in total 125 hours of activities 5 ECTS). During the online phase, theoretical and methodological lectures was provided, together with a historical overview of the former Druso Barrack. The on-site experience, instead offered the opportunity to better understand the site, the context and develop proposals for this former military area, including a performance questioning what does it mean to deal with dissonance nowadays. The on-site experience, tutored on a daily base by the teachers, involved also a starting workshop with an expert in future studies and a mid term evaluations with renown professionals such as Roland Baldi (Best Architect 2014) and Walter Angonese (Director of Mendrisio Architecture Academy). The works of the students were presented at the end to the local community in a public event. Dates of the project: 4 days online: 31 January - 3 February 2023 10 days on site: 9-18 February 2023 (Druso Barrack, Silandro) Total credits 5 ECT

    The Italian Leadership on Inclusive Education: Myth or Reality?

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    Abstract: Background: Italy is internationally known as a Country with a longstanding “tradition” of inclusive education. Objective: Aim of the paper is to provide a frame on the educational policies that, since 1970s, have steered the school system according to a “fully inclusive” model, highlighting the instruments of teaching – learning and evaluation tools for assessing the quality of the inclusive processes. Methodology: Starting from primary and secondary legislative sources, the paper identifies three main focus points: the passage from the inclusive “principle” to the teaching – learning practices; the tools for answering special educational needs; the tools for assessing the quality of inclusive processes. Discussion: Even though there are many efforts to align to international legislative regulations and to modernize the concept of inclusive education, Italian reality seems to be ossified in self-referential attitudes, beliefs and practices that saturate the school system. The paper outlines the need for defining new systemic research approaches that can validate this long educational tradition