123 research outputs found

    Strain driven anisotropic magnetoresistance in antiferromagnetic La0.4_{0.4}Sr0.6_{0.6}MnO3_{3}

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    We investigate the effects of strain on antiferromagntic (AFM) single crystal thin films of La1x_{1-x}Srx_{x}MnO3_{3} (x = 0.6). Nominally unstrained samples have strong magnetoresistance with anisotropic magnetoresistances (AMR) of up to 8%. Compressive strain suppresses magnetoresistance but generates AMR values of up to 63%. Tensile strain presents the only case of a metal-insulator transition and demonstrates a previously unreported AMR behavior. In all three cases, we find evidence of magnetic ordering and no indication of a global ferromagnetic phase transition. These behaviors are attributed to epitaxy induced changes in orbital occupation driving different magnetic ordering types. Our findings suggest that different AFM ordering types have a profound impact on the AMR magnitude and character.Comment: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.489242

    Optic tract edema sign and craniopharyngiomas

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    Two patients with craniopharyngioma presenting with the “optic tract edema sign” are described. This sign is seen in a majority of craniopharyngiomas and can be of help in the differentiation with other suprasellar masses such as pituitary adenomas, meningiomas, germinomas and lymphomas. Nevertheless it has to be emphasized that the sign is not absolute and can be seen now and then in these other tumors

    Built-in and induced polarization across LaAlO3_3/SrTiO3_3 heterojunctions

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    Ionic crystals terminated at oppositely charged polar surfaces are inherently unstable and expected to undergo surface reconstructions to maintain electrostatic stability. Essentially, an electric field that arises between oppositely charged atomic planes gives rise to a built-in potential that diverges with thickness. In ultra thin film form however the polar crystals are expected to remain stable without necessitating surface reconstructions, yet the built-in potential has eluded observation. Here we present evidence of a built-in potential across polar \lao ~thin films grown on \sto ~substrates, a system well known for the electron gas that forms at the interface. By performing electron tunneling measurements between the electron gas and a metallic gate on \lao ~we measure a built-in electric field across \lao ~of 93 meV/\AA. Additionally, capacitance measurements reveal the presence of an induced dipole moment near the interface in \sto, illuminating a unique property of \sto ~substrates. We forsee use of the ionic built-in potential as an additional tuning parameter in both existing and novel device architectures, especially as atomic control of oxide interfaces gains widespread momentum.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Nature physics on May 1st, 201

    Magnetic effects at the interface between nonmagnetic oxides

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    The electronic reconstruction at the interface between two insulating oxides can give rise to a highly-conductive interface. In analogy to this remarkable interface-induced conductivity we show how, additionally, magnetism can be induced at the interface between the otherwise nonmagnetic insulating perovskites SrTiO3 and LaAlO3. A large negative magnetoresistance of the interface is found, together with a logarithmic temperature dependence of the sheet resistance. At low temperatures, the sheet resistance reveals magnetic hysteresis. Magnetic ordering is a key issue in solid-state science and its underlying mechanisms are still the subject of intense research. In particular, the interplay between localized magnetic moments and the spin of itinerant conduction electrons in a solid gives rise to intriguing many-body effects such as Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interactions, the Kondo effect, and carrier-induced ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductors. The conducting oxide interface now provides a versatile system to induce and manipulate magnetic moments in otherwise nonmagnetic materials.Comment: Nature Materials, July issu

    Instability, Intermixing and Electronic Structure at the Epitaxial LaAlO3/SrTiO3(001) Heterojunction

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    The question of stability against diffusional mixing at the prototypical LaAlO3/SrTiO3(001) interface is explored using a multi-faceted experimental and theoretical approach. We combine analytical methods with a range of sensitivities to elemental concentrations and spatial separations to investigate interfaces grown using on-axis pulsed laser deposition. We also employ computational modeling based on the density function theory as well as classical force fields to explore the energetic stability of a wide variety of intermixed atomic configurations relative to the idealized, atomically abrupt model. Statistical analysis of the calculated energies for the various configurations is used to elucidate the relative thermodynamic stability of intermixed and abrupt configurations. We find that on both experimental and theoretical fronts, the tendency toward intermixing is very strong. We have also measured and calculated key electronic properties such as the presence of electric fields and the value of the valence band discontinuity at the interface. We find no measurable electric field in either the LaAlO3 or SrTiO3, and that the valence band offset is near zero, partitioning the band discontinuity almost entirely to the conduction band edge. Moreover, we find that it is not possible to account for these electronic properties theoretically without including extensive intermixing in our physical model of the interface. The atomic configurations which give the greatest electrostatic stability are those that eliminate the interface dipole by intermixing, calling into question the conventional explanation for conductivity at this interface - electronic reconstruction. Rather, evidence is presented for La indiffusion and doping of the SrTiO3 below the interface as being the cause of the observed conductivity

    Cyclin M2 (CNNM2) knockout mice show mild hypomagnesaemia and developmental defects

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    Patients with mutations in Cyclin M2 (CNNM2) suffer from hypomagnesaemia, seizures, and intellectual disability. Although the molecular function of CNNM2 is under debate, the protein is considered essential for renal Mg(2+) reabsorption. Here, we used a Cnnm2 knock out mouse model, generated by CRISPR/Cas9 technology, to assess the role of CNNM2 in Mg(2+) homeostasis. Breeding Cnnm2(+/-) mice resulted in a Mendelian distribution at embryonic day 18. Nevertheless, only four Cnnm2(-/-) pups were born alive. The Cnnm2(-/-) pups had a significantly lower serum Mg(2+) concentration compared to wildtype littermates. Subsequently, adult Cnnm2(+/-) mice were fed with low, control, or high Mg(2+) diets for two weeks. Adult Cnnm2(+/-) mice showed mild hypomagnesaemia compared to Cnnm2(+/+) mice and increased serum Ca(2+) levels, independent of dietary Mg(2+) intake. Faecal analysis displayed increased Mg(2+) and Ca(2+) excretion in the Cnnm2(+/-) mice. Transcriptional profiling of Trpm6, Trpm7, and Slc41a1 in kidneys and colon did not reveal effects based on genotype. Microcomputed tomography analysis of the femurs demonstrated equal bone morphology and density. In conclusion, CNNM2 is vital for embryonic development and Mg(2+) homeostasis. Our data suggest a previously undescribed role of CNNM2 in the intestine, which may contribute to the Mg(2+) deficiency in mice and patients

    A systematic review of methods used to study fish in saltmarsh flats

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    There is a growing body of research highlighting the importance of saltmarshes as habitats for fish for feeding, refuge from predation and reproduction. However, more work is needed on fish on vegetated marsh flats (or surfaces). We reviewed 60 studies that used 21 methods to sample fish assemblages on saltmarsh flats. Drop samplers, fyke nets and pop nets were most frequently employed, with considerably more studies being conducted in graminoid than succulent marsh. Reporting of sampling temporal and tidal details, environmental variables and fish attributes was inconsistent. Most of the papers focussed on one or more of conservation management, comparisons among habitat types, and the use of saltmarsh (including fish activity type or residency status). Important potential areas of research include the relationships between the fish assemblages of saltmarsh flats and coastal fisheries, the effects of invasive plant species and marsh restoration efforts in areas outside the United States, and the potential effects of sea-level rise on vegetated flats as fish habitat. Sampling methods that provide density measures are likely to be most useful for most of this research. Thus, drop samplers and pop nets are an appropriate choice, the former in graminoid saltmarshes and the latter in succulent saltmarshes

    Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Charge Carriers in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Heterostructures

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    At the interface between complex insulating oxides, novel phases with interesting properties may occur, such as the metallic state reported in the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 system. While this state has been predicted and reported to be confined at the interface, some works indicate a much broader spatial extension, thereby questioning its origin. Here we provide for the first time a direct determination of the carrier density profile of this system through resistance profile mappings collected in cross-section LaAlO3/SrTiO3 samples with a conducting-tip atomic force microscope (CT-AFM). We find that, depending upon specific growth protocols, the spatial extension of the high-mobility electron gas can be varied from hundreds of microns into SrTiO3 to a few nanometers next to the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface. Our results emphasize the potential of CT-AFM as a novel tool to characterize complex oxide interfaces and provide us with a definitive and conclusive way to reconcile the body of experimental data in this system.Comment: This updated version contains new experimental dat