1,893 research outputs found

    Submillimeter Array Observations of the Molecular Outflow in High-mass Star-forming Region G240.31+0.07

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    We present Submillimeter Array observations toward the 10^{4.7} Lsun star-forming region G240.31+0.07, in the J=2-1 transition of 12CO and 13CO and at 1.3 mm continuum, as well as the 12CO and 13CO observations from the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory to recover the extended emission filtered out by the interferometer. Maps of the 12CO and 13CO emission show a bipolar, wide-angle, quasi-parabolic molecular outflow, roughly coincident with an IR nebula revealed by the Spitzer 3.6 and 4.5 micron emission. The outflow has ~98 Msun molecular gas, making it one of the most massive molecular outflows known, and resulting in a very high mass-loss rate of 4.1 by 10^{-3} Msun yr^{-1} over a dynamical timescale of 2.4 by 10^4 yr. The 1.3 mm continuum observations with a 4" by 3" beam reveal a flattened dusty envelope of ~150 Msun, which is further resolved with a 1.2" by 1" beam into three dense cores with a total mass of ~40 Msun. The central mm core, showing evidence of active star formation, approximately coincides with the geometric center of the bipolar outflow thus most likely harbors the powering source of the outflow. Overall our observations provide the best case to date of a well-defined wide-angle molecular outflow in a >10^4 Lsun star-forming region. The outflow is morphologically and kinematically similar to low-mass protostellar outflows but has two to three orders of magnitude greater mass, momentum, and energy, and is apparently driven by an underlying wide-angle wind, hence further supports that high-mass stars up to late-O types, even in a crowded clustering environment, can form as a scaled-up version of low-mass star formation.Comment: accepted for publication in the Ap

    Surface warming-induced global acceleration of upper ocean currents

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Peng, Q., Xie, S.-P., Wang, D., Huang, R. X., Chen, G., Shu, Y., Shi, J.-R., & Liu, W. Surface warming-induced global acceleration of upper ocean currents. Science Advances, 8(16), (2022): eabj8394, https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abj8394.How the ocean circulation changes in a warming climate is an important but poorly understood problem. Using a global ocean model, we decompose the problem into distinct responses to changes in sea surface temperature, salinity, and wind. Our results show that the surface warming effect, a robust feature of anthropogenic climate change, dominates and accelerates the upper ocean currents in 77% of the global ocean. Specifically, the increased vertical stratification intensifies the upper subtropical gyres and equatorial currents by shoaling these systems, while the differential warming between the Southern Ocean upwelling zone and the region to the north accelerates surface zonal currents in the Southern Ocean. In comparison, the wind stress and surface salinity changes affect regional current systems. Our study points a way forward for investigating ocean circulation change and evaluating the uncertainty.Q.P. is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (42005035), the Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangzhou (202102020935), and the Independent Research Project Program of State Key Laboratory of Tropical Oceanography (LTOZZ2102). D.W. is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (92158204), and the Innovation Group Project of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai) (311020004). S.-P.X. is supported by the National Science Foundation (AGS-1934392). Y.S. is supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFC1401702). G.C. is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (41822602). The numerical simulation is supported by the High-Performance Computing Division and HPC managers of W. Zhou and D. Sui in the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology

    Fault diagnosis and abnormality detection of lithium-ion battery packs based on statistical distribution

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    © 2020 Elsevier B.V. Lithium-ion battery packs are widely deployed as power sources in transportation electrification solutions. To ensure safe and reliable operation of battery packs, it is of critical importance to monitor operation status and diagnose the running faults in a timely manner. This study investigates a novel fault diagnosis and abnormality detection method for battery packs of electric scooters based on statistical distribution of operation data that are stored in the cloud monitoring platform. According to the battery current and scooter speed, the operation states of electric scooters are clarified, and the diagnosis coefficient is determined based on the Gaussian distribution to highlight the parameter variation in each state. On this basis, the K-means clustering algorithm, the Z-score method and 3σ screening approach are exploited to detect and locate the abnormal cells. By analyzing the abnormalities hidden beneath the external measurement and calculating the fault frequency of each cell in pack, the proposed algorithm can identify the faulty type and locate the faulty cell in a timely manner. Experimental results validate that the proposed method can accurately diagnose faults and monitor the status of battery packs. This theoretical study with practical implications shows the promising research direction of combining data mining technologies with machine learning methods for fault diagnosis and safety management of complex dynamical systems

    Numerical investigation of conjugated heat transfer in a channel with a moving depositing front

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    This article presents numerical simulations of conjugated heat transfer in a fouled channel with a moving depositing front. The depositing front separating the fluid and the deposit layer is captured using the level-set method. Fluid flow is modeled by the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. Numerical solution is performed on a fixed mesh using the finite volume method. The effects of Reynolds number and thermal conductivity ratio between the deposit layer and the fluid on local Nusselt number as well as length-averaged Nusselt number are investigated. It is found that heat transfer performance, represented by the local and length-averaged Nusselt number reduces significantly in a fouled channel compared with that in a clean channel. Heat transfer performance decreases with the growth of the deposit layer. Increases in Reynolds, Prandtl numbers both enhance heat transfer. Besides, heat transfer is enhanced when the thermal conductivity ratio between the deposit layer and the fluid is lower than 20 but it decreases when the thermal conductivity ratio is larger than 2

    The Magnetized Environment of the W3(H2O) Protostars

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    We present the first interferometric polarization map of the W3(OH) massive star-forming region observed with the Submillimeter Array (SMA) at 878 mum with an angular resolution of 1.5 (about 3 \times 10 AU). Polarization is detected in the W3(H2O) hot core, an extended emission structure in the north-west of W3(H2O), and part of the W3(OH) ultracompact HII region. The W3(H2O) hot core is known to be associated with a synchrotron jet along the east-west direction. In this core, the inferred magnetic field orientation is well aligned with the synchrotron jet and close to the plane of sky. Using the Chandrasekhar-Fermi method with the observed dispersion in polarization angle, we estimate a plane-of-sky magnetic field strength of 17.0 mG. Combined with water maser Zeeman measurements, the total magnetic field strength is estimated to be 17.1 mG, comparable to the field strength estimated from the synchrotron model. The magnetic field energy dominates over turbulence in this core. In addition, the depolarization effect is discerned in both SMA and JCMT measurements. Despite the great difference in angular resolutions and map extents, the polarization percentage shows a similar power-law dependence with the beam averaged column density. We suggest that the column density may be an important factor to consider when interpreting the depolarization effect.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Integration of Genetic Programming and TABU Search Mechanism for Automatic Detection of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Cervical Spondylosis

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    Cervical spondylosis is a kind of degenerative disease which not only occurs in elder patients. The age distribution of patients is unfortunately decreasing gradually. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is the best tool to confirm the cervical spondylosis severity but it requires radiologist to spend a lot of time for image check and interpretation. In this study, we proposed a prediction model to evaluate the cervical spine condition of patients by using MRI data. Furthermore, to ensure the computing efficiency of the proposed model, we adopted a heuristic programming, genetic programming (GP), to build the core of refereeing engine by combining the TABU search (TS) with the evolutionary GP. Finally, to validate the accuracy of the proposed model, we implemented experiments and compared our prediction results with radiologist’s diagnosis to the same MRI image. The experiment found that using clinical indicators to optimize the TABU list in GP+TABU got better fitness than the other two methods and the accuracy rate of our proposed model can achieve 88% on average. We expected the proposed model can help radiologists reduce the interpretation effort and improve the relationship between doctors and patients

    Phylogeny and taxonomy on cryptic species of forked ferns of asia

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    Cryptic species comprise two or more taxa that are grounded under a single name because they are more-or-less indistinguishable morphologically. These species are potentially important for detailed assessments of biodiversity, but there now appear to be many more cryptic species than previously estimated. One taxonomic group likely to contain many cryptic species is Dicranopteris, a genus of forked ferns that occurs commonly along roadsides in Asia. The genus has a complex taxonomical history, and D. linearis has been particularly challenging with many intra-specific taxa dubiously erected to accommodate morphological variation that lacks clear discontinuities. To resolve species boundaries within Dicranopteris, we applied a molecular phylogenetic approach as complementary to morphology. Specifically, we used five chloroplast gene regions (rbcL, atpB, rps4, matK, and trnL-trnF) to generate a well-resolved phylogeny based on 37 samples representing 13 taxa of Dicranopteris, spanning the major distributional area in Asia. The results showed that Dicranopteris consists of ten highly supported clades, and D. linearis is polyphyletic, suggesting cryptic diversity within the species. Further through morphological comparison, we certainly erected Dicranopteris austrosinensis Y.H. Yan & Z.Y. Wei sp. nov. and Dicranopteris baliensis Y.H. Yan & Z.Y. Wei sp. nov. as distinct species and proposed five new combinations. We also inferred that the extant diversity of the genus Dicranopteris may result from relatively recent diversification in the Miocene based on divergence time dating. Overall, our study not only provided additional insights on the Gleicheniaceae tree of life, but also served as a case of integrating molecular and morphological approaches to elucidate cryptic diversity in taxonomically difficult groups

    Case report: One case of umbilical vein thrombosis in the second trimester with associated portal vein thrombosis after childbirth

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    BackgroundUmbilical vein thrombosis is a rare pregnancy complication, that is difficult to detect prenatally but can lead to poor fetal outcomes.Case presentationWe described a 33-year-old primiparae who was identified as having umbilical vein thrombosis by ultrasound at 21 weeks gestation, and the neonate was found to have a portal vein thrombus after delivery. Following enoxaparin anticoagulant therapy, the thrombus disappeared within 4 weeks. No thrombus formation occured during the 10-month follow-up, and the baby was in excellent clinical condition.ConclusionOwing to the poor fetal outcomes related to umbilical thrombosis, pay attention to abnormal clinical signs during prenatal ultrasound, fetal heart monitoring and counting fetal movements can help in the early identification of umbilical cord thrombosis.The findings highlight the importance of regular prenatal ultrasound evaluation, enabling early detection and monitoring of any anomalies or vascular abnormalities related to the fetal umbilical vein. Further research is warranted to explore the clinical implications and long-term outcomes associated with these findings