409 research outputs found

    Lower Bounds and Series for the Ground State Entropy of the Potts Antiferromagnet on Archimedean Lattices and their Duals

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    We prove a general rigorous lower bound for W(Λ,q)=exp(S0(Λ,q)/kB)W(\Lambda,q)=\exp(S_0(\Lambda,q)/k_B), the exponent of the ground state entropy of the qq-state Potts antiferromagnet, on an arbitrary Archimedean lattice Λ\Lambda. We calculate large-qq series expansions for the exact Wr(Λ,q)=q1W(Λ,q)W_r(\Lambda,q)=q^{-1}W(\Lambda,q) and compare these with our lower bounds on this function on the various Archimedean lattices. It is shown that the lower bounds coincide with a number of terms in the large-qq expansions and hence serve not just as bounds but also as very good approximations to the respective exact functions Wr(Λ,q)W_r(\Lambda,q) for large qq on the various lattices Λ\Lambda. Plots of Wr(Λ,q)W_r(\Lambda,q) are given, and the general dependence on lattice coordination number is noted. Lower bounds and series are also presented for the duals of Archimedean lattices. As part of the study, the chromatic number is determined for all Archimedean lattices and their duals. Finally, we report calculations of chromatic zeros for several lattices; these provide further support for our earlier conjecture that a sufficient condition for Wr(Λ,q)W_r(\Lambda,q) to be analytic at 1/q=01/q=0 is that Λ\Lambda is a regular lattice.Comment: 39 pages, Revtex, 9 encapsulated postscript figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    A Non-Perturbative Analysis of the Finite T Phase Transition in SU(2)xU(1) Electroweak Theory

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    The continuum 3d SU(2)×\timesU(1)+Higgs theory is an effective theory for a large class of 4d high-temperature gauge theories, including the minimal standard model and some of its supersymmetric extensions. We study the effects of the U(1) subgroup using lattice Monte Carlo techniques. When g2/g2g'^2/g^2 is increased from the zero corresponding to pure SU(2)+Higgs theory, the phase transition gets stronger. However, the increase in the strength is close to what is expected perturbatively, and the qualitative features of the phase diagram remain the same as for g2=0g'^2=0. In particular, the first order transition still disappears for mH>mH,cm_H>m_{H,c}. We measure the photon mass and mixing angle, and find that the mass vanishes in both phases within the statistical errors.Comment: Latex, 30 pages, 15 eps figure

    On a Neutrino Electroweak Radius

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    We study a combination of amplitudes for neutrino scattering that can isolate a (gauge-invariant) difference of chirality-preserving neutrino electroweak radii for νμ\nu_\mu and ντ\nu_\tau. This involves both photon and ZμZ_\mu exchange contributions. It is shown that the construction singles out the contributions of the hypercharge gauge field BμB_{\mu} in the standard model. We comment on how gauge-dependent terms from the charge radii cancel with other terms in the relative electroweak radii defined.Comment: 16 pages, revtex with embedded figure

    High-Precision Entropy Values for Spanning Trees in Lattices

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    Shrock and Wu have given numerical values for the exponential growth rate of the number of spanning trees in Euclidean lattices. We give a new technique for numerical evaluation that gives much more precise values, together with rigorous bounds on the accuracy. In particular, the new values resolve one of their questions.Comment: 7 pages. Revision mentions alternative approach. Title changed slightly. 2nd revision corrects first displayed equatio

    A New Model for Fermion Masses in Supersymmetric Grand Unified Theories

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    We present a simple model for fermion mass matrices and quark mixing in the context of supersymmetric grand unified theories and show its agreement with experiment. Our model realizes the GUT mass relations md=3mem_d=3m_e, ms=mμ/3m_s= m_\mu/3, mb=mτm_b=m_\tau in a new way and is easily consistent with values of mtm_t suggested by MSSM fits to LEP data.Comment: Latex, 8 p., ITP-SB-93-37 (revised version contains minor changes in some wording and citations; no changes in analytic or numerical results.

    Fermion Masses and Mixing in Extended Technicolor Models

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    We study fermion masses and mixing angles, including the generation of a seesaw mechanism for the neutrinos, in extended technicolor (ETC) theories. We formulate an approach to these problems that relies on assigning right-handed Q=1/3Q=-1/3 quarks and charged leptons to ETC representations that are conjugates of those of the corresponding left-handed fermions. This leads to a natural suppression of these masses relative to the Q=2/3Q=2/3 quarks, as well as the generation of quark mixing angles, both long-standing challenges for ETC theories. Standard-model-singlet neutrinos are assigned to ETC representations that provide a similar suppression of neutrino Dirac masses, as well as the possibility of a realistic seesaw mechanism with no mass scale above the highest ETC scale of roughly 10310^3 TeV. A simple model based on the ETC group SU(5) is constructed and analyzed. This model leads to non-trivial, but not realistic mixing angles in the quark and lepton sectors. It can also produce sufficiently light neutrinos, although not simultaneously with a realistic quark spectrum. We discuss several aspects of the phenomenology of this class of models.Comment: 74 pages, revtex with embedded figure

    Limits on the Neutrino Mass and Mixing Angle from Pion and Lepton Decays

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    Motivated by a recent rather surprising conclusion based on the 1992 PDG data on the pion, kaon and lepton decays that if three generations of neutrinos are assumed to be massive and mixed, the heaviest neutrino, ν3\nu_3, could have a mass in the range, 155~\mbox{MeV} \lsim m_3 \lsim 225~\mbox{MeV}, we have analyzed the latest 1995 data on the leptonic decays of pion, μ\mu and τ\tau with the assumption that three generations of neutrinos are massive and mixed. It is shown that when the radiative corrections are included and the constraint {}from partial decay widths is imposed, the 1995 data are consistent with three massless neutrinos with no mixing. Various limits on the neutrino mass and mixing angle implied by the 1995 data are presented together with a critique of the previous analysis.Comment: REVTeX file, 20 pages and 10 figures (not included). Revision of the analysis and inclusion of the latest data. The TeX file and the figures (uuencoded, compressed, tarred file) are available at http://fermi.pha.jhu.edu/personnel/fornengo/fornengo.htm

    Three-dimensional antiferromagnetic q-state Potts models: application of the Wang-Landau algorithm

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    We apply a newly proposed Monte Carlo method, the Wang-Landau algorithm, to the study of the three-dimensional antiferromagnetic q-state Potts models on a simple cubic lattice. We systematically study the phase transition of the models with q=3, 4, 5 and 6. We obtain the finite-temperature phase transition for q= 3 and 4, whereas the transition temperature is down to zero for q=5. For q=6 there exists no order for all the temperatures. We also study the ground-state properties. The size-dependence of the ground-state entropy is investigated. We find that the ground-state entropy is larger than the contribution from the typical configurations of the broken-sublattice-symmetry state for q=3. The same situations are found for q = 4, 5 and 6.Comment: 9 pages including 9 eps figures, RevTeX, to appear in J. Phys.

    q-Plane Zeros of the Potts Partition Function on Diamond Hierarchical Graphs

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    We report exact results concerning the zeros of the partition function of the Potts model in the complex q-plane, as a function of a temperature-like Boltzmann variable v, for the m-th iterate graphs Dm of the diamond hierarchical lattice, including the limit m → ∞. In this limit, we denote the continuous accumulation locus of zeros in the q-planes at fixed v = v0 as ℬ(0). We apply theorems from complex dynamics to establish the properties of ℬ(0). For v = −1 (the zero-temperature Potts antiferromagnet or, equivalently, chromatic polynomial), we prove that ℬ(−1) crosses the real q-axis at (i) a minimal point q = 0, (ii) a maximal point q = 3, (iii) q = 32/27, (iv) a cubic root that we give, with the value q = q1 = 1.638 896 9…, and (v) an infinite number of points smaller than q1, converging to 32/27 from above. Similar results hold for ℬ(0) for any −1 0 (Potts ferromagnet). We also provide the computer-generated plots of ℬ(0) at various values of v0 in both the antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic regimes and compare them to the numerically computed zeros of Z(D4, q, v0)

    Monte Carlo study of the antiferromagnetic three-state Potts model with staggered polarization field on the square lattice

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    Using the Wang-Landau Monte Carlo method, we study the antiferromagnetic (AF) three-state Potts model with a staggered polarization field on the square lattice. We obtain two phase transitions; one belongs to the ferromagnetic three-state Potts universality class, and the other to the Ising universality class. The phase diagram obtained is quantitatively consistent with the transfer matrix calculation. The Ising transition in the large nearest-neighbor interaction limit has been made clear by the detailed analysis of the energy density of states.Comment: accepted for publication in J. Phys.