52 research outputs found


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    Proses pencarian jati diri remaja sering timbul adanya konflik fisik maupun psikisnya, keberbedaaan kepribadian ini dikarenakan tidak adanya keselarasan suasana hati setiap individunya, konflik remaja sering kita jumpai dalam pertandingan olahraga, seperti cabang olahraga bola voli remaja, adanya kepribadian yang berbeda ini didasari adanya faktor pembentuk kepribadian atlet luas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tentang faktor-faktor pembentuk kepribadian atlet bola voli sekolah menengah atas. Pendekatan penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pemilihan subjek menggunakan teknik pemeriksaan sejawat yang berarti pemeriksaan yang dilakukan dengan jalan mengumpulkan rekan-rekan yang sebaya, yang memiliki pengetahuan umum yang sama tentang apa yang sedang diteliti, sehingga bersama mereka peneliti dapat me-review persepsi, pandangan dan analisis yang sedang dilakukan. Pemilihan subjek yang dimaksud adalah subjek memasuki masa remaja (15 tahun sampai 19 tahun), aktif mengikuti pertandingan resmi maupun antar kampung yang diadakan di DIY-Jateng. Metode pengumpulan data adalah wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, kategorisasi, sintesisasi dan menyusun hipotesis kerja. Hasil penelitian diketahui: (1) Orang tua sebagai atlet bola voli, mempengaruhi dalam tumbuh kembang anak, sedangkan orang tua yang bukan sebagai atlet bola voli, kebebasan dalam memilih cabang olahraga membuat lebih berani untuk pengambilan keputusan saat pertandingan. (2) Karakteristik kepribadian atlet bola voli sekolah menengah atas dalam pencarian jati diri, mereka mercermin perilaku yang dimunculkan dari lingkungannya. (3) Tinggi badan subjek banyak menggunakan susu sebagai suplemennya (K28) namun, sebagian subjek menyatakan bahwa postur tubuh merupakan faktor keturunan. (4) Proses pendewasaan melalui pertandingan. (5) Doa dan restu orang tua mempengaruhi sugesti subjek, akan aktivitas sebagai atlet bola voli untuk mencapai prestasi dan cita-cita subjek


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    Marriage dispensation is regulated in Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. with considerations and reasons for not meeting the requirements for the age of marriage as determined by the applicable laws and regulations. This study aims to fulfill the general provisions regarding marriage according to Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Marriage, and want to know how the implementation of the provision of marriage dispensation based on the provisions of Article 7 paragraph (2) of Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Marriage. From the main results of the research, it can be concluded that Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Marriage adheres to the principle that a prospective husband and wife must have enough body and soul so that there is a regulation on the marriage age limit for men or women who must be 19 years old. The granting of a marriage dispensation for a prospective husband or wife who has not reached the age limit for marriage can be submitted by the parents (guardians) of the prospective husband or wife to the Religious Court in the applicant's jurisdiction. The dispensation application can be granted by the judge if there is a reason that the relationship between the prospective husband and the prospective wife does not deviate from the religious norms they adhere to


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    Scientific Development Based on Unity of Sciences (Waḥdat Al-‘Ulum) Paradigm

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    This study aims to determine the systematic and fundamental philosophical foundation of Walisongo State Islamic University (UIN). This research uses a philosophical and historical approach and content analysis method to obtain information in depth. Begins with data collection through literature studies, documents are related to it. The scientific integration of the Unity of Sciences paradigm in the scientific cluster being developed contains three strategies that try to answer. The first is the science of religion that is not down to earth or lacks benefits for the wider community. Then the second is when modern sciences are tasteless and value-free. The last is the local culture which began to fade with the development of modernization. These problems will be answered with the humanization of Islamic sciences, the spiritualization of modern sciences, and the revitalization of local wisdom. Scientific development in the clumps of Islamic sciences produces religious knowledge following the times, not rigid and friendly to local wisdom. Meanwhile, the natural sciences and social humanities are planted with spiritual values. Thus, this research can be used as a stepping stone or a model for scientific integration at the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) to shift to the State Islamic University (UIN)

    Scientific Development Based on Unity of Sciences (Waḥdat Al-‘Ulum) Paradigm

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    This study aims to determine the systematic and fundamental philosophical foundation of Walisongo State Islamic University (UIN). This research uses a philosophical and historical approach and content analysis method to obtain information in depth. Begins with data collection through literature studies, documents are related to it. The scientific integration of the Unity of Sciences paradigm in the scientific cluster being developed contains three strategies that try to answer. The first is the science of religion that is not down to earth or lacks benefits for the wider community. Then the second is when modern sciences are tasteless and value-free. The last is the local culture which began to fade with the development of modernization. These problems will be answered with the humanization of Islamic sciences, the spiritualization of modern sciences, and the revitalization of local wisdom. Scientific development in the clumps of Islamic sciences produces religious knowledge following the times, not rigid and friendly to local wisdom. Meanwhile, the natural sciences and social humanities are planted with spiritual values. Thus, this research can be used as a stepping stone or a model for scientific integration at the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) to shift to the State Islamic University (UIN)


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    Restaurant taxes contribute significantly to local financial revenues. In an effort to increase revenue from the restaurant tax sector, Lamongan District Government implemented the "Eat and Win A Car". The car is claimed as a token of appreciation to the people who eat at restaurants in Lamongan who indirectly contribute to the addition of local income (PAD) Lamongan from restaurant tax. This is because the 10 percent of restaurant tax is charged to the buyer as a taxpayer. The effort of the Bapenda lamongan is claimed to be an effective effort to increase the income from restaurant taxes. The regulation on restaurant tax itself has been regulated in Lamongan Regional Regulation No. 12 Year 2010. This article intends to examine the efforts undertaken by Bapenda Lamongan to increase local revenue through restaurant tax in terms of existing regulations

    A Soft Approach to Counter Radicalism: The Role of Traditional Islamic Education

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    This study sheds light on the identity of Islamic education in Indonesia and Singapore to fight against radicalism. This study focuses on comparing Indonesia and Singapore in awakening multicultural consciousness, particularly on philosophical and practical religious education. The crisis of ideology faced by Muslim society in the world has an impact on the genesis of religious movements that legitimate violence and terrorism. This study is based on the sociological perspective and aimed at knowing the philosophical and practical construction of Islamic education in Indonesia and Singapore. The focus of this study is on preventive and persuasive deradicalization. Religious education institutions in both countries have multi principles and practices of education, which is implemented particularly in preventing Islamic ideology that teaches violent values and terrorism. Anticipating the development of understanding radicalism, in both countries, Islamic education has formulated policies that are accommodating with universal values and cosmopolitanism of Islamic civilization. Such efforts are implemented by pesantren and madrasah in Indonesia and Singapore to build harmony among fellow human beings and transmit the character of egalitarian, democratic, humanist, inclusive, and civilized

    Gender-Based Conflicts in Political Parties: Male Domination in Central Java’s Politics

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    Indonesian women’s active participation in the political sphere has been supported by national legislation. However, it remains challenging for women to position themselves in the political arena, especially in a specific party’s activities. There is contestation between male and female political cadres, which often escalates into conflict. Using a qualitative research method, this research aims to discover the root of gender-based conflicts within a political party context. This research found three kinds of conflict: overt, covert, and avoided. Overt conflicts occur in the official forum when women express their anger, dissatisfaction, and protests against their male counterparts. Covert conflicts occur when women do not express their dissatisfaction about the party’s decisions and only show their anger outside of the forum. Avoided conflicts arise when women no longer wish to participate in the forum, so they leave the party and its activities. The root of the problems of these conflicts is gender asymmetry and the strong patriarchal culture in the organizations


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    Marriage dispensation is regulated in Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. with considerations and reasons for not meeting the requirements for the age of marriage as determined by the applicable laws and regulations. This study aims to fulfill the general provisions regarding marriage according to Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Marriage, and want to know how the implementation of the provision of marriage dispensation based on the provisions of Article 7 paragraph (2) of Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Marriage. From the main results of the research, it can be concluded that Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Marriage adheres to the principle that a prospective husband and wife must have enough body and soul so that there is a regulation on the marriage age limit for men or women who must be 19 years old. The granting of a marriage dispensation for a prospective husband or wife who has not reached the age limit for marriage can be submitted by the parents (guardians) of the prospective husband or wife to the Religious Court in the applicant's jurisdiction. The dispensation application can be granted by the judge if there is a reason that the relationship between the prospective husband and the prospective wife does not deviate from the religious norms they adhere to


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    Consumer protection in Indonesia is considered to be of little concern, one example of the use of collagen injections which can be dangerous for patients who inject collagen not only makes the body fresh and healthy, but also makes the skin of the wearer smoother. More than that, this product is also claimed to make the wearer stay young. Excessive advertising, word of mouth, makes many women tempted to try. Moreover, in terms of relative prices, it is much cheaper than performing operations. The method used in this research is the normative juridical research type. Regulations related to the production and distribution of drugs and / or cosmetics in Indonesia, especially collagen injection, are contained in Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 1010 / Menkes / Per / XI / 2008 concerning Drug Registration. Regulation of the Head of the Agency Number HK. of 2011 concerning Criteria and Procedures for Withdrawal of Drugs Not Fulfilling Standards and / or Requirements and Law Number 36 Year 2009 concerning Health. In the Regulation of the Head of Drug and Food Control of the Republic of Indonesia Number 28 of 2013 concerning Supervision of the Importation of Medicinal Ingredients, Traditional Medicinal Materials, Health Supplement Ingredients and Food Ingredients into the Indonesian Territory the administrative responsibility The responsibility of business actors for the use of injectable collagen consists of criminal responsibility and civil liability
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