946 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Cerebral Palsy (CP) in children between 2014 and 2016 in Sumy region OF Ukraine

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    CP in children is a group of permanent non-progressive motor disabilities with orthopedic, psychiatric and speaking problems. It is a manifestation of abnormal brain development or damage to the central nervous system. This condition is usually diagnosed at the age of 1 to 3 in case of permanent movement dysfunction. CP has a huge financial impact on the child’s family and health system

    Osteopathic approach in Ukraine

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    Osteopathy is a practice of medicine based on the manipulations of bones and muscles. It was first promoted in 1874 by Kansas physician A.T. Still


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     At Lviv aerodrome Air Traffic Services Reporting Office (ARO) combined with Aerodrome Control Tower (ACT) provides operators with aeronautical information. Procedures of receiving, processing and sending air traffic information are performed on automated workplace ARO

    Assessment of Fish Health Status Under Long-Term Water Pollution : Vygozero Reservoir , North-West Russia

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    Environmental pollution and its effects on the health of aquatic ecosystems is a great problem that has been studied intensely in the last years. The Vygozero reservoir is one of the largest water bodies of the Karelian Republic. Its ecosystem has undergone significant changes since the 1930s mainly due to anthropogenic influence from the development of pulp and paper mill industry leading to accumulation of toxic contaminants and eutrophication. At present, the water body has been shown to be also polluted by hydrocarbon products and heavy metals. Among the huge changes in Vygozero ecosystem is the decrease of some fish populations and partial loose of commercial fishing importance. Despite the obvious changes in fish population the chronic biological effects of the Vygozero reservoir pollution on fish organism are poorly studied. This study is concerned with the evaluation of pollution influence on fish health status and establishment relation between fish health and environmental quality. The parameters selected for this aim were the occurrence of gills, liver and kidney alterations, as histopathological changes are widely used as biomarkers in the evaluation of the health of fish exposed to contaminants. Our findings confirm chronic pollution of the Vygozero reservoir. Histological analysis of fish tissues revealed a variety of progressive, regressive, inflammatory, circulatory disturbances and neoplastic changes. Observed histological alterations indicate that organism of fish from Vygozero reservoir responses to the impaired environment quality. Revealed histopathologies are sings of metabolic disorders, immunity suppression, compensatory reactions development and functional abnormalities in vital organs of studied fish. The results of the study correspond to the prior research devoted to ascertain tissue changes in different fish species taken from an area with chronic multiple anthropogenic impact. So it can be concluded that histopathological lesions are result of long-term effect of toxic xenobiotics

    Проблематика художніх творів Володимира Родіонова як рефлексія динаміки життя

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    У статті розглядається творчість Володимира Родіонова, який і сьогодні створює неперевершені зразки поезії та прози. Наукове дослідження дозволяє говорити про те, що автором піднімаються масштабні проблеми, які хвилюють людство упродовж усього життя (війни, жінки, безправ’я, значущість ролі поета в житті суспільства, ролі церкви й віри для людини). Його лірика є пейзажною, релігійною, інтимною, і в той же час філософською та громадянською. У статті зазначається, що твори Володимира Родіонова не є розважальними, а направлені на доросле розуміння сутності означених проблем. (In the article the work of Vladimir Rodionov, this today provides outstanding examples of poetry and prose. Scientific research suggests that that the author raised large-scale problems of concern to humanity throughout our lives (war, women, lawlessness, the importance of the role of the poet in society, the role of churches and faith to humans). His lyrics are landscaped, religion, intimate, and at the same time philosophical and civil. The article states that the works of Vladimir Rodionov is not entertaining, and aimed at adult understanding the essence of the aforementioned problems.

    Художня правда у творі К. Гордієнка «Зимова повість» (Artistic truth in the work of K. Gordienko «Winter story»)

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    У статті розглядається спадщина К. Гордієнка, творчість якого досліджена недостатньо. Досліджується художня правда у творі «Зимова повість». У роботі акцентована увага на тому, що письменник прагнув написати твір, стислий, компактний, спрямований на відображення виробничих проблем. У публікації подано аналіз твору, а також розкрито простір слобожанського села, яке було добре знайоме Гордієнкові. У творі «Зимова повість» письменник вдало оперував художніми прийомами розкриваючи при цьому характери головних героїв. (The article deals with the legacy of K. Gordienko, whose work explored enough. Investigate artistic truth in the book «Winter story». The paper also focused on the fact that the writer wanted to write an essay, short, compact, aimed at mapping production problems. The publication presents an analysis of the work, and uncovered space Slobozhansky village which was familiar Gordienko. The author wanted to write a work that would have concentrated attention on the problems of agricultural production. Winter time reflected on the events of the story in a way that in the first place after the fieldwork pushed livestock. And it turned out that the economy is not prepared to spend the winter cattle. Not that there were any adverse weather conditions, and that organized collective farm management so that managers are not interested in the performance of the economy. The article emphasized that formed the basis of his own observations of the work of the writer. By focusing on the development of farm village Slobozhansky, K. Gordienko line displays contrasts that are embodied through positive and negative images of the work. In the essay «Winter story» writer successfully operated art techniques while revealing the characters of the protagonists. The article reports the idea that it was optimistic story that showed doomed to die of such an economic system where destroyed people’s initiative, which is not the case the owner decides its economy, and its ready to use force, formulaic for all standards and plans. K. Gordienko, showed that only free entrepreneurial initiative of citizens – a guarantee of successful development.