13 research outputs found

    Kesan penggunaan peta konsep terhadap pencapaian sains pelajar tingkatan satu

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    The phenomena of memorizing facts impacted the effectiveness of teaching and learning practises, and had caught the attention of many educational psychologists. This situation had also contributed to misconceptions in various areas in science including environmental science. This study aims to compare teachings using concept map approach based on constructivisme theory with teachings using traditional approach (OHP transparencies) on the topic of ‘Air Around Us’ in form one science subject. This study used both quantitative and qualitative approach. For the quantitative approach, the pre test and post test control group quasi-experiment research design was employed. Two classes were randomly selected from 11 classes within the research site. The sample size for the quantitative approach was 60 students whereby 30 students were in the experimental group and 30 students in the control group. Semi-structured face-to-face interviews were used to collect the qualitataive data whereby eight respondents were purposively selected, four were from the experimental group and four from the control group. The findings show that students who were exposed to concept maps performed better than students who were exposed to to traditional approach. The findings also show that students who were taught using concept maps were able to relate the concepts and shown positive perceptions towards the use of concept maps in learning the topic of ‘Air Around Us’. This study contributes to the field of science education within the context of understanding and construction of science concepts among lower secondary school students. The study also implies that there is a need for science educators in secondary schools to vary their approaches in teaching science concepts as proposed by the Ministry of Education

    Mediating Effect of Self-Resilience on the Relationship between Financial Anxiety and Psychological Distress among University Students

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the role that self-resilience plays as a mediator in the relationship between financial anxiety and psychological distress experienced by university students. In total, one hundred twenty undergraduate university students were sent an online invitation to take part in the research as survey respondents, and the survey instruments used were pre-tested to ensure their reliability. When the scores for respondents' financial anxiety, self-resilience, and psychological distress were compared with the characteristics of the respondents, the statistics suggest that there was no statistically significant difference. The primary finding reveals that self-resilience statistically and significantly mediated the association between financial anxiety and psychological distress, even though the effect size was relatively small. This is even though all variables were shown to have statistically significant correlations with one another. This study suggests that self-resilience can operate as a buffer against the potentially harmful impact that financial concern can have on psychological well-being. It is recommended that the university, in addition to providing continuous financial-related support to the students, provide a variety of programs on campus and off campus aimed at improving students' self-resilience. This will assist students in better managing their financial-related psychological distress

    Perceptions of Disability among University Students

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    Perceptions of disability are important constructs that influence not only the well-being of people with disabilities but also the moral compass of society. Negative attitudes toward disability can lead to social exclusion and isolation of people with disabilities, whereas positive attitudes promote social inclusion. The present study was conducted to examine the main predictors of disability perceptions among university students, provided that understanding these factors can help develop effective interventions to improve students’ attitudes toward peers with disabilities and reduce intergroup prejudice. Using 110 responses from university students at a public university, the study found that knowledge and exposure contribute significantly to perceptions among university students. Management of the university plays a critical role in shaping positive perceptions by facilitating meaningful interactions with people with disabilities, promoting disability awareness and education, and creating an environment that values diversity

    Asas Keusahawanan (ETR 300) : Lambaian Resort / Khairuddin Win... [et al.]

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    Lambaian Resort menyediakan Pusat Peranginan. Lambaian Resort beralamat di Lot 25, Tasik Pedu, 06300 Kuala Nerang, Kedah. Perniagaan ini dijangkakan bermula pada I Januari 2002. Pusat perniagaan ini akan menonjolkan ciri-ciri tradisional yang bertujuan memelihara keindahan alam selain memberi perkhidmatan yang memuaskan kepada setiap pelanggan. Pemilihan jenis perniagaan ini adalah bertujuan untuk menarik kehadiran pelancong sama ada dari dalam dan luar negara untuk menikmati dan melihat keindahan alam di Malaysia terutama di Tasik Pedu. Disamping itu juga perniagaan ini akan dapat menarik perhatian penduduk bandar untuk melarikan diri daripada kebisingan di kota dan beban masalah kerja untuk beristirehat bersama keluarga masing-masing. Pemiagaan ini juga akan membuka peluang pekerjaan terutama sekali kepada penduduk setempat. Ini secara tidak langsung akan dapat mengurangkan jurang pendapatan penduduk diantara penduduk Iuar bandar dengan di bandar. Disamping itu juga,pemiagaan yang bakal kami ceburi ini adalah sebagai memenuhi objektif kerajaan dalam mengatasi kegawatan ekonomi dengan menggalakkan pengaliran wang masuk daripada pelancong- pelancong luar negara selain sebagai pemangkin dalam pembangunan di sekitar Tasik Ped

    Chemical method for wastewater management: developments of fenton process

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    Fenton process represents a promising technology for the treatment of recalcitrant wastewaters. In recent years, many studies have been conducted on the applications of Fenton process for the removal of organic pollutant s in wastewater. This study presents Fenton and improvements of Fenton process such as photo-Fenton, electro-Fenton and sono-Fenton processes. Previous studies on catalysts and their efficiencies in Fenton and improvements of Fenton process were also analyzed. The effects of many important operational parameters such as pH, Fenton reagents, initial concentration of the pollutants, concentration of inorganic ions and energy input in Fenton process have been discussed and their roles are highlighted. It has been concluded that further investigations are needed to evaluate the cost of Fenton process, especially when it is combined with other energy input processes. Integration of Fenton process with other conventional methods as pre-treatment or post- treatment stage is a strategy that could enhance efficiency and reduce cost of Fenton process, hence, it should be one of the research focus of Fenton process

    Susceptibility of Malaysian Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cultivar to Saline Water Submergence Based on the Morphological Traits

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    Saline water submergence is a newly emerge abiotic stress jeopardizing rice production especially for the rice fields located nearby or alongside coastal areas. The stress was caused by the intrusion of sea water into those rice fields causing flash flood mainly during monsoon season. The present study was conducted to evaluate susceptibility level of selected Malaysian rice cultivars to saline water submergence at seedling stage based on the morphological traits and survival rate. There were six genotypes involved in the study mainly IR64-Sub1 as submergence tolerant control, Pokkali as salinity tolerant control, IR64 as susceptible control and MR297, MR284 and MR253 as local rice cultivars, respectively. The experiment was conducted using split plot design with three replications. On the day 14 after germination, all rice seedlings were totally submerged of about one-meter depth in a polyethylene tank containing saline water at 0, 4, 8 and 12 dS/m for 14 days while the non-submerged plant was control of the experiment. Seedling growth attributes and survival rate were recorded before, right after de-submerged and 14 days after de-submerged. All genotypes however were susceptible to saline water submergence at 4, 8 and 12 dS/m. In contrast, under 0 dS/m, IR64-Sub1 recorded significantly higher survival rate at 83% as compared to MR284 (17%), MR297 (17%), Pokkali (8%), MR253 (0%) and IR64 (0%).  All genotypes were not survived under saline submergence. Therefore, further phenotypic screening of rice genetic resources originated from or nearby coastal areas could be suggested in order to increase chance of identifying potentially tolerant genotype to saline water submergence

    Morphological, Biochemical and Genetic Variation of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes to Vegetative Stage Salinity Stress

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    Salinity is one of the most serious issues in rice cultivation and production. Salt stress significantly reduced seedling growth performance of rice. This research was conducted to study the effects of vegetative stage salinity stress on morphological, biochemical, molecular and genetic variation of 12 rice genotypes as well as 2 check varieties, MR297 (susceptible) and Pokkali (tolerant). The experiment was arranged in a split-plot design with 3 replications. Normal freshwater at 0 dS m-1 (L1), saline water at 6 dS m-1 (L2) and saline water at 12 dS m-1 (L3) were the main plot and rice genotypes were the sub-plot. In general, morphological and biochemical traits of all genotypes showed an overall reduction of about 47.41% in L3 as compared to L1 except for the tolerant check, Pokkali. The genetics and correlation analysis indicated that plant height, leaf size and standard evaluation system (SES) score might be used as a selection criterion in developing salt tolerant rice. The multivariate analysis revealed that a Malaysian landraces, Jarom Mas was clustered together with Pokkali as tolerant genotype. Screening using tightly linked Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) markers (RM1287, RM10748, RM493) of salinity tolerant QTL, Saltol indicated that this QTL was absence in Jarom Mas. This finding might indicate the presence of other QTL associated with salinity tolerance in Jarom Mas. Further study on identifying the speculated QTL may be conducted to confirm this postulation

    Screening for Tolerant Genotype to Saline Water Submergence in Rice (Oryza sativa L.).

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    Saline water submergence is a newly emerge abiotic stress jeopardizing rice production especially for the rice fields located nearby or alongside coastal areas. The stress was caused by the intrusion of sea water into those rice fields causing flash flood mainly during monsoon season. The present study was conducted as an attempt to screen for tolerant genotype against saline water submergence at seedling stage. There were six genotypes involved in the study mainly IR64-Sub1 as submergence tolerant control, Pokkali as salinity tolerant control, IR64 and MR297 as susceptible control, MR284 and MR253, a local rice cultivar respectively. The rice seedlings were submerged in saline water at 0, 4, 8 and 12 dS/m for 14 days while the non-submerged plant was control of the experiment. Seedling growth attributes, survival rate and recovery rate were recorded before and after de-submerged for three consecutive weeks. The highest survival rate at 83% was recorded in IR64-Sub1 under 0 dS/m, followed by MR284 (17%), MR297 (17%) and Pokkali (8%). All genotypes however were susceptible to saline water submergence at 4, 8 and 12 dS/m. Hence, potential genetic resource of rice originated from coastal area in the future screening is crucial to increase the possibility of identifying tolerance genotype to saline water submergence stress which later will be used as a donor parent in the breeding program

    Morpho-Physiological Response of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Genotypes to Salinity Stress at Seedling Stage

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    Salinity stress would significantly reduce seedling growth performance of rice. In addition, salinity also affects physiological and metabolic process mainly the osmotic and ionic balance of the cells. Hence, the present study was conducted to evaluate morpho-physiological and biochemical response of selected rice genotypes to salinity stress at seedling stage. Twelve rice genotypes were used in the pot-trial experiment including two checks namely Pokkali (tolerant) and MR297 (susceptible). The experiment was conducted in a split plot design with three replications. Three salinity levels involved were L1 (normal fresh water), L2 (saline water at 12 dSm-1), and L3 (saline water at 24 dSm-1) as the main plot while rice genotypes as the sub-plot. Salinity stress was imposed for 14 days starting from 21 days after sowing. In overall, L3 salinity stress significantly reduced 47.41% of all seedling growth attributes for all genotypes except for Pokkali (V11) as compared to control condition. Meanwhile, Haiboq (V9) and Basmati 370 (V3) recorded significantly similar response as the MR297 (V10). The trend of chlorophyll content reduction could be seen in all genotypes under L2 and L3 salinity stress with average 77.72% reduced over control condition. In contrast, proline content was increased over 7 folds in all genotypes as level of salinity increases except for V11. Proline may function as a signal metabolites thus higher proline content indicates that the plant is under stress. In conclusion, chlorophyll and proline content may be used as indicators of sensitivity to salinity stress in rice cultivars along with the morphological growth responses

    Life cycle impact of photovoltaic module degradation on energy and environmental metrics

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    This paper presents the effect of photovoltaic (PV) module degradation on the cumulative energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions of a 4.2 kW dc roof-mounted grid-connected PV system. The estimated lifetime energy generation is coupled with life cycle assessment (LCA) as a way to evaluate the energy consumption and environmental impact. Three cases were evaluated; Case 1 considers the PV module degradation while assuming similar performance ratio (PR) for all conditions; Case 2 represents the most realistic case that considers the degradation and other factors affecting PR; and Case 3 serves as the worst-case scenario where the module degradation is neglected. Furthermore, four different types of PV modules were compared, i.e. mono-crystalline silicon, multi-crystalline silicon, cadmium telluride and copper indium selenide. In this work, system installations in five different countries from several regions were simulated. When applying the Cumulative Energy Demand 1.11 and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2013 methods, the cumulative energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions vary from 0.341 to 1.457 MJ/kWh and from 20.95 to 90.45 g CO2-eq/kWh respectively across different cases, PV module types and countries. It is found that neglecting the PV module degradation factor in performing LCA of PV system causes a significant underestimation. Also, PV module with a lower degradation rate showed low effect on the metrics. In addition, the metrics also vary with installations in different countries, mainly due to varying irradiation and ambient temperature factors