64 research outputs found

    Influence of Supply Chain Integration, IT Practices and Visibility on Modular Design and Supply Chain Agility, supported Maritime and Tourism Business in Indonesia

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    Present study aims to examine the relationship between supply chain integration, and IT capability on the supply chain agility in the banking sector of Indonesia, support Maritime and Tourism Business. Moreover, impact of supply chain visibility is examined on supply chain modular design and supply chain agility. The current research aims to analyse the nature of relationships among latent variables; therefore, this study chose the latent analysis technique for investigating these relationships. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) were employed to describe the data and the relationship among variables, respectively. The p-values in the result show that all the under-study variables show significant results while the result of relationship between IT practices and supply chain agility is insignificant. The study provides a comprehensive framework in context of supply chain agility and supplier’s modular design. The literature fills the theoretical gap in existing literature and join the supply chain integration and IT practices with supply chain agility and connects supply chain visibility with supplier’s modular design. This study is helpful for the policy makers of the banking sector of Indonesia in strategizing the ways to impact the agility in their supply chain process

    Legenda Datuk Marsam Sang Belalang Kunyit

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    Entering the era of industrial revolution 4.0, technology is growing rapidly and has a significant influence on life in Indonesia, especially for children. Accessing the internet to do homework from the school is sometimes misused by them due to a lack of guidance in accessing them, such as accessing immoral videos. According to Susanto, Chair of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI), in 2018 counted until September there were 525 cases of pornography and cybercrime in children. One of the efforts that can be done in overcoming it is through character education that is inspired by surah Al-Isra (17): 32 and Al-Tahrim (66): 6 which instructs to guard themselves and their families from bad deeds, especially zina. The form of Quran character education will be taught using a traditional game in the form of dakon or congkak. The research method in this paper uses direct observation in several schools in the Yogyakarta area. This study uses qualitative data with primary and secondary sources. The technique of collecting data uses literature review, documentation, and interviews with elementary school (SD) level students. The purpose of this research is to improve the quality of children in education and advance the nation's next-generation in various ways. With the game dakon or congkak, later it will be explained about babakan hawa sanga or closing nine holes in the body. The game will be integrated with the Quranic values by explaining the verses of the Quran that are following the game

    Multiplier Effect Industri Pariwisata Candi Muara Takus Terhadap Perekonomian Masyarakat Di Kecamatan XII Koto Kampar Kabupaten Kampar

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    The research was carried on in Kampar regency precisely in the District XII Koto Kampar. This study was conducted in Kampar regency located in District XII Koto Kampar. This study aims to (1) Identify the characteristics of visitors, businessmen and labor (2) To identify the perception of the condition of Tourism Muara Takus by visitors, businesses and workers in the tourist area (3) Measuring multiplier effet that caused by Muara Takus tourist activities on the economy of the community. The method used is descriptive method. By sampling methods Quota sampling techniques using Sampling Insidential election. In assessing the perception of using Rating Scale and analyzing the economic impact of travel activty in Muara Takus using Keynesian Income Multiplier to see the impact directly, impact indirectly and impact advance are processed using a computer application Microsoft Excel 2010. The results of this study showed the perception of visitor 54% is good enough, the perception of buisnesses 65% good and perception of labor 66% good, For value of Keynesian income multiplier is 2.6, Income Multiplier Ratio Type I with a value of 1, and the ratio of Type II income multiplier of 1.19, in accordance with the provisions (META, 2001) if the value of Keynesian income multiplier ≥ 1 which means that the existence of Muara Takus tourism has economic impact on the economy of the local community is quite large

    Traffic performance analysis of unsignalized intersection using the Traffic Conflict Parameter technique

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    The unsignaled intersection of Jalan H Djole – Jalan Pasar Lama in Bekasi City is a densely populated commercial area with high economic activity. The lack of facilities and infrastructure that causes traffic jams at the intersection also raises the potential for conflict. This study aims to analyze the level of service, the type of conflict, and the traffic conflict complexity at an unsignaled intersection. The field survey method obtains primary data on the conflict approach and traffic volume. The analysis showed that the highest traffic volume was 3,810 passenger cars unit/hour with a DS value of 1.06 and LOS F. The number of conflicts that occurred during one hour of observation at peak hours was 420. Most of the conflicts that arose were straight-right, turned movements of 138

    G20, Social Science, Environmental Science, Economics, Econometrics and Finance Research Trend

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    The G20 is a multilateral cooperation forum consisting of 19 major countries and the European Union (EU) which has a middle to high income class, developing countries to developed countries. G20 members consist of countries from various regions of the world. United States, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, France, Russia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Australia and the European Union. In the G20 Indonesia became one of the 5 strongest economies in Asia Pacific, including: (1) China GDP 14.72 trillion US dollars (2020) Area 9.597 million km2 Population 1.402 billion people (2020) China's largest economy from manufacturing, services, and agriculture. SCOPUS.COM analyze search results, Social Science, Environmental Science, Economics, Econometrics and Finance 22,997 documents result since 1974 to 2022, all field article. So today in good trend of research and publication in Social Science, Environmental Science, Economics, Econometrics and Finance. Compare top 15 affiliations, dominant affiliations from China and Malaysia, the best 3 affiliations are Beijing Institute of Technology 318 documents; Xi'an Jiaotong University 227 documents and Southwestern University of Finance and Economics 211 documents. Still no Indonesia research institution in top 15 of the list. Compare top 15 affiliations, the best 3 countries are China, USA and UK. In ASIA and ASEAN, Indonesia under China, Pakistan and Malaysia. So this is real challenge for Indonesia research institution to expand their research in Social Science, Environmental Science, Economics, Econometrics and Finance, trend in 2010-nowaday

    Mediating Role Competitive Advantage between Customer Relationship, Supply Chain Collaboration Value Innovation and Supply Chain Capability and Supply Chain Performance: Manufacturing Industry Supported Sustainable Mobility in Indonesia

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    The basic objective of this paper is to examine customer relationship, Supply chain collaboration value innovation and Supply chain capability on supply chain performance. Moreover, the mediating impact of competitive advantage is examined as well. The data is collected from respondents of manufacturing sector of Indonesia. the total 244 questionnaires for the analysis of this study. In this study we have used PLS-SEM for data examination and provision of support for the development of hypothesis. The findings of the study revealed Supply chain collaboration and Supply chain capability has significant impact on competitive advantage. Rest of the relations have proved to be significant. The findings of the study will contribute in the limited literature of the supply chain performance. Moreover, the policy makers of the manufacturing sectors of the Indonesia can get benefit from it
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