225 research outputs found

    Observations of transients and pulsars with LOFAR international stations

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    The LOw FRequency ARray - LOFAR is a new radio telescope that is moving the science of radio pulsars and transients into a new phase. Its design places emphasis on digital hardware and flexible software instead of mechanical solutions. LOFAR observes at radio frequencies between 10 and 240 MHz where radio pulsars and many transients are expected to be brightest. Radio frequency signals emitted from these objects allow us to study the intrinsic pulsar emission and phenomena such as propagation effects through the interstellar medium. The design of LOFAR allows independent use of its stations to conduct observations of known bright objects, or wide field monitoring of transient events. One such combined software/hardware solution is called the Advanced Radio Transient Event Monitor and Identification System (ARTEMIS). It is a backend for both targeted observations and real-time searches for millisecond radio transients which uses Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) technology to remove interstellar dispersion and detect millisecond radio bursts from astronomical sources in real-time using a single LOFAR station.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the Electromagnetic Radiation from Pulsars and Magnetars conference, Zielona Gora, 2012. 4 pages, 1 figur

    EMBRACE@Nancay: An Ultra Wide Field of View Prototype for the SKA

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    A revolution in radio receiving technology is underway with the development of densely packed phased arrays for radio astronomy. This technology can provide an exceptionally large field of view, while at the same time sampling the sky with high angular resolution. Such an instrument, with a field of view of over 100 square degrees, is ideal for performing fast, all-sky, surveys, such as the "intensity mapping" experiment to measure the signature of Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations in the HI mass distribution at cosmological redshifts. The SKA, built with this technology, will be able to do a billion galaxy survey. I will present a very brief introduction to radio interferometry, as well as an overview of the Square Kilometre Array project. This will be followed by a description of the EMBRACE prototype and a discussion of results and future plans.Comment: to appear in proceedings of the INFIERI Summer School INtelligent Signal Processing for FrontIEr Research and Industry, Paris 201

    Characterization of a dense aperture array for radio astronomy

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    EMBRACE@Nancay is a prototype instrument consisting of an array of 4608 densely packed antenna elements creating a fully sampled, unblocked aperture. This technology is proposed for the Square Kilometre Array and has the potential of providing an extremely large field of view making it the ideal survey instrument. We describe the system,calibration procedures, and results from the prototype.Comment: 17 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Simultaneous radio and X-ray observations of PSR B0611+22

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    International audienceWe report results from simultaneous radio and X-ray observations of PSR B0611+22 which is known to exhibit bursting in its single-pulse emission. The pulse phase of the bursts vary with radio frequency. The bursts are correlated in 327/150 MHz data sets while they are anti-correlated, with bursts at one frequency associated with normal emission at the other, in 820/150 MHz data sets. Also, the flux density of this pulsar is lower than expected at 327 MHz assuming a power law. We attribute this unusual behaviour to the pulsar itself rather than absorption by external astrophysical sources. Using this data set over an extensive frequency range, we show that the bursting phenomenon in this pulsar exhibits temporal variance over a span of few hours. We also show that the bursting is quasi-periodic over the observed band. The anti-correlation in the phase offset of the burst mode at different frequencies suggests that the mechanisms responsible for phase offset and flux enhancement have different dependencies on the frequency. We did not detect the pulsar with XMM–Newton and place a 99 per cent confidence upper limit on the X-ray efficiency of 10 −5

    Pulse to pulse flux density modulation from pulsars at 8.35 GHz

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    Aims. To investigate the flux density modulation from pulsars and the existence of specific behaviour of modulation index versus frequency. Methods. Several pulsars have been observed with the Effelsberg radio telescope at 8.35 GHz. Their flux density time series have been corrected for interstellar scintillation effects. Results. We present the measurement of modulation indices for 8 pulsars. We confirm the presence of a critical frequency at ~1 GHz for these pulsars (including 3 new ones from this study). We derived intrinsic modulation indices for the resulting flux density time series. Our data analysis revealed strong single pulses detected from 5 pulsars.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    The thousand-Pulsar-Array programme on MeerKAT - VI. Pulse widths of a large and diverse sample of radio pulsars

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    We present pulse width measurements for a sample of radio pulsars observed with the MeerKAT telescope as part of the Thousand-Pulsar-Array (TPA) programme in the MeerTime project. For a centre frequency of 1284 MHz, we obtain 762 W10 measurements across the total bandwidth of 775 MHz, where W10 is the width at the 10 per cent level of the pulse peak. We also measure about 400 W10 values in each of the four or eight frequency sub-bands. Assuming, the width is a function of the rotation period P, this relationship can be described with a power law with power law index Ό = -0.29 ± 0.03. However, using orthogonal distance regression, we determine a steeper power law with Ό = -0.63 ± 0.06. A density plot of the period-width data reveals such a fit to align well with the contours of highest density. Building on a previous population synthesis model, we obtain population-based estimates of the obliquity of the magnetic axis with respect to the rotation axis for our pulsars. Investigating the width changes over frequency, we unambiguously identify a group of pulsars that have width broadening at higher frequencies. The measured width changes show a monotonic behaviour with frequency for the whole TPA pulsar population, whether the pulses are becoming narrower or broader with increasing frequency. We exclude a sensitivity bias, scattering and noticeable differences in the pulse component numbers as explanations for these width changes, and attempt an explanation using a qualitative model of five contributing Gaussian pulse components with flux density spectra that depend on their rotational phase

    Simultaneous Radio And X-Ray Observations Of Psr B0611+22

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    We report results from simultaneous radio and X-ray observations of PSR B0611+22 which is known to exhibit bursting in its single-pulse emission. The pulse phase of the bursts vary with radio frequency. The bursts are correlated in 327/150 MHz data sets while they are anti-correlated, with bursts at one frequency associated with normal emission at the other, in 820/150 MHz data sets. Also, the flux density of this pulsar is lower than expected at 327 MHz assuming a power law. We attribute this unusual behaviour to the pulsar itself rather than absorption by external astrophysical sources. Using this data set over an extensive frequency range, we show that the bursting phenomenon in this pulsar exhibits temporal variance over a span of few hours. We also show that the bursting is quasi-periodic over the observed band. The anti-correlation in the phase offset of the burst mode at different frequencies suggests that the mechanisms responsible for phase offset and flux enhancement have different dependencies on the frequency. We did not detect the pulsar with XMM-Newton and place a 99 per cent confidence upper limit on the X-ray efficiency of 10-5

    The MeerKAT pulsar timing array: First data release

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    We present the first 2.5 years of data from the MeerKAT Pulsar Timing Array (MPTA), part of MeerTime, a MeerKAT Large Survey Project. The MPTA aims to precisely measure pulse arrival times from an ensemble of 88 pulsars visible from the Southern Hemisphere, with the goal of contributing to the search, detection and study of nanohertz-frequency gravitational waves as part of the International Pulsar Timing Array. This project makes use of the MeerKAT telescope, and operates with a typical observing cadence of two weeks using the L-band receiver that records data from 856-1712 MHz. We provide a comprehensive description of the observing system, software, and pipelines used and developed for the MeerTime project. The data products made available as part of this data release are from the 78 pulsars that had at least 30 observations between the start of the MeerTime programme in February 2019 and October 2021. These include both sub-banded and band-averaged arrival times, as well as the initial timing ephemerides, noise models, and the frequency-dependent standard templates (portraits) used to derive pulse arrival times. After accounting for detected noise processes in the data, the frequency-averaged residuals of 67 of the pulsars achieved a root-mean-square residual precision of 1s.We also present a novel recovery of the clock correction waveform solely from pulsar timing residuals, and an exploration into preliminary findings of interest to the international pulsar timing community. The arrival times, standards and full Stokes parameter calibrated pulsar timing archives are publicly available

    A deep campaign to characterize the synchronous radio/X-ray mode switching of PSR B0943+10

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    We report on simultaneous X-ray and radio observations of the mode-switching pulsar PSR B0943+10 obtained with the XMM-Newton satellite and the LOFAR, LWA and Arecibo radio telescopes in November 2014. We confirm the synchronous X-ray/radio switching between a radio-bright (B) and a radio-quiet (Q) mode, in which the X-ray flux is a factor ~2.4 higher than in the B-mode. We discovered X-ray pulsations, with pulsed fraction of 38+/-5% (0.5-2 keV), during the B-mode, and confirm their presence in Q-mode, where the pulsed fraction increases with energy from ~20% up to ~65% at 2 keV. We found marginal evidence for an increase in the X-ray pulsed fraction during B-mode on a timescale of hours. The Q-mode X-ray spectrum requires a fit with a two-component model (either a power-law plus blackbody or the sum of two blackbodies), while the B-mode spectrum is well fit by a single blackbody (a single power-law is rejected). With a maximum likelihood analysis, we found that in Q-mode the pulsed emission has a thermal blackbody spectrum with temperature ~3.4x10^6 K and the unpulsed emission is a power-law with photon index ~2.5, while during B-mode both the pulsed and unpulsed emission can be fit by either a blackbody or a power law with similar values of temperature and photon index. A Chandra image shows no evidence for diffuse X-ray emission. These results support a scenario in which both unpulsed non-thermal emission, likely of magnetospheric origin, and pulsed thermal emission from a small polar cap (~1500 m^2) with a strong non-dipolar magnetic field (~10^{14} G), are present during both radio modes and vary in intensity in a correlated way. This is broadly consistent with the predictions of the partially screened gap model and does not necessarily imply global magnetospheric rearrangements to explain the mode switching.Comment: To be published on The Astrophysical Journa
