89 research outputs found

    Teories i teòrics de la personalitat

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    El trastorn per dèficit d’atenció amb hiperactivitat (TDAH) en la infància: l’estudi IMAT

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    El present treball té un doble objectiu. D’una banda, es fa una revisió sobre què és i què significa el TDAH i, d’altra banda, se centra en l’estudi IMAT que aporta dades de la sospita de prevalença del TDAH en la població infantil de la illa de Mallorca. Les dades assenyalen que el trastorn pot presentar taxes de prevalença similars a les esperades (entre el 3%-5%), sense diferències rellevants per sexes, edat, tipus de centre o zona sociodemogràfica.A les conclusions s’analitzen les limitacions i les implicacions d’aquestes dades per a la nostra comunitatEl presente trabajo tiene un doble objetivo. Por una parte se realiza una revisión sobre qué es y qué significa el TDAH y, por otra parte, se presentan datos del estudio IMAT centrado en establecer la sospecha de prevalencia del TDAH en la población infantil de la isla de Mallorca. Los datos señalan que el trastorno puede presentar tasas de prevalencia similares a las esperadas (entre el 3%-5%) sin diferencias relevantes por sexos, edad, tipo de centro y zona sociodemográfica. En las conclusiones se analizan las limitaciones y las implicaciones de estos dados para nuestra comunidad

    La utilización del TAIS en el ámbito deportivo : una reflexión

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    En el presente trabajo se hace una revisiòn de la teoría de Nideffer aplicada al ámbito deportivo, con una atención especial a las posibilidades y limitaciones que presenta su prueba de evaluación más importante: el TAIS. En primer lugar se han revisado los problemas de clasificación de los sujetos y los índices de fiabilidad y validez, y después se ofrecen los resultados preliminares de un estudio aplicado que intenta ser útil en la configuración de un marco de investigación que en el futuro pueda ayudar a determinar la utilidad tanto de la teoría como del test en psicología del deporte. Este marco debe abarcar, en primer lugar, la elaboración de un sistema de clasificación del estilo atencional más unitario. En segundo lugar debe analizarse en detalle la tendencia observada en las escalas atencionales a presentar los índices de fiabilidad más bajos. En tercer lugar debe analizarse la relación de las diferentes escalas del TAIS con otras dimensiones psicológicas. Finalmente debe analizarse también la capacidad del TAIS, y especialmente de sus escalas atencionales, para relacionarse con el rendimiento deportivo. Se realizan aportaciones en todas estas áreas con el fin de sentar las bases de futuras investigacionesIn the present work is made a review of the Nideffer's theory applied to sports area, with a special attention to the possibilities and limitations that presents its more important test: the TAIS. First,they are revised the classification problem of the subjects, and the reability and validity indices, and after they are offered preliminary data of an applied study that attempts be useful in the configuration of a research framework that in the future could help to determine the usefulness so much of the theory as of the test in sport psychology. This framework must encompass: first, the elaboration of a attentional style system of classification more unitary. Second, it must be analyzed in detail the trend observed in the attentional scales to present the lower reliability indices. Third, it must be analyzed the relationship of the different TAIS scales with other psychological dimensions. Finally, it must be analyzed the capacity of TAIS, and especially its attentional scales, to be related to sport performance. They are accomplished contribution in all these areas in order to set the future research base

    L'avaluació de la qualitat docent a la Universitat de les Illes Balears

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    Feasibility of a virtual reality program to treat children with fear of darkness with nonexpert therapists

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    Fear of darkness is highly prevalent and stable in children and often ends up becoming a specific situational phobia. The aim of this study is to analyze the feasibility of adapting and applying it through a Virtual Reality (VR) tool by nonexpert therapists. A pre-experimental study was carried out with six participants between the ages of 8 and 12 years old using pre- and posttreatment scales for assessing the fear of darkness. Statistically significant differences with large effects were found in all posttreatment measures: EMO (Roshenthal’s r = 0.64), WCDAN (r = 0.52), and Global item of current fear of darkness (r = 0.59). Using the Reliable Change Index (RCI) as a measure of clinically significant change, four participants improved satisfactorily, one acceptably, and the other did not improve. The results support the feasibility of using an adapted VR program to treat fear of darkness without being an expert therapist. However, more detailed experimental studies need to be carried out in order to analyze its efficacy.Viabilidad de un programa de realidad virtual para tratar niños con miedo a la oscuridad con terapeutas no expertos. El miedo a la oscuridad es muy frecuente y estable en los niños y, a menudo, termina convirtiéndose en una fobia situacional específica. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la viabilidad de adaptarlo y aplicarlo a través de una herramienta de realidad virtual (RV) por terapeutas no expertos. Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio pre-experimental con seis participantes de 8 a 12 años de edad utilizando escalas de pre y postratamiento para evaluar el miedo a la oscuridad. Se han encontrado diferencias estadísticamente significativas con tamaños del efecto grandes en todas las medidas posteriores al tratamiento: EMO (Roshenthal’s r = 0.64), WCDAN (r = 0.52), e ítem global del miedo actual a la oscuridad (r = 0.59). Al usar el Índice de Cambio Fiable (ICF) como una medida del cambio clínicamente significativo, cuatro participantes mejoraron satisfactoriamente, uno aceptablemente, y el otro no mejoró. Los resultados apoyan la viabilidad de utilizar un programa de RV adaptado para tratar el miedo a la oscuridad sin necesidad de un terapeuta experto. Sin embargo, se necesitan estudios experimentales más detallados para analizar su eficacia

    A randomized controlled trial to examine the posttreatment efficacy of neurofeedback, behavior therapy, and pharmacology on ADHD measures

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    Objective: To examine the efficacy of neurofeedback (NF), behavior therapy (BT), and pharmacology (PH) on the improvement of ADHD-related symptoms. Method: Fifty-nine children with ADHD (M = 8.80 years, SD = 1.92 years) were randomly assigned to one of the three treatments in a pre/post assessment design. Mother- and teacher-rated ADHD scales and children were assessed using The Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test (IVA/CPT). Results: The three treatments were effective on the IVA/CPT, but with different trends. BT and especially NF achieved improvement on response control and attention, and PH mainly in visual attention. On the rating scales, BT improved all measures, and NF and PH had a minor but interesting influence. Conclusion: From a global perspective, behavior therapy had the most extensive results, but PH had the greatest capacity to improve overall attention. NF was able to improve both control response and inattention. Clinical implications are discussed.Plan Nacional i+d+i PSI2008–06008-C02–0

    Structural Equation Modeling of Multiple-Indicator Multimethod-Multioccasion Data: A Primer

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    We provide a tutorial on how to analyze multiple-indicator multi-method (MM) longitudinal (multi-occasion, MO) data. Multiple-indicator MM-MO data presents specific challenges due to (1) different types of method effects, (2) longitudinal and cross-method measurement equivalence (ME) testing, (3) the question as to which process characterizes the longitudinal course of the construct under study, and (4) the issue of convergent validity versus method-specificity of different methods such as multiple informants. We present different models for multiple-indicator MM-MO data and discuss a modeling strategy that begins with basic single-method longitudinal confirmatory factor models and ends with more sophisticated MM-MO models. Our proposed strategy allows researchers to identify a well-fitting and possibly parsimonious model through a series of model comparisons. We illustrate our proposed MM-MO modeling strategy based on mother and father reports of inattention in a sample of N = 805 Spanish children

    Examining Quadratic Relationships Between Traits and Methods in Two Multitrait-Multimethod Models

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    Multitrait-multimethod (MTMM) analysis is one of the most frequently employed methods to examine the validity of psychological measures. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is a commonly used analytic tool for examining MTMM data through the specification of trait and method latent variables. Most contemporary CFA-MTMM models either do not allow estimating correlations between the trait and method factors or they are restricted to linear trait-method relationships. There is no theoretical reason why trait and method relationships should always be linear, and quadratic relationships are frequently proposed in the social sciences. In this article, we present two approaches for examining quadratic relations between traits and methods through extended latent difference and latent means CFA-MTMM models (Pohl et al., 2008; Pohl and Steyer, 2010). An application of the new approaches to a multi-rater study of the nine inattention symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children (N = 752) and the results of a Monte Carlo study to test the applicability of the models under a variety of data conditions are described