56 research outputs found

    Enhancing the Approach to Forecasting the Dynamics of Socio-Economic Development during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This study reveals the approach to scaling socio-economic indicators to ensure economic security through regional budget expenditures to the GRP ratio example. Indicator choice is conditioned by the necessity to determine the degree of the federal center's rational influence on the regional strategic goals of sustainable development. The study aims to develop and test the system for assessing the dynamics of Russian socio-economic development based on the authors' interpretation of the scaling factor values. The main research method is scaling, which provides additional perspectives reflected by preserving proportions when changing the target parameters. The new method's effectiveness is confirmed by calculating the scaling factor. Its value interpretation gives a tool for assessing the effectiveness of the strategy development system and its economic security. The study's relevance is due to adaptation to global transformations based on the management system's capability to act under various crisis scenarios and make anti-crisis decisions important for the Russian economy. The findings improve the basis for implementing a sustainable strategic planning system and strengthening national security in the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings make it possible to predict the further evolution of the relationships between indicator groups in order to increase the role of per capita budgetary expenditures in GRP. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2022-SPER-08 Full Text: PD

    Migration processes and socio-economic development of the regions

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    Migration processes management is an important public administration element. Migration affects many aspects of society — economics, public safety, and culture. Without a competent migration policy, a conflict between residents and migrants is inevitable in society. The problem of the relationship between migration flows and the level of socio-economic development of territories is considered herein. The data from the RIA Rating Agency and the Federal State Statistics Service of Russia are used in this study. The main research method is the correlation-regression analysis. As part of the study, the hypothesis that migration flows tend to the regions that are strong in terms of socioeconomic status has not been confirmed

    Algorithm for J-Integral Measurements by Digital Image Correlation

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    The work is devoted to the testing of the algorithm for calculating J-integral based on the construction of vector fields by digital image correlation (DIC) method. A comparative analysis of J-integral values calculated using DIC and instrumental data obtained in accordance with ASTM E 1820 "Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fracture Toughness" has made. It is shown that this approach can be used for cases when the standard technique for measuring the J-integral cannot be applied, or the standard technique does not allow achieving the required accuracy for the integral determination in local areas of the loaded material

    Structure-related bandgap of hybrid lead halide perovskites and close-packed APbX3 family of phases

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    Metal halide perovskites APbX3 (A+ = FA+ (formamidinium), MA+ (methylammonium) or Cs+, X- = I-, Br-) are considered as prominent innovative components in nowadays perovskite solar cells. Crystallization of these materials is often complicated by the formation of various phases with the same stoichiometry but structural types deviating from perovskites such as well-known the hexagonal delta FAPbI3 polytype. Such phases are rarely placed in the focus of device engineering due to their unattractive optoelectronic properties while they are, indeed, highly important because they influence on the optoelectronic properties and efficiency of final devices. However, the total number of such phases has not been yet discovered and the complete configurational space of the polytypes and their band structures have not been studied systematically. In this work, we predicted and described all possible hexagonal polytypes of hybrid lead halides with the APbI3 composition using the group theory approach, also we analyzed theoretically the relationship between the configuration of close-packed layers in polytypes and their band gap using DFT calculations. Two main factors affecting the bandgap were found including the ratio of cubic (c) and hexagonal (h) close-packed layers and the thickness of blocks of cubic layers in the structures. We also show that the dependence of the band gap on the ratio of cubic (c) and hexagonal (h) layers in these structures are non-linear. We believe that the presence of such polytypes in the perovskite matrix might be a reason for a decrease in the charge carrier mobility and therefore it would be an obstacle for efficient charge transport causing negative consequences for the efficiency of solar cell devices

    Temperature- and field-induced transformation of the magnetic state in Co2.5Ge0.5BO5

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    A tetravalent-substituted cobalt ludwigite Co2.5Ge0.5BO5 has been synthesized using the flux method. The compound undergoes two magnetic transitions: a long-range antiferromagnetic transition at TN1 = 84 K and a metamagnetic one at TN2 = 36 K. The sample-oriented magnetization measurements revealed a fully compensated magnetic moment along the a- and c-axes and an uncompensated one along the b-axis leading to high uniaxial anisotropy. A field-induced enhancement of the ferromagnetic correlations at TN2 is observed in specific heat measurements. The DFT+GGA calculation predicts the spin configuration of (↑↓↓↑) as a ground state with a magnetic moment of 1.37 μB/f.u. The strong hybridization of Ge(4s, 4p) with O (2p) orbitals resulting from the high electronegativity of Ge4+ is assumed to cause an increase in the interlayer interaction, contributing to the long-range magnetic order. The effect of two super–superexchange pathways Co2+-O-B-O-Co2+ and Co2+-O-M4-O-Co2+ on the magnetic state is discussed.This work has been financed by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 20-02-00559). The authors acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación, through projects MAT2017-83468-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) and PID2020-115159GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, the Aragonese project RASMIA E12_20R (co-funded by Fondo Social Europeo), and of the European Union FEDER (ES).Peer reviewe

    Механизация в технологиях семеноводства корнеплодов

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    Abstract. The sugar beet seed production is currently employing a non-planting-and-transplant technology with the use of steklings. Planting units of the machines available on the market feature a number of drawbacks: low productivity, possible injuring of root crops, and increased labor intensity of operators. (Research purpose) To develop a universal design and parameters of an increased-productivity unit for planting steklings of sugar beet and other root crops. (Materials and methods) The design scheme and type of a planting unit have been chosen according to the requirements of applicability and versatility. Its preferred design parameters have been calculated as well. A prototype machine with a universal planting unit in the form of a cellular disk has been developed and manufactured in test production. (Results and discussion) The conducted field experiments proved the versatility of a planting machine with a disc-type unit used for planting root crops, including dimensional characteristics corresponding to those of steklings. The authors have found that when replacing a disk with a different number of cells of different sizes, the machine is suitable for planting a number of similar crops. A removable disk with 12-16 cells has been installed, with its angular speed decreased to 0.393-1.180 radian per second, which is lower as compared to the existing machines. Satisfactory agrotechnical tolerances have been provided for carrot planting in the soil at a depth of 12 cm, a step of 30 cm, and a deviation from the vertical of 110. The intensity of root crop laying in the cells of a seeding disk has been increased to 1-3 pcs. per second. (Conclusions) It has been found that the machine and the planting unit can increase the working speed up to 1.0 meter per second and reduce the labor intensity of operators to the level of safety requirements. The use of universal machines in the breeding and seed production of root crops will reduce the range of the applied machines and operating costs of farm enterprises.Реферат. В семеноводстве сахарной свеклы набирает популярность эффективная безвысадочно-пересадочная технология с использованием штеклингов. Высаживающие аппараты, предлагаемые на рынке машин, имеют ряд недостатков: невысокую производительность, возможность травмирования корнеплодов, повышенную напряженность труда операторов. (Цель исследования) Разработать универсальную конструкцию и параметры аппарата повышенной производительности для высадки штеклингов сахарной свеклы и корнеплодов других культур. (Материалы и методы) По условиям применимости и универсальности выбрали конструктивную схему и тип высаживающего аппарата. Рассчитали его предпочтительные конструктивные параметры. Разработали и изготовили в опытном производстве макетный образец машины с универсальным высаживающим аппаратом в виде ячеистого диска. (Результаты и обсуждение) В полевых экспериментах подтвердили универсальность посадочной машины с высаживающим аппаратом дискового типа на высадке корнеплодов, в том числе с размерными характеристиками, соответствующими штеклингам. Выявили, что при замене диска с разным количеством ячеек различного размера машина пригодна для высадки целого ряда аналогичных культур. Установили сменный диск с 12-16 ячейками, снизив его угловую скорость до 0,393-1,180 радиан в секунду, что ниже по сравнению с параметрами высаживающего аппарата существующих машин. Обеспечили удовлетворительные агротехнические допуски по размещению корнеплодов моркови в почве на глубину 12 см при шаге посадки 30 см и отклонении от вертикали на 11 градусов. Повысили интенсивность укладки корнеплодов в ячейки высевающего диска до 1-3 штук в секунду. (Выводы) Установили, что машина и высаживающий аппарат позволят повысить рабочую скорость до 1 м в секунду и снизить напряженность труда операторов до уровня требований техники безопасности. Применение универсальных машин в селекции и семеноводстве корнеплодных культур снизит номенклатуру машин и эксплуатационные затраты хозяйств

    Механизация в технологиях семеноводства корнеплодов

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    Abstract. The sugar beet seed production is currently employing a non-planting-and-transplant technology with the use of steklings. Planting units of the machines available on the market feature a number of drawbacks: low productivity, possible injuring of root crops, and increased labor intensity of operators. (Research purpose) To develop a universal design and parameters of an increased-productivity unit for planting steklings of sugar beet and other root crops. (Materials and methods) The design scheme and type of a planting unit have been chosen according to the requirements of applicability and versatility. Its preferred design parameters have been calculated as well. A prototype machine with a universal planting unit in the form of a cellular disk has been developed and manufactured in test production. (Results and discussion) The conducted field experiments proved the versatility of a planting machine with a disc-type unit used for planting root crops, including dimensional characteristics corresponding to those of steklings. The authors have found that when replacing a disk with a different number of cells of different sizes, the machine is suitable for planting a number of similar crops. A removable disk with 12-16 cells has been installed, with its angular speed decreased to 0.393-1.180 radian per second, which is lower as compared to the existing machines. Satisfactory agrotechnical tolerances have been provided for carrot planting in the soil at a depth of 12 cm, a step of 30 cm, and a deviation from the vertical of 110. The intensity of root crop laying in the cells of a seeding disk has been increased to 1-3 pcs. per second. (Conclusions) It has been found that the machine and the planting unit can increase the working speed up to 1.0 meter per second and reduce the labor intensity of operators to the level of safety requirements. The use of universal machines in the breeding and seed production of root crops will reduce the range of the applied machines and operating costs of farm enterprises.Реферат. В семеноводстве сахарной свеклы набирает популярность эффективная безвысадочно-пересадочная технология с использованием штеклингов. Высаживающие аппараты, предлагаемые на рынке машин, имеют ряд недостатков: невысокую производительность, возможность травмирования корнеплодов, повышенную напряженность труда операторов. (Цель исследования) Разработать универсальную конструкцию и параметры аппарата повышенной производительности для высадки штеклингов сахарной свеклы и корнеплодов других культур. (Материалы и методы) По условиям применимости и универсальности выбрали конструктивную схему и тип высаживающего аппарата. Рассчитали его предпочтительные конструктивные параметры. Разработали и изготовили в опытном производстве макетный образец машины с универсальным высаживающим аппаратом в виде ячеистого диска. (Результаты и обсуждение) В полевых экспериментах подтвердили универсальность посадочной машины с высаживающим аппаратом дискового типа на высадке корнеплодов, в том числе с размерными характеристиками, соответствующими штеклингам. Выявили, что при замене диска с разным количеством ячеек различного размера машина пригодна для высадки целого ряда аналогичных культур. Установили сменный диск с 12-16 ячейками, снизив его угловую скорость до 0,393-1,180 радиан в секунду, что ниже по сравнению с параметрами высаживающего аппарата существующих машин. Обеспечили удовлетворительные агротехнические допуски по размещению корнеплодов моркови в почве на глубину 12 см при шаге посадки 30 см и отклонении от вертикали на 11 градусов. Повысили интенсивность укладки корнеплодов в ячейки высевающего диска до 1-3 штук в секунду. (Выводы) Установили, что машина и высаживающий аппарат позволят повысить рабочую скорость до 1 м в секунду и снизить напряженность труда операторов до уровня требований техники безопасности. Применение универсальных машин в селекции и семеноводстве корнеплодных культур снизит номенклатуру машин и эксплуатационные затраты хозяйств

    ACORN (A Clinically-Oriented Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network) II: protocol for case based antimicrobial resistance surveillance

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    Background: Antimicrobial resistance surveillance is essential for empiric antibiotic prescribing, infection prevention and control policies and to drive novel antibiotic discovery. However, most existing surveillance systems are isolate-based without supporting patient-based clinical data, and not widely implemented especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Methods: A Clinically-Oriented Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network (ACORN) II is a large-scale multicentre protocol which builds on the WHO Global Antimicrobial Resistance and Use Surveillance System to estimate syndromic and pathogen outcomes along with associated health economic costs. ACORN-healthcare associated infection (ACORN-HAI) is an extension study which focuses on healthcare-associated bloodstream infections and ventilator-associated pneumonia. Our main aim is to implement an efficient clinically-oriented antimicrobial resistance surveillance system, which can be incorporated as part of routine workflow in hospitals in LMICs. These surveillance systems include hospitalised patients of any age with clinically compatible acute community-acquired or healthcare-associated bacterial infection syndromes, and who were prescribed parenteral antibiotics. Diagnostic stewardship activities will be implemented to optimise microbiology culture specimen collection practices. Basic patient characteristics, clinician diagnosis, empiric treatment, infection severity and risk factors for HAI are recorded on enrolment and during 28-day follow-up. An R Shiny application can be used offline and online for merging clinical and microbiology data, and generating collated reports to inform local antibiotic stewardship and infection control policies. Discussion: ACORN II is a comprehensive antimicrobial resistance surveillance activity which advocates pragmatic implementation and prioritises improving local diagnostic and antibiotic prescribing practices through patient-centred data collection. These data can be rapidly communicated to local physicians and infection prevention and control teams. Relative ease of data collection promotes sustainability and maximises participation and scalability. With ACORN-HAI as an example, ACORN II has the capacity to accommodate extensions to investigate further specific questions of interest

    ACORN (A Clinically-Oriented Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network) II: protocol for case based antimicrobial resistance surveillance

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    Background: Antimicrobial resistance surveillance is essential for empiric antibiotic prescribing, infection prevention and control policies and to drive novel antibiotic discovery. However, most existing surveillance systems are isolate-based without supporting patient-based clinical data, and not widely implemented especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Methods: A Clinically-Oriented Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network (ACORN) II is a large-scale multicentre protocol which builds on the WHO Global Antimicrobial Resistance and Use Surveillance System to estimate syndromic and pathogen outcomes along with associated health economic costs. ACORN-healthcare associated infection (ACORN-HAI) is an extension study which focuses on healthcare-associated bloodstream infections and ventilator-associated pneumonia. Our main aim is to implement an efficient clinically-oriented antimicrobial resistance surveillance system, which can be incorporated as part of routine workflow in hospitals in LMICs. These surveillance systems include hospitalised patients of any age with clinically compatible acute community-acquired or healthcare-associated bacterial infection syndromes, and who were prescribed parenteral antibiotics. Diagnostic stewardship activities will be implemented to optimise microbiology culture specimen collection practices. Basic patient characteristics, clinician diagnosis, empiric treatment, infection severity and risk factors for HAI are recorded on enrolment and during 28-day follow-up. An R Shiny application can be used offline and online for merging clinical and microbiology data, and generating collated reports to inform local antibiotic stewardship and infection control policies. Discussion: ACORN II is a comprehensive antimicrobial resistance surveillance activity which advocates pragmatic implementation and prioritises improving local diagnostic and antibiotic prescribing practices through patient-centred data collection. These data can be rapidly communicated to local physicians and infection prevention and control teams. Relative ease of data collection promotes sustainability and maximises participation and scalability. With ACORN-HAI as an example, ACORN II has the capacity to accommodate extensions to investigate further specific questions of interest