76 research outputs found

    Wireless Sensor System for Recycling

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    The motivation of this thesis was to research and design a prototype model of a wireless sensor network application, to be used as an automated detection infrastructure in recycling environment. The initial idea was to measure the level of the surface in a recycling container and transmit the information through a wireless communication system. The prototype is an initial step for recycling companies for building an automated detection network. Background of the research strongly supports the accomplished prototype. Study includes description of wireless environment with its problems and challenges. It proceeds with consideration of suitable wireless standards and considers most convenient sensor methods for recycling environment. Eventually document presents the prototype combining the studied entities. As a result, the prototype has two main operating parts: the wireless communication network and sensors. The network was realized with ZigBee standard by using two radio chips as communication nodes. Second communication node is attached to a recycling container and combined with two ultrasound sensors. This node includes a soft-ware algorithm, which is polling the state of the sensors regularly and deciding if the container is full. The node proceeds to transmission of the information to other communication node. This node is connected to computer and will transmit the information to be used by the recycling organization.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Hakukoneyhtiö Googlen markkina-asema Euroopan unionin kilpailulainsäädännön SEUT artiklan 102 puitteissa

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    Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia määräävää markkina-asemaa sekä sen määrittelyä digitaalisten markkinoiden ja Euroopan unionin kilpailulainsäädännön näkökulmasta. Digitalisaation lisääntyessä nykyinen kilpailulainsäädäntö tulee kohtaamaan jatkuvasti uusia haasteita, minkä takia on tärkeää tarkastella tämänhetkisen lainsäädännön soveltuvuutta digitaalisessa ympäristössä toimiviin yrityksiin. Tutkielmassa tarkastelun kohteeksi valittiin hakukoneyhtiö Google, joka on yksi maailman suurimmista digitaalisia palveluita tarjoavista teknologia-alan yrityksistä. Googlen määräävän markkina-aseman mahdollisuutta lähdettiin selvittämään EU:n kilpailulainsäädännön artiklan 102 puitteissa. Euroopan unionin komissio sai vuonna 2017 päätökseen tutkinnan Googlen määräävästä markkina-asemasta ja sen väärinkäytöstä, ja tämä komission tekemä ratkaisu haluttiin tuoda esille myös tässä tutkielmassa. Vertailemalla tutkielman ja komission esittämiä johtopäätöksiä nähdään, eroavatko ne toisistaan ja toisaalta, tuoko tutkielma esille myös uusia näkökulmia samasta aiheesta. Kahden eri johtopäätöksen vertailu on olennaista, sillä sen avulla nähdään, kuinka paljon artiklaa 102 voidaan soveltaa digitaalisilla markkinoilla toimivan yrityksen tarkasteluun. Tutkielmalle asetettua tavoitetta lähdettiin selvittämään artiklan 102 puitteissa. Tutkielman lainsäädännöllinen osa perustui EU:n komission laatimiin tiedonantoihin, jotka koskevat artiklan 102 soveltamista määräävän markkina-aseman määrittelyssä. Artikla 102 sovitettiin digitaalisille markkinoille soveltuvaksi oikeus- ja kauppatieteellisten lähteiden pohjalta. Googlen markkina-aseman määrittelyä varten piti selvittää sen relevantit markkinat ja markkinaosuus sekä mahdollisia laajentumisen ja markkinoille tulon esteitä Googlen relevanteilla markkinoilla. Näitä selvitettiin varsinaisessa tutkimusosuudessa, jossa käytettiin pääosin oikeus- ja kauppatieteellisiä lähteitä, mutta relevanttien markkinaosuuksien selvittämisessä käytettiin tutkimusaiheeseen liittyviä tilastoja. Tutkimusosuudessa todettiin, että Googlen relevantit markkinat ovat sekä horisontaaliset eli yleiset hakukonemarkkinat että digitaalisesta mainonnasta saatuun liikevaihtoon perustuvat markkinat. Googlen tapauksessa digitaalisesta mainonnasta saadun liikevaihdon nähtiin kuitenkin johtuvan sen korkeasta markkinaosuudesta horisontaalisilla hakukonemarkkinoilla. Korkea markkinaosuus oli puolestaan yhteydessä korkeisiin laajentumisen ja markkinoille tulon esteisiin. Tutkimustulokset siis osoittivat, että Googlella on määräävä markkina-asema EU:n kilpailulainsäädännön artiklan 102 puitteissa. Tutkielman johtopäätös oli saman suuntainen kuin EU:n komissiolla, mutta se toi esille myös uusia näkökulmia, mitä komission tekemässä ratkaisussa ei ole otettu huomioon

    Sources of value in application ecosystems

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    Mobile application stores have revolutionised the dynamics of mobile ecosystems. Research onmobile application ecosystems has been significantly driven by data that is focused on the visualisation of an ecosystem's dynamics. This is a valuable step towards understanding the nature of the ecosystems, but it is limited in its explanatory power. Thus, a theory-driven approach is needed to understand the overall dynamics of such systems. This study applies a theoretical framework of value creation in e-business in the context of mobile application ecosystems, with a focus on application developers. A qualitative research strategy is employed in testing operationalisationina sample of developers. The sample comprises 27 application developers from the three leading mobile application ecosystems. The results show that efficiency is the main source of value, products seldom create value through complementarities, and approaches towards lock-in and novelty seem to vary among application developers. The managerial and theoretical implications of such biased value creation in mobile ecosystems are considered. </div

    A Bibliographical Study of Software Product Management Research

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    Software Product Management (SPM) is a relatively young research area which aims to understand how to productise a software product or a service as well as how to align it with the organisation's strategy. While the research of an academic discipline of SPM started to emerge as yearly as 1990s, the most impactful works have been published during 2006–2007. To understand how this young field has emerged and developed, this paper presents a bibliometric study on SPM publications found from Scopus ( n=142 ). The identified studies have been produced by a small set of authors and institutions, which are mainly located in Europe. By using Bibliographic Coupling and Co-Citation metrics, the study shows that Software Product Management literature is drawing from several different related fields. Furthermore, the studied literature is tightly interconnected. The study also shows that the SPM field might be lacking a coherent intellectual background and new openings due to scattered research foci. To prevent this development, this work calls for a formation of a shared research agenda for the Software Product Management field.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Avoiding perceived past resource use of potential competitors affects niche dynamics in a bird community

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    Social information use is usually considered to lead to ecological convergence among involved con- or heterospecific individuals. However, recent results demonstrate that observers can also actively avoid behaving as those individuals being observed, leading to ecological divergence. This phenomenon has been little explored so far, yet it can have significant impact on resource use, realized niches and species co-existence. In particular, the time-scale and the ecological context over which such shifts can occur are unknown. We examined with a long-term (four years) field experiment whether experimentally manipulated, species-specific, nest-site feature preferences (symbols on nest boxes) are transmitted across breeding seasons and affect future nest-site preferences in a guild of three cavity-nesting birds.</p

    The past and the present in decision-making: the use of conspecific and heterospecific cues in nest site selection

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    Nest-site selection significantly affects fitness, so adaptations for assessment of the qualities of available sites are expected. The assessment may be based on personal or social information, social information referring to the observed location and performance of both con- and heterospecific individuals. Contrary to large-scale breeding habitat selection, small-scale nest-site selection within habitat patches is insufficiently understood. We analyzed nest-site selection in the migratory collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis in relation to present and past cues provided by conspecifics and by resident tits within habitat patches by using long-term data. Collared flycatchers preferred nest boxes that were occupied by conspecifics in the previous year. This preference was strongest in breeding pairs where both individuals bred in the same forest patch in the previous year. The results also suggest preference for nest boxes close to boxes where conspecifics had a high breeding success in the previous year, and for nest boxes which are presently surrounded by a high number of breeding great tits Parus major. The results indicate social information use in nest-site selection at a small spatial scale, where collared flycatchers use conspecific cues with a time lag of one year and heterospecific cues instantly.</p

    Comparison of standardized uptake values between Tc-99m-HDP SPECT/CT and F-18-NaF PET/CT in bone metastases of breast and prostate cancer

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    Background: Despite recent technological advances allowing for quantitative single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), quantitative SPECT has not been widely used in the clinical practice. The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of quantitative SPECT for measuring metastatic bone uptake in breast and prostate cancer by comparing standard uptake values (SUVs) measured with Tc-99m-HDP SPECT/CT and F-18-NaF PET/CT.Methods: Twenty-six breast and 27 prostate cancer patients at high risk of bone metastases underwent both Tc-99m-HDP SPECT/CT and F-18-NaF PET/CT within 14days of each other. The SPECT and PET data were reconstructed using ordered-subset expectation-maximization algorithms achieving quantitative images. Metastatic and benign skeletal lesions visible in both data sets were identified, and their maximum, peak, and mean SUVs (SUVmax, SUVpeak, and SUVmean) were determined. SUV ratios (SUVRs) between the lesions and adjacent normal appearing bone were also calculated. Linear regression was used to evaluate the correlations between the SUVs of SPECT and PET and Bland-Altman plots to evaluate the differences between the SUVs and SUVRs of SPECT and PET.Results: A total of 231 skeletal lesions, 129 metastatic and 102 benign, were analyzed. All three SUV measures correlated very strongly between SPECT and PET (R(2)0.80, pConclusion: The strong correlation between SUVs and similar SUVRs of Tc-99m-HDP SPECT/CT and F-18-NaF PET/CT demonstrate that SPECT is an applicable tool for clinical quantification of bone metabolism in osseous metastases in breast and prostate cancer patients.</div

    Ecological and evolutionary consequences of selective interspecific information use

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    Recent work has shown that animals frequently use social information from individuals of their own species as well as from other species; however, the ecological and evolutionary consequences of this social information use remain poorly understood. Additionally, information users may be selective in their social information use, deciding from whom and how to use information, but this has been overlooked in an interspecific context. In particular, the intentional decision to reject a behaviour observed via social information has received less attention, although recent work has indicated its presence in various taxa. Based on existing literature, we explore in which circumstances selective interspecific information use may lead to different ecological and coevolutionary outcomes between two species, such as explaining observed co-occurrences of putative competitors. The initial ecological differences and the balance between the costs of competition and the benefits of social information use potentially determine whether selection may lead to trait divergence, convergence or coevolutionary arms race between two species. We propose that selective social information use, including adoption and rejection of behaviours, may have far-reaching fitness consequences, potentially leading to community-level eco-evolutionary outcomes. We argue that these consequences of selective interspecific information use may be much more widespread than has thus far been considered

    HAS3-induced extracellular vesicles from melanoma cells stimulate IHH mediated c-Myc upregulation via the hedgehog signaling pathway in target cells.

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    Intercellular communication is fundamental to the survival and maintenance of all multicellular systems, whereas dysregulation of communication pathways can drive cancer progression. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are mediators of cell-to-cell communication that regulate a variety of cellular processes involved in tumor progression. Overexpression of a specific plasma membrane enzyme, hyaluronan synthase 3 (HAS3), is one of the factors that can induce EV shedding. HAS3, and particularly its product hyaluronan (HA), are carried by EVs and are known to be associated with the tumorigenic properties of cancer cells. To elucidate the specific effects of cancerous, HAS3-induced EVs on target cells, normal human keratinocytes and melanoma cells were treated with EVs derived from GFP-HAS3 expressing metastatic melanoma cells. We found that the HA receptor CD44 participated in the regulation of EV binding to target cells. Furthermore, GFP-HAS3-positive EVs induced HA secretion, proliferation and invasion of target cells. Our results suggest that HAS3-EVs contains increased quantities of IHH, which activates the target cell hedgehog signaling cascade and leads to the activation of c-Myc and regulation of claspin expression. This signaling of IHH in HAS3-EVs resulted in increased cell proliferation. Claspin immunostaining correlated with HA content in human cutaneous melanocytic lesions, supporting our in vitro findings and suggesting a reciprocal regulation between claspin expression and HA synthesis. This study shows for the first time that EVs originating from HAS3 overexpressing cells carry mitogenic signals that induce proliferation and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in target cells. The study also identifies a novel feedback regulation between the hedgehog signaling pathway and HA metabolism in melanoma, mediated by EVs carrying HA and IHH.Peer reviewe