77 research outputs found

    Paper ini menyajikan beberapa aplikasi  teknologi informasi dan multimedia dalam  manajemen pelayanan perpustakaan yang  lebih memikat, bersahabat, cepat, dan akurat. Beberapa layanan yang dideskripsikan  adalah navigasi ruangan pustaka, penelu-suran item pustaka, interlibrary loan (ILL),  dan informasi produk cetak dan multimedia. Metoda penelusuran pustaka yang komprehensif diakomodir dengan meng-gunakan model jaringan semantik (semantic  nets) yang memungkinkan penelusuran  satu atau lebih obyek dari berbagai jalur  asosiasi (relasi) yang relevan dengan  keinginan pengguna.

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    Paper ini menyajikan beberapa aplikasi  teknologi informasi dan multimedia dalam  manajemen pelayanan perpustakaan yang  lebih memikat, bersahabat, cepat, dan akurat. Beberapa layanan yang dideskripsikan  adalah navigasi ruangan pustaka, penelu-suran item pustaka, interlibrary loan (ILL),  dan informasi produk cetak dan multimedia. Metoda penelusuran pustaka yang komprehensif diakomodir dengan meng-gunakan model jaringan semantik (semantic  nets) yang memungkinkan penelusuran  satu atau lebih obyek dari berbagai jalur  asosiasi (relasi) yang relevan dengan  keinginan pengguna

    Food Chain Transparency for Food Loss and Waste Surveillance

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    Analisis Dimensi Fraktal untuk Identifikasi Tanaman dengan Pendekatan Pemrosesan Citra Secara Paralel

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    Abstract The use of camera vision and real-time computation as plant identification tool has become an active research. Application of both methods can not be separated from a pretension that the computation must produce correct results within the specified time interval where the truth of the calculation depends not only on logical truth but also on the time in which results are produced. The purpose of this  study is to identify plants with fractal dimension analysis and the application of parallel computing. Fractal dimension analysis results showed that each plant has a typical Fractal dimension value. Filtration process with a small window size is accompanied by the use of multiple processors indicates that the image processing in parallel show results much faster than processing with a single processor.Keywords: camera vision, fractal dimension analisys, filtration, parallel computing Diterima: 24 Mei 2010; Disetujui: 13 September 2010  

    Memposisikan Perpustakaan Daerah dalam Pengembangan E-Government Indonesia

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    This paper tries to show the position of the public library as one of the local devices in developing e-government in Indonesia. It is described about the egovernment and how important is the integral understanding to a variety of the government elements in supporting the development. The description is based on the understanding of the Indonesian government model with its current local autonomy which give the local government a huge power to execute the government functions. The library is directed as the information dissemination elements and the coomunication device between the local goverment and thesociety

    Software Design For Production Planning Of Chrysantemum Fresh Flower (Case Study At Pt. Alam Indah Bunga Nusantara, Cipanas – West Java)

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    This paper describes the development and implementation of software production planning of chrysantemum fresh flower. The software utilizes quantitative method time series (moving average and exponential smoothing) for predicting the demand of fresh flowers. The software is also equipped with a simulation utility (using Monte Carlo method) for computing total cost activity in one greenhouse tunnel during one period plant. Based on the case test observation carried out at PT. Alam Indah Bunga Nusantara Cipanas, it is obtained that the error introduced by qualitative forecasting is 15.12%. The errors of quantitative forecasting using moving average and exponential smoothing are 8.32 %, and 18.72 % respectively. The mean value of total cost simulation (Rp 28.291/m2) does not differ significantly from while the mean value of the real cost production (Rp 28.554/m2). This introduces error equal to 0.92%. Keywords: Chrysantemum, Monte Carlo, planning, production, simulatio

    Software Design For Production Planning Of Chrysantemum Fresh Flower (Case Study At Pt. Alam Indah Bunga Nusantara, Cipanas – West Java)

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    This paper describes the development and implementation of software production planning of chrysantemum fresh flower. The software utilizes quantitative method time series (moving average and exponential smoothing) for predicting the demand of fresh flowers. The software is also equipped with a simulation utility (using Monte Carlo method) for computing total cost activity in one greenhouse tunnel during one period plant. Based on the case test observation carried out at PT. Alam Indah Bunga Nusantara Cipanas, it is obtained that the error introduced by qualitative forecasting is 15.12%. The errors of quantitative forecasting using moving average and exponential smoothing are 8.32 %, and 18.72 % respectively. The mean value of total cost simulation (Rp 28.291/m2) does not differ significantly from while the mean value of the real cost production (Rp 28.554/m2). This introduces error equal to 0.92%. Keywords: Chrysantemum, Monte Carlo, planning, production, simulatio

    Analysing Signal Strength and Connection Speed in Cloud Networks for Enterprise Business Intelligence

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    Signal strength and speed connection data which are collected and available in a company have not been optimally and beneficially processed and stored for more added value business purposes. Therefore, the collected data need to be utilized in more strategic way for business intelligent in the company that enables management to conduct better and smarter decision making. This research is aimed to develop a business intelligence system based on cloud computing platform which is more flexible and manageable in terms of cost and resources. The developed system adopts the three tier architectures of data warehouse that provides data extraction, transform, and load (ETL) functions and the creation of dimensional models and visualization in dashboard forms. Business intelligence solutions have been created based on cloud computing using Microsoft Azure SQL Database as database storage of data warehouse and Power BI as a dimensional model and dashboard visualization. The developed system prototype has been implemented and tested for its functionalities and capabilities in a web platform

    Weed Control Decision Support System Based on Precision Agriculture Approach

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    Herbicides have been widely used for weed control in modern agriculture. However the use of herbicides is potentialy introducing negative impact to the environment due to excessive use of herbicides. Based on precision agriculture principles, unique and precise treatment of herbicide supply for a particular area for crop production must be performed. The objective of this research is to develop a decision support system (DSS) for schedulling of weed spraying and for selecting the proper nozzle size of the sprayers that introduce minimum negative impact to the environment. The main set of data required for our proposed system includes the set of 10 years weather data series acquired from remote sensing (NOAA and TRMM) and a set of vegetation index from MODIS EVI. The weather data set is utilized to determine the planting time period of paddy crop and to determine the proper size of the sprayers for weed spraying. Our DSS prototype has been implemented and tested with real data set in Jonggol district, West Java, Indonesia. The implementation, testing results, and future enhancement of our system are discussed in this paper

    Developing a Traceability System for Tuna Supply Chains

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    Tuna is one of the flagship export commodity from Indonesia which has special characteristics such as high perishable food and has a complex supply chain network. According to the characteristics, the potency of deterioration and cross contamination along the chain will be a challenge for every actor in tuna supply chain, to provide tuna product with the best quality and safe to consume. One of the tool to ensure the standard safety and quality is doing traceability system along tuna supply chain. It is very crucial because every actor in chain has a responsibility to ensure food safety and quality through handling, manufacturing, packaging, and transporting the product. The critical point that should be covered by traceability system in tuna supply chain includes temperature, content of histamine, quantity of TPC, and contents of bacterial pathogens like Salmonella, and the sanitation for workers, equipment and processing room. The Information Technology (IT) based tuna traceability system is proposed and discussed in this paper to optimizing the traceability system in tuna supply chain. This paper discusses the development of a traceability system architecture and prototype for tuna supply chains. The developed system prototype shows the functional capabilities required for backward and forward tracing of tuna fish transformation and movement along the chain involving many actors (from fishing vessels to retailers). The system also permits the monitoring of processes and products based on microbiological analysis and on existing SOPs owned by some actors in a a tuna supply chain. The implementation issues are also described in this paper


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    Threat to banking industries, other than Fintech in sector of payment such as the GoPay, threat is also come out of Fintech and Startup in sector of loan such as the UangTeman. Revolution in digital technology produced by the Fintech and the Startup changes people’s behavior to access financial services, from coming to bank office to be an access in using smart phone. Objectives and research methods use qualitative and quantitative approaches as follows: to identify existing core competencies of the Bank ABC using the VRIO (Valuable, Rare, Inimitable, Organized to Capture Value) and recommendation of future competencies using the industry foresight; to formulate and to look into strategic alternative using the Porter's Five Force, the Internal-External matrix, the SWOT matrix, and the QSPM; to recommend road maps to strategic implementation of the digital banking using the AHP. Research results recommend 3 future competencies that the Bank ABC needs to have in the digital banking development from development of 13 existing core competencies by implication in competitive advantage. The main strategic alternative for calculation result of the AHP is reengineering bank products that are able to be marketed by the Bank ABC or the Fintech and the Startup. Based on calculation of the AHP, the main future competency is the Two-Way Digitalization. Keywords: core competency, digital banking, digital technology, fintech, industry foresigh
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