91 research outputs found


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    Se propone cuestionar cómo se construye el discurso sobre el otro, creando una determinada imagen de lo turco en los relatos de viajes El Oriente de Vicente Blasco Ibáñez. Siguiendo las pautas de la imagología, se analiza la construcción de las imágenes turcas entre las nociones de referencialidad e interpretación de la realidad por parte del autor. Se pone en cuestión el concepto de la mirada objetiva del viajero, la que se observa como el resultado del encuentro/choque entre los conocimientos anteriores, prejuicios y la percepción de lo inmediato. Se interpreta la imagen de Turquía en relación con la posición del extranjero, los privilegios de Blasco Ibáñez como viajero en Constantinopla, su empeño de conocer al otro, etc. Se observa que la imagen final de lo turco se crea en la interacción entre el viajero, representante de lo occidental, y el pueblo turco. Teniendo en cuenta los elementos analizados, llegamos a la conclusión de que, a pesar de que la intención del autor es combatir el discurso orientalista vigente en la Europa occidental a finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX, sus artículos presentan una complejidad que debe ser revisada tomando en consideración tanto la voluntad del autor como las imágenes que son el resultado de la misma


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    The Image of Spain in the Travelogues and Newspaper Articles of Miloš Crnjanski

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    Doktorska disertacija Slika Španije u putopisima i novinskim člancima Miloša Crnjanskog koncentrisana je oko imagološkog preispitivanja slike Španije u putopisima i novinskim člancima Miloša Crnjanskog. Putovanje u strane zemlje obeležilo je život Miloša Crnjanskog (Čongrad, 1983 – Beograd, 1977), srpskog romanopisca, pesnika, dramaturga, putopisca, esejiste, publiciste. Sama biografija ovog autora nametnula je žanr putopisa. Budući da o boravku Miloša Crnjanskog u Španiji nema detaljnijih podataka u najpotpunijoj biografiji pisca, koju je sačinio Radovan Popović, rad nastaje iz potrebe istraživanja perioda života koji sam Crnjanski ističe kao veoma važan, ali i zbog značaja proučavanja nterkulturnih i interliterarnih odnosa dveju zemalja, preko analize dela Miloša Crnjanskog i uticaja koje je boravak u Španiji ostavio na autorov život, njegovu misao i poetiku. U radu se primenjuje analitičko-sintetički metodološki pristup, teorijske metode poststrukturalističke interdisciplinarne imagologije, nastale na osnovama komparatistike i interliterarnosti, a koja se bavi proučavanjem slike jednog naroda u književnom stvaralaštvu drugog naroda. Ovakvim teorijskim pristupom, predstavljenim u uvodnom delu disertacije, rad ima za cilj da preispita viziju Španije u putopisima i novinskim člancima Miloša Crnjanskog i da dovede ideje autora u vezu sa kontekstom aktuelnih rasprava o tzv. „španskom problemu“, odnosno sa opštom duhovnom atmosferom potrage za španskim nacionalnim identitetom u delima španskih književnika, političara i intelektualaca, naročito književne Generacije '98 u prvim decenijama 20. veka u Španiji.The PhD dissertation The Image of Spain in the Travelogues and Newspaper Articles of Miloš Crnjanski is concentrated on the imagological rethinking of the picture of Spain in the travelogues and newspaper articles of Miloš Crnjanski. The life of Miloš Crnjanski (Čongrad, 1983 – Belgrade, 1977), Serbian novelist, poet, laywright, travel writer, essayist, and publicist was labeled by travelling to the foreign countries. The biography of the author itself imposed the genre of travel writing. Since there is no detailed information on the staying of Miloš Crnjanski in Spain in the most thorough biography of the author, written by Radovan Popović, the dissertation originates from the need for the research of the period of life that Crnjanski himself emphasizes as very important, yet from the importance of the study of the intercultural and interliterary relations between these two countries as well, through the analysis of the work of Miloš Crnjanski and the influence of the staying in Spain on the author‟s life, thought, and poetics. The dissertation applies analytic-synthetic method, theoretical methods of poststructuralist interdisciplinary imagology developed on the basis of comparative and inter literary studies that examines images of a nation in the literary opus of another nation. With this theoretical approach, presented in the introduction of the dissertation, the thesis aims at reexamining the image of Spain in the travelogues and newspaper articles of Miloš Crnjanski and at relating the ideas of the author to the context of the current discussions on so called Spanish issue, meaning to the general spiritual atmosphere of the search for Spanish national identity in the works of Spanish writers, politicians, and intellectuals, especially those of Generation ’98 in the first decade of 20th century in Spain

    Somatostatin acts by inhibiting pituitary TSH cells in female rats

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    The effects of intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) administered synthetic somatostatins (SRIH-14 and SRIH-28) on pituitary TSH cells of adult female rats were studied. The animals were i.c.v. injected with three 1.0 μg (5 μ1) doses of SRIH-14 or SRIH-28 every second day and sacrificed five days after the last dose. The controls received an equivalent volume of saline in the same manner according to the same schedule. The pituitary glands were excised and used for immunohistochemical and morphometric evaluation. The results obtained demonstrated a somatostatin-related decrease in relative pituitary weight. The morphometric analyzes showed decreased volumetric density of TSH-immunoreactive cells in SRIH-treated groups, but this difference was more expressed in SRIH-14- treated animals than in those receiving SRIH-28. On the basis of these results it can be concluded that centrally administered somatostatins inhibit TSH cells.Ispitivani su efekti intracerebroventrikularno (i.c.v.) injiciranih sintetičkih somatostatina (SRIH-14 i SRIH-28) na hipofizne TSH ćelije adultnih ženki pacova. Životinje su i.c.v. injicirane satri doze od po 1 μg SRIH-14 ili -28 rastvorenog u 5 pi fiziološkog rastvora svaki drugi dan, a žrtvovane 5 dana posle poslednje injekcije. Kontrole su tretirane odgovarajućom dozom fiziološkog rastvora. Hipofize su izolovane i pripremljene za imunocitohemijska i morfometrijska ispitivanja. Oba somatostatina izazivaju smanjenje relativne težine hipofize. Morfometrijska analiza pokazuje da je u obe tretirane grupe životinja volumenska gustina TSH-imunoreaktivnih ćelija smanjena te razlike su značajnije izražene u grupi životinja tretiranih sa SRIH-14 u odnosu na one tretirane sa SRIH-28. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata možemo zaključiti da centralno aplikovani somatostatini inhibiraju TSH ćelije hipofize.nul

    Zeleni krovovi u kontekstu klimatskih promena - pregled novih iskustava

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    In the recent years, green roofs have become increasingly important, especially within the context of climate change. Besides the fact that are contributing to the increasing of the total urban surface under vegetation, green roofs are having beneficial effects on the quality and quantity of storm water, on reducing the effect of the urban heat island (UHI), the consumption of the energy for cooling and heating etc. Taking into account the fact that the development of green roofs have being increasingly used as measure within adaptation strategy to climate change, the main aim of the paper is to present an overview of the contemporary tendencies within green roofs development. The paper provides an insight within historical context, existing framework in terms of policies and programs which are promoting green roofs development and as well researches covering the performances of the green roofs. Special attention is also given to the situation in the Republic of Serbia. Consequently, one of the conclusions of the paper stress out the necessity to provide the conditions for promotion of the green roof development, not only as a measure but also as a passive cooling technique. In that sense, the recommendations of the paper are promoting the revision of the Draft Law on the protection and promotion of the green spaces, taking into account climate change and the role of the green infrastructure, developing of the legal and planning frameworks within spatial and urban planning which will promote the green roofs development as well the promotion of the research which will quantified other positive effects of the green roofs.Zeleni krovovi u urbanim sredinama poslednjih godina sve više dobijaju na značaju, posebno u kontekstu klimatskih promena. Pored toga što doprinose povećanju ukupne površine pod vegetacijom, zeleni krovovi povoljno utiču na kvalitet i kvantitet atmosferskih voda, umanjuju efekat urbanih toplotnih ostrva (UTO), umanjuju ukupnu potrošnju energije za hlađenje i grejanje objekata i dr. Kada se uzme u obzir činjenica da se izgradnja zelenih krovova sve više primenjuje kao jedna od mera za obezbeđivanje uslova za adaptaciju urbanih sredina na klimatske promene, osnovni cilj rada jeste da prikaže savremene tendencije razvoja zelenih krovova. Pored osvrta na istorijski kontekst, pregleda postojećih okvira, u smislu politika i programa koji zastupaju ozelenjavanje krovova kao strateški prioritet u borbi protiv klimatskih promena i pored uvida u dostupne rezultate istraživanja performansi zelenih krovova u odnosu na ispitivane parametre, poseban osvrt dat je na stanje u Republici Srbiji. Shodno tome, jedan od zaključaka rada ukazuje na neophodnost obezbeđivanja uslova za promociju razvoja zelenih krovova, ne samo kao planske mere već i pasivne tehnike hlađenja. S tim u vezi, preporuke rada su inoviranje predloga Nacrta Zakona o zaštiti i unapređenju zelenih površina u skladu sa novim tendencijama, uz uvažavanje klimatskih promena i uloge zelene infrastrukture, uspostavljanje zakonskih i planskih okvira u prostornom i urbanističkom planiranju koji bi podržali razvoj zelenih krovova kao i promovisanje istraživanja koja bi kvantifikovala ostale pozitivne uticaje koje ostvaruje zeleni krov

    Somatostatin acts by inhibiting pituitary TSH cells in female rats

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    The effects of intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) administered synthetic somatostatins (SRIH-14 and SRIH-28) on pituitary TSH cells of adult female rats were studied. The animals were i.c.v. injected with three 1.0 μg (5 μ1) doses of SRIH-14 or SRIH-28 every second day and sacrificed five days after the last dose. The controls received an equivalent volume of saline in the same manner according to the same schedule. The pituitary glands were excised and used for immunohistochemical and morphometric evaluation. The results obtained demonstrated a somatostatin-related decrease in relative pituitary weight. The morphometric analyzes showed decreased volumetric density of TSH-immunoreactive cells in SRIH-treated groups, but this difference was more expressed in SRIH-14- treated animals than in those receiving SRIH-28. On the basis of these results it can be concluded that centrally administered somatostatins inhibit TSH cells.Ispitivani su efekti intracerebroventrikularno (i.c.v.) injiciranih sintetičkih somatostatina (SRIH-14 i SRIH-28) na hipofizne TSH ćelije adultnih ženki pacova. Životinje su i.c.v. injicirane satri doze od po 1 μg SRIH-14 ili -28 rastvorenog u 5 pi fiziološkog rastvora svaki drugi dan, a žrtvovane 5 dana posle poslednje injekcije. Kontrole su tretirane odgovarajućom dozom fiziološkog rastvora. Hipofize su izolovane i pripremljene za imunocitohemijska i morfometrijska ispitivanja. Oba somatostatina izazivaju smanjenje relativne težine hipofize. Morfometrijska analiza pokazuje da je u obe tretirane grupe životinja volumenska gustina TSH-imunoreaktivnih ćelija smanjena te razlike su značajnije izražene u grupi životinja tretiranih sa SRIH-14 u odnosu na one tretirane sa SRIH-28. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata možemo zaključiti da centralno aplikovani somatostatini inhibiraju TSH ćelije hipofize.nul


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    The spatial distribution of various organochlorinated compounds (PCBs and ОCPs (DDTs, HCB, and HCHs)) were investigated in sediments of Serbia\u27s stretch of the Danube River. The obtained concentrations appeared to be relatively low in comparison with other river sediments worldwide. The results demonstrated a wide range of concentrations (µg/kg dry weight) with the following decreasing order: Σ6DDTs (0.70 - 16.65) > Σ 7PCBs (0.25 - 3.54) > Σ 5HCH (0.04 - 2.28) > HCB (0.06 - 0.62), with a dominance of o,p’ -DDT. Relatively higher ΣDDT concentrations and high DDT/DDE + DDD ratios in two sampling locations near the industrial cities indicates a current DDT usage, probably linked to public health concerns. Compositional analyses indicated that hexa- and hepta-PCBs were dominant for PCBs. Our results indicated that the contamination with PCBs came from nonpoint deposition, such as atmospheric contribution and surface runoff, for lightly chlorinated congeners and point source deposition, such as the industrial sources along river flow, for highly chlorinated congeners, whereas OCPs originate mainly from old residues and new usage of pesticides in agriculture and aquaculture. These results contribute to the sparse regional database for organochlorinated compounds in the Danube basin

    Pozitivni efekti rehabilitacije sluha i govora na kvalitet leksičkog fonda dece sa oštećenim sluhom

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    Background/Aim. Initial experiences in rehabilitation of children with cochlear implants and frequent debates regarding the effects of their application have imposed the necessity to compare the effects of speech rehabilitation in children with hearing aids with those having cochlear implants. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the level of lexical development in hearing impaired children who are involved in the process of hearing and speech-language rehabilitation and who were amplified by hearing aids or cochlear implants. Methods. The sample consisted of 55 children aged 3-6 years, diagnosed with prelingual bilateral hearing impairment with a hearing threshold above 90 dB. All examined children had average intellectual abilities and no additonal impairments. The sample was divided into 2 groups: E1 group consisted of 30 children with cochlear implants and E2 group consisted of 25 children who were amplified by individual hearing aids. Research methodology included a Test of Vocabulary. The testing was performed individually. A year after the testing, a retest was done. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS v. 17 for Windows. Results. The largest number of children had average achievements on a Test of Vocabulary during initial testing. After a year (retest) significant improvements were noticed. A large number of children had above average achievements (46.7% in the E1 and 36% in the E2 group) while the number of children with below average achievements was significantly reduced (3.3% in the E1 and 8% in the E2). A comparative analysis of the test and those with gearing aids achievements showed that there was no statistically significant difference between children with cochlear implants and retest. Conclusion. Significant improvement of the achievements on retest in both groups can be explained by positive effects of systematic, planned, intensive and continuous rehabilitation of hearing impaired children, and not by application of certain type of hearing amplification.Uvod/Cilj. Početna iskustva sa rehabilitacijom dece sa kohlearnim implantima i česte debate u vezi efekata njihove primene nameću neophodnost poređenja efekata rehabilitacije govora dece sa slušnim pomagalima sa decom koja imaju kohlearne implante. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se proceni i uporedi nivo razvijenosti leksičkog fonda dece oštećenog sluha koja su uključena u proces rehabilitacije slušanja i govora, a koja su amplifikovana slušnim aparatima ili kohlearnim implantom. Metode. Uzorak je obuhvatio 55-oro dece uzrasta 3-6 godina kod kojih je dijagnostifikovano prelingvalno obostrano oštećenje sluha sa pragom čujnosti od preko 90 dB. Sva deca, su imala prosečne intelektualne sposobnosti i bila su bez dodatnih oštećenja. Uzorak je podeljen na grupu dece koja su kohlearno implantirana (E1 grupa = 30) i grupu dece koja su amplifikovana individualnim slušnim aparatima (E2 grupa = 25). U istraživanju je korišćen Test rečnik. Testiranje je obavljano individualno. Nakon godinu dana od testiranja, rađen je retest. Statistička obrada rezultata izvršena je pomoću je programom SPSS v. 17 for WIDOWS. Rezultati. Najveći broj ispitanika pokazao je prosečna postignuća na Test rečniku, na prvom testiranju. Nakon godinu dana (na retestu) uočena su značajna poboljšanja. Veliki broj ispitanika imao je iznadprosečna postignuća (46,7% u grupi E1 i 36% u grupi E2), a smanjen je i broj ispitanika koji su imali ispodprosečna postignuća (3.3% u grupi E1 i 8% u grupi E2). Komparativnom analizom postignuća dece (na testu i retestu) sa kohlearnim implantom i dece sa individualnim slušnim aparatima primećeno je da između pomenutih grupa ispitanika nije bilo statistički značajne razlike. Zaključak. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata istraživanja možemo zaključiti da je značajno poboljšanje postignuća ispitanika na retestu u obe ispitivane grupe moguće objasniti pozitivnim efektima sistematski planirane, intenzivne i kontinuirane rehabilitacije dece oštećenog sluha, a ne primenom određenog tipa slušne amplifikacije

    Razvoj obјekata hortikulture u strukturi urbane matrice Banjaluke

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    Obјekti hortikulture u procesu urbanog razvoјa Banjaluke su predmet i tematski okvir ovoga istraživanјa. U domenu transformaciјe urbane matrice, a na temelju literature, te pisane i grafičke arhivske građe, kao i na terenu ustanovljenih činjenica, analizirani su razvojni tokovi objekata hortikulture kroz određene istorijske epohe. Rezultate istraživanja moguće јe implementirati na polju planiranja, uređenja i regeneracije obјekata hortikulture kako za ef­i­kasniјe rјešavanje aktuelnih problema, tako i za stalno praćenje promiјena u na­či­nima korišćenja zelenih prostora Banjaluke