147 research outputs found

    Methodology and Tools for Field Testing of Synchrophasor Systems

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    The electrical power grid, as one of today’s most critical infrastructures, requires constant monitoring by operators to be aware of and react to any threats to the system’s condition. With control centers typically located far away from substations and other physical grid equipment, field measurement data forms the basis for a vast majority of control decisions in power system operation. For that reason, it is imperative to ensure the highest level of data integrity as erroneous data may lead to inappropriate control actions with potentially devastating consequences. Performance of one of the most advanced monitoring systems, the synchrophasor system, is the focus of this thesis. This research will look at testing techniques used for performance assessment of synchrophasor system performance in the field. Existing methods will be reviewed and evaluated for deficiencies in capturing system performance regarding data quality. The focus of this work will be on improving synchrophasor data quality, by introducing new testing methodology that utilizes a nested testing approach for end-to-end testing in the field using a portable test set and associated software tools. The capability of such methods and these tools to fully characterize and evaluate the performance of synchrophasor systems in the field will be validated through implementation in a large-scale testbed. The purpose of this research is to specify, develop and implement a methodology and associated tools for field-testing of synchrophasor systems. To this day, there is no dedicated standard for field-testing of synchrophasor systems. This resulted in an inability to define widely accepted procedures to detect deterioration of system performance due to poor data quality and caused communication failures, unacceptable device and subsystem accuracy, or loss of calibration. This work will demonstrate how the new approach addresses the mentioned performance assessment gap. The feasibility of implementation of the proposed test procedures will be demonstrated using different test system configurations available in a large-scale testbed. The proposed method is fully leveraging the benefits of a portable device specifically developed for field-testing, which may be used for improvement of commissioning, maintenance and troubleshooting tests for existing installations. Use Cases resulting from this work will illustrate the practical benefits of the proposed methodology and associated tools

    Некоторые хлорсодержащие минералы из месторождения Самсон (Хакасия)

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    В статье приведена характеристика хлорсодержащих минералов, их оптические свойства, химический состав мономинеральных фракций, дан пересчет на кристаллическую формулу минералов - скаполит, дашкесанит, гастингсит, которые представляют интерес для решения вопроса о формах переноса рудного вещества

    Особливості світових систем бізнес-інкубації та сукупність зв'язків між суб'єктами у них

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    У статті проаналізовано світові системи бізнес-інкубаторів. Визначені основні функції бізнес-інкубаторів. Проведено аналіз характеру зв'язків, що існують у структурі інноваційних бізнес-інкубаторів. Особливу увагу приділено впливу мережевої структури інноваційних бізнес-інкубаторів на ефективність їхнього функціонування.The world systems of business-incubators are analyzed in the article. The basic functions of business incubators were determined. The analysis of character of connections exist in the structure of innovative business-incubators were done. The special attention was spared by influence of network structure of innovative business-incubators on efficiency of their functions

    Unleashing the Potentials of Immersive Augmented Reality for Software Engineering

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    In immersive augmented reality (IAR), users can wear a head-mounted display to see computer-generated images superimposed to their view of the world. IAR was shown to be beneficial across several domains, e.g., automotive, medicine, gaming and engineering, with positive impacts on, e.g., collaboration and communication. We think that IAR bears a great potential for software engineering but, as of yet, this research area has been neglected. In this vision paper, we elicit potentials and obstacles for the use of IAR in software engineering. We identify possible areas that can be supported with IAR technology by relating commonly discussed IAR improvements to typical software engineering tasks. We further demonstrate how innovative use of IAR technology may fundamentally improve typical activities of a software engineer through a comprehensive series of usage scenarios outlining practical application. Finally, we reflect on current limitations of IAR technology based on our scenarios and sketch research activities necessary to make our vision a reality. We consider this paper to be relevant to academia and industry alike in guiding the steps to innovative research and applications for IAR in software engineering