13 research outputs found

    Assessing the representation of teleconnective drivers of rainfall over Eastern Africa in global and regional climate models and projected future changes

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    Climate variability is an important characteristic of regional climate, and a subject to significant control from teleconnections. An extended diagnosis of the capacity of climate models to represent remote controls of regional climate (teleconnections) is vital for assessing model-based predictions of climate variability, understanding uncertainty in climate projections and model development. An important driver of climate variability for Africa is the sea surface temperature (SST) - rainfall teleconnection, such as the El Ni˜no/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). In this study, an assessment of the teleconnection between tropical SSTs and Eastern African rainfall in global and regional climate models is presented, with particular attention paid to the propagation of large-scale teleconnection signals (as represented by model reanalyses and Coupled Global Climate models (CGCMs)) into the domain of the Regional Climate Models (RCMs). The teleconnection-rainfall relationship with the Eastern Africa region is assessed in two rainfall seasons (June-July-August-September and October-November- December) under present and future periods. Evaluation runs (RCMs driven by reanalysis datasets) and historical simulations (RCMs driven by CGCMs) are assessed to quantify the ability of the models to capture the teleconnection relationship. The future analysis is performed for two Representative Concentration Pathway scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) to assess future change in this relationship as a result of global warming. Using ERA-interim reanalysis as perfect boundary conditions, the RCMs adequately simulate the spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall in comparison with observations, although the model performance varies locally and seasonally within the region. Furthermore, the RCMs correctly capture the magnitude and spatial extent regional-scale seasonal rainfall anomalies associated with large-scale oceanic modes (ENSO and IOD). When the lateral boundary conditions are provided by CGCMs, RCMs barely capture the regional teleconnection patterns associated with large-scale modes, and mostly depend on the selection of the driving CGCM. Comparison of the CGCM-driven RCM simulations with the reanalysis-driven RCM simulations revealed that most of the errors in teleconnection found in the RCM simulations are inherited from the host CGCMs. The ERA-Interim driven downscaled results show better agreement with observed spatial teleconnection patterns than the CGCM driven downscaled results. Analysis of the CGCMs and corresponding downscaled results showed that in most cases both the CGCM and the corresponding downscaled simulations had similar teleconnection patterns, but in some cases the RCM results diverge to those of the driving CGCM results. It has been demonstrated that similarities in SST-rainfall teleconnection patterns between the RCM simulations and respective driving CGCM simulations are noted over the equatorial and southern part of the region during OND season, where the rainfall is primarily controlled by large-scale (synoptic-scale) features, with the RCMs maintaining the overall regional patterns from the forcing models. Di↵erences in RCM simulations from corresponding driving simulations are noted mainly over northern part of the domain during JJAS, which is most likely related to mesoscale processes that are not resolved by CGCMs. Looking at the model projections of the future, although the spatial pattern of teleconnections between ENSO/IOD and rainfall still persist, important changes in the strength of the teleconnection have been found. During JJAS, ENSO is an important driver of rainfall variability in the northern parts of the region where dry anomalies are associated with El Ni˜no and wetter anomalies with La Ni˜na. Both regional and global ensemble projections show higher rainfall during La Ni˜na and lower rainfall during El Ni˜no over the northern part of the region compared to the present period. During OND, the teleconnection between ENSO/IOD and rainfall is projected to strengthen (weaken) over Eastern horn of Africa (southern parts of the region) compared to the present period. This implies heavy seasonal rains associated with positive phases of ENSO and IOD will increase in future across the Eastern horn of Africa. The change OND rainfall teleconnections are stronger and also more consistent between the models and scenarios as compared to the change in JJAS teleconnections. These findings have an important implication for the water and agricultural managers and policies in the region to tackle the anticipated droughts and floods associated anthropogenic climate change. Finally, the analysis demonstrated that the largest source of uncertainty in the regional climate model simulations in the context of teleconnective forcing of rainfall over Eastern Africa is the choice of CGCM used to force the RCMs, reinforcing the understanding that the use of a single GCM to downscale climate predictions/projections and using the downscaled product for assessment of climate change projections is insufficient. Simulations from multiple RCMs nested in more than one GCM, as is undertaken in the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX), are needed to characterize the uncertainty and provide estimates of likely ranges of future regional climate changes

    Assessment of the performance of CORDEX Regional Climate Models in Simulating Eastern Africa Rainfall

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    This study evaluates the ability of 10 regional climate models (RCMs) from the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) in simulating the characteristics of rainfall patterns over eastern Africa. The seasonal climatology, annual rainfall cycles, and interannual variability of RCM output have been assessed over three homogeneous subregions against a number of observational datasets. The ability of the RCMs in simulating large-scale global climate forcing signals is further assessed by compositing the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) events. It is found that most RCMs reasonably simulate the main features of the rainfall climatology over the three subregions and also reproduce the majority of the documented regional responses to ENSO and IOD forcings. At the same time the analysis shows significant biases in individual models depending on subregion and season; however, the ensemble mean has better agreement with observation than individual models. In general, the analysis herein demonstrates that the multimodel ensemble mean simulates eastern Africa rainfall adequately and can therefore be used for the assessment of future climate projections for the region

    Teaching Effectiveness of Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching and Integrated Curriculum Graduate Teachers: Investigating Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions

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    A new teacher education package has been introduced in Ethiopia by the Ministry of Education, which is called the Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching (PGDT), for secondary schools since 2011, replacing the integrated curriculum teacher education program with the purpose of equipping trainees with the knowledge and skills needed. However, little research has been carried out on the effectiveness of the PGDT in relation to the previous (integrated curriculum) programme in the actual practices in secondary schools yet. This study, therefore, aims to assess the students’ and teachers’ perceptions of the teaching effectiveness of the PGDT and integrated curriculum graduate teachers in secondary schools in North Wollo Zone, Ethiopia. Data were gathered from participant students (n = 214) and teachers (n = 16) using purposive sampling. To gather data, questionnaires were employed. The data were analyzed quantitatively using mean, standard deviations, and one-sample t-test. The findings of the study revealed that students and teachers show slightly more positive perceptions of the effectiveness of PGDT, especially in subject matter knowledge; the scores are also significant. However, the results indicated that both the PGDT and integrated curriculum graduate teachers use the lecture method of teaching. Recommendations were forwarded for teacher development, instruction, and research on PGDT. Limitations and future directions of the study are also summarized and discussed

    Teleconnection responses in multi‑GCM driven CORDEX RCMs over Eastern Africa

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    The ability of climate models to simulate atmospheric teleconnections provides an important basis for the use and analysis of climate change projections. This study examines the ability of COordinated Regional climate Downscaling EXperiment models, with lateral and surface boundary conditions derived from Coupled Global Climate Models (CGCMs), to simulate the teleconnections between tropical sea surface temperatures and rainfall over Eastern Africa. The ability of the models to simulate the associated changes in atmospheric circulation patterns over the region is also assessed. The models used in the study are Rossby Centre regional atmospheric model (RCA) driven by eight CGCMs and COnsortium for Small scale MOdeling (COSMO) Climate Limited-area Modelling (COSMO-CLM or CCLM) driven by four of the same CGCMs. Teleconnection patterns are examined using correlation, regression and composite analysis. In order to identify the source of the errors, CGCM-driven regional climate model (RCM) results are compared with ERA-Interim driven RCM results. Results from the driving CGCMs are also analyzed. The RCMs driven by reanalysis (quasi-perfect boundary conditions) successfully capture rainfall teleconnections in most examined regions and seasons. Our analysis indicates that most of the errors in simulating the teleconnection patterns come from the driving CGCMs. RCMs driven by MPI-ESM-LR, HadGEM2-ES and GFDL-ESM2M tend to perform relatively better than RCMs driven by other CGCMs. CanESM2 and MIROC5, and their corresponding downscaled results capture the teleconnections in most of the sub-regions and seasons poorly. This highlights the relative importance of CGCM-derived boundary conditions in the downscaled product and the need to improve these as well as the RCMs themselves. Overall, the results produced here will be very useful in identifying and selecting CGCMs and RCMs for the use of climate change projecting over the Eastern Africa.JRC.H.7-Climate Risk Managemen

    Projected effects of 1.5 °C and 2 °C global warming levels on the intra-seasonal rainfall characteristics over the Greater Horn of Africa

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    This study examines the effects of 1.5 °C and 2 °C global warming levels (GWLs) on intra-seasonal rainfall characteristics over the Greater Horn of Africa. The impacts are analysed based on the outputs of a 25-member regional multi-model ensemble from the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment project. The regional climate models were driven by Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 Global Climate Models for historical and future (RCP8.5) periods. We analyse the three major seasons over the region, namely March–May, June–September, and October–December. Results indicate widespread robust changes in the mean intra-seasonal rainfall characteristics at 1.5 °C and 2 °C GWLs especially for the June–September and October–December seasons. The March–May season is projected to shift for both GWL scenarios with the season starting and ending early. During the June–September season, there is a robust indication of delayed onset, reduction in consecutive wet days and shortening of the length of rainy season over parts of the northern sector under 2 °C GWL. During the October–December season, the region is projected to have late-onset, delayed cessation, reduced consecutive wet days and a longer season over most of the equatorial region under the 2 °C GWL. These results indicate that it is crucial to limit the GWL to below 1.5 °C as the differences between the 1.5 °C and 2 °C GWLs in some cases exacerbates changes in the intra-seasonal rainfall characteristics over the Greater Horn of Africa