120 research outputs found

    Analysis and Modeling of New and Emerging Occupational Risks in the Context of Advanced Manufacturing Processes

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    Besides traditional occupational risks, advanced manufacturing processes (AMP) can generate other risks described by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) as “new and emerging risks” (NER) to occupational safety and health. Several studies have been carried out by the EU-OSHA in order to identify all these risks. However, the direct use of this set of NER in identification procedures of occupational risks, generally applied in labour processes and particularly in AMP, may result in the identification of traditional occupational risks rather than NER, mainly because they have been defined without following a risk reference model. To solve this problem a risk model has been developed that improves and complements the NER definition of EU-OSHA, from which a second model has been developed to analyze the structure of the considered set of NER. It is observed that with the results obtained, the current descriptions of these NER do not explain their quality of “new and “emerging”

    Structural and Technological Features of the Emerging Occupational Hazard in Manufacturing Environments

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    En los entornos de fabricación pueden existir riesgos denominados por la Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo como riesgos nuevos y emergentes. Con el presente trabajo se han analizado las características estructurales y tecnológicas de dichos riesgos aplicando recientes modelos. De los resultados obtenidos se desprende como principal conclusión que las descripciones de estos riesgos no permiten comprender sus cualidades nuevas y emergentes. No obstante, ha sido posible identificar entre dichos riesgos un conjunto de aspectos tecnológicos con el que establecer un punto de partida en materia de riesgos nuevos y emergentes en entornos de fabricación.In manufacturing environments there can be risks described by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work as “new and emerging risks”. In this paper, structural and technological characteristics of these risks have been analyzed by applying new models. The main apparent conclusion from the results is that from the descriptions of those risks it is not possible to understand its new and emerging qualities. However, it has been possible to identify among those risks a set of technological aspects with which a starting point in the field of new and emerging risks in manufacturing environments can be established

    Sound recordings of leading professors of Spanish Manufacturing Engineering. Analysis of contents.

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    ISBN 978-84-09-10387-4"Academic Lives in Industrial Engineering" is one of the different initiatives developed by PATRIF, a Working Group of the Manufacturing Engineering Society (MES) / Sociedad de Ingeniería de Fabricación (SIF). This activity intends to create a sound recording archive with interview format, in order to disseminate the trajectory of the great professors of the Spanish Industrial Engineers Faculties. It seeks to preserve and bring closer to the new generations the experiences and the personality of these professors, with a story told in the first person. This work aims to show the characteristics of this activity, presenting the profile of the interviewees, pointing out the most outstanding aspects of their interventions, carrying out an analysis of the follow-up of the broadcasted interviews and assessing their impact. Despite other areas of engineering are covered in this initiative, present work limit its analysis to the group of professors who have developed their academic and professional life within the Manufacturing Engineering and it also wants to serve as tribute and recognition to their trajectories and dedication to the Spanish Manufacturing Engineering.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Analysis of Open Resources from INSHT for Application to University Teaching of Industrial Safety Technology

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    This work is developed in the teaching context of the subject “Technological Aspects of Safety” (ATS) as part of the University Master's Degree in Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) of the National University of Distance Education (UNED). A classification of Industrial Safety Technologies, grouped in ATS, has been developed that links basic rules applicable to the technical guides (TG) and Technical Notes Prevention (NTP) of the National Institute of Safety and Health at Work (INSHT). The TG are essential tools for the technical interpretation of associated regulations, as their updates are generally adequate, not so for the NTP, especially considering that 54% of those analyzed predate 1997 (beginning of basic regulatory development). However, the characteristics of the classification aids the design of teaching activities, focused on the analysis and knowledge of the industrial safety technologies

    Analysis of documental heritage of CETA in standardization of the Spanish manufacturing automotive industry

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    El presente trabajo muestra el proceso de recopilación, análisis, revisión y gestión realizada sobre el conjunto de normas CETA (Centro de Estudios Técnicos de Automoción), que constituyeron un interesante proceso de normalización llevado a cabo en el sector industrial relacionado con la fabricación de vehículos automóviles y que es uno de los elementos más desconocidos del patrimonio normalizador español. Asimismo, se ha realizado una evaluación comparativa con la normativa UNE vigente. La normativa analizada presenta una serie de características que la diferencian de la normalización actual. Los resultados muestran la influencia positiva que las normas CETA ejercieron en el desarrollo del propio sector así como la importancia que las mismas tuvieron en la generación de contenidos de actuales normas UNE.Universidad de Málaga – Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    New Risk Methodology Based on Control Charts to Assess Occupational Risks in Manufacturing Processes

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    The accident rate in the EU-28 region of the European Union showed a value of 2 fatal accidents per 100,000 people in 2019 that mainly affect construction (24%), manufacturing (19%) and logistics (19%). To manage situations that affect occupational risk at work, a review of existing tools is first carried out taking into account three prevention, simultaneity and immediacy characteristics. As a result, a new dynamic methodology called Statistical Risk Control (SRC) based on Bayesian inference, control charts and analysis of the hidden Markov chain is presented. The objective is to detect a situation outside the limits early enough to allow corrective actions to reduce the risk before an accident occurs. A case is developed in a medium-density fiberboard (MDF) manufacturing plant, in which five inference models based on Poisson, exponential and Weibull distributions and risk parameters following gamma and normal distributions have been tested. The results show that the methodology offers all three characteristics, together with a better understanding of the evolution of the operators in the plant and the safety barriers in the scenario under study.This research was funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain, with reference DPI2016-79824-R

    Analysis of Metrological Requirements in Occupational Health and Safety Regulations Related to the Emerging Risk of Exposure to Vibrations

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    In occupational exposure to vibration, the risk assessment process is defined through a regulatory framework that presents some relevant metrological problems. This framework considers methods based on estimation and on measurements. Estimation methods could employ existing information that is provided for each manufacturer to each individual tool or application to carry out such estimation. The use of estimation methods has some problems, such as substantial uncertainty. When using measurement methods, some metrological aspects are not fully defined. Therefore, a new and emerging risk appears due to certain methodologic limitations. Consequently, the variation between the estimated and the actual values could overestimate the level of occupational exposure to vibrations. Thus, with this paper, a critical analysis of this emerging metrological problem is provided. For this, a critical analysis of the metrological requirements regarding European standards is developed. To this end, the estimation method and measure method are investigated, considering, in both cases, the main factors related to uncertainty, reliability, and traceability. With this structure, a set of metrological limitations have been identified, thus pointing towards future lines of research that allow the improvement of the process of assessing the level of occupational exposure to vibrations.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, with the title: “Analysis and Assessment of technological requirements for the design of a New Emerging Risks standardized management SYStem (A2NERSYS)” with reference DPI2016-79824-R

    Risk Management of Hazardous Materials in Manufacturing Processes: Links and Transitional Spaces between Occupational Accidents and Major Accidents

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    Manufacturing processes involving chemical agents are evolving at great speed. In this context, managing chemical risk is especially important towards preventing both occupational accidents and major accidents. Directive 89/391/EEC and Directive 2012/18/EU, respectively, are enforced in the European Union (EU) to this end. These directives may be further complemented by the recent ISO 45001:2018 standard regarding occupational health and safety management systems. These three management systems are closely related. However, scientific literature tackles the researching of these accidents independently. Thus, the main objective of this work is to identify and analyse the links and transitional spaces between the risk management of both types of accident. Among the results obtained, three transitional spaces can be pointed out which result from the intersection of the three systems mentioned. Similarly, the intersection of these spaces gives shape to a specific transitional space defined by the individual directives linked to Directive 89/391/EEC. These results are limited from a regulatory and technical perspective. Thus, the results are a starting point towards developing models that integrate the management systems studied.This research was funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain, title: ‘Analysis and Assessment of technological requirements for the design of a New Emerging Risks standardized management SYStem (A2NERSYS)’ with reference DPI2016-79824-R

    Emerging Risk Management in Industry 4.0: An Approach to Improve Organizational and Human Performance in the Complex Systems

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    Industry 4.0 in the contemporary operating context carries important sources of complexity. This context generates both traditional risks and emerging risks that must be managed. The management of these risks includes both industrial risks and occupational risks, since they are heavily interlinked. The human factor can be considered the main link between both types of risks. Thus, understanding risks originating from human errors and organizational weaknesses as causes of accidents and other disruptions in complex systems requires elaborating sophisticated modeling approaches. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to propose an organizational and human performance approach to improve the emerging risk management linked to the complex systems, like as Human-Machine Interactions (HMI) and Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). To fulfill this objective, we first introduce the concept of emerging risk linked to human factor. Then, we introduce the concept of emerging risk management in the Industry 4.0 context. Under this complex context, we expose the concept considering the current models of risk management. Finally, we discuss how enhancing human and organizational performance can be achieved through risk management in complex systems linked to Industry 4.0. Therefore, we conclude that while Industry 4.0 brings numerous advantages, it must contend with emerging risks and challenges associated with organizational and human factors. These emerging risks include industrial risks as well as occupational risks. Moreover, the human factor aspect of Industry 4.0 is directly linked to industrial emerging and occupational emerging via context of operations. To cope with these new challenges, it is necessary to develop new approaches. One of such approaches is Complex System Governance. This approach is discussed along with the need for adequate organizational and human performance models dealing with, for example, experience from other domains such as nuclear, space, aviation, and petrochemical.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, with the title “Analysis and Assessment of technological requirements for the design of a New and Emerging Risks standardized management SYStem (A2NERSYS)” with reference DPI2016-79824-R

    Estudio ergonómico comparativo de accionamientos de un ingenio mecánico renacentista mediante técnicas actuales de análisis postural y de movimientos repetitivos

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    El tratado “De Re Metallica” (Georgius Agricola, 1556) es una de las primeras obras que aborda en detalle el estado del arte de la minería, recopilando las principales técnicas e ingenios mecánicos utilizados en las explotaciones mineras propias de ese momento. En este tratado se puede observar un conocimiento bastante avanzado (para la época de la que se trata) del conjunto humano-máquina, no solo desde un punto de vista mecánico (fuerza, par, carrera...) sino también desde la perspectiva de sus repercusiones ergonómicas. En el presente trabajo se realiza un análisis ergonómico de uno de los ingenios mecánicos recogidos en el sexto libro de dicho tratado. Se trata de una bomba de extracción de agua en minas, accionada mediante tres sistemas diferentes, identificados en sendos grabados. Estos sistemas reflejan una evolución o mejora de la máquina tanto a nivel cinemático y dinámico como de los movimientos, posturas y seguridad del operario. Para efectuar el análisis comparativo se han utilizado metodologías actuales de evaluación ergonómica basadas en el análisis de movimientos repetitivos, tales como el método OCRA (Occupational Repetitive Action), y en el análisis de la carga postural, mediante métodos como RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment) y REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech