1,134 research outputs found

    Geometric Mixing, Peristalsis, and the Geometric Phase of the Stomach

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    Mixing fluid in a container at low Reynolds number - in an inertialess environment - is not a trivial task. Reciprocating motions merely lead to cycles of mixing and unmixing, so continuous rotation, as used in many technological applications, would appear to be necessary. However, there is another solution: movement of the walls in a cyclical fashion to introduce a geometric phase. We show using journal-bearing flow as a model that such geometric mixing is a general tool for using deformable boundaries that return to the same position to mix fluid at low Reynolds number. We then simulate a biological example: we show that mixing in the stomach functions because of the "belly phase": peristaltic movement of the walls in a cyclical fashion introduces a geometric phase that avoids unmixing.Comment: Revised, published versio

    Genetic polymorphisms of angiotensin-2 type 1 receptor and angiotensinogen and risk of renal dysfunction and coronary heart disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Increased activation of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) may be important in promoting coronary heart disease (CHD) and renal dysfunction, but limited data are available on associations between angiotensin type 1 receptor (<it>AGT1R</it>) and angiotensinogen (<it>AGT</it>) genotypes in type 2 diabetes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Study participants were diabetics from the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study (HPFS) and the Nurses' Health Study (NHS). We analyzed single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with cardiovascular pathophysiology (including <it>AGT1R </it>T573C, <it>AGT1R </it>A1166C, and <it>AGT </it>M235T) and presence of renal dysfunction (eGFR<60 ml/min/1.73 m<sup>2</sup>) or history of CHD.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The <it>AGT1R </it>1166 C-allele was associated with eGFR<60 ml/min/1.73 m<sup>2 </sup>(multivariable OR 1.63 [1.01, 2.65]) in the HPFS men (n = 733) and in the combined dataset (n = 1566) (OR 1.42 [1.02, 1.98]). The <it>AGT1R </it>1166 C-allele was also associated with CHD in men (OR 1.57 [1.10, 2.24]). In NHS women (n = 833), <it>AGT </it>235T-allele was associated with CHD (OR 1.72 [1.20, 2.47]). Removal of hypertension from the fully adjusted models did not influence results, suggesting that the associations may not be mediated by hypertension. There were significant interactions between sex and <it>AGT1R </it>1166 C-allele (p = 0.008) and <it>AGT </it>M235T (p = 0.03) in models for CHD. No significant associations were seen between <it>AGT1R </it>T573 C-allele and renal dysfunction or CHD.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Polymorphisms in <it>AGT1R </it>and <it>AGT </it>genes are associated with renal dysfunction and CHD in type 2 diabetes and further support the important role of the RAS in these complications. Sex may modify associations between <it>AGT1R </it>1166 C-allele and <it>AGT </it>235T and CHD in type 2 diabetes.</p

    Cosmic evolution and metal aversion in superluminous supernova host galaxies

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    The SUperluminous Supernova Host galaxIES (SUSHIES) survey aims to provide strong new constraints on the progenitors of superluminous supernovae (SLSNe) by understanding the relationship to their host galaxies. We present the photometric properties of 53 H-poor and 16 H-rich SLSN host galaxies out to z4z\sim4. We model their spectral energy distributions to derive physical properties, which we compare with other galaxy populations. At low redshift, H-poor SLSNe are preferentially found in very blue, low-mass galaxies with high average specific star-formation rates. As redshift increases, the host population follows the general evolution of star-forming galaxies towards more luminous galaxies. After accounting for secular evolution, we find evidence for differential evolution in galaxy mass, but not in the BB-band and the far UV luminosity (3σ3\sigma confidence). Most remarkable is the scarcity of hosts with stellar masses above 1010 M10^{10}~M_\odot for both classes of SLSNe. In the case of H-poor SLSNe, we attribute this to a stifled production efficiency above 0.4\sim0.4 solar metallicity. However, we argue that, in addition to low metallicity, a short-lived stellar population is also required to regulate the SLSN production. H-rich SLSNe are found in a very diverse population of star-forming galaxies. Still, the scarcity of massive hosts suggests a stifled production efficiency above 0.8\sim0.8 solar metallicity. The large dispersion of the H-rich SLSNe host properties is in stark contrast to those of gamma-ray burst, regular core-collapse SN, and H-poor SLSNe host galaxies. We propose that multiple progenitor channels give rise to this sub-class

    Sequentially based analysis versus image based analysis of Intima Media Thickness in common carotid arteries studies - Do major IMT studies underestimate the true relations for cardio- and cerebrovascular risk?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Image-based B-mode ultrasound has gained popularity in major studies as a non-invasive method of measuring cardio- and cerebrovascular risk factors. However, none of the major studies appears to have paid sufficient attention to the variation in end diastolic wall process. By using sequentially based analyses (SBA) of Intima-Media Thickness (IMT), the general purpose of this study was to show that the current image based (ECG tracked) analysis (IBA) has some major variations and might underestimate the true relations for cardiovascular events and stroke for IMT measurement.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>The study group consisted of 2500 healthy male subjects aged between 35 to 55 years. 4 sequences (300 images) were analyzed per subject. 750,000 images were analysed throughout the course of this study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>IBA showed significantly lower mean, maximal, and minimal values for IMT in CCA than for SBA. The correlation analysis between IBA and SBA with the cardio- and cerebrovascular risk factors showed a higher correlation of SBA for all risk factors. The Pearson coefficient was 0.81, p < 0.01, for SBA versus Framingham CHD risk level (FCRL) and 0.49, p = 0.01, for IBA versus FCRL.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>IBA did not measure the true maximal values of the IMT in this study. Together with the correlation analysis, this indicates that IBA might underestimate the true relations for IMT and risk factors.</p

    The Novel Immunosuppressive Protein Kinase C Inhibitor Sotrastaurin Has No Pro-Viral Effects on the Replication Cycle of Hepatitis B or C Virus

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    The pan-protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor sotrastaurin (AEB071) is a novel immunosuppressant currently in phase II trials for immunosuppression after solid organ transplantation. Besides T-cell activation, PKC affects numerous cellular processes that are potentially important for the replication of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV), major blood-borne pathogens prevalent in solid organ transplant recipients. This study uses state of the art virological assays to assess the direct, non-immune mediated effects of sotrastaurin on HBV and HCV. Most importantly, sotrastaurin had no pro-viral effect on either HBV or HCV. In the presence of high concentrations of sotrastaurin, well above those used clinically and close to levels where cytotoxic effects become detectable, there was a reduction of HCV and HBV replication. This reduction is very likely due to cytotoxic and/or anti-proliferative effects rather than direct anti-viral activity of the drug. Replication cycle stages other than genome replication such as viral cell entry and spread of HCV infection directly between adjacent cells was clearly unaffected by sotrastaurin. These data support the evaluation of sotrastaurin in HBV and/or HCV infected transplant recipients

    The MUSE view of the host galaxy of GRB 100316D

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    The low distance, z=0.0591z=0.0591, of GRB 100316D and its association with SN 2010bh represent two important motivations for studying this host galaxy and the GRB's immediate environment with the Integral-Field Spectrographs like VLT/MUSE. Its large field-of-view allows us to create 2D maps of gas metallicity, ionization level, and the star-formation rate distribution maps, as well as to investigate the presence of possible host companions. The host is a late-type dwarf irregular galaxy with multiple star-forming regions and an extended central region with signatures of on-going shock interactions. The GRB site is characterized by the lowest metallicity, the highest star-formation rate and the youngest (\sim 20-30 Myr) stellar population in the galaxy, which suggest a GRB progenitor stellar population with masses up to 20 -- 40 MM_{\odot}. We note that the GRB site has an offset of \sim660pc from the most luminous SF region in the host. The observed SF activity in this galaxy may have been triggered by a relatively recent gravitational encounter between the host and a small undetected (LHα1036L_{H\alpha} \leq 10^{36} erg/s) companion

    Metabolomics Unravel Contrasting Effects of Biodiversity on the Performance of Individual Plant Species

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    In spite of evidence for positive diversity-productivity relationships increasing plant diversity has highly variable effects on the performance of individual plant species, but the mechanisms behind these differential responses are far from being understood. To gain deeper insights into the physiological responses of individual plant species to increasing plant diversity we performed systematic untargeted metabolite profiling on a number of herbs derived from a grassland biodiversity experiment (Jena Experiment). The Jena Experiment comprises plots of varying species number (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60) and number and composition of functional groups (1 to 4; grasses, legumes, tall herbs, small herbs). In this study the metabolomes of two tall-growing herbs (legume: Medicago x varia; non-legume: Knautia arvensis) and three small-growing herbs (legume: Lotus corniculatus; non-legumes: Bellis perennis, Leontodon autumnalis) in plant communities of increasing diversity were analyzed. For metabolite profiling we combined gas chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOF-MS) and UPLC coupled to FT-ICR-MS (LC-FT-MS) analyses from the same sample. This resulted in several thousands of detected m/z-features. ANOVA and multivariate statistical analysis revealed 139 significantly changed metabolites (30 by GC-TOF-MS and 109 by LC-FT-MS). The small-statured plants L. autumnalis, B. perennis and L. corniculatus showed metabolic response signatures to increasing plant diversity and species richness in contrast to tall-statured plants. Key-metabolites indicated C- and N-limitation for the non-leguminous small-statured species B. perennis and L. autumnalis, while the metabolic signature of the small-statured legume L. corniculatus indicated facilitation by other legumes. Thus, metabolomic analysis provided evidence for negative effects of resource competition on the investigated small-statured herbs that might mechanistically explain their decreasing performance with increasing plant diversity. In contrast, taller species often becoming dominant in mixed plant communities did not show modified metabolite profiles in response to altered resource availability with increasing plant diversity. Taken together, our study demonstrates that metabolite profiling is a strong diagnostic tool to assess individual metabolic phenotypes in response to plant diversity and ecophysiological adjustment