128 research outputs found

    Bericht des Nationalen Referenzzentrums für gramnegative Krankenhauserreger Zeitraum 1. Januar 2021 bis 31. Dezember 2021

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    Nach dem erstmaligen, pandemiebedingten Rückgang der Einsendungen im Vorjahr verzeichnete das Nationale Referenzzentrum (NRZ) für gramnegative Krankenhauserreger 2021 wieder einen Anstieg an eingesandten Isolaten, wenngleich das Niveau von 2019 noch nicht wieder erreicht wurde. Durch den Einfluss der Pandemie auf verschiedene Faktoren gilt allerdings auch für den Jahresbericht 2021 der Vorbehalt, dass eine Vergleichbarkeit mit den Vorjahren Limitationen unterliegt. Insgesamt gingen 8.526 Einsendungen aus 283 mikrobiologischen Laboren in Deutschland ein. Die meisten Isolate wurden zur Abklärung einer verminderten Empfindlichkeit gegenüber Carbapenemen eingesandt. Die Anzahl der Carbapenemase-Nachweise stieg deutlich an, wie auch die Zahl der Isolate, die mehr als eine Carbapenemase produzierten. Ein deutlicher Rückgang hingegen war bei den Nachweisen von NDM-5- und OXA-244-produzierenden E. coli zu verzeichnen.Peer Reviewe

    Fabrication and Characterization of Electrospun Semiconductor Nanoparticle—Polyelectrolyte Ultra-Fine Fiber Composites for Sensing Applications

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    Fluorescent composite fibrous assembles of nanoparticle-polyelectrolyte fibers are useful multifunctional materials, utilized in filtration, sensing and tissue engineering applications, with the added benefits of improved mechanical, electrical or structural characteristics over the individual components. Composite fibrous mats were prepared by electrospinning aqueous solutions of 6 wt% poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) loaded with 0.15 and 0.20% v/v, carboxyl functionalized CdSe/ZnS nanoparticles (SNPs). The resulting fluorescent composite fibrous mats exhibits recoverable quenching when exposed to high humidity. The sensor response is sensitive to water concentration and is attributed to the change in the local charges around the SNPs due to deprotonation of the carboxylic acids on the SNPs and the surrounding polymer matrix

    Transient Plasma Ignition for Delay Reduction in Pulse Detonation Engines

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    45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit 8 - 11 January 2007, Reno, NevadaThis paper reviews the testing and evaluation of transient plasma for pulse detonation engine (PDE) ignition conducted at five laboratories. It also presents data showing significant reductions in times required for detonation. Critical to achieving functional levels of thrust are increased repetition rates, thus minimal delay to detonation times are an important parameter. Experiments have been conducted at the University of Southern California and in collaboration with researchers at the Naval Postgraduate School, Wright Patterson Air Force Research Laboratory, Stanford University, Ohio State University and the University of Cincinnati. In these studies it was observed that TPI significantly reduces delay times (factor of 2 to 9) in both static and flowing systems

    Transient Plasma Ignition for Delay Reduction in Pulse Detonation Engines

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    This presentation reviews testing and evaluation at four laboratories of transient plasma for pulse detonation engine (PDE) ignition, and presents data showing significant reductions in times required for detonation. The aerospace community has ongoing interests in the development of propulsion technologies based on pulse detonating engines (PDE), and work is underway to determine whether this is a feasible technology. The PDE provides impulse through fuel detonation, and potential advantages include efficient operation at both subsonic and supersonic speeds. In theory a PDE can efficiently operate from Mach 0 to more than Mach 4 [1,2]. In order to achieve almost continuous thrust firing rates of 100 Hz or more are needed. Critical to achieving high repetition rates are minimal delay to detonation times. In work supported by the Office of Naval Research and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, transient plasma ignition (TPI) has consistently shown substantial reductions in ignition delay time for various fuels [3,4,5]. Experiments have been conducted at the University of Southern California and in collaboration with researchers at the Naval Postgraduate School, Wright Patterson Air Force Research Laboratory, Stanford University, the University of Cincinnati, and California Institute of Technology [6]. In these studies it was observed that TPI significantly reduces delay times in both static and flowing systems. Transient plasma ignition is attractive as an ignition source for PDEs because it produces reductions in ignition delay times, can reduce Deflagration to Detonation Transition (DDT) times, and has been shown to provide the capability to ignite under leaner conditions. This allows for high repetition rates, high altitude operation, and reduced NO, emissions [7,8]. The geometry of the discharge area is such that ignition is achieved with a high degree of spatial uniformity over a large volume relative to traditional spark ignition. The short timescale of the pulse ( < 100 ns) prevents formation of an arc, and a voluminous array of streamers is used for ignition. It is possible that energetic electrons in the highly non-equilibrated electron energy distribution of the streamers cause dissociation of hydrocarbon chain molecules, producing active radicals throughout the ignition volume [9]. A further advantage of TPI is that a smaller fraction of the electrical energy goes into thermal heating of the mixture. These effects allow for large numbers of active species to be generated throughout the volume

    Entdeckung eines Pseudoausbruches mit Carbapenem-resistenten Acinetobacter baumannii

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    Am Nationalen Referenzzentrum für gramnegative Krankenhauserreger wurde im November und Dezember 2020 das gehäufte Auftreten von Isolaten des Acinetobacter baumannii-Komplex mit Carbapenemresistenz beobachtet. Der Beitrag beschreibt die in Kooperation mit dem Robert Koch-Institut durchgeführte Ausbruchsuntersuchung und die Aufklärung als Pseudoausbruch.Peer Reviewe

    Finding the right plaice at the right time:Multi-molecular analysis of flatfish reveals historical catch habitats

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    Flatfish are ecologically diverse species that commonly occur in marine environments, but also in estuarine and riverine habitats. This complicates the examination of the potential role of flatfish in the ‘marine fish event horizon’, an economic shift in human exploitation from freshwater to marine fish species during the 10–11th centuries CE around the southern North Sea. This study represents the first multi-disciplinary investigation of flatfish remains to make species-specific interpretations of flatfish exploitation. Peptide mass fingerprinting and multi-isotope analysis of carbon (δ13C), nitrogen (δ15N) and sulphur (δ34S) was performed on collagen from 356 archaeological flatfish and 120 comparative archaeological marine or freshwater species to explore the catch habitat of individual flatfish species between 600 and 1600 CE from the North Sea area. European flounder show signals reflecting both freshwater and marine environments, while other flatfish show only those of marine habitats. A subtle shift towards more marine exploitation towards the end of the period is identified, corresponding to the observed transition in targeted species from flounder to plaice throughout the medieval period. Sites show slight differences in δ13C and δ34S within the same species, related to the local environments. Remarkable is the high abundance of marine plaice and flounder during the early medieval period, which shows clear marine or coastal exploitation of flatfish early on, well before the previously accepted onset of the marine fish event horizon. This indicates a gradual shift from coastal to open marine fish exploitation over the medieval period
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