76 research outputs found

    Разработка научного обоснования оптимизации природопользования особо охраняемых природных территорий регионального значения

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    В условиях Кемеровской области, где большая часть территорий распределена между природопользователями, организация мероприятий по ограничению хозяйственного использования на новых участках крайне затруднительна. В этой связи единственным реальным подходом снижения комплексных антропогенных воздействий, в том числе и рекреационных, может быть разработка и внедрение новых механизмов оптимизации сохранения природных комплексов.In the Kemerovo region, where most of the territories are distributed among nature users, the organization of measures to limit economic use in new areas is extremely difficult. In this regard, the only realistic approach to reducing complex anthropogenic impacts, including recreational ones, can be the development and implementation of new mechanisms for optimizing the conservation of natural complexes

    Плазмохимический синтез и исследование оксидных композиций из водно-органических нитратных растворов самария, церия и магния

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    Будут определены составы смешанных водно-органических нитратных растворов самария, церия и магния, а также режимы их переработки в воздушной плазме, обеспечивающие плазмохимический синтез в воздушной плазме сложных наноразмерных оксидных композиций различного состава. Осуществлен плазмохимический синтез оксидных композиций в воздушно-плазменном потоке из диспергированных растворов ВОНР (водно органических нитратных растворов) и исследованы их физико-химические свойства. Установлены закономерности влияния массовой доли матрицы (оксид магния) на площадь удельной поверхности и размер получаемых оксидных композиций.The compositions of mixed water-organic nitrate solutions of samarium, cerium and magnesium will be determined, as well as the modes of their processing in air plasma, which provide plasma-chemical synthesis in air plasma of complex nanoscale oxide compositions of various compositions. Plasma-chemical synthesis of oxide compositions in an air-plasma stream from dispersed solutions of WONS (water-organic nitrate solutions) was carried out and their physical and chemical properties were studied. The regularities of the influence of the mass fraction of the matrix (magnesium oxide) on the specific surface area and the size of the resulting oxide compositions are established


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    В статті досліджується амортизація як економічна категорія і реальний процес господарської діяльності підприємств. Виділені основні проблеми, що виникають під час її обліку та стоять на заваді використання амортизації як джерела нагромадження основного капіталу. Запропоновано напрямки перетворення її у власне інвестиційне джерело підприємств. Depreciation as an economic category and real process of enterprises’ activity are investigated in the article. The author determines the main problems, which are the obstacles for depreciation’s calculating as well as using it as the source of the fixed capital accumulation, and suggests the ways of transformation it into own investment source of the enterprises

    Bacterial cell wall compounds as promising targets of antimicrobial agents I. Antimicrobial peptides and lipopolyamines

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    The first barrier that an antimicrobial agent must overcome when interacting with its target is the microbial cell wall. In the case of Gram-negative bacteria, additional to the cytoplasmic membrane and the peptidoglycan layer, an outer membrane (OM) is the outermost barrier. The OM has an asymmetric distribution of the lipids with phospholipids and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) located in the inner and outer leaflets, respectively. In contrast, Gram-positive bacteria lack OM and possess a much thicker peptidoglycan layer compared to their Gram-negative counterparts. An additional class of amphiphiles exists in Gram-positives, the lipoteichoic acids (LTA), which may represent important structural components. These long molecules cross-bridge the entire cell envelope with their lipid component inserting into the outer leaflet of the cytoplasmic membrane and the teichoic acid portion penetrating into the peptidoglycan layer. Furthermore, both classes of bacteria have other important amphiphiles, such as lipoproteins, whose importance has become evident only recently. It is not known yet whether any of these amphiphilic components are able to stimulate the immune system under physiological conditions as constituents of intact bacteria. However, all of them have a very high pro-inflammatory activity when released from the cell. Such a release may take place through the interaction with the immune system, or with antibiotics (particularly with those targeting cell wall components), or simply by the bacterial division. Therefore, a given antimicrobial agent must ideally have a double character, namely, it must overcome the bacterial cell wall barrier, without inducing the liberation of the pro-inflammatory amphiphiles. Here, new data are presented which describe the development and use of membrane-active antimicrobial agents, in particular antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) and lipopolyamines. In this way, essential progress was achieved, in particular with respect to the inhibition of deleterious consequences of bacterial infections such as severe sepsis and septic shock

    Characterization and modeling of microalloyed Boron steel

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    Abweichender Titel nach Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersDiese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Charakterisierung der Mikrostruktur und der Ausscheidungen sowie der Modellierung der Phasenstabilität von zwei mikrolegierten Stählen. Im ersten Schritt wurde das Material mit einem Lichtmikroskop in Kombination mit den Ätzmethoden Nital, Klemm I und Beraha I untersucht, um qualitative und quantitative Informationen über Phasen und Ausscheidungen zu erhalten. Zur Charakterisierung von Primärausscheidungen und zur Bestimmung chemischer Heterogenität der Mikrostruktur wurde die Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (REM) eingesetzt. Intermediäre und sekundäre MX-Karbonitrid-Ausscheidungen im Größenbereich von zehn bis einigen hundert Nanometern wurden mittels Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (TEM) untersucht. Um die Löslichkeiten der einzelnen Mikrolegierungselemente in unterschiedlichen Phasen mit der theoretischen Thermodynamik zu vergleichen, wurden computergestützte Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Für diesen Teil der Arbeit wurde die Software MatCalc verwendet.The main object of this work is the microstructure and precipitate characterization and modeling of phase stabilities in two microalloyed steels. In the first step of the research, the material was investigated by light microscope in combination with etching methods Nital, Klemm I and Beraha I in order to obtain qualitatively and quantitatively information about phases and precipitates. For characterization of primary precipitates and the determination of chemical heterogeneities of the microstructure, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed. Intermediate and secondary MX carbonitride precipitates in the size range from ten to a few hundreds of nanometers were investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). To compare solubilities of each microalloying element in different phases with theoretic thermodynamics, a computer assisted research was employed. For this part of the work, the software MatCalc was used.12

    Sepsis und Multiorgan­versa­gen

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