19 research outputs found

    Model for optimizing periodical driver training in eco-driving mode

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    U radu su prikazani efekti teorijske i praktične obuke vozača, odnosno izvrÅ”ena je analiza parametara vožnje u periodu pre obuke kao i u kratkoročnom i dugoročnom periodu nakon realizovane obuke. Na osnovu utvrđenih relacija između parametara, formiran je model za optimizaciju periodične obuke vozača. Primenom matematičke analize i statističkih testova u longitudinalnom periodu ispitivanja definisan je tačan period ponovne obuke vozača pri postizanju maksimalne dobiti za transportno preduzeće uvažavajući i proprtane troÅ”kove. Rezultati analize su pokazali da su pozitivni efekti eko-vožnje značajno izraženi u dobrim vozačkim uslovima. LoÅ”i vremenski uslovi koji uslovljavaju i loÅ”e uslove vožnje smanjuju pozitivne efekte obuke vozača sa povećanim zahtevom za bezbednijom vožnjom. Model bi mogao biti primenljiv za testiranje efekata obuke vozača u različitim transportnim kompanijma i različitim tržiÅ”tima.Š¢his paper shows the effects of theoretical and practical eco-driving training, analysing driving parameters in the period before training, in the short-term and long-term after the training. A model was formed to optimize periodical driver training based on the established relationships between the parameters. Using the mathematical analysis and statistical tests in the longitudinal observation period, the exact period of the drivers retraining was defined in order to maximize profit for the transport company, taking into account the planned costs. The results indicate that the positive effects of eco-driving were significantly expressed in good driving conditions. With bad weather conditions that correlate with bad driving conditions, the effects of eco-driving training are suffocated with increased requirements for safer driving. The model could be applicable to test the effects of drivers training in different transportation companies and different markets

    Model for optimizing periodical driver training in eco-driving mode

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    U radu su prikazani efekti teorijske i praktične obuke vozača, odnosno izvrÅ”ena je analiza parametara vožnje u periodu pre obuke kao i u kratkoročnom i dugoročnom periodu nakon realizovane obuke. Na osnovu utvrđenih relacija između parametara, formiran je model za optimizaciju periodične obuke vozača. Primenom matematičke analize i statističkih testova u longitudinalnom periodu ispitivanja definisan je tačan period ponovne obuke vozača pri postizanju maksimalne dobiti za transportno preduzeće uvažavajući i proprtane troÅ”kove. Rezultati analize su pokazali da su pozitivni efekti eko-vožnje značajno izraženi u dobrim vozačkim uslovima. LoÅ”i vremenski uslovi koji uslovljavaju i loÅ”e uslove vožnje smanjuju pozitivne efekte obuke vozača sa povećanim zahtevom za bezbednijom vožnjom. Model bi mogao biti primenljiv za testiranje efekata obuke vozača u različitim transportnim kompanijma i različitim tržiÅ”tima.Š¢his paper shows the effects of theoretical and practical eco-driving training, analysing driving parameters in the period before training, in the short-term and long-term after the training. A model was formed to optimize periodical driver training based on the established relationships between the parameters. Using the mathematical analysis and statistical tests in the longitudinal observation period, the exact period of the drivers retraining was defined in order to maximize profit for the transport company, taking into account the planned costs. The results indicate that the positive effects of eco-driving were significantly expressed in good driving conditions. With bad weather conditions that correlate with bad driving conditions, the effects of eco-driving training are suffocated with increased requirements for safer driving. The model could be applicable to test the effects of drivers training in different transportation companies and different markets

    Deterministic model of headway disturbance propagation along an urban public transport line

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    U sustavu javnog gradskog prijevoza, primarni poremećaj intervala slijeđenja vozila koji nastaje unutar jednog polaska, ima tendenciju Å”irenja u sustavu. U ovom radu analizom procesa kretanja vozila duž linije, identificirani su parametri koji utiču na Å”irenje poremećaja intervala slijeđenja. Na osnovu utvrđenih relacija između parametara formiran je deterministički model. Modelom je predstavljeno Å”irenje poremećaja intervala slijeđenja po stajaliÅ”tima duž linije i po polascima u voznom redu na jednoj liniji javnog gradskog prijevoza. Analizom je utvrđeno da najznačajniji uticaj na Å”irenje poremećaja intervala slijeđenja vozila u sustavu imaju: broj stajaliÅ”ta i odnos intenziteta nakupljanja putnika i intenziteta ulaska putnika u vozilo.In an urban public transport system, the primary disturbance in the headway arising in the context of departure times has a tendency to propagate through the system. In this paper, by analyzing the movement of vehicles along a specific transport line, the parameters affecting the propagation of the headway disturbance were identified. The established links between these parameters were utilized in the development of a deterministic model. The model describes the propagation of disturbance in the headway by stops along the line, as well as scheduled vehicles at one urban public transport line. The analysis revealed that the number of stops along the line and the passenger boarding intensity have the most significant effect on the propagation of disturbance in the headway

    Effects of Eco-Driving Training: A Pilot Program in Belgrade Public Transport

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    This paper shows an eco-driving pilot program that has been implemented in the public transport company ā€œJGSP Belgradeā€, Serbia, in order to assess the possibilities of using eco-driving for an entire car fleet of the assessed company in the future. Eco-driving training and education of thirteen drivers were conducted in real driving conditions on the route length of 14 km and consisted of three phases. The results of eco-driving training of thirteen bus drivers confirm the findings of the previous researches that eco-driving has got many benefits. After the training, all drivers saw fuel consumption reduced by 8.61% on average, and consequently the average CO2 emission reduced by 8.61%. The implementation of eco-driving training in the assessed company and the attained fuel economy, leads to significant annual savings. However, some driving parameters were not significantly improved after training indicating a driverā€™s slow adaptation and application of new driving techniques

    Short-term and long-term impacts of eco-driving on dynamics of driving behaviour and operating parameters

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    This paper shows the impact of eco-driving training course on driving behaviour of 7 drivers, analysing two internal parameters: Scania Driver Support (SDS) parameter and Fuel Consumption (FC). Data were collected using Scania Fleet Management System (Scania FMS) over a period of one-year (1 + 2 + 4 + 6 months during the 2015 and 2016). Data for these two parameters of all drivers were recorded daily over a one-year period and calculated in average values on a monthly basis. A one-year cycle of average monthly ambient temperatures of wider geographical region was adopted as the most important external parameter of impact on eco-driving benefits. Longitudinal observation period is divided into: one month initial period of establishing the parameter values before the training (one month), short-term with eco-driving (two months), short-term without eco-driving (four months) and long-term (six months). Significantly higher values of SDS parameter (pĀ Ā 0.05). The results indicate the potential of eco-driving training that manifests significantly positive effects only in good driving conditions. With bad weather conditions that correlate with bad driving conditions, the effects of eco-driving training are supressed with increased requirements for safer driving. Primary conclusion of the paper is that the eco-driving training principles have an apparent positive effect on reduction of FC and CO2 emission but are at the same time sensitive to environmental driving conditions

    The study of chromosomal inversion polymorphism of Drosophila subobscura over years in two different habitats from mountain Goč

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    We analyzed changes in the genetic structure of two ecologically distinct populations of Drosophila subobscura by assessing inversion polymorphism parameters for over years. The frequencies of gene arrangements on all five chromosomes show variability in each population. Several chromosomal arrangements appeared for the first time in both populations. Significant difference in the overall distribution of gene arrangements between first and last year of study (1998/2006) in beach wood population of D. subobscura is found for chromosome A (a sex chromosome) and autosomes J and E, while in oak wood population the overall frequency of gene arrangements differ for autosomes J, E and O. The present significant changes of the particular gene arrangements are specific for each population and result in significant differences in comparisons at the level of individual chromosomes between years of study. Although overall heterozygosity remained unchanged over the years in beech habitat, it is significantly reduced in oak population in the fourth year. The obtained results indicate that population structure may significantly depend on short-term and long-term microclimatic changes in habitats. Based on the results to date, monitoring of microevolutionary changes using D. subobscura and its relatives seems a promising way to study the effects of global changes.Analizirane su promene u genetičkoj strukturi dve ekoloÅ”ki odvojene populacije Drosophila subobscura, određivanjem parametara inverzionog polimorfizma tokom viÅ”e godina. Učestalosti genskih aranžmana na svih pet hromozoma pokazuju varijabilnost u svakoj od populacija. Nekoliko aranžmana se pojavljuje po prvi put u obe populacije. Značajna razlika u ukupnoj distribuciji genskih aranžmana između prve i poslednje godine istraživanja (1998/2006) dobijena je u populaciji D. subobscura iz bukove Å”ume za hromozom A (polni hromozom) i za autozome J i E, dok se u populaciji iz hrastove Å”ume ukupna učestalost genskih aranžmana razlikuje za autozome J, E i O. Dobijene značajne promene učestalosti određenih genskih aranžmana specifične su za svaku populaciju i rezultuju u značajnim razlikama u poređenjima na nivou pojedinačnih hromozoma između godina istraživanja. Mada ukupna heterozigotnost ostaje nepromenjena tokom viÅ”e godina u populaciji iz bukove Å”ume, ona se značajno smanjuje u populaciji iz hrasta u četvrtoj godini istraživanja. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da genetička struktura populacije može značajno da zavisi od kratkoročnih i dugoročnih mikroklimatskih promena u staniÅ”tima. Na osnovu dosadaÅ”njih rezultata, monitoring mikroevolutivnih promena koriŔćenjem D. subobscura i srodne vrste predstavlja dobar put u istraživanjima efekta globalnih promena.Projekat ministarstva br. 14301

    Pregled klinički značajnih interakcija u terapiji kardiovaskularnih bolesti kod pacijenata na prijemu u bolnicu

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    Clinically significant drug-drug interactions (DDIs) are expected in patients with cardiovascular diseases due to the number of drugs in therapy. The aim of the research was to analyze DDIs during treatment which preceeded the admission to the cardiology department. In the cardiology department of the Clinical Hospital Center Zvezdara, the treatment of patients with ā‰„2 drugs before admission was analyzed. DDIs were identified using the Lexicomp database (Lexi-Interact). Data were analyzed descriptively and with linear regression analysis. During research, out of 132 participants 88.6% had ā‰„1, while 41.7% had ā‰„5 DDIs. The total number of DDIs was 648 (median 3, range 0-19). Men constituted 64.4% of the population, with a median age of 70 years (32-90). Patients had 4 diagnoses (1-13) and 6 medications on admission (2-15). In 3.8% of patients, contraindicated DDIs of anticholinergics were observed, 23.5% had DDIs that required caution or a change in therapy, while interactions requiring follow-up were observed in 86.4% of patients. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (30.4%), acetylsalicylic acid (26.6%) and loop diuretics (16.5%) were most frequently involved in DDIs, while the most common adverse events could be renal failure (21.5%), hypotension 19.7%) and bleeding (13.7%). The number of drugs in therapy was a predictor of DDIs (p <0.001). Patients with cardiovascular disease are often exposed to polypharmacy and consequently DDIs. Cardiovascular drugs were most frequently involved in DDIs, but contraindicated DDIs were present in anticholinergic drugs. In patients with cardiovascular diseases, monitoring of renal function, hypotension and bleeding is required.Klinički značajne interakcije (KZI) očekuju se kod pacijenata sa kardiovaskularnim bolestima usled većeg broja lekova u terapiji. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se identifikuju i analiziraju KZI pacijenata koje su prethodile prijemu na odeljenje kardiologije. U Kliničko- bolničkom centru Zvezdara, na odeljenju kardiologije, analizirana je terapija pacijenata sa ā‰„2 leka pre prijema. KZI su identifikovane upotrebom baze Lexicomp (Lexi-Interact). Podaci su analizirani deskriptivno i primenom linearne regresione analize. Od 132 učesnika u istraživanju 88,6% je imalo ā‰„1, dok je 41,7% imalo ā‰„5 KZI. Ukupan broj KZI bio je 648 (medijana 3, opseg 0-19). U populaciji je bilo 64,4% muÅ”karaca medijane starosti 70 godina (32-90). Pacijenti su imali 4 dijagnoze (1-13) i 6 lekova na prijemu (2-15). Kod 3,8% pacijenata utvrđene su KZI antiholinergika koje se smatraju kontraindikovanim. Približno jedna četvrtina pacijenata (23,5%) je imala KZI koja zahteva oprez ili izmenu u terapiji dok su kod 86,4% pacijenata uočene interakcije koje zahtevaju praćenje ishoda. NajčeŔće su u KZI stupali inhibitori angiotenzin-konvertujućeg enzima (30,4%), acetilsalicilna kiselina (26,6%) i diuretici petlje (16,5%) dok su najčeŔći neželjeni ishodi mogli biti bubrežna insuficijencija (21,5%), hipotenzija (19,7%) i krvarenje (13,7%). Broj lekova u terapiji bio je prediktor za KZI (p<0,001). Pacijenti sa kardiovaskularnim bolestima su često izloženi polifarmaciji i posledično većem broju KZI. U KZI su najčeŔće stupali lekovi u terapiji kardiovaskularnih bolesti ali su kontraindikovane KZI bile zastupljene kod antiholinergičkih lekova. Kod pacijenata sa kardiovaskularnim bolestima potrebno je praćenje renalne funkcije, hipotenzije i krvarenja.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učeŔćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    Terapijski problemi pacijenata sa kardiovaskularnim bolestima na prijemu u bolnicu

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    In patients with cardiovascular diseases drug-related problems (DRPs) can be associated with hospitalization or rehospitalization. The aim of the research was to analyse DRPs in the cardiology department on admission to the hospital. All patient records on admission to the cardiology department of the Clinical Hospital Center Zvezdara during 2018., were analyzed. Demographic and treatment data of the patient before admission to the hospital were collected. DRPs associated with pre-hospital treatment were identified and classified according to the PCNE (Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe, version 9.1) classification. DRPs were also evaluated as cause of the patient's hospitalization. Data were analyzed descriptively and with linear regression analysis. During the research period, 143 patients were admitted to the cardiology department, with an average age of 69.75 Ā± 10.11 years, of which 65.7% were male. Patients had an average of 4.36Ā±2.13 diagnoses and 5.24Ā±3.39 medications on admission. We observed 1.85Ā±1.37 DRPs per patient (range 0-5). The most common DRP (75.6%) was lack of ā‰„1 drugs in the therapy preceding the admission, most often statins (30.1% of patients), beta-blockers (25.9%), angiotensin- converting enzyme inhibitors (17.5%) and antiarrhythmics/anticoagulants (12.6%). In 96 patients (67.1%) the identified DRPs could be associated with the cause of hospitalization. Atrial fibrillation was the predictor of the number of DRPs in patients (p <0.001). In most cardiovascular patients, the cause of hospitalization could be associated with DRPs before admission. Incomplete therapy of the patient was commonly observed, the cause of which may be inadequate prescribing or lack of adherence of the patient.Pacijenti sa kardiovaskularnim bolestima susreću se sa brojnim problemima u terapiji od kojih pojedini mogu biti uzrok hospitalizacije ili rehospitalizacije. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se prikaže analiza terapijskih problema pacijenata na odeljenju kardiologije, prilikom prijema u bolnicu. Analizirani su kartoni svih pacijenata primljenih na odeljenje kardiologije, Kliničko-bolničkog centra Zvezdara tokom 2018. godine. Prikupljeni su demografski i podaci o celokupnoj terapiji pacijenta pre prijema u bolnicu. Identifikovani su problemi u vezi sa terapijom pre prijema u bolnicu i klasifikovani su prema PCNE (Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe, verzija 9.1) klasifikaciji. Takođe, procenjeno je da li problemi u vezi sa terapijom mogu biti uzrok hospitalizacije pacijenta. Podaci su analizirani deskriptivno i primenom linearne regresione analize. U periodu istraživanja 143 pacijenta je primljeno na odeljenje kardiologije, prosečne starosti 69,75Ā±10,11 godina, od kojih je 65,7% bilo muÅ”kog pola. Pacijenti su u proseku imali 4,36Ā±2,13 dijagnoze i 5,24Ā±3,39 lekova na prijemu. Utvrđeno je prisustvo 1,85Ā±1,37 terapijskih problema po pacijentu (opseg 0-5). NajčeŔći terapijski problem (75,6%) bio je nedostatak ā‰„1 leka u terapiji i to najčeŔće statina (30,1% pacijenata), beta-blokatora (25,9%), inhibitora angiotenzin-konvertujućeg enzima (17,5%) i antiaritmika/anitkoagulanasa (12,6%). Kod 96 pacijenata (67,1%) su identifikovani terapijski problemi dovedeni u vezu sa uzrokom hospitalizacije. Prediktivni faktor za broj terapijskih problema kod pacijenata je bilo prisustvo atrijalne fibrilacije u anamnezi (p<0,001). Uzrok hospitalizacije pacijenata sa kardiovaskularnim bolestima se često može povezati sa problemima u terapiji pre prijema. NajčeŔće se uočava nepotpuna terapija pacijenta čiji uzrok može biti neodgovarajuće propisivanje ili nedostatak adherence pacijenta.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učeŔćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    The study of chromosomal inversion polymorphism of Drosophila subobscura over years in two different habitats from mountain Goč

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    We analyzed changes in the genetic structure of two ecologically distinct populations of Drosophila subobscura by assessing inversion polymorphism parameters for over years. The frequencies of gene arrangements on all five chromosomes show variability in each population. Several chromosomal arrangements appeared for the first time in both populations. Significant difference in the overall distribution of gene arrangements between first and last year of study (1998/2006) in beach wood population of D. subobscura is found for chromosome A (a sex chromosome) and autosomes J and E, while in oak wood population the overall frequency of gene arrangements differ for autosomes J, E and O. The present significant changes of the particular gene arrangements are specific for each population and result in significant differences in comparisons at the level of individual chromosomes between years of study. Although overall heterozygosity remained unchanged over the years in beech habitat, it is significantly reduced in oak population in the fourth year. The obtained results indicate that population structure may significantly depend on short-term and long-term microclimatic changes in habitats. Based on the results to date, monitoring of microevolutionary changes using D. subobscura and its relatives seems a promising way to study the effects of global changes.Analizirane su promene u genetičkoj strukturi dve ekoloÅ”ki odvojene populacije Drosophila subobscura, određivanjem parametara inverzionog polimorfizma tokom viÅ”e godina. Učestalosti genskih aranžmana na svih pet hromozoma pokazuju varijabilnost u svakoj od populacija. Nekoliko aranžmana se pojavljuje po prvi put u obe populacije. Značajna razlika u ukupnoj distribuciji genskih aranžmana između prve i poslednje godine istraživanja (1998/2006) dobijena je u populaciji D. subobscura iz bukove Å”ume za hromozom A (polni hromozom) i za autozome J i E, dok se u populaciji iz hrastove Å”ume ukupna učestalost genskih aranžmana razlikuje za autozome J, E i O. Dobijene značajne promene učestalosti određenih genskih aranžmana specifične su za svaku populaciju i rezultuju u značajnim razlikama u poređenjima na nivou pojedinačnih hromozoma između godina istraživanja. Mada ukupna heterozigotnost ostaje nepromenjena tokom viÅ”e godina u populaciji iz bukove Å”ume, ona se značajno smanjuje u populaciji iz hrasta u četvrtoj godini istraživanja. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da genetička struktura populacije može značajno da zavisi od kratkoročnih i dugoročnih mikroklimatskih promena u staniÅ”tima. Na osnovu dosadaÅ”njih rezultata, monitoring mikroevolutivnih promena koriŔćenjem D. subobscura i srodne vrste predstavlja dobar put u istraživanjima efekta globalnih promena.Projekat ministarstva br. 14301

    Toxic effects in an industrial area

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    In this paper emission distribution in the atmosphere was considered. Pollutants in combination may show antagonistic, reduced, additive, sum of individual pollutant effects, or synergistic, additive effects. Pollutant concentration effects depend on pollutants concentration thresholds. Hazard estimation refers to threshold parameter. Aero-pollutant transfer modeling involves diffusion, mixing an force fields driving. Effect of environmental turbulence was considered. In this paper toxic emissions distribution in an industrial area was examined