569 research outputs found

    How Canadian School Leaders Perceive Their Capacity To Foster Culturally Responsive School Practices To Influence Student Outcomes

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    Despite numerous studies on race relations and racism in Canada, there is a relative paucity of research on school leadersā€™ perceptions of cultural responsiveness in the Canadian educational system. Racial diversity among students enrolled in Canadian schools has increased dramatically over the last few decades. The diversity gap between a racialized student population and White school leaders continues to widen, with more than 95% of Canadian school leaders being White (Turner, 2015). The primary objective of this qualitative phenomenological study was to explore school leadersā€™ perceptions of how culturally responsive practices improve student outcomes. This study was guided by the following question: How do Canadian school leaders perceive their capacity to foster culturally responsive practices to influence student outcomes? Semi structured interviews (30 to 70 minutes each) were conducted with five school leaders who identified as White, monolingual, cisgender, and able-bodied. Each participant had a masterā€™s degree and had been in the field of education between 14 and 22 years. Data was analyzed using critical race theory, specifically culturally responsive school leadership, as a theoretical framework to examine school leadersā€™ perceptions through the lens of race and racism. The findings suggest that urgent changes in university educator programs, school leadership programs, and district professional development are necessary for preparing educators and school leaders to address issues of racial awareness, equity, and social justice in Canadian schools and improve student outcomes for all students

    Access to Behavioral Health Services: Supply, Coverage, and Health Insurance Literacy

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    This dissertation examines policy and individual barriers to behavioral health (BH) service utilization. The full reach of federal policies like the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) may be limited by state policies and the supply of the workforce available to deliver these services. Further, individual factors, such as low health insurance literacy, may influence patterns of behavioral healthcare utilization. Despite efforts to increase access to behavioral health services, treatment rates remain low, suggesting that barriers remain. To explore the effectiveness of these policies and examine remaining barriers, this dissertation explores three main research questions: Does mental health services utilization increase more in Medicaid expansion states, and does MH workforce supply moderate this relationship? Does buprenorphine dispensing increase to a greater extent after CARA in states where nurse practitioners have a broad scope of practice relative to states with a narrow scope of practice? Does health insurance literacy affect subsequent behavioral health services utilization and self-reported unmet need for mental health services? We find evidence of greater increases in mental health (MH) service visits in Medicaid expansion states but little difference between counties with mental health workforce shortage and areas with adequate supply. Following CARA, buprenorphine dispensing increases overall. Increases are greater in states where state laws grant nurse practitioners (NP) more practice autonomy. Finally, we find evidence that low health insurance literacy is associated with an increased probability of reported unmet MH needs and less access to mental health specialist services

    The complexities of failing (Social Work) students - a workshop for practice educators of Social Work students held at the University of Lincoln on Thursday 27th November 2014

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    This workshop for practice educators teaching social work students whilst on placement explored issues relating to failing students. Reasons why students might experience difficulties whilst on placement, early identification of problems, barriers to making a fail decision and resolution of concerns were discussed. The session considered how to evidence and articulate concerns in relation to HCPC Guidance on Conduct and Ethics for Students and the appropriate PCF levels and how to develop appropriate intervention plans, using the University's concerns process or Fitness to Practise procedures where necessary

    Development of a readiness ruler for use with alcohol brief interventions

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    Background A quick method of assessing readiness to change was needed for a major study of implementing screening and alcohol brief intervention in England. For this purpose, a Readiness Ruler that had been validated among a sample of male college students in the USA was adapted and applied to a sample of excessive drinkers in a general medical practice located in a deprived area of Gateshead, England. Methods 72 participants identified as excessive drinkers by health professionals completed a single-item Readiness Ruler, the 12-item Readiness to Change Questionnaire (RCQ) and the AUDIT questionnaire. Results In terms of concurrent validity, the relationships between the Readiness Ruler, on the one hand, and either stage of change allocation or a dimensional score derived from the RCQ, on the other hand, were highly significant but weaker than expected. When patients who endorsed the ā€œmaintenanceā€ point on the Readiness Ruler were excluded from the analysis, the above relationships were considerably strengthened for reasons that are discussed. On this basis and with another small change, a final Readiness Ruler was developed. Conclusion If the validity of the Readiness Ruler is confirmed in subsequent research, a quick and simple way of measuring readiness to change will be available for research or clinical work with alcohol brief interventions

    A Generous Vision: The Creative Life of Elaine de Kooning

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    Review of A Generous Vision: The Creative Life of Elaine de Kooning, Reviewed March 2018 by Heather Saunders, Director of Ingalls Library, The Cleveland Museum of Art, [email protected]

    Landscape into Eco Art

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    Review of Landscape into Eco Art, Reviewed July 2018 by Heather Saunders, Director of Ingalls Library, The Cleveland Museum of Art, [email protected]

    Desire Change: Contemporary Feminist Art in Canada

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    Review of Desire Change: Contemporary Feminist Art in Canada, Reviewed November 2018 by Heather Saunders, Director of Ingalls Library, The Cleveland Museum of Art, [email protected]

    RISS Review: ACI Online Art Books

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    Review of RISS Review: ACI Online Art Books, Reviewed August 2016 by Heather Saunders, Manager, Reference and Information Services and Part-time Instructor, Department of Fine and Performing Arts Nipissing University [email protected]

    Feminist Avant-Garde: Art of the 1970s

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    Review of Feminist Avant-Garde: Art of the 1970s, Reviewed April 2017 by Heather Saunders, Manager, Digital Resources and Information Services, Nipissing University, [email protected]

    The Rise and Fall of the Fine Art Print in Eighteenth-Century France

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    Review of The Rise and Fall of the Fine Art Print in Eighteenth-Century France, Reviewed January 2017 by Heather Saunders, Manager, Digital Resources and Information Services, Nipissing University, [email protected]
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