2,351 research outputs found

    Influencing Choices by Changing Beliefs: A Logical Theory of Influence, Persuasion, and Deception

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    Wemodelpersuasion,viewedasadeliberateactionthroughwhichan agent (persuader) changes the beliefs of another agent’s (persuadee). This notion of persuasion paves the way to express the idea of persuasive influence, namely inducing a change in the choices of the persuadee by changing her beliefs. It allows in turns to express different aspects of deception. To this end, we propose a logical framework that enables expressing actions and capabilities of agents, their mental states (desires, knowledge and beliefs), a variety of agency operators as well as the connection between mental states and choices. Those notions, once combined, enable us to capture, the notion of influence, persuasion and deception, as well as their relation

    Dynamic Terrain: Vision Document

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    Temperature dependence of single-particle properties in nuclear matter

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    The single-nucleon potential in hot nuclear matter is investigated in the framework of the Brueckner theory by adopting the realistic Argonne V18 or Nijmegen 93 two-body nucleon-nucleon interaction supplemented by a microscopic three-body force. The rearrangement contribution to the single-particle potential induced by the ground state correlations is calculated in terms of the hole-line expansion of the mass operator and provides a significant repulsive contribution in the low-momentum region around and below the Fermi surface. Increasing temperature leads to a reduction of the effect, while increasing density makes it become stronger. The three-body force suppresses somewhat the ground state correlations due to its strong short-range repulsion, increasing with density. Inclusion of the three-body force contribution results in a quite different temperature dependence of the single-particle potential at high enough densities as compared to that adopting the pure two-body force. The effects of three-body force and ground state correlations on the nucleon effective mass are also discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Carrying capacity and goat botanical diet composition in an arid ecosystem, Lavalle, Argentina

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    8 págs, 1 tabla.-- Comunicación presentada a la XLV Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos: "Producciones agroganaderas: gestión eficiente y conservación del medio natural" (Gijón, 28 de mayo al 3 de junio de 2005).[ES] El trabajo se llevó a cabo en el departamento de Lavalle, Mendoza, Argentina. Las unidades de pastos, más importantes desde el punto de vista forrajero son: Algarrobal de Prosopis flexuosa; Matorral con Atriplex lampa (zampal); Matorral con Tricomaria usillo (usillar); Matorral degradado con Larrea cuneifolia (jarillal) y Medanal. Los objetivos del estudio fueron estimar la capacidad sustentadora de las diferentes unidades y la composición botánica de la ingesta de los caprinos. La estimación de dicha capacidad, expresada en hectáreas por Unidades Ganadera Caprinas (ha UGC–1), se realizó mediante el método de Point Quadrat modificado para el Monte. Y por medio del análisis microhistológico de heces se determinó la composición estacional de la ingesta.Los valores medios anuales de capacidad sustentadora fueron: Algarrobal, 1,2; Zampal, 1,7; Usillar, 3,5; Jarillal, 5,8 y Médanos, 4,3 ha UGC-1. La composición de la ingesta varió durante las estaciones, observándose una predominancia de las especies arbustivas, las gramíneas perennes aparecieron en muy baja frecuencia en todas las estaciones. El Algarrobal y el Zampal son las unidades de mayor importancia forrajera, presentando receptividades ganaderas más altas y una oferta forrajera más estable a lo largo del año, respecto del resto de las unidades de pastos analizadas.[EN] The work was carried out in the department of Lavalle, Mendoza, Argentina. The units of pastures, more important from the forage matter are: Algarrobal of Prosopis flexuosa; Shrubland with Atriplex lampa (zampal); Shrubland with Tricomaria usillo (usillar); Shrubland degraded with Larrea cuneifolia (jarillal) and Dunes. The aims of the study were to estimate the carrying capacity of the different units and the botanical composition of goat diets. The carrying capacity, expressed in hectares by Units Goat (ha UG-1), was measured by the method of Point Quadrat modified for Monte and the seasonal botanical composition of goat diets, was determined by microhistological analysis of faeces. The annual average values of carrying capacity were: Algarrobal, 1.2; Zampal, 1.7; Usillar, 3.5; Jarillal, 5.8 and Dunes, 4.3 ha UG-1. The composition of the diet varied during the seasons, the predominance of the shrubs species were observed, the perennial grass appeared in low frequency in all the seasons. The Algarrobal and the Zampal are the units of greater forage importance, where forage receptivity are higher and with more stable production throughout the year, respect to the others units of pastures analyzed.Peer reviewe

    Isospin splitting of the nucleon mean field

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    The isospin splitting of the nucleon mean field is derived from the Brueckner theory extended to asymmetric nuclear matter. The Argonne V18 has been adopted as bare interaction in combination with a microscopic three body force. The isospin splitting of the effective mass is determined from the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock self-energy: It is linear acording to the Lane ansatz and such that mn>mpm^*_n > m^*_p for neutron-rich matter. The symmetry potential is also determined and a comparison is made with the predictions of the Dirac-Brueckner approach and the phenomenological interactions. The theoretical predictions are also compared with the empirical parametrizations of neutron and proton optical-model potentials based on the experimental nucleon-nucleus scattering and the phenomenological ones adopted in transport-model simulations of heavy-ion collisions. The direct contribution of the rearrangement term due to three-body forces to the single particle potential and symmetry potential is discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    The baryonic Y-shape confining potential energy and its approximants

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    We discuss the validity of replacing the complicated three-body confinement operator of the Y string junction type by three kinds of approximation which are numerically much simpler to handle: a one-body operator with the junction point at the centre of mass, a two-body operator corresponding to half the perimeter of the triangle formed by the three particles, and the average of both. Two different approaches for testing the quality of the approximations are proposed: a geometrical treatment based on the comparison of the potential energy strengths for the various inter quark distances, and a dynamical treatment based on the comparison of the corresponding effective string tensions using a hyperspherical approach. Both procedures give very similar results. It is shown how to simulate the genuine string junction operator by the approximations proposed above. Exact three-body calculations are presented in order to compare quantitatively the various approximations and to confirm our analysis.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, submitted to EPJ