138 research outputs found

    The interest of science shops for universities: The case of the UC3M-INAECU Science Shop

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    This paper has been presented at Open Science International Staff Week celebrated in Getafe (Madrid) - November 6-8, 2019

    Bibliometric and Altmetric Analysis of Three Social Science Disciplines

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    This article analyses scientific publications of international prestige in three social science disciplines (communication, economics, and sociology) to identify possible production patterns. Emphasis is placed on the study of impact and visibility, both through bibliometric and altmetric indicators to determine similarities and differences and to establish possible inter-variable relationships. The use of measures such as the presence in social media for the study of the visibility of documents is discussed. A total of 112,300 papers published from 2013 to 2015 in the three disciplines analyzed was retrieved from the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). Economics accounted for the largest number and was observed to have a “stable” and consolidated output profile. Collaboration, impact, and visibility were found to be inter-related in the three fields. The proportion of papers with mentions in the social media was high (around 50%) in communication and sociology, suggesting a relationship between the object of study and the medium for disseminating the findings. Tweets were the most common type of mentions. While the correlation between academic impact (citation/doc) and mentions in blog posts and tweets was observed to be low, the percentage of papers cited (78 to 96%) and the mean number of citations per paper were greater among those with than those without mentions in the social media (especially those mentioned in Google+, MSM, videos, and Wikipedia). The proportion of open access (OA) papers with mentions in the social media was higher than the percentage of open access papers as a whole in two of the three disciplines

    ¿Existe relación entre los perfiles de investigación de los IPs y la calificación de sus propuestas de investigación? El caso de ciencias sociales

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar y comparar las características de la actividad científica contenida en el curriculum vitae (CV) de los investigadores principales de las propuestas de investigación del Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2004-2007, calificadas como excelentes o cuestionables por la Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva (ANEP) en el área Ciencias Sociales. Se ha trabajado con un total de 149 propuestas de investigación que se distribuyen en: 62 propuestas de investigación excelentes y 87 cuestionables. Entre los resultados hay que destacar, el 10% del total de las propuestas solicitadas obtuvieron calificación excelente y el 13% cuestionable. En lo que se refiere a los datos del CV se han analizado el 83% de los CV de investigadores de propuestas excelentes y el 77% de los CV de los investigadores de propuestas cuestionables. La utilización de esta fuente ha permitido identificar y categorizar el perfil científico de los investigadores analizados en función de la investigación pública competitiva y con empresas que ha tenido financiación, la movilidad internacional, la formación de investigadores y la producción científica. Tanto las propuestas de investigación como los CV se han clasificado según la subárea de Ciencias Sociales-ANEP en la que fueron evaluadas.Abstract: The present study aims at determining and comparing the characteristics of scientific activity described in the curricula vitae (CV) of the head researchers appearing in Social Sciences proposals for projects under the Spanish National R&D+I Plan, 2004-2007. In all, 149 proposals were studied: 62 were classified as excellent and 87 as questionable by the National Evaluation and Foresight Agency (Spanish initials, ANEP), accounting respectively for 10% and 13% of all submitted proposals. In the case of the researchers’ CVs, 83% of excellent proposals and 77% of questionable ones were studied. The advantage of using curricula as the source of the raw data was that the scientific profile of the researchers analysed could be identified and classified on the basis of funded research, international mobility, researcher training and scientific production. Both the research proposals and the CVs have been classified according to the of Social Sciences-ANEP sub area in which they were evaluated.PublicadoPublicad

    Bibliometric and Altmetric Analysis of Three Social Science Disciplines

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    This article analyses scientific publications of international prestige in three social science disciplines (communication, economics, and sociology) to identify possible productionpatterns. Emphasis is placed on the study of impact and visibility, both through bibliometric and altmetric indicators to determine similarities and differences and to establish possible inter-variable relationships. The use of measures such as the presence in social media for the study of the visibility of documents is discussed. A total of 112,300 papers published from 2013 to 2015 in the three disciplines analyzed was retrieved from the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). Economics accounted for the largest number and was observed to have a "stable" and consolidated output profile. Collaboration, impact, and visibility were found to be inter-related in the three fields. The proportion of papers with mentions in the social media was high (around 50%) in communication and sociology, suggesting a relationship between the object of study and the medium for disseminating the findings. Tweets were the most common type of mentions. While the correlation between academic impact (citation/doc) and mentions in blog posts and tweets was observed to be low, the percentage of papers cited (78 to 96%) and the mean number of citations per paper were greater among those with than those without mentions in the social media (especially those mentioned in Google+, MSM, videos, and Wikipedia). The proportion of open access (OA) papers with mentions in the social media was higher than the percentage of open access papers as a whole in two of the threedisciplines

    International Conferences of Bibliometrics

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    Conferences are deeply connected to research fields, in this case bibliometrics. As such, they are a venue to present and discuss current and innovative research, and play an important role for the scholarly community. In this article, we provide an overview on the history of conferences in bibliometrics. We conduct an analysis to list the most prominent conferences that were announced in the newsletter by ISSI, the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. Furthermore, we describe how conferences are connected to learned societies and journals. Finally, we provide an outlook on how conferences might change in future

    Análisis de la actividad científica de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de Mar de Plata, durante el periodo 1998-2001

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    This paper forms part of a research project sponsored by Mar del Plata University to ascertain the scientific activity conduced by the departments comprising its Humanities Faculty. The curriculum vitae of the entire teaching staff were used as a data source to ensure the analysis would be as exhaustive and accurate as possible. The period analyzed was 1998-2001.According to the findings of the study, the two most preponderant departments in the faculty in terms of the number of researchers were History and Letters (29.5% and 24.4% of the total, respectively); they were also the departments with the most papers published. In this regard, after peaking in 2000, the total number of publications tumbled drastically in 2001. The professional category found to be most productive was tenured professor except in two of the departments analyzed (Geography and Letters), where assistant and associate professors proved to be more active. Research papers were published primarily in congress minutes and periodicals, a finding that does not concur with the results observed in other studies on this type of researchers. Finally, joint research among staff members was found to be weak and primarily intradepartmental.Este trabajo forma parte de un proyecto de investigación patrocinado por la Universidad de Mar del Plata y cuyo objetivo es conocer la actividad científica de los departamentos que componen la Facultad de Humanidades de dicha Universidad. Para que el análisis fuese lo más exhaustivo y preciso posible, se utilizó como fuente de datos el curriculum vitae de todo el profesorado. Se analizó el período 1998-2001.Algunos resultados obtenidos mostraron que los departamentos de Historia y Letras son los de mayor peso en la facultad por número de investigadores (29,5% y 24,4% respectivamente), y también los que muestran una mayor actividad publicadora. Respecto a esta actividad, en el año 2000 es cuando en la facultad se realiza un mayor número de publicaciones, disminuyendo éstas drásticamente en el año 2001. La categoría profesional más productiva es la de Titular, excepto en dos de los departamentos analizados (Geografía y Letras) donde son el Adjunto y el Asociado. Las investigaciones se difunden principalmente en actas de congresos y publicaciones periódicas, resultados que no se ajustan a los observados en otros trabajos sobre estos tipos de investigadores. Finalmente, la colaboración establecida por el profesorado de la facultad, es de poca intensidad, y fundamentalmente de tipo intradepartamental

    La investigación española en Economía a través de la publicaciones nacionales e internacionales en el periodo 1990-1995

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    En este trabajo se analiza la actividad investigadora de los economistas españoles durante el período 1990-1995, a partir de los documentos publicados por estos investigadores en fuentes nacionales e internacionales. Se han utilizado indicadores bibliométricos unidimensionales y multidimensionales para determinar las distintas características científicas de las publicaciones. Los resultados obtenidos muestran el importante crecimiento de los trabajos publicados en revistas internacionales, si bien este aumento sólo tiene lugar en algunas áreas temáticas. También se ha estudiado la colaboración entre autores e instituciones, observándose una mayor colaboración cuando la investigación se publica en revistas de ámbito internacional. Como conclusión general se observa que los hábitos de investigación de los economistas españoles son distintos en función del ámbito nacional o internacional de la fuente donde se publiquen sus trabajos.Publicad

    A Ciência Aberta: o contributo da Ciência da Informação. viii Encontro Ibérico EDICIC, 2017.

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    The Biennial Iberian Encounters of the Association of Education and Research in Information Science of Ibero-America and the Caribbean (EDICIC) are part of the events organized by the Iberian Chapter of EDICIC International. These Meetings have become important steps for the sharing of knowledge generated by researchers, academics and professionals of the Spanish-Portuguese community, as well as those of other members of the Ibero-american community that more and more frequently attend these meetings in the area of Information Science

    La ciencia abierta: la contribución de la ciencia de la información. viiiEncuentro de EDICIC Iberia, 2017.

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    The Biennial Iberian Encounters of the Association of Education and Research in Information Science of Ibero-America and the Caribbean (EDICIC) are part of the events organized by the Iberian Chapter of EDICIC International. These Meetings have become important steps for the sharing of knowledge generated by researchers, academics and professionals of the Spanish-Portuguese community, as well as those of other members of the Iberoamericana community that more and more frequently attend these meetings in the area of Information Science