303 research outputs found

    Javanese Aesthetics in the Contexts of Ethics, Culture and Civilization

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    This article, which was written based on research, attempted to see the relation between the cultural elements which were confronted with objects as artifacts. Considering that artifacts have the system of highly sophisticated values, it is necessary to distinguish culture in its wide definition from civilization. The term civilization is used to refer to parts and elements of refined, developed, and beautiful parts and elements of culture, such as art, science, cleverness in writing, state organizations and so forth. The term civilization is also frequently used to the culture which has the systems of technology, science, architecture, fine arts and state in a complex society. This article was aimed at acquiring understanding of the position of aesthetics as one of the elements forming an artifact and its relation to the aesthetics in the constellation of civilization and culture. As a result, its position in the system of Javanese culture could be identified. Aesthetics (or arts) in Javanese language is not formulated as a concept. To find out its context, it was confronted with the applicable universal value of aesthetics as a concept (Thomas Aquinas, 1225-1274). It is stated that something is beautiful if it contains the following three things: (1) integrity or perfection; (2) harmonious or accurate proportion; (3) clarity. What is true and what is beautiful are synonyms; the truth intended is the heavenly one. Keywords: Aesthetics, beauty and trut

    Kajian Estetika dan Unsur Pendukungnya pada Keraton Surakarta

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    In Javanese culture, the Keraton of Surakarta Hadiningrat (Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace) is classified as one of the highly valued Javanese historical objects. It is due to the fact that the history of the Palace's construction has a close connection with the history of the previous Javanese kingdoms, especially those belong to the Mataram Rajakula (dynasty) which was established in the year 1508 of Javanese calendar (Saka) or 1582 AD. The word "keraton" originates from the word 'ke-ratu-an, a manifestation of highly valued  creation or 'Pamesu Budi' (in Javanese language) of a king, his men of letters, and his artists, the creation that caters the Javanese life values and norms. From its meaning, the design of the Surakarta palace"“in Javanese language--characterizes the following: nyipati wewangun toto lahir, sinartan dhamang dumateng pagedhong pikajeng, manunggaling kang agal lan alus, whose translation says that the merger between physical and metaphysical thing, between logic and non-logic, between the soft and hard, and between wadaq and thought


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    Di Indonesia garam sebagian besar diperoleh dari Air Laut yang diuapkan, namun demikian persoalan garam merupakan persoalan nasional yang sampai kini tidak kunjung selesai permasalahannya. Disatu sisi kualitas garam nasional kurang memenuhi syarat sebagai garam industri karena kandungan NaCl-nya kurang 97% disisi lain masih rendahnya kualitas kebersihan garam untuk dikonsumsi sebagai makanan. Untuk mendapatkan garam berkualitas baik maka dikembangkan pembuatan garam menggunakan kolam kedap air berukuran sama. Air laut dari pantai goa cemara dianalisa kandungan ion makronya, dibandingkan dengan standar yang ada. Air laut ditampung dalam wadah taransparan yang lebar dan dalam, diamati penurunan ketinggian tiap hari, untuk menghitung laju penguapan harian. Setelah laju penguapan didapatkan dibuat skema tata letak terpal untuk memproduksi garam dari air laut. Skema ini dicoba dengan skala kecil menggunakan ember. Kemudian hasil garamnya dianalisa secara kualitatif. Hasil analisa densitas air laut dari pantai goa cemara sebesar 1,025 gr/cc dengan kandungan padartan 4,131 gr/100 gr air laut. Secara kuantitatif produksi garamnya 80 % dari laut umumnya karena cukup dekat dengan muara, namun kualitas garam yang dihasilkan lebih bagus karena kandungan sulfat yang kecil. Laju penguapan air laut rata-rata per hari adalah 0,5 cm, pada kondisi cuaca yang cerah. Metoda kolam kedap air menjanjikan masa panen garam yang fleksibel, dapat diaplikasikan dengan baik dan menghasilkan garam dengan kualitas yang baik. Kata kunci : air laut, garam, kolam berukuran sama

    Cultural Manifestation in an Electronic EFL Textbook For Senior High School

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    This study aims to find out the manifestation of culture in English electronic textbook for Senior highschool by Puskurbuk. The study utilizes a content analysis as a research method to explore the cultural element in an Electronic English Textbook for Senior high school in Indonesia. The study probes around cultural element or cultural manifestation in the textbook, in which the main points-cultural features in cultural element comprises of eight different manifestations; cultural identity and social group, social interaction, belief and behaviour, social and political institutions, socialization and life cycle, national history, national geography and national identityThe result of this study revealedcultural manifestations in the textbook consisting of 28% stereotype and national identity, which made up to almost one-third of the whole cultural occurrences. The remaining sequential amount of the cultural occurrences in the textbook are cultural identity and social group with 17%. Social and political institution, along with national geography, gained 13% of cultural manifestations. Social interaction (9%), belief and behaviour (7%), socialization and life cycle (7%) and the 6% occurrence of national history were the least elements found in the data observed. This study is beneficial to give the insight of cultural manifestation portrayal in the textbook.Keywords: English Textbook, Culture, Cultural elemen


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    Senyawa 2,5-bis (4-hidroksi-3-metoksibenzilidin) siklopentanon atau pentagamanuvon (PGV-O) merupakan salah satu modifikasi struktur senyawa kurkumin rantai tengah dimana gugus asetil aseton diganti dengan siklopentanon. Aktivitas PGV-O sebagai antioksidan dan anti-inflamasinya lebih baik dibanding kurkumin, sehingga sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai obat anti radang dan anti kanker baru di Indonesia. Untuk mengembangkan sintesis PGV-O menjadi skala industri perlu dicari kinetika reaksi dan variabel yang berpengaruh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari kinetika reaksi vanilin dengan siklopentanon yang menghasilkan 2,5-bis (4-hidroksi-3-metoksibenzilidin) siklopentanon (PGV-O) yang dijalankan secara batch, dengan membuat model reaksinya. Vanillin seberat 45,7 gram (0,3 mol) ditambah dengan siklopentanon sebanyak 13,3 ml (0,15 mol) dimasukkan ke dalam gelas beker yang dilengkapi dengan pengaduk. Campuran diaduk dengan kecepatan 400 rpm. Reaksi dimulai dengan penambahan HCl sebanyak 0,15 mol sebagai katalis. Setiap selang waktu 3 menit diambil beberapa mg sampel untuk dianalisis secara spektrofotometri konsentrasi PGV-O yang terbentuk. Variabel penelitian ini adalah waktu (0-15 menit) dan suhu (30-70 oC) . Teknik analisa data menggunakan metoda ralat rata-rata, rkuadrat, dan SSE. Dengan model kinetika reaksi mengikuti shrinking core model (SCM), pada menit ke 0 sampai 15 dengan pengadukan disimpulkan difusi melalui lapisan film dan reaksi kimia mengontrol, sehingga persamaan yang tepat adalah : (1 ) 0.5 ((1 ) 0.5 1) 12 = − − + − − − Ln XB XB t τ Kata kunci : kinetika, SCM, PGV-

    Desain Mebel Denmark dalam Konteks Perkembangan Desain Kontemporer Skandinavia

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    Denmark's strategic geographical position between Continental Europe and Scandinavian region makes them play a role as a bridge between both regions, including in the development of modern design. The development of Scandinavian furniture design influenced by proto-modern design movement in Europe such as Art and Craft Movement, De Stijl, Vienna School, Deutsche Werkbund, and also Bauhaus. The outer influences were accepted with critical understanding and blended with local character to produce a new design form known as Modern Scandinavia. Historically, the education of modern furniture design in Denmark and other Scandinavian countries pioneered by Kaare Klint (1888-1954) in the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art, School of Architecture in Copenhagen. It was for the very first time, Klint arranged a systematic and comprehensive study about function, structure and furniture dimension based on British classics chair design. He also studied measurement of furniture based on the necessity of objects, which later known as Ergonomic. Klint's approach resulted in a functional aspect that lead to organic abstraction form by using natural wood as opposed to Bauhaus form concept that tended to use geometric abstraction form by using chrome-plated metal. Having described its historical roots, the study analyzed the characteristic of Denmark furniture design development that referring to (a) the values of craftsmanship, which is applied into modern design and manufacture process; (b) the commitment to natural material, which is used in furniture design, and (c) social idealism that applied in the society. Danish furniture designers' approach into modern design starts by reductionism that simplifies classical forms into basic-structural forms, and apply organic abstraction as opposed to Bauhaus's geometric abstractions

    Desain Mebel Denmark dalam Konteks Perkembangan Desain Kontemporer Skandinavia

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    Denmark's strategic geographical position between Continental Europe and Scandinavian region makes them play a role as a bridge between both regions, including in the development of modern design. The development of Scandinavian furniture design influenced by proto-modern design movement in Europe such as Art and Craft Movement, De Stijl, Vienna School, Deutsche Werkbund, and also Bauhaus. The outer influences were accepted with critical understanding and blended with local character to produce a new design form known as Modern Scandinavia. Historically, the education of modern furniture design in Denmark and other Scandinavian countries pioneered by Kaare Klint (1888-1954) in the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art, School of Architecture in Copenhagen. It was for the very first time, Klint arranged a systematic and comprehensive study about function, structure and furniture dimension based on British classics chair design. He also studied measurement of furniture based on the necessity of objects, which later known as Ergonomic. Klint's approach resulted in a functional aspect that lead to organic abstraction form by using natural wood as opposed to Bauhaus form concept that tended to use geometric abstraction form by using chrome-plated metal. Having described its historical roots, the study analyzed the characteristic of Denmark furniture design development that referring to (a) the values of craftsmanship, which is applied into modern design and manufacture process; (b) the commitment to natural material, which is used in furniture design, and (c) social idealism that applied in the society. Danish furniture designers' approach into modern design starts by reductionism that simplifies classical forms into basic-structural forms, and apply organic abstraction as opposed to Bauhaus's geometric abstractions

    Desain Mebel Denmark dalam Konteks Perkembangan Desain Kontemporer Skandinavia

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    Denmark's strategic geographical position between Continental Europe and Scandinavian region makes them play a role as a bridge between both regions, including in the development of modern design. The development of Scandinavian furniture design influenced by proto-modern design movement in Europe such as Art and Craft Movement, De Stijl, Vienna School, Deutsche Werkbund, and also Bauhaus. The outer influences were accepted with critical understanding and blended with local character to produce a new design form known as Modern Scandinavia. Historically, the education of modern furniture design in Denmark and other Scandinavian countries pioneered by Kaare Klint (1888-1954) in the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art, School of Architecture in Copenhagen. It was for the very first time, Klint arranged a systematic and comprehensive study about function, structure and furniture dimension based on British classics chair design. He also studied measurement of furniture based on the necessity of objects, which later known as Ergonomic. Klint's approach resulted in a functional aspect that lead to organic abstraction form by using natural wood as opposed to Bauhaus form concept that tended to use geometric abstraction form by using chrome-plated metal. Having described its historical roots, the study analyzed the characteristic of Denmark furniture design development that referring to (a) the values of craftsmanship, which is applied into modern design and manufacture process; (b) the commitment to natural material, which is used in furniture design, and (c) social idealism that applied in the society. Danish furniture designers' approach into modern design starts by reductionism that simplifies classical forms into basic-structural forms, and apply organic abstraction as opposed to Bauhaus's geometric abstractions