137 research outputs found

    Pengelompokan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi (PDRB) dan Pengeluaran di Jawa Timur Berdasarkan Jumlah UMK serta Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi dengan Model Persamaan Simultan

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    Pertumbuhan ekonomi Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) diidentikkan sebagai ukuran kesejahteraan masyarakat. Usaha mikro kecil (UMK) di Indonesia dapat menjadi pendukung dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi karena UMK memiliki karakteristik positif sebagai sektor yang mampu menyediakan lapangan pekerjaan yang besar. Pengeluaran juga dapat mempengaruhi PDRB, karena dapat menunjukkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. Jawa Timur sebagai salah satu provinsi Indonesia yang memiliki perekonomian yang baik, karena memiliki PDRB terbesar kedua setelah DKI Jakarta dan memiliki UMK yang menjadi pendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi. Adanya hubungan simultan antara PDRB dan pengeluaran yang over identified dapat dimodelkan menggunakan metode persamaan simultan 2SLS dan 3SLS. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa estimasi model persamaan simultan lebih baik daripada model persamaan tunggal, berdasarkan kriteria koefisien determinasi maksimum dan kesamaan nilai estimasi. Lebih dari itu, estimasi model persamaan simultan 3SLS ditunjukkan ecara empiris bersifat lebih baik dibandingkan model 2SLS, dengan kriteria koefisien determinasi maksimum dan standard error minimum. Hasil estimasi model 3SLS menunjukkan bahwa jumlah UMK dan pengeluaran berpengaruh positif terhadap PDRB, tetapi rasio ketergantungan berpengaruh negatif terhadap PDRB. Sementara itu, IPM dan PDRB berpengaruh positif terhadap pengeluaran, tetapi pengangguran berpengaruh negatif terhadap pengeluaran. Hasil konfirmasi pengelompokan estimasi sepuluh daerah PDRB terendah dengan data aktual hanya meliputi empat kabupaten/kota, sedangkan estimasi pengeluaran terdiri dari tiga kabupaten/kota

    Keterlibatan masyarakat pada radio komunitas untuk pengurangan risiko bencana

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    This paper discusses participatory communication for disaster risk reduction through community radio. Community radio is managed independently by volunteers. This research uses a case study approach: interviews, FGDs, and document studies on community radio collected data. The results show that community radio plays an essential role at each stage of disaster management. In addition, community radio is also engaged in increasing the capacity of the community by providing needed information, such as information on agriculture and sports. Stakeholders who play a role in community radio consist of volunteers, the community, government, and non-governmental organizations. Volunteers and residents play a role in running community radio, and the government, through the disaster management agency, provides factual information about disasters. Non-Governmental Organizations play a role by providing training for volunteers. Community radio has financing, equipment maintenance, and volunteer regeneration challenges. Various efforts need to be made by all stakeholders to face these challenges

    Societal Utilities for Cognitive Impairment in Schizophrenia:Developing a Preference-Based Scoring Algorithm Based on the Schizophrenia Cognition Rating Scale

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    Introduction: Loss of cognitive function is a common feature in schizophrenia. However, generic measures of health-related quality of life favored by decision-makers, such as the EQ-5D, are not designed to detect changes in cognitive function. We report the valuation of the Schizophrenia Cognition Rating Scale (SCoRS), a schizophrenia-specific measure of cognitive impairment.Methods: Expert opinion and psychometric analysis of the SCoRS from clinical trial data was undertaken to select 5 key items from the measure. These items were combined orthogonally to develop health-state vignettes. Vignettes were valued using composite time trade-off (cTTO) in one-on-one video calls. Several econometric models were fitted to the data to estimate disutilities. Performance of EQ-5D- and SCoRS-based utilities were compared in the trial data. Results: The SCoRS items selected for the valuation study represented attention, learning, processing speed, social cognition and memory. Four hundred respondents participated in the valuation study. The best observed health state was valued at 0.855 [standard deviation (SD) = 0.179] and the worst at 0.152 (SD = 0.575). At the most severe levels, ‘social cognition’ received the largest disutility followed by ‘learning’ and ‘memory’. The final model to estimate utilities had 15 parameters. SCoRS-based utilities were sensitive to change in cognition, but the EQ-5D was not. Conclusion: It is feasible to value different dimensions of cognition separately using a validated instrument for proxy assessment. The resulting utilities indicate loss of quality of life due to reduced cognitive functioning.</p

    Estimating the Prognostic Value of the NTRK Fusion Biomarker for Comparative Effectiveness Research in The Netherlands

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    Objectives: We evaluated the prognostic value of the neurotrophic tyrosine receptor kinase (NTRK) gene fusions by comparing the survival of patients with NTRK+ tumours with patients without NTRK+ tumours. Methods: We used genomic and clinical registry data from the Center for Personalized Cancer Treatment (CPCT-02) study containing a cohort of cancer patients who were treated in Dutch clinical practice between 2012 and 2020. We performed a propensity score matching analysis, where NTRK+ patients were matched to NTRK− patients in a 1:4 ratio. We subsequently analysed the survival of the matched sample of NTRK+ and NTRK− patients using the Kaplan–Meier method and Cox regression, and performed an analysis of credibility to evaluate the plausibility of our result. Results:Among 3556 patients from the CPCT-02 study with known tumour location, 24 NTRK+ patients were identified. NTRK+ patients were distributed across nine different tumour types: bone/soft tissue, breast, colorectal, head and neck, lung, pancreas, prostate, skin and urinary tract. NTRK fusions involving the NTRK3 gene (46%) and NTRK1 gene (33%) were most common. The survival analysis rendered a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.44 (95% CI 0.81–2.55) for NTRK+ patients. Using the point estimates of three prior studies on the prognostic value of NTRK fusions, our finding that the HR is &gt; 1 was deemed plausible. Conclusions: NTRK+ patients may have an increased risk of death compared with NTRK− patients. When using historic control data to assess the comparative effectiveness of TRK inhibitors, the prognostic value of the NTRK fusion biomarker should therefore be accounted for.</p

    Estimating the Prognostic Value of the NTRK Fusion Biomarker for Comparative Effectiveness Research in The Netherlands

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    Objectives: We evaluated the prognostic value of the neurotrophic tyrosine receptor kinase (NTRK) gene fusions by comparing the survival of patients with NTRK+ tumours with patients without NTRK+ tumours. Methods: We used genomic and clinical registry data from the Center for Personalized Cancer Treatment (CPCT-02) study containing a cohort of cancer patients who were treated in Dutch clinical practice between 2012 and 2020. We performed a propensity score matching analysis, where NTRK+ patients were matched to NTRK− patients in a 1:4 ratio. We subsequently analysed the survival of the matched sample of NTRK+ and NTRK− patients using the Kaplan–Meier method and Cox regression, and performed an analysis of credibility to evaluate the plausibility of our result. Results:Among 3556 patients from the CPCT-02 study with known tumour location, 24 NTRK+ patients were identified. NTRK+ patients were distributed across nine different tumour types: bone/soft tissue, breast, colorectal, head and neck, lung, pancreas, prostate, skin and urinary tract. NTRK fusions involving the NTRK3 gene (46%) and NTRK1 gene (33%) were most common. The survival analysis rendered a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.44 (95% CI 0.81–2.55) for NTRK+ patients. Using the point estimates of three prior studies on the prognostic value of NTRK fusions, our finding that the HR is &gt; 1 was deemed plausible. Conclusions: NTRK+ patients may have an increased risk of death compared with NTRK− patients. When using historic control data to assess the comparative effectiveness of TRK inhibitors, the prognostic value of the NTRK fusion biomarker should therefore be accounted for.</p

    The additional labour of a disabled PhD student

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    This is a personal account of the challenges I have faced during the first year and a half of my PhD, solely due to my identity as a disabled student. I address issues such as a lack of representation when researching PhD life, the impact of the services which are meant to be there to help and the complexities of juggling the additional time-consuming events which occur when you are disabled, with PhD time, a home life and work. This is especially relevant in the United Kingdom at this time as the Disabled Students Allowance has recently been cut back, meaning there is less support available for disabled students, and with the increased marketisation of higher education it could be argued that there is less impetus for universities to support those who have non-standard needs

    Nanostructured AABB Zn (II) phthalocyanines as photodynamic agents for bacterial inactivation

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    In this work, the ability of amphiphilic Phthalocyanine (Pc) photosensitizers (PS) (Zn(II)Pcs PS1, PS2, and PS3) to assemble into cationic nanoparticles in water and to photo-inactivate bacterial strains is demonstrated. All the synthesized Zn(II)Pcs exhibit an AABB functionalization pattern, having a binaphthyloxy-linked bisisoindole (AA) functionalized at the chiral binaphthol core with branched (PS1) or linear (PS2 and PS3) poly-ammonium chains, and two non-functionalized isoindole rings (BB). The aggregation behavior and the stability of the nanoparticles formed by the three PS in water is studied by UV–vis, fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopies, and their shape and size is determined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS). The PS nanoparticles prove efficient in the photoinactivation of S. aureus and E. coli. Although PS2 and PS3 present better photophysical features in their monomeric form (i.e., improved singlet oxygen quantum yield), PS1 is more effective in killing both types of strains, especially the gram-negative E. coli. This observation may derive from the low stability found for PS1 nanoparticles, which easily disassemble after binding to the bacteria surface, recovering the photophysical properties of the non-aggregated speciesThe authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Spanish AEI through grants PID2020-116490GB-I00, PID2020-115801RB-C21, and PID2020- 115801RB-C22. The authors also thank financial support to the Comunidad de Madrid and the Spanish State through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan [“Materiales Disruptivos Bidimensionales (2D)” (MAD2D-CM) (UAM1)-MRR Materiales Avanzados], and the European Union through the Next Generation EU funds. IMDEA Nanociencia acknowledges support from the “Severo Ochoa” Program for Centers of Excellence in R&D (MINECO, Grant SEV2016-0686). S.N. thanks the Departament de Recerca i Universitats de la Generalitat de Catalunya for the support given to the research group (2021 SGR 01023) and the ICREA-Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies for grant No. Ac223230

    Perbandingan Efektivitas Terapi Injeksi Intra-artikular HA, LP-PRP, dan LR-PRP Terhadap Keluhan Nyeri Lutut Pada Osteoarthritis: Meta-analysis

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    Background: Osteoarthritis can reduce a person's quality of life due to pain and limitation of motion. Treatment of OA using analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs has the risk of causing gastric bleeding. Invasive therapy with IA injection has become an option, but because of the risks due to injection and the high cost, it is necessary to conduct a meta-analysis to determine which one is the most effective in reducing pain in knee osteoarthritis (KOA) patients. The results of this study are expected to assist the selection of intra-articular injection therapy that is more effective and appropriate in providing therapy to KOA patients. Method: Search for RCT articles assessing the effectiveness of IA PRP (LP-PRP or LR-PRP) with IA-HA on pain, with WOMAC score as an outcome measure, from Pubmed, Cochrane, Proquest, ScienceDirect, Clinical Key, and EBSCO hosts. Articles are rated for quality on the JADAD scale. Then the selected will be carried out meta-analysis. The flow of article selection will be presented in the PRISMA flow chart. Results: Six studies met the eligibility criteria separated based on their variable, leukocyte poor platelet rich plasma and HA and leukocyte rich platelet rich plasma and HA. There is a significant mean difference of WOMAC score in LR-PRP compared to HA (mean difference -5,24) and LP-PRP compared to HA (mean difference-3,82). Conclusion: The findings of this meta-analysis reveal that intra-articular injection therapy with LR-PRP is superior to LP-PRP and HA at 6 and 12 months, especially for symptomatic knee pain. Keywords: Knee pain · Knee osteoarthritis · PRP · Platelet-rich plasma · Hyaluronic acid · Meta-analysis · Systematic review · Leukocyte Poor Platelet Rich Plasma · Leukocyte Rich Platelet Rich Plasma ·Latar Belakang: Osteoarthritis dapat mengurangi kualitas hidup seseorang akibat nyeri dan keterbatasan gerak. Pengobatan OA menggunakan obat analgesik dan antiinflamasi berisiko mengakibatkan perdarahan pada lambung. Terapi invasif dengan penyuntikan IA menjadi pilihan yang baik namun karena risiko akibat penyuntikan dan biaya yang cukup mahal sehingga perlu melakukan metaanalisis untuk menentukan mana yang paling efektif mengurangi nyeri pada pasien KOA. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu pemilihan terapi injeksi intra artikular yang lebih efektif dan tepat dalam memberikan terapi pada pasien KOA. Metode: Pencarian artikel RCT yang menilai efektifitas IA PRP (LP-PRP atau LR-PRP) dengan IA-HA, terhadap nyeri dengan skor WOMAC sebagai alat ukur, dari Pubmed, Cochrane, Proquest, ScienceDirect, Clinical Key, dan EBSCO host. Artikel dinilai kualitasnya dengan skala JADAD. Lalu yang terpilih akan dilakukan meta analisis. Alur pemilihan artikel akan disajikan dalam PRISMA flow chart. Hasil: Enam penelitian memenuhi kriteria kelayakan yang dipisahkan berdasarkan variabelnya, leukocyte poor platelet rich plasma dan HA dan leukocyte rich platelet rich plasma dan HA. Terdapat perbedaan rerata skor WOMAC yang signifikan pada LR-PRP dibandingkan dengan HA (mean difference -5,24) dan LP-PRP dibandingkan dengan HA (mean difference -3,82). Kesimpulan: Hasil meta-analisis ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terapi injeksi intra-artikular dengan LR-PRP lebih unggul daripada LP-PRP dan HA pada 6 dan 12 bulan, terutama untuk nyeri lutut simtomatik. Kata Kunci: Nyeri Lutut · Osteoarthritis lutut · PRP · Platelet-rich plasma · Asam Hialuronat · Meta-analysis · Systematic review · Leukocyte Poor Platelet Rich Plasma · Leukocyte Rich Platelet Rich Plasma

    An Observational Retrospective Cohort Trial on 4,828 IVF Cycles Evaluating Different Low Prognosis Patients Following the POSEIDON Criteria

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    Objective: To study the actual controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) management in women with suboptimal response, comparing clinical outcomes to the gonadotropins consume, considering potential role of luteinizing hormone (LH) addition to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).Design: Monocentric, observational, retrospective, real-world, clinical trial on fresh intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) cycles retrieving from 1 to 9 oocytes, performed at Humanitas Fertility Center from January 1st, 2012 to December 31st, 2015.Methods: COS protocols provided gonadotropin releasing-hormone (GnRH) agonist long, flare-up, short and antagonist. Both recombinant and urinary FSH were used for COS and LH was added according to the clinical practice. ICSI outcomes considered were: gonadotropins dosages; total, mature, injected and frozen oocytes; cumulative, transferred and frozen embryos; implantation rate; pregnancy, delivery and miscarriage rates. Outcomes were compared according to the gonadotropin regimen used during COS.Results: Our cohort showed 20.8% of low responders, defined as 1-3 oocytes retrieved and 79.2% of "suboptimal" responders, defined as 4-9 oocytes retrieved. According to recent POSEIDON stratification, cycles were divided in group 1 (6.9%), 2 (19.8%), 3 (11.7%), and 4 (61.5%). The cohort was divided in 3 groups, according to the gonadotropin's regimen. Women treated with FSH plus LH showed worst prognostic factors, in terms of age, basal FSH, AMH, and AFC. This difference was evident in suboptimal responders, whereas only AMH and AFC were different among treatment groups in low responders. Although a different result, in terms of oocytes and embryos detected, major ICSI outcomes (i.e., pregnancy and delivery rates) were similar among groups of COS treatment. Outcomes were significantly different among Poseidon groups. Implantation, pregnancy and delivery rates were significantly higher in Poseidon group 1 and progressively declined in other POSEIDON groups, reaching the worst percentage in group 4.Conclusions: In clinical practice, women with worst prognosis factors are generally treated with a combination of LH and FSH. Despite low prognosis women showed a reduced number of oocytes retrieved, the final ICSI outcome, in terms of pregnancy, is similarly among treatment group. This result suggests that the LH addition to FSH during COS could improve the quality of oocytes retrieved, balancing those differences that are evident at baseline