184 research outputs found

    Can Yamhill County Feed Itself?

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    In this paper, we considered the following question: If Yamhill County in northwest Oregon were to become isolated, would the population be able to survive off the agricultural products grown within its boundaries? We looked at what the farms in Yamhill County grow and how large of a population they could support. Essentially, this looked at the feasibility of a purely local food system within the borders of Yamhill County. We hypothesized that Yamhill County would not be able to feed itself without outsourcing; stemming from this hypothesis, we examined the maximum amount of food that can be produced locally and what would need to be imported to meet basic nutritional guidelines. A study done in 2010 looked at the local food system of the Willamette Valley and compared the local agriculture with dietary needs for the population to determine if the valley could support itself. The study determined that the Willamette Valley does not meet any of the nutrient needs for a healthy diet given by the USDA for any of the food groups (Giombolini et al, 2010). Due to the scope and methods of this study, we decided to use this paper as a model for examining the local food system of Yamhill County

    EV Financing Options for Low-to-Moderate Income Individuals in Columbus, OH

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    Course Code: AEDECON 4567Through the assessment of existing electric vehicle (EV) equity programs, this report aims to provide Smart Columbus with policy options that will help increase adoption of EVs in low- to moderate-income (LMI) households in central Ohio through financing for personal vehicle ownership/lease. Our research uses key informant interviews and EV equity program websites and reports to draw comparisons with the capacity for the City of Columbus to adopt similar program components. We recommend that Smart Columbus consider developing a program to provide low-interest loans and grants as a financing option for an EV equity program in central Ohio. We also propose a structural outline for a five-step program that we recommend Smart Columbus adopt in pursuit of an EV equity program. Finally, we recommend two ways Smart Columbus can engage with the LMI community to alleviate barriers to EV adoption. These steps are to (1) create a financial literacy course in the program's application process (2) develop a set of key performance indicators to measure both environmental and social impacts within LMI communities.Academic Major: City and Regional PlanningAcademic Major: Environment, Economy, Development, and Sustainabilit

    KSU Percussion Ensemble

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    Kennesaw State University School of Music presents KSU Percussion Ensemble.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1129/thumbnail.jp

    Persistent currents in a Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of disorder

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    We examine bosonic atoms that are confined in a toroidal, quasi-one-dimensional trap, subjected to a random potential. The resulting inhomogeneous atomic density is smoothened for sufficiently strong, repulsive interatomic interactions. Statistical analysis of our simulations show that the gas supports persistent currents, which become more fragile due to the disorder.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex, 3 figures, revised version, to appear in JLT

    Rapidly Rotating Fermions in an Anisotropic Trap

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    We consider a cold gas of non-interacting fermions in a two dimensional harmonic trap with two different trapping frequencies ωx≤ωy\omega_x \leq \omega_y, and discuss the effect of rotation on the density profile. Depending on the rotation frequency Ω\Omega and the trap anisotropy ωy/ωx\omega_y/\omega_x, the density profile assumes two qualitatively different shapes. For small anisotropy (ωy/ωx≪1+4Ω2/ωx2\omega_y/\omega_x \ll \sqrt{1+4 \Omega^2/\omega_x^2}), the density consists of elliptical plateaus of constant density, corresponding to Landau levels and is well described by a two dimensional local density approximation. For large anisotropy (ωy/ωx≫1+4Ω2/ωx2\omega_y/\omega_x \gg \sqrt{1+4 \Omega^2/\omega_x^2}), the density profile is Gaussian in the strong confining direction and semicircular with prominent Friedel oscillations in the weak direction. In this regime, a one dimensional local density approximation is well suited to describe the system. The crossover between the two regimes is smooth where the step structure between the Landau level edges turn into Friedel oscillations. Increasing the temperature causes the step structure or the Friedel oscillations to wash out leaving a Boltzmann gas density profile.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Rotating BEC in an optical lattice in Uniformly frustrated Josephson Junction arrays regime: Vortex configuration formulation for ground state

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    We consider a rotating BEC in an optical lattices in a regime which can be mapped to the Joseohson junction arrays. In this regime, we formulate the ground state energy in terms of vortex configuration. This method give us the vortex lattice in the ground state in a natural way. We apply our result for an approximation scheme of the problem which we suppose that the coupling of the Josephson junctions are uniform. Application of method for ladder case presented and the results compared with Monte-Carlo method numerically.We discuss about restriction of method and suggest improvement for it.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    KSU Choral Ensembles present Messiah with KSU Symphony Orchestra

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    Kennesaw State University Choral Ensembles present Messiah by George Frideric Handel with KSU Symphony Orchestra.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1123/thumbnail.jp

    CAMKII Activation Is Not Required for Maintenance of Learning-Induced Enhancement of Neuronal Excitability

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    Pyramidal neurons in the piriform cortex from olfactory-discrimination trained rats show enhanced intrinsic neuronal excitability that lasts for several days after learning. Such enhanced intrinsic excitability is mediated by long-term reduction in the post-burst after-hyperpolarization (AHP) which is generated by repetitive spike firing. AHP reduction is due to decreased conductance of a calcium-dependent potassium current, the sIAHP. We have previously shown that learning-induced AHP reduction is maintained by persistent protein kinase C (PKC) and extracellular regulated kinase (ERK) activation. However, the molecular machinery underlying this long-lasting modulation of intrinsic excitability is yet to be fully described. Here we examine whether the CaMKII, which is known to be crucial in learning, memory and synaptic plasticity processes, is instrumental for the maintenance of learning-induced AHP reduction. KN93, that selectively blocks CaMKII autophosphorylation at Thr286, reduced the AHP in neurons from trained and control rat to the same extent. Consequently, the differences in AHP amplitude and neuronal adaptation between neurons from trained rats and controls remained. Accordingly, the level of activated CaMKII was similar in pirifrom cortex samples taken form trained and control rats. Our data show that although CaMKII modulates the amplitude of AHP of pyramidal neurons in the piriform cortex, its activation is not required for maintaining learning-induced enhancement of neuronal excitability
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