818 research outputs found

    Deployable Emergency Shutoff Device Blocks High-Velocity Fluid Flows

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    NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center has developed a device and method for blocking the flow of fluid from an open pipe. Motivated by the sea-bed oil-drilling catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, NASA innovators designed the device to plug, control, and meter the flow of gases and liquids. Anchored with friction fittings, spikes, or explosively activated fasteners, the device is well-suited for harsh environments and high fluid velocities and pressures. With the addition of instrumentation, it can also be used as a variable area flow metering valve that can be set based upon flow conditions. With robotic additions, this patent-pending innovation can be configured to crawl into a pipe then anchor and activate itself to block or control fluid flow

    Crystal-free Formation of Non-Oxide Optical Fiber

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    Researchers at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center have devised a method for the creation of crystal-free nonoxide optical fiber preforms. Non-oxide fiber optics are extensively used in infrared transmitting applications such as communication systems, chemical sensors, and laser fiber guides for cutting, welding and medical surgery. However, some of these glasses are very susceptible to crystallization. Even small crystals can lead to light scatter and a high attenuation coefficient, limiting their usefulness. NASA has developed a new method of non-oxide fiber formation that uses axial magnetic fields to suppress crystallization. The resulting non-oxide fibers are crystal free and have lower signal attenuation rates than silica based optical fibers

    Nested Focusing Optics for Compact Neutron Sources

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    NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the University of Alabama Huntsville (UAH) have developed novel neutron grazing incidence optics for use with small-scale portable neutron generators. The technology was developed to enable the use of commercially available neutron generators for applications requiring high flux densities, including high performance imaging and analysis. Nested grazing incidence mirror optics, with high collection efficiency, are used to produce divergent, parallel, or convergent neutron beams. Ray tracing simulations of the system (with source-object separation of 10m for 5 meV neutrons) show nearly an order of magnitude neutron flux increase on a 1-mm diameter object. The technology is a result of joint development efforts between NASA and MIT researchers seeking to maximize neutron flux from diffuse sources for imaging and testing applications

    A Better Quick-Connect Passive Capture Joint

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    NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center has developed a joint that employs a unique spring-loaded mechanism that automatically secures a ball hitch upon insertion into a coupler. This eliminates the need for the locking lever found in most conventional ball joints. Connections made using MSFC's quick-connect joint are easier, safer, and more reliable than those made using conventional ball joints

    Lightweight Solar Power for Small Satellites

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    The innovation targets small satellites or CubeSats for which conventional deployable arrays are not feasible due to their size, weight and complexity. This novel solar cell array includes a thin and flexible photovoltaic cell applied to an inflatable structure to create a high surface area array for collecting solar energy in a lightweight, simple and deployable structure. The inflatable array, with its high functional surface area, eliminates the need and the mechanisms required to point the system toward the sun. The power density achievable in these small arrays is similar to that of conventional high-power deployable/pointable arrays used on large satellites or space vehicles. Although inflatable solar arrays have been previously considered by others, the arrays involved the use of traditional rigid solar cells. Researchers are currently working with thin film photovoltaics from various suppliers so that the NASA innovation is not limited to any particular solar cell technology. NASA has built prototypes and tested functionality before and after inflation. As shown in the current-voltage currents below, deployment does not damage the cell performance

    Novel Overhang Support Designs for Powder-Based Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing (EBAM)

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    NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, in collaboration with the University of Alabama, has developed a contact-free support structure used to fabricate overhang-type geometries via EBAM. The support structure is used for 3-D metal-printed components for the aerospace, automotive, biomedical and other industries. Current techniques use support structures to address deformation challenges inherent in 3-D metal printing. However, these structures (overhangs) are bonded to the component and need to be removed in post-processing using a mechanical tool. This new technology improves the overhang support structure design for components by eliminating associated geometric defects and post-processing requirements

    Current outcomes of blunt open pelvic fractures: how modern advances in trauma care may decrease mortality.

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    Background:Open pelvic fracture, caused by a blunt mechanism, is an uncommon injury with a high mortality rate. In 2008, evidence-based algorithm for managing pelvic fractures in unstable patients was published by the Western Trauma Association (WTA). The use of massive transfusion protocols has become widespread as has the availability and use of pelvic angiography. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the outcome of open pelvic fractures in association with related advances in trauma care. Methods:A retrospective review was performed, at an American College of Surgeon verified level I trauma center, of patients with blunt open pelvic fractures from January 2010 to April 2016. The WTA algorithm, including massive transfusion protocol, and pelvic angiography were uniformly used. Data collected included injury severity score, demographic data, transfusion requirements, use of pelvic angiography, length of stay, and disposition. Data were compared with a similar study from 2005. Results:During the study period, 1505 patients with pelvic fractures were analyzed; 87 (6%) patients had open pelvic fractures. Of these, 25 were from blunt mechanisms and made up the study population. Patients in both studies had similar injury severity scores, ages, Glasgow Coma Scale, and gender distributions. Use of angiography was higher (44% vs. 16%; P=0.011) and mortality was lower (16% vs. 45%; P=0.014) than in the 2005 study. Conclusions:Changes in trauma care for patients with open blunt pelvic fracture include the use of an evidence-based algorithm, massive transfusion protocols and increased use of angioembolization. Mortality for open pelvic fractures has decreased with these advances. Level of evidence:Level IV

    Penentuan Lokasi Wisata Bahari Menyelam dan Snorkeling Berdasarkan Analisis Data Quickbird dan Sistem Informasi Geografi di Sebagian Perairan Pulau Kemujan, Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah

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    Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang mempunyai potensi sumberdaya alam pesisir dan lautan yang sangat besar, sehingga perlu dikelola dengan baik agar dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia. Salah satu potensinya yaitu pariwisata bahari, khususnya menyelam dan snorkeling. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1)Mengetahui kemampuan dari pemanfaatan PJ dan SIG dalam menentukan kawasan yang sesuai untuk menyelam dan snorkeling dan (2)Mengetahui sebaran lokasinya di perairan Pulau Kemujan dalam bentuk peta.Kesesuaian lokasi ini dilakukan dengan menggabungkan parameter parameter yang berpengaruh, yaitu keberadaan terumbu karang, kedalaman, kejernihan dan kecepatan arus perairan. Parameter parameter tersebut dimodelkan untuk mencari lokasi yang sesuai dengan dipadukan data lapangan. Dari analisis overlay biner dihasilkan zona sesuai untuk snorkeling seluas 52,15 ha dengan akurasi model sebesar 87,5%; zona sesuai menyelam A1 seluas 43,29 ha dengan akurasi model 90,625% dan zona sesuai menyelam A2 seluas 70,53 ha dengan akurasi model 90,625

    Identifying predictors for focused CT scanning in the ED

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    Background Appropriate imaging for major trauma patients, in particular deciding between imaging of a single body region or whole body CT (WBCT), is an important aspect of clinical decision making in these patients. This study aimed to identify predictors of injury to a single scan region in major trauma patients. Discussion These findings suggest that patients with examination findings isolated to a single body region may only need isolated imaging to the affected area. These factors, used in conjunction with a clinical decision rule for WBCT may help decide on the appropriate imaging for patient who do not need WBCT imaging

    Diminishing Use of Liver Biopsy among Liver Transplant Recipients for Hepatitis C.

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    Background and Aims: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) cirrhosis is the leading indication for liver transplantation in the United States and recurrent HCV following liver transplantation is a major cause of allograft loss and mortality. Liver biopsies are commonly used to identify recurrent HCV and determine the need for antiviral therapy. The introduction of direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) has changed the management of recurrent HCV infection. This study aimed to describe the role of liver biopsies in liver transplant recipients with HCV after the introduction of DAAs. Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed looking at the rate of liver biopsies post-liver transplantation for HCV. The analysis included 475 adult liver transplants for hepatitis C performed at the University of California, Los Angeles from January 1, 2006 to October 1, 2015. Patients were divided into two eras, pre- and post-introduction of DAAs on December 1, 2013. Results: In the era before the introduction of DAAs, the percentage of patients biopsied was significantly higher compared to the era after the introduction of DAAs (56.1% vs. 26.9%, p < 0.001). Conclusions: The introduction of DAAs has changed the management of liver biopsy following liver transplantation and the management of recurrent HCV. Given that DAAs are well tolerated and have high efficacy, liver biopsies are no longer routinely used to justify the use antiviral therapy following liver transplantation
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