4,779 research outputs found


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    Abstract: Teaching classes in which there is a uniformity of learners’ proficiency level is the most ideal environment in language classes since it enables teachers to apply appropriate teaching and learning strategies based on the individual student’s level. However, in EFL settings, most teachers especially in school environments have to teach classes in which the learners have multiple levels of ability, since at schools, there is no placement test on students’ ability of English as is usually done in private language institutions or courses. This paper provides some useful strategies which can be applied by teachers in teaching classes where true and false beginners are within the same class so that by applying these strategies, it is hoped that weaker students may get benefit from interacting with stronger students without holding back the strong ones. Key words:Teaching strategies, large, multi-level classes, EFL teacher


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    Teaching classes in which there is a uniformity of learners‟ proficiency level is the most ideal environment in language classes since it enables teachers to apply appropriate teaching and learning strategies based on the individual student‟s level. However, in EFL settings, most teachers especially in school environments have to teach classes in which the learners have multiple levels of ability, since at schools, there is no placement test on students‟ ability of English as is usually done in private language institutions. This paper provides some useful strategies which can be applied by teachers in teaching classes where true and false beginners are within the same class. Applying these strategies is expected to assist weaker students to get benefit from interacting with stronger students without holding back the strong ones. Teaching English in the EFL context needs more efforts and persistence since the target language (TL) is not used in the daily conversation. In addition, it is common to find large and mixed- ability students in the EFL contexts, which management is surely not easy. Consequently, EFL teachers often find both true and false beginners in a classroom. According to Brown (2007) true beginners are students who do not have any knowledge of the target language, whereas false beginners are those who have previously studied the target language ( they have been familiar with alphabets, simple greetings, etc), but they remember only a little of what they have learned. Due to the characteristics of beginners who still have a high dependency on their teachers as a role model , the most suitable approach to be applied in this kind of class is the teacher-centered classroom (Brown, 2007). Therefore, in this novice stage, teachers play a significant role in helping the lower level students to improve their language skills. Since there are two levels of beginners in this kind of class, a good language teacher should apply some special techniques to successfully teach this mixed-ability class as teaching this kind of class needs more preparation berita terkini terbaru and special techniques than teaching in placed or streamed classes .I am going to provide some strategies which can be applied in teaching true and false beginners within a class

    Islamism, Re-Islamisation and the Fashioning of Muslim Selves: Refiguring the Public Sphere

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    This article explores the political implications of Muslim public self-presentation and forms of self-fashioning associated with the ongoing processes of re-Islamisation in both Muslim-majority and Muslim-minority societies. It sketches how projects of the Muslim public self contribute to a refiguring of the public sphere. The argument put forward is that public practices of self-reform grounded in religion and presented in pietistic terms are political by virtue of being tied to projects of societal reform and because they have a bearing on the public sphere and public space. Proceeding from the premise that the public sphere is not neutral and that the subjectivities inhabiting it are shaped by power relations, the article examines the ways in which projects of Muslim public selves are imbricated in the material conditions of the settings in which they develop and as such are underpinned by dynamics of power and contestation


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    This study aimed to determine the factors affecting economic growth in Bireuen regency. The data analysis method used was multiple linear regression analysis. This study used data from 2010 to 2019. The variables used in this study were population, PAD, transportation and warehousing, growth in the manufacturing sector, and economic growth. Hypothesis testing used partial and simultaneous tests. The result partially showed that population, PAD, transportation and warehousing, and the growth of the manufacturing industry sector had no and no significant effect on economic growth in Bireuen Regency. Simultaneously, population, PAD, transportation and warehousing, and the growth of the manufacturing sector positively and significantly influenced economic growth in Bireuen Regency

    Pola Komunikasi Antarbudaya Dalam Penyelesaian Konflik Rumah Tangga Pada Pasangan Kawin Campur Indonesia – Turki Di Istanbul

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    ABSTRAK Perkawinan campuran yang terjadi di antara individu yang memiliki latar belakang etnis yang berbeda, membuat individu memiliki dinamika unik dan tantangan yang akan dijalani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan motif, pengalaman, makna atau komunikasi antar budaya yang dilakukan oleh pasangan kawin campur Indonesia-Turki yang tinggal di Istanbul. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode fenomenologi yang digunakan untuk mengkaji, menggali dan mengungkap kesamaan makna dari sebuah konsep atau fenomena yang menjadi pengalaman hidup sekelompok individu yang mengalaminya secara langsung. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan melalui observasi dan wawancara. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah pasangan kawin campur Indonesia-Turki sebanyak delapan orang suami istri yang tinggal di Istanbul Turki, yang dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa konflik dalam rumah tangga pasangan kawin campur Indonesia Turki dipengaruhi oleh perbedaan budaya. Perbedaan budaya dapat diatasi dengan komunikasi secara dua arah, langsung, dan terbuka sehingga memunculkan adanya toleransi dan negoisasi pada kedua belah pihak agar tidak terjadi konflik berkelanjutan.   ABSTRACT Mixed marriages that occur between individuals with different ethnic backgrounds make individuals have unique dynamics and challenges. This research aims to determine the motives, experiences, meanings, or intercultural communication carried out by Indonesian-Turkish intermarried couples living in Istanbul. The research method used is phenomenological, exploring and revealing the similarity of meaning of a concept or phenomenon that becomes the life experience of a group of individuals who directly experience it. The data collection is through observation and interviews. This study's subjects were eight Indonesian-Turkish intermarried couples living in Istanbul, Turkey, which was selected by purposive sampling technique. The research results show that cultural differences influence the conflict in the household of intermarried couples between Indonesia and Turkey. However, cultural differences can be overcome by two-way, direct, and open communication so that there is tolerance and negotiation on both sides and no ongoing conflict. &nbsp

    The Influence of Guided Writing Materials Toward Students’ Writing Ability of the Fifth Semester Students at English Study Program FKIP UR

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    This study investigated the influence of guided writing materials in students’ writing ability at English Study Program FKIP UR in which forty students that simple randomly selected at English Study Program FKIP UR. The instruments used were questionnaire and writing test. Based on the research findings, the responses of questionnaire were coded into interval score by using Likert Scale which showing the students’ ability and their opinion in guided writing that consisted of fifteen statements based on six indicators in the form of frequency. On the other side, writing test administered in term of finding the students’ writing ability. It was a writing outlining with fifteen listed in the form of brief statements. Before the research revealed, the tried out had been applied in assessing the validation of the instrument by using Pearson Product Moment correlation formula indicated that items were valid. Reliability calculation were performed in Cronbach’s Alpha denoted that the instrument was reliable. The instrument can be stated reliable when if it has Cronbach Coefficient is higher than 0.60. based on research findingsm it can be concluded that: first, the students’ writing by using guided writing was categorized into good category 56.2, second, the mean score of students’ writing test is 50.68, it can be stated that students’ writing ability is categorized into good category. While Fcount is 27.78 and Ftable  is 4.25. Based on its criteria, H0 is accepted if Ftable Ftable. After it compared (27.78 > 4.25), it showed that H0 is rejected. It can be concluded that there was significant influence of guided writing in students’ writing ability

    The Factors Affecting TOEFL Graduation Rates in the Intensive TOEFL Training Program, for Students of the English Tadris Study Program, STAIN Bengkalis

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    Abstract. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that influence the levelof TOEFL graduation of English Tadris students in the Intensive TOEFL TrainingProgram. The population in this study were 113 respondents. The results of this studyare Method variables (X1), Material (X2), Media (X3) and Instructor (X4) jointlyinfluence the student's TOEFL graduation rate of 89.2% while the rest (10.8%) areinfluenced by other factor
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