817 research outputs found

    Imeväisikäisen lapsen ravitsemus ja ruoka-allergiat

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on koota tuoreinta tietoa imeväisikäisten lasten ravitse-‎muksesta, eli imetyksestä ja kiinteiden ruokien aloituksesta, sekä lasten allergioista ja ravit-‎semuksen ja allergioiden välisestä yhteydestä. Opinnäytetyötä voivat hyödyntää esimerkiksi äitiys- ‎ja lastenneuvolan terveydenhoitajat sekä lapsivuodeosastojen kätilöt. Opinnäytetyön aihe on ‎tärkeä, koska terveydenhoitajat ja kätilöt ovat avainasemassa imetys- ja allergiatietoisuuden levit-‎tämisessä sekä kansallisen allergiaohjelman tavoitteiden saavuttamisessa. ‎ Opinnäytetyöhön etsittiin uusinta näyttöön perustuvaa tutkittua tietoa noin viidestäkymmenestä ‎hoito- ja lääketieteellisestä tutkimuksesta ja artikkelia. Tiedonhakua tehtiin muun muassa ‎Terveysportista, Terveyden- ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen Internet-sivujen kautta sekä Sosiaali- ja ‎terveysministeriön julkaisuista. Englanninkielistä aineistoa etsittiin Ovid- ja The Cochrane Library- ‎tietokannoista. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli kerätä uusimmat tutkimustulokset selkeäksi ‎raportiksi, joka hyödyttää työssään ravitsemuskysymyksiä ja ruoka-allergioita kohtaavia ‎terveydenhuollon ammattilaisia. Tavoitteena oli myös oman asiantuntemuksen lisääminen aihees-‎ta.‎ Keskeiset tulokset: imetyksellä on pitkäaikaisia terveysvaikutuksia sekä lapseen että äitiin. ‎Imetetyillä lapsilla riski sairastua muun muassa tyypin I diabetekseen, sydän- ja verisuonitauteihin, ‎astmaan, suolistoinfektioihin, korvatulehduksiin, atooppiseen ihottumaan ja ripulitauteihin on ‎pienempi kuin ei-imetetyillä lapsilla. Imettävän äidin riski sairastua muun muassa osteoporoosiin ja ‎ennen vaihdevuosia ilmenevään rintasyöpään pienenee. Huolimatta imetyksen myönteisistä ‎vaikutuksista kansalliset ja kansainväliset imetyssuositukset eivät toteudu Suomessa ja vain ‎prosentti suomalaislapsista on täysimetettyjä puolen vuoden iässä. Ruoka-allergioiden kohdalla ‎allergiapelko johtaa usein turhien välttämisdieettien noudattamiseen. Suurin osa yhden vuoden ‎ikäisten lasten välttämisdieeteistä johtuu yleisesti allergisoiviksi koettujen ruoka-aineiden ‎välttämisestä varmuuden vuoksi. Tämän ei ole voitu osoittaa ehkäisevän allergian puhkeamista, ‎pikemminkin päinvastoin. Väestön sietokykyä allergeeneille tulee pyrkiä lisäämään ylihygieenisen ‎elinympäristön sijasta.‎Infant nutrition and food allergies The purpose of this thesis is to gather the latest information on infants’ nutrition, that is ‎breastfeeding and introducing the solid foods, as well as children's allergies and the connection ‎between nutrition and allergies. This thesis can be employed e.g. by public health nurses working ‎in maternity and child health clinics and midwives working in postpartum wards. The subject of ‎this thesis is important because the public health nurses and midwives are in key position in raising ‎awareness about breastfeeding and allergies, as well as reaching the goals of the national allergy ‎program. ‎ The latest evidence-based information was gathered for this thesis from about fifty research ‎reports and articles from the fields of nursing and medical sciences. The information retrieval was ‎carried out in Terveysportti, The National Institute for Health and Welfare’s internet sites and from ‎the publications of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The English material was searched ‎from Ovid and the Cochrane Library databases. The aim of the thesis was to gather the latest ‎research results into a clear report that will be beneficial to those health care professionals facing ‎children’s nutritional issues and food allergies in their work. The goal was also to increase one’s ‎own expertise on this subject.‎ The key results: breastfeeding has long-term health benefits both to the child and the mother. The ‎children that are breastfed have decreased risk of falling ill with type I diabetes, cardiovascular ‎diseases, asthma, intestinal infections, otitis, atopic dermatitis and diarrheal diseases compared to ‎the non-breastfed children. Nursing mothers’ risk of developing osteoporosis and pre-menopausal ‎breast cancer are reduced. Despite the health benefits of breastfeeding the national and ‎international breastfeeding recommendations are not followed in Finland. Not more than one per ‎cent of the Finnish children are fully breastfed at the age of six months. The fear of food allergies ‎often leads to following unnecessary avoidance diets. Most of the avoidance diets followed by one-‎year-olds are caused by avoiding the generally allergenic foods just in case. This has not been ‎shown to prevent the onset of allergies, rather the opposite. The public's tolerance to allergens ‎should be increased instead of the overly hygienic habitat.

    Building object-oriented software with the D-Bus messaging system

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    Object-oriented programming is a widely adopted paradigm for desktop software development. This paradigm partitions software into separate entities, objects, which consist of data and related procedures used to modify and inspect it. The paradigm has evolved during the last few decades to emphasize decoupling between object implementations, via means such as explicit interface inheritance and event-based implicit invocation. Inter-process communication (IPC) technologies allow applications to interact with each other. This enables making software distributed across multiple processes, resulting in a modular architecture with benefits in resource sharing, robustness, code reuse and security. The support for object-oriented programming concepts varies between IPC systems. This thesis is focused on the D-Bus system, which has recently gained a lot of users, but is still scantily researched. D-Bus has support for asynchronous remote procedure calls with return values and a content-based publish/subscribe event delivery mechanism. In this thesis, several patterns for method invocation in D-Bus and similar systems are compared. The patterns that simulate synchronous local calls are shown to be dangerous. Later, we present a state-caching proxy construct, which avoids the complexity of properly asynchronous calls for object inspection. The proxy and certain supplementary constructs are presented conceptually as generic object-oriented design patterns. The e ect of these patterns on non-functional qualities of software, such as complexity, performance and power consumption, is reasoned about based on the properties of the D-Bus system. The use of the patterns reduces complexity, but maintains the other qualities at a good level. Finally, we present currently existing means of specifying D-Bus object interfaces for the purposes of code and documentation generation. The interface description language used by the Telepathy modular IM/VoIP framework is found to be an useful extension of the basic D-Bus introspection format.Siirretty Doriast

    2013-2014 Executive Summary, Reading Recovery Program of Iowa

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    Reading Recovery is a research-­‐based early literacy intervention implemented in schools to provide intensive individual literacy instruction to the lowest achieving first grade students in the core classroom. The goal of the intervention is to accelerate students’ progress to grade-­‐level proficiency in 12 to 20 weeks. Reading Recovery fits response to intervention (RTI) plans by significantly reducing the number of students who need special education services and contributing to the identification of a small number of children who may need specialized long-­‐term assistance. The University of Northern Iowa is an official University Training Center of the Reading Recovery North American Trainers Group. Dr. Salli Forbes is the Director/Trainer for the Reading Recovery Program of Iowa and supports the following sites, which collected data during the 2013-­‐2014 academic year: -- Area Education Agency 267-- Council Bluffs Community School District-- Des Moines Public School District-- Heartland Area Education Agency-- Iowa City Community School District/Grant Wood Area Education Agency-- Keystone Area Education Agency-- Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency-- Northwest Iowa Area Education Agency-- Prairie Lakes Area Education Agency-- Southeast Iowa Reading Recovery Site-- Waterloo Community School District The Burlington Community School District will be established as a new site in 2014-­‐2015. Annual results for the state of Iowa are provided by the National Data Evaluation Center, The Ohio State University (2014)

    Coal industry in the context of Ukraine economic security

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    Purpose. To rate the main factors and indicators of the national economic security, in particular the degree of the country’s provision with primary natural resources which determine the global energy consumption trends. Methods. Analysis of components comprising the fuel and energy complex of Ukraine in view of survivability and heuristic algorithm for finding economically feasible reserves. The problem of finding the optimal flow distribution is solved by graphs. Findings. Emergencies are ranked in the descending order of optimal flows in the normal mode, the sorting sequence is defined, which results in the optimal solution via a minimum number of the algorithm computational steps. Originality. A universal algorithm for the development of fuel and energy complex of Ukraine has been designed. Practical implications. It was found that the vitality of integrated energy systems can be defined as the property to resist a large scale external disturbance, maintaining the ability to operate with acceptable performance and backup indicators. When considering large energy systems, the levels of the industry reserve can be reduced due to interchangeability of energy resources.Мета. Оцінити головні чинники та індикатори національної економічної безпеки, зокрема ступеня забезпеченості країни основними природними ресурсами, які зумовлюють тенденції світового енергоспоживання. Методика. Проведено аналіз елементів паливно-енергетичного комплексу України з урахуванням живучості та евристичний алгоритм знаходження економічно обґрунтованого резерву. Завдання знаходження оптимального потокорозподілення вирішене методом графів. Результати. Проранжовані аварійні ситуації у порядку зменшення величини оптимальних потоків у нормальному режимі, визначено послідовність перебору, що призводить за мінімальне число кроків обчислювального алгоритму до оптимального рішення. Наукова новизна. Розроблено універсальний алгоритм розвитку паливно-енергетичного комплексу України. Практична значимість. Встановлено, що живучість інтегрованих систем енергетики можна визначити як властивість протистояти великомасштабним зовнішнім обуренням, зберігаючи здатність функціонувати із допустимими показниками ефективності та резервування. При розгляді суттєвих енергетичних систем рівні галузевого резерву можуть знижуватися за рахунок взаємозамінності енергетичних ресурсів.Цель. Оценить главные факторы и индикаторы национальной экономической безопасности, в частности степени обеспеченности страны основными природными ресурсами, обуславливающими тенденции мирового энергопотребления. Методика. Произведен анализ элементов топливно-энергетического комплекса Украины с учетом живучести и эвристический алгоритм нахождения экономически обоснованного резерва. Задача нахождения оптимального потокораспределения решена методом графов. Результаты. Проранжированы аварийные ситуации в порядке убывания величины оптимальных потоков в нормальном режиме, определена последовательность перебора, что приводит за минимальное число шагов вычислительного алгоритма к оптимальному решению. Научная новизна. Разработан универсальный алгоритм развития топливно-энергетического комплекса Украины. Практическая значимость. Установлено, что живучесть интегрированных систем энергетики можно определить как свойство противостоять крупномасштабным внешним возмущением, сохраняя способность функционировать с допустимыми показателями эффективности и резервирования. При рассмотрении крупных энергетических систем уровни отраслевого резерва могут снижаться за счет взаимозаменяемости энергетических ресурсов.The authors express their gratitude to Laureate of National Prize of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Underground Mining Department, Volodymyr Bondarenko for his guidance while performing work on this topic

    Late Chromatoid Body and its Role in RNA Regulation During Spermatid Elongation

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    Spermatogenesis generates male gametes for reproduction. Spermiogenesis is the last part of spermatogenesis, where haploid male germ cells undergo differentiation from round spermatids to elongating spermatids and finally mature spermatozoa. During round spermatid differentiation, the chromatoid body (CB) functions as an RNA processing centre of the haploid male germ cells. In the beginning of spermatid elongation, the CB transforms into the late CB. Many of the RNA regulatory components get discarded, and other proteins start to accumulate to the late CB, such as testis-specific serine/threonine kinase 2 (TSSK2). The roles of TSSK2 and late CB in spermatogenesis remain largely unexplored. To investigate TSSK2 and late CB function, we co-immunoprecipitated TSSK2 interacting proteins and analyzed them with mass spectrometry. Eukaryotic initiation factor 3 (eIF3) complex was found as a novel interaction partner for TSSK2. Two hypotheses were formed: (i) TSSK2 and eIF3 interact in elongating spermatids, and (ii) the late CB has a role in the regulation of translation. The first hypothesis was tested with co-immunoprecipitation, immunofluorescence and proximity ligation assay, that all supported the nearby presence of TSSK2 and eIF3 in elongating spermatids and the late CB. The second hypothesis was tested with translational analysis, labelling newly synthetized proteins with L-azidohomoalanine. An accumulation of nascent proteins was detected in elongating spermatids in cytoplasmic sites corresponding to the late CB. In conclusion, this study reveals a novel interaction between TSSK2 and eIF3 in elongating spermatids and suggests that the late CB function is connected to translation and RNA regulation in male germ cells

    2007-2008 Executive Summary, Reading Recovery Center of Iowa

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    Reading Recovery is a research-based early literacy intervention implemented in schools to provide intensive individual literacy instruction to first grade students having the greatest difficulty learning to read and write. The goal of the intervention is to accelerate students’ progress to on-grade level competency in 12 to 20 weeks. Reading Recovery also serves as a response to intervention (RtI) program for a small number of children who may need specialized longer-term assistance. The University of Northern Iowa is an official University Training Center of the Reading Recovery North American Trainers Group. Salli Forbes, Ph.D. is the director/trainer of the Reading Recovery Center of Iowa at the University of Northern Iowa. The Reading Recovery Center of Iowa at the University of Northern Iowa supports the following sites: -- Area Education Agency 267-- Council Bluffs Community School District-- Des Moines Public School District-- Heartland Area Education Agency-- Iowa City Community School District/Grant Wood Area Education Agency-- Keystone Area Education Association-- Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency-- Northwest Iowa Area Education Agency-- Prairie Lakes Area Education Agency-- Southern Iowa Reading Recovery Consortium-- Waterloo Community School DistrictAnnual results for the state of Iowa are provided by the National Data Evaluation Center, The Ohio State University (2008)

    2009-2010 Executive Summary, Reading Recovery Center of Iowa

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    Reading Recovery is a research-based early literacy intervention implemented in schools to provide intensive individual literacy instruction to first grade students having the greatest difficulty learning to read and write. The goal of the intervention is to accelerate students’ progress to on-grade level competency in 12 to 20 weeks. Reading Recovery also serves as a response to intervention (RTI) program for a small number of children who may need specialized longer-term assistance. The University of Northern Iowa is an official University Training Center of the Reading Recovery North American Trainers Group. Dr. Salli Forbes is the Director/Trainer of the Reading Recovery Center of Iowa at the University of Northern Iowa. The Reading Recovery Center of Iowa at the University of Northern Iowa supports the following sites: -- Area Education Agency 267-- Council Bluffs Community School District-- Des Moines Public School District-- Heartland Area Education Agency-- Iowa City Community School District/Grant Wood -- -- Area Education Agency-- Keystone Area Education Association-- Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency-- Northwest Iowa Area Education Agency-- Prairie Lakes Area Education Agency-- Southern Iowa Reading Recovery Consortium-- Waterloo Community School District Annual results for the state of Iowa are provided by the National Data Evaluation Center, The Ohio State University (2010)

    Modulation of oral and gut microbiota with xylitol and 2´fucosyllactose : in vitro studies

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    The gastrointestinal tract starts at the oral cavity and ends at the colon, and both habitats are heavily colonised with microbes. The microbial communities are modulated by food ingredients such as sugar, xylitol and human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs). This thesis aimed to evaluate: 1) the effects of xylitol and an HMO, 2´-fucosyllactose (2´-FL), on the growth, adhesion and biofilm formation of caries associated bacterium Streptococcus mutans; and 2) the effects of 2´-FL on simulated infant microbiota and metabolite compositions. We utilised in vitro model systems to mimic the oral cavity and colon. The biofilm formation of mutans streptococci was decreased in the presence of xylitol and xylitol mints and increased in the presence of sucrose and sucrose mints. Planktonic S. mutans grew well on galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), whereas 2´-FL was not utilised by S. mutans as a carbon source, and xylitol inhibited S. mutans growth. The adhesion experiments showed no consistent inhibition patterns for 2´-FL or GOS, and 1% xylitol did not inhibit the adhesion of the S. mutans strains. 2´-FL, GOS and lactose all promoted the growth of bifidobacteria in a simulated infant microbiota experiment. The slight changes in microbiota composition associated with 2´-FL were reflected by the production of short-chain fatty acids and the reduced production of acetate and lactate in the presence of 2´-FL compared with lactose or GOS. The simulations showed differences in 2´-FL fermentation abilities, indicating that 2´-FL fermentation requires specific microbial activity compared with the fermentation of either lactose or GOS. In conclusion, we propose that xylitol can be considered an active ingredient for the inhibition of planktonic S. mutans growth and early biofilm formation. 2´-FL did not support S. mutans growth and thus should not promote unfavourable changes in caries microbiota. Finally, the infant colon and dental simulation models were found to serve as functional models for studying the effects of various food ingredients on bacterial growth, metabolite production and biofilm formation.Ruuansulatus alkaa suusta ja jatkuu ruuansulatuskanavan kautta paksusuoleen. Sekä suussa että suolistossa on tiheä bakteeristo. Mikrobiston koostumusta voi muovata eri ruoka-ainella, kuten sokerilla, ksylitolilla ja äidinmaidon oligosakkarideilla (HMO:lla). Tutkimuksen tavoitteina oli arvioida 1) ksylitolin ja yhden HMO:n 2´¬fukosyylilaktoosin (2´-FL:n) vaikutusta hampaiden reikiintymiseen kytkeytyvän Streptococcus mutans -bakteerin kasvuun, biofilmin muodostumiseen ja kiinnittymiseen pinnoille ja 2) tutkia 2´-FL:n vaikutuksia mallinnettuun vauvan suolistomikrobiston koostumukseen ja sen tuottamiin aineenvaihduntatuotteisiin. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin suuta ja suolistoa jäljitteleviä in vitro malleja. Mutans streptokokkien biofilmin muodostus väheni ksylitolilla ja ksylitoliminttupastilleilla ja lisääntyi sakkaroosilla ja sakkaroosipohjaisilla minttupastilleilla. S. mutans kasvoi hyvin galakto-oligosakkarideilla (GOS:lla), mutta ei 2´-FL:lla ja ksylitol hidasti sen kasvua. Kiinnittymiskokeissa ei löydetty 2´-FL:lle ja GOS:lle samansuuntaista vaikutusta ja 1% ksylitoli ei estänyt S. mutans bakteerin kiinnittymistä. 2´-FL, GOS ja laktoosi, lisäsivät kaikki bifidobakteereiden määrää mallinnetussa vauvan mikrobistossa. Pienet 2´-FL:n aiheuttamat muutokset mikrobistossa näkyivät myös lyhytketjuisten rasvahappojen tuotossa. Mallinnettu mikrobisto muodosti 2´-FL:lla vähemmän asetaattia ja laktaattia kuin GOS:lla ja laktoosilla. Mallinnusten välillä oli eroja 2´-FL n käytössä, mikä viittaa siihen että 2´-FL:n käyttäminen vaatii tarkoin määrätyn mikrobistokoostumuksen verrattuna laktoosiin ja GOS:hin. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että ksylitolia voidaan pitää aktiivisena ruuan ainesosana, joka hidastaa S. mutans:n kasvua ja vähentää biofilmin muodostusta. S. mutans ei kasvanut 2´-FL:lla, mikä viittaa siihen, että sen käytöstä ei seuraa haitallisia vaikutuksia suumikrobiston koostumukseen. Suun biofilmin ja vauvan suolistoa jäljittelevät in vitro mallit todettiin hyödyllisiksi arvioitaessa ruuan ainesosia, joilla voidaan vaikuttaa mikrobiston koostumukseen

    2010-2011 Executive Summary, Reading Recovery Center of Iowa

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    Reading Recovery is a research-­‐based early literacy intervention implemented in schools to provide intensive individual literacy instruction to first grade students having the greatest difficulty learning to read and write. The goal of the intervention is to accelerate students’ progress to on-­‐grade level competency in 12 to 20 weeks. Reading Recovery also serves as a response to intervention (RTI) program for a small number of children who may need specialized longer-­‐term assistance. The University of Northern Iowa is an official University Training Center of the Reading Recovery North American Trainers Group. Dr. Salli Forbes is the Director/Trainer of the Reading Recovery Center of Iowa at the University of Northern Iowa. The Reading Recovery Center of Iowa at the University of Northern Iowa supports the following sites: -- Area Education Agency 267-- Council Bluffs Community School District-- Des Moines Public School District-- Heartland Area Education Agency-- Iowa City Community School District/Grant Wood Area Education Agency-- Keystone Area Education Association-- Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency-- Northwest Iowa Area Education Agency -- Southeast Iowa Reading Recovery Site-- Waterloo Community School District Annual results for the state of Iowa are provided by the National Data Evaluation Center, The Ohio State University (2012)