345 research outputs found

    Effects of family involvement within the ordinary class

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    Actualmente, las relaciones colaborativas entre los centros educativos y las familias constituyen un requisito esencial para avanzar hacia una educación inclusiva. Sin embargo, debido a diferentes factores, entre ellos la falta de conciliación entre la vida familiar y laboral, estas dos instituciones siguen trabajando por separado en la educación de los menores. Por ello, el presente artículo pretende hacer un estudio de caso cualitativo de un centro rural agrupado, sobre los efectos que produce la participación familiar en el aula respecto al aprendizaje del alumnado de 3º curso de Educación Primaria y analizar las percepciones de todos los agentes participantes (alumnado, familias y profesorado). Los resultados muestran que la participación familiar dentro del aula ordinaria es percibida positivamente por parte de todos los implicados y ha contribuido a ofrecer una educación de calidad y un mejor desarrollo personal.Currently, the relationships between the educative center and the families constitute an essential requirement to move forward an inclusive education. Nevertheless, due to the lack of reconcilement between the work and familiar life, both institutions keep on working separately in the children education. For this reason, this article pretends to make a case study of the quality of a rural center about the effects that the family involvement produce in the education of the 3rd level Primary Education students and to analyze the perceptions of all people involved (pupils, families and teachers). As it’s shown in the obtained results, it’s demonstrated that the familiar participation inside the ordinary class is positively perceived by all the involved people and it’s contributed to offer quality in education and a better personal growth.Este artículo forma parte de un proyecto de investigación financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, convocatoria I+D Retos de la Sociedad (2014-2015)

    Colouring versus density in integers and Hales-Jewett cubes

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    We construct for every integer k3k\geq 3 and every real μ(0,k1k)\mu\in(0, \frac{k-1}{k}) a set of integers X=X(k,μ)X=X(k, \mu) which, when coloured with finitely many colours, contains a monochromatic kk-term arithmetic progression, whilst every finite YXY\subseteq X has a subset ZYZ\subseteq Y of size ZμY|Z|\geq \mu |Y| that is free of arithmetic progressions of length kk. This answers a question of Erd\H{o}s, Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il, and the second author. Moreover, we obtain an analogous multidimensional statement and a Hales-Jewett version of this result.Comment: 5 figure

    Properties of the open cluster Tombaugh 1 from high resolution spectroscopy and uvbyCaHβ\beta photometry

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    Open clusters can be the key to deepen our knowledge on various issues involving the structure and evolution of the Galactic disk and details of stellar evolution because a cluster's properties are applicable to all its members. However the number of open clusters with detailed analysis from high resolution spectroscopy and/or precision photometry imposes severe limitation on studies of these objects. To expand the number of open clusters with well-defined chemical abundances and fundamental parameters, we investigate the poorly studied, anticenter open cluster Tombaugh 1. Using precision uvbyCaHβ\beta photometry and high resolution spectroscopy, we derive the cluster's properties and, for the first time, present detailed abundance analysis of 10 potential cluster stars. Using radial position from the cluster center and multiple color indices, we have isolated a sample of unevolved probable, single-star members of Tombaugh 1. The weighted photometric metallicity from m1m_1 and hkhk is [Fe/H] = -0.10 ±\pm 0.02, while a match to the Victoria-Regina Str\"{o}mgren isochrones leads to an age of 0.95 ±\pm 0.10 Gyr and an apparent modulus of (mM)(m-M) = 13.10 ±\pm 0.10. Radial velocities identify 6 giants as probable cluster members and the elemental abundances of Fe, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, Cr, Ni, Y,Ba, Ce, and Nd have been derived for both the cluster and the field stars. Tombaugh 1 appears to be a typical inner thin disk, intermediate-age open cluster of slightly subsolar metallicity, located just beyond the solar circle, with solar elemental abundance ratios except for the heavy s-process elements, which are a factor of two above solar. Its metallicity is consistent with a steep metallicity gradient in the galactocentric region between 9.5 and 12 kpc. Our study also shows that Cepheid XZ CMa is not a member of Tombaugh 1, and reveals that this Cepheid presents signs of barium enrichment.Comment: 74 pages, 15 figures, 13 tables; Accepted for publication in A

    A systematic review and meta-analysis of decision-making in offender populations with mental disorder

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    Decision-making has many different definitions, and is measured in varied ways using neuropsychological tasks. Offenders with mental disorder habitually make disadvantageous decisions, but no study has systematically appraised the literature. This review aimed to clarify the field by bringing together different neuropsychological measures of decision-making, and using meta-analysis and systematic review to explore the performance of offenders with mental disorders on neuropsychological tasks of decision-making. A structured search of Pubmed, Embase, PsycINFO, Medline, Cinahl was conducted with additional hand searching and grey literature consulted. Controlled studies of decision-making in offenders with evidence of any mental disorder, including a validated measure of decision-making were included. Total score on each relevant decision-making task was collated. Twenty-three studies met inclusion criteria (n=1,820), and 10 studies (with 15 experiments) were entered into the meta-analysis (n=841). All studies included in the meta-analysis used the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) to measure decision-making. Systematic review findings from individual studies showed violent offenders made poorer decisions than matched offender groups or controls. An omnibus meta-analysis was computed to examine performance on IGT in offenders with mental disorder compared with controls. Additionally, two sub-group meta-analyses were computed for studies involving offenders with personality disorder and psychopathy, and recidivists who were convicted of Driving While Intoxicated (DWI). Individual studies not included in the meta-analysis partially supported the view that offenders make poorer decisions. However, the meta-analyses showed no significant differences in performance on IGT between the offender groups and controls. Further research is required to ascertain whether offenders with mental disorder have difficulty in making advantageous decisions. An analysis of cause and effect and various directions for future work are recommended to help understand the underpinning of these findings

    Clothing comfort during physical exercise – Determining the critical factors

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    Clothing comfort is determined by multiple material and design factors. Wetness at the skin-clothing interface mainly impacts wear comfort. The current study investigated the combined effect of fabric contact area, fabric absolute sweat content and fabric moisture saturation percentage on wetness and stickiness sensations, during exercise. Moreover, factors causing wear (dis)comfort during exercise were identified. Higher fabric saturation percentage induced greater stickiness sensation, despite lower fabric contact area and absolute sweat content (typically associated with lower stickiness). Wetness perception did not change between fabrics with different saturation percentages, contact areas and sweat contents. Therefore, fabric saturation percentage mainly affects stickiness sensation of wet fabrics, overruling the impact of fabric contact area and absolute sweat content. No overall model of wear discomfort across all data could be developed, however, models for different time points were produced, with texture and stickiness sensations being the best predictors of wear discomfort at baseline and during exercise, respectively. This suggests that the factors determining clothing (dis)comfort are dynamics and alter importance during exercise activity

    Aplicación de la metodología Last Planner en la construcción de la Institución Educativa Máximo Alvarado Romero - Loreto

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    Esta investigación da a conocer el impacto positivo que tiene la implementación de una herramienta de gestión de productividad, control y mejora continua en un proyecto de construcción a través de un sistema de producción eficiente. Según (M. Andrade y B. Arrieta 2014), “Con la aplicación del Sistema Last Planner los flujos van mejorando periódicamente con respecto a su eficacia, apuntando a incrementar la fiabilidad de la planificación y como consecuencia mejorar considerablemente los desempeños.” Se tiene como objetivo principal reducir de tiempo de ejecución, lo que beneficiará al proyecto en cuanto a su ritmo de avance, debido a los constantes problemas climáticos que se tiene en la zona, teniendo como problema principal las lluvias torrenciales constantes y calor extremo que afectan directamente el rendimiento de la mano de obra, trayendo como consecuencia retrasos considerables por las innumerables interrupciones del flujo de trabajo. Se utilizarán las herramientas: planificación maestra, LookAhead, análisis de restricciones, porcentaje de plan de cumplimiento, las capacitaciones al personal obrero, las reuniones de cada semana para así poder cumplir con los objetivos del mismo. Esta investigación demostró que implementando este sistema se logró mitigar el tiempo y optimizar recursos, permitiendo cumplir con los plazos contractuales

    Passive direct methanol fuel cells acting as fully autonomous electrochemical biosensors: Application to sarcosine detection

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    This work describes an innovative electrochemical biosensor that advances its autonomy toward an equipment-free design. The biosensor is powered by a passive direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) and signals the response via an electrochromic display. Briefly, the anode side of the DMFC power source was modified with a biosensor layer developed using molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) technology to detect sarcosine (an amino acid derivative that is a potential cancer biomarker). The biosensor layer was anchored on the surface of the anode carbon electrode (carbon black with Pt/Ru, 40:20). This was done by bulk radical polymerization with acrylamide, bis-acrylamide, and vinyl phosphonic acid. This layer selectively interacted with sarcosine when integrated into the passive DMFC (single or multiple, in a stack of 4), which acted as a transducer element in a concentration-dependent process. Serial assembly of a stack of hybrid DMFC/biosensor devices triggered an external electrochromic cell (EC) that produced a colour change. Calibrations showed a concentration-dependent sarcosine response from 3.2 to 2000 µM, which is compatible with the concentration of sarcosine in the blood of prostate cancer patients. The final DMFC/biosensor-EC platform showed a colour change perceptible to the naked eye in the presence of increasing sarcosine concentrations. This colour change was controlled by the DMFC operation, making this approach a self-controlled and self-signalling device. Overall, this approach is a proof-of-concept for a fully autonomous biosensor powered by a chemical fuel. This simple and low-cost approach offers the potential to be deployed anywhere and is particularly suitable for point-of-care (POC) analysis.The authors acknowledge the financial support of EU-Horizon 2020 (Symbiotic, FET-Open, GA665046), and from national funds from FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in the scope of the projects LA/P/0037/2020, UIDP/50025/2020, UIDB/50025/2020 and UID/EMS/00532/2019. Nádia Ferreira (SFRH/BD/122955/2016), Liliana Carneiro (SFRH/BD/122954/2016), and Ana Carolina Marques (SFRH/BD/115173/2016) acknowledge Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) for financial support.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio