59 research outputs found

    Maatiainen ja modernit kaksitahoiset ohralajikkeet typenkäytön tehokkuusvertailussa Suomen kasvuoloissa

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    Asuntoverkoston yhteiskehittämisen opas

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    Oppaassa esitellään uudenlainen tapa järjestää kehitysvammaisten ihmisten asumista asuntoverkoston yhteiskehittämisen mallilla, jossa kehitysvammaisten ihmisten asunnot sijaitsevat tavallisilla asuinalueilla. Opas kertoo, miten kunnat voivat suunnitella asuntoverkoston yhdessa tulevien asukkaiden, heidän läheistensä sekä kunnan asuntotoimen, kaavoituksen ja sosiaalitoimen kanssa. Yhteiskehittämisen tavoite on kehittää uudenlaisia asumisratkaisuja, jotka ylittävät perinteiset hallintorajat ja jotka vastaavat tulevien asukkaiden tarpeita ja ovat kustannustehokkaita. Asuntoverkoston yhteiskehittämisen malli on kehitetty ARAn ja Kehitysvammaliiton Arjen keskiössä -hankkeessa (2012–2014). Hankkeessa olivat mukana Turun, Kotkan, Seinäjoen ja Lahden kaupungit sekä Varsinais-Suomen erityishuoltopiiri, Carea-kuntayhtymä ja Eskoon sosiaalipalvelujen kuntayhtymä. Kuntien pilottihankkeissa kehitettiin uudenlaista asuntosuunnittelua ja yksilöllisiä asumisen ratkaisuja kehitysvammaisille henkilöille

    Intrapartum zigzag pattern of fetal heart rate is an early sign of fetal hypoxia : A large obstetric retrospective cohort study

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    Introduction The aim of the present study was to identify possible associations of fetal heart rate (FHR) patterns during the last 2 hours of labor with fetal asphyxia expressed by umbilical artery acidemia at birth and with neonatal complications in a large obstetric cohort. Material and methods Cardiotocographic recordings from 4988 singleton term childbirths over 1 year were evaluated retrospectively and blinded to the pregnancy and neonatal outcomes in a university teaching hospital in Helsinki, Finland. Umbilical artery pH, base excess and pO(2), low Apgar scores at 5 minutes, need for intubation and resuscitation, early neonatal hypoglycemia, and neonatal encephalopathy were used as outcome variables. According to the severity of the neonatal complications at birth, the cohort was divided into three groups: no complications (Group 1), moderate complications (Group 2) and severe complications (Group 3). Results Of the 4988 deliveries, the ZigZag pattern (FHR baseline amplitude changes of >25 bpm with a duration of 2-30 minutes) occurred in 11.7%, late decelerations in 41.0%, bradycardia episodes in 52.9%, reduced variability in 36.7%, tachycardia episodes in 13.9% and uterine tachysystole in 4.6%. No case of saltatory pattern (baseline amplitude changes of >25 bpm with a duration of >30 minutes) was observed. The presence of the ZigZag pattern or late decelerations, or both, was associated with cord blood acidemia (odds ratio [OR] 3.3, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.3-4.7) and severe neonatal complications (Group 3) (OR 3.3, 95% CI 2.4-4.9). In contrast, no significant associations existed between the other FHR patterns and severe neonatal complications. ZigZag pattern preceded late decelerations in 88.7% of the cases. A normal FHR preceded the ZigZag pattern in 90.4% of the cases, whereas after ZigZag episodes, a normal FHR pattern was observed in only 0.9%. Conclusions ZigZag pattern and late decelerations during the last 2 hours of labor are significantly associated with cord blood acidemia at birth and neonatal complications. The ZigZag pattern precedes late decelerations, and the fact that normal FHR pattern precedes the ZigZag pattern in the majority of the cases suggests that the ZigZag pattern is an early sign of fetal hypoxia, which emphasizes its clinical importance.Peer reviewe

    Intrapartal cardiotocographic patterns and hypoxia-related perinatal outcomes in pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes mellitus

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    Aims In previous reports, cardiotocographic (CTG) fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring has shown only limited benefits in decreasing adverse perinatal outcomes in pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether an association exists between the recently reported ZigZag pattern (FHR baseline amplitude changes of > 25 bpm with a duration of 2-30 min) and asphyxia-related neonatal outcomes in GDM pregnancies. Methods Intrapartal CTGs were recorded in a one-year cohort of 5150 singleton childbirths. The following CTG changes were evaluated: ZigZag pattern, saltatory pattern, late decelerations, episodes of tachycardia and bradycardia, reduced variability, and uterine tachysystole. The cohort was divided into three groups: women with GDM, women with normal oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), and women with no OGTT performed. Umbilical artery (UA) blood gases, Apgar scores, neonatal respiratory distress, and neonatal encephalopathy were used as outcome variables. Results GDM was diagnosed in 624 (12.1%), OGTT was normal in 4115 (79.9%), and OGTT was not performed in 411 (8.0%) women. Hypoxia-related ZigZag patterns (OR 1.94, 95% CI 1.64-2.34) and late decelerations (OR 1.65, 95% CI 1.27-2.13) of FHR, as well as a greater risk of fetal asphyxia (UA pH < 7.10 and/or UA BE < -12.0 meq/L and/or Apgar scores < 7 at 5-min) (OR 6.64, 95% CI 1.84-12.03) were observed in those with GDM compared with those without GDM. Conclusions GDM is associated with intrapartal ZigZag pattern and late decelerations, cord blood acidemia and low 5-min Apgar scores at birth indicating increased occurrence of fetal hypoxia in GDM pregnancies.Peer reviewe

    Vaikea hemolyysi ja munuaisvaurio punasolusiirtojen jälkeen

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    VertaisarvioituPunasolusiirtojen tunnetuin haitta on välitön hemolyyttinen verensiirtoreaktio. Sen oireet alkavat usein jo verensiirron aikana. Viivästyneen reaktion oireet ovat yleensä lievempiä ja jäävät usein kokonaan toteamatta. Kuvaamme potilaan, jolla viivästynyt hemolyyttinen verensiirtoreaktio johti dialyysihoitoja vaatineeseen mu¬¬nuaisvaurioon. Koska oireiden yhteyttä äskettäiseen verensiirtoon ei heti osattu epäillä, diagnoosi viivästyi, aiheutui invasiivisia tutkimuksia ja munuaisten toipuminen vaarantui