177 research outputs found

    Dasar-dasar Melukis Cat Air

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    Tulisan ini merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari penelitian yang berjudul: Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Seni Lukis Teknik Cat Air.Penelitian tersebut bertujuan untuk membuat prototype sistem, metode dan pola media pembelajaran teknik melukis cat air, dengan produk akhirnya beruparekaman di mediaDVD. Mempelajari teknik melukis cat air, dibutuhkan ketekunan dan kesabaran dalam mempraktekkannya, yang dimulai dari tahap dasar yaitu mengenal alat dan bahan yang digunakan serta mengetahui dan menguasai berbagai teknik dasar memperlakukan alat dan bahan yang digunakan (kuas cat air, warna cat air, dan medianya). Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka dalam ulasan ini akan dibahas langkah-langkah mempraktekkan dan memahami teknik dasar dalam melakukan latihan praktek melukis cat air. Bahasan tersebut meliputi pengenalan alat dan bahan yang harus dimiliki oleh pemula yang akan mempelajarinya, cara-cara memegang kuas cat air dan hasilnya, serta teknik dasar melakukan sapuan kuas pada permukaan media (kertas). Selanjutnya berbagai teknik menghasilkan paduan warna dalam lukisan dan ketrampilan melukis cat air dengan berbagai thema, namun sehubungan dengan ketrebatasan halaman kolom yang disediakan, maka pada kesempatan kali ini hanya membahas mengenai bagian yang pertama yang disebutkan di atas. Adapun kelanjutannya akan dibahas pada kesempatan selanjutnya atau seri tulisan berikutnya. Tulisan ini diharapkan dapat dimanfaatkandalam proses pembelajaranseni lukis, khususnya seni lukis cat air di kalangan sekolah tingkat dasar, sekolah tingkat lanjutan dan perguruan Tinggi,serta masyarakat umumyang ingin mempelajarinya. Sehingga dapat menjadi titik awal tumbuhnya benih benih bakat berkesenian khususnya dalam penciptaan seni lukis cat air, yang pada gilirannya mampu meramaikan khasanah seni lukis di Indonesia


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    In our study, we tried to investigate the effect of strength exercises with handball players on vertical jump. 24 athletes (n = 12 Experiment A group, n = 12 Experiment B group), who struggled with the handball league infrastructure with the ages between 15 and 17, participated in our research. In addition to the technical and tactical exercises 3 days a week for 8 weeks, the experimental group A carried out the Olympic lifts 2 days a week. In addition to the technical tactical exercises 3 days a week, the experimental group B carried out 2 days of force exercises without Olympic lifts. As a result of the pre-test and post test data of the Experiment A and Experiment B groups, the statistical analysis of the values obtained was made according to the paired group t-test and independent group t-test, and the correlations of the measurements were interpreted. There was no significant difference in the weight and measurements of the Experiment Group A before and after the training (p <0.05). A significant difference in vertical jump, fat percentage and height measurements were found (p <0.05). In the Experiment Group B, no significant difference was found in weight, fat percentage measurements (p <0.05). However, there was a significant difference in height, vertical jump measurements (p <0.05). When the independent group t-test results between the two groups were examined, no significant difference was found in height, weight, fat percentage measurements (p <0.05). However, the significant difference between the experimental A group vertical jump 1st and 2nd measurement averages was found to be significantly larger than the Experiment Group B vertical jump 1st and 2nd measurement averages (p <0.05). As a result, it was observed that the strength exercises performed with the Olympic lifts in the handball players of the 15 - 17 age group increased the vertical jump force more than the other strength exercises without the Olympic lifts. In addition, there was a significant difference in height measurements in both groups. We think that the reason for this may be due to the fact that the subjects were still in the development age. A significant difference was found in Experiment A group fat percentage measurements and body fat percentage was lower than before. We think this is due to muscle hypertrophy.  Article visualizations

    Metode MacCormack untuk menyelesaikan model transpor sedimen permukaan dasar satu dimensi

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    In this work, we investigate the numerical solution of one-dimensional bed-load sediment transport model using two steps finite difference method which so-called MacCormack method. Bed-load sediment transport model is composed by the shallow water equation and Exner equation. The Meyer-Peter and Muller (MPM) formula and Wu formula will be used to determine the Grass factor of the bed-load sediment transport. These governing equations will be discretized into predictor and corrector steps of the MacCormack method. The numerical results of the MacCormack method will be validated with an analytical solution of the bed-load sediment transport model. In addition, the MacCormack solution will also be compared with experimental solutions and another numerical method solutions that have existed previously. The numerical results based on MacCormack method give excellent results in which the numerical and the analytical results are hardly differentiated with RMSE of around 00042  or 4,2 .Penelitian ini menyelidiki solusi numerik model transpor sedimen permukaan dasar menggunakan metode beda hingga dua step yang disebut metode MacCormack. Model transpor sedimen permukaan dasar dibangun atas persamaan air dangkal dan persamaan Exner. Formula Meyer-Peter dan Muller (MPM) dan formula wu akan digunakan untuk menentukan faktor Grass dari transpor sedimen permukaan dasar. Persamaan pembangun ini didiskritisasi kedalam step prediktor dan korektor dari metode MacCormack. Hasil numerik metode MacCormack akan divalidasi dengan sebuah solusi analitik dari model transpor sedimen permukaan dasar. Selain itu, solusi metode MacCormack juga akan dibandingkan dengan solusi-solusi eksperimen dan solusi-solusi metode numerik yang telah ada sebelumnya. Hasil numerik berdasarkan metode MacCormack memberikan hasil yang sangat baik dimana hasil numerik dan hasil analitik hampir tidak dapat dibedakan

    Perancangan Media Pembelajaran

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    Pengantar Pada dasarnya, perancangan media pembelajaran merupakan ‘alat bantu’ dalam proses pembelajaran, yang keseluruhan isi/content-nya adalah materi ajar yang akan diinformasikan/dikomunikasikan kepada peserta didik/mahasiswa sebagai target audiens. Sehingga acuan dasar dalam penyusunan buku ini menggunakan prinsip-prinsip ilmu komunikasi, yang dalam hal ini menerapkan pendekatan disiplin ilmu Desain Komunikasi Visual. Pendekatan disiplin ilmu Desain Komunikasi Visual di sini diterjemahkan sebagai berikut: (1) Pengajar sebagai ‘pengirim’ pesan/informasi; (2) Materi ajar merupakan ‘isi pesan/informasi’ yang akan dikomunikasikan, dalam bentuk nonverbal, baik berupa text maupun visual grafis (statis/dinamis); (3) saluran/channel yang digunakan adalah rekaman media pembelajaran ini; (4) peserta didik/mahasiswa sebagai ‘target audiens’ yang menerima pesan/informasi berupa materi ajar; dan (5) respon/ tanggapan yang diharapkan adalah kompetensi peserta didik/ mahasiswa setelah mempelajari materi ajar (tertuang dalam Rencana Pembelajaran Semester/RPS)

    Struktur Media Pembelajaran Dalam Perspektif Desain Komunikasi Visual

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    Abstrak: Tulisan ini merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari penelitian yang berjudul Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi Informasi yang bertujuan untuk merancang/membuat prototype software media pembelajaran multimedia, dimana produk akhirnya direkam dalam cakram DVD dengan sistem proteksi tertentu. Metodologi yang diterapkan dalam penelitian tersebut adalah ‘metodologi riset desain’ yang mencakup tiga tahapan yaitu: analisis, sintesis, dan evaluasi. Manfaat hasil penelitian ini adalah mempermudah pengajar di Perguruan Tinggi dalam proses pembelajaran terhadap mata kuliah yang diampu, serta dapat pula dipergunakan oleh pihak-pihak yang membutuhkannya. Selanjutnya, sistem, metode, dan pola yang telah dihasilkan dapat dikembang-terapkan untuk mata kuliah lainnya

    The Role of the Livestock Farming Industry in Supporting the Global Agricultural Industry

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    The livestock farming industry is a strategic industry and has a very important potential for the advancement of the agricultural industry. The livestock farming industry is an industry that plays a role in providing protein food for most of the world’s population. Not only as a food provider, but also having a very large contribution to the progress of agricultural cultivation in the world. The livestock industry contributes part of the needs of the agricultural industry through the provision of environmentally friendly organic fertilizers. The integration of the livestock farming industry and the agricultural industry is a mutually supportive system. The integration of plants with livestock is basically an agricultural system characterized by a close relationship between plant and livestock components in a farm in a certain area. The bio-mass waste products from the agricultural industry can be used as a source of animal feed or as raw material for compost. The combination of the livestock industry with the agricultural industry provides enormous economic value for the development of the livestock and agricultural sectors. In Indonesia, the concept of integration between the livestock industry and the agricultural industry has been proven to improve the standard of living and economic status of the community. Some important materials will be discussed in more depth in this paper, including: (1) integration between livestock and rice, (2) integration between goats and cacao plants, (3) integration of livestock with oil palm, (4) integration of ruminants with cassava plants, and (5) integration of cattle with horticultural crops. Utilization of livestock and agricultural waste can reduce environmental burdens. Livestock farming industrial waste in the form of manure can be combined with agricultural wastes. This waste can be used as raw material for organic fertilizers which can be used as a fertilizer provider to support the cultivation of food crops, horticulture and plantations. The development of livestock in an area can encourage farmers to fill their vacant land to be planted with forage. Guidance efforts that will be carried out will be oriented towards land conservation. This is done through the arrangement of forage planting. Therefore, this will have a positive impact on increasing forage production. This effort will ultimately support the improvement of feeding patterns, proper land arrangement and being able to reduce the rate of erosion. The existence of livestock will add a source of manure. This is certainly synonymous with increasing land fertility which can provide business opportunities in optimizing land use diversification. The role of livestock in the livestock industry is the main support and complement in the system of integration in the livestock industry-agricultural industry

    Interaksi Kapang dengan Fungisida terhadap Sifat Fisik Kulit Kambing Pickle dan Wet Blue Selama Penyimpanan

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    Penelitian bertujuan mengkaji interaksi kapang pada kulit samak setengah jadi (pickle dan wet blue) dengan fungisida terhadap sifat fisik kulit jadi (leather) selama penyimpanan. Penelitian menggunakan isolat kapang spesies Aspergillus flavus Link dan  Penicillium sitophila Mont serta 6 lembar pickle dan 6 wet blue).  Setiap lembar dibelah menjadi 2 side and  tiap side diambil 6 potong cuplikan. Perlakuan yang diterapkan 2 jenis kulit (Pickle dan Wet Blue),  2 spesies kapang (Aspergillus flavus Link dan   Penicillium sitophila Mont), 3 perlakuan fungisida (kontrol, Busan 1009 dan Dodigen 262) dan 4 waktu penyimpanan (1, 30, 60 dan 90 hari) diulang 3 kali.  Hasil dianalisis dengan RAK Faktorial dengan waktu penyimpanan sebagai blok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa fungisida pada kulit pickle berpengaruh sangat nyata (P0,05). Fungisida dan jenis kapang pada kulit wet blue berpengaruh sangat nyata (P0,05).  Kulit pickle dan wet blue yang disimpan selama 90 hari pada suhu kamar tercemar kapang Aspergillus flavus Link dan Penicillium sitophilum Mont tanpa pemberian fungisida (kontrol) memungkinkan sifat fisik (kekuatan tarik dan kemuluran) bisa dipertahankan sesuai standar SNI.Kata kunci:  Kapang, Fungsida, Pickle, Wet Blu

    The Effects of Progressive Muscle Relaxation on the Level of Anxiety in Nurses Caring for Patients with Covid-19

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    Introduction: One of the psychological responses encountered by nurses who treat COVID-19 patients is anxiety. The anxiety is caused by several factors including feelings of unsupported, worrying excessively about health, fear of carrying the infection and transmitting it to family members or others, a heavy workload, social stigmatization, feeling insecure for providing care. Moreover, this psychological problem caused low quality of health services for patients. Therefore, to reduce the anxiety of nurses who took care for Covid-19 patients, anxiety management using progressive muscle relaxation was needed. The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of progressive muscle relaxation on the level of anxiety in nurses caring for patients with Covid-19. Method: The research design used in this study was quasi-experimental, namely pre-test and post-test with control group design with purposive sampling technique. The number of samples is 52 nurses. The research instrument used the Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SRAS) questionnaire. The paired T Test is applied for statistical analysis. Result: the result of this study indicated that progressive muscle relaxation had a substantial effect on the level anxiety in nurses caring for patients with Covid-19 in the intervention group with a P-value 0.000 (P value < 0,005). Conclusion: Progressive muscle relaxation therapy is a complementary therapy that can be done independently by nurses and is effective in reducing anxiety
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