
In our study, we tried to investigate the effect of strength exercises with handball players on vertical jump. 24 athletes (n = 12 Experiment A group, n = 12 Experiment B group), who struggled with the handball league infrastructure with the ages between 15 and 17, participated in our research. In addition to the technical and tactical exercises 3 days a week for 8 weeks, the experimental group A carried out the Olympic lifts 2 days a week. In addition to the technical tactical exercises 3 days a week, the experimental group B carried out 2 days of force exercises without Olympic lifts. As a result of the pre-test and post test data of the Experiment A and Experiment B groups, the statistical analysis of the values obtained was made according to the paired group t-test and independent group t-test, and the correlations of the measurements were interpreted. There was no significant difference in the weight and measurements of the Experiment Group A before and after the training (p <0.05). A significant difference in vertical jump, fat percentage and height measurements were found (p <0.05). In the Experiment Group B, no significant difference was found in weight, fat percentage measurements (p <0.05). However, there was a significant difference in height, vertical jump measurements (p <0.05). When the independent group t-test results between the two groups were examined, no significant difference was found in height, weight, fat percentage measurements (p <0.05). However, the significant difference between the experimental A group vertical jump 1st and 2nd measurement averages was found to be significantly larger than the Experiment Group B vertical jump 1st and 2nd measurement averages (p <0.05). As a result, it was observed that the strength exercises performed with the Olympic lifts in the handball players of the 15 - 17 age group increased the vertical jump force more than the other strength exercises without the Olympic lifts. In addition, there was a significant difference in height measurements in both groups. We think that the reason for this may be due to the fact that the subjects were still in the development age. A significant difference was found in Experiment A group fat percentage measurements and body fat percentage was lower than before. We think this is due to muscle hypertrophy.  Article visualizations

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