1,872 research outputs found

    The role of stress in determining community structure: Effects of hypoxia on an estuarine epifaunal community

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    Community models predict the effects of stress on community structure and processes. I tested the Menge and Sutherland 1987 model in an estuarine epifaunal community experiencing low oxygen stress, termed hypoxia. Epifauna, animals living on the surfaces of substrates, are ecologically important in many estuaries where hypoxia occurs, yet little is known about the effects of hypoxia on these communities. Epifauna formed dense communities in the York River, a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay, USA, despite frequent hypoxia. Abundance and species composition was similar in two areas of the river, even though the downstream study area often experienced lower oxygen concentrations during hypoxic episodes than the upstream study area. Many dominant species exposed to high and low oxygen in the laboratory had a median lethal time (LT50) in hypoxia greater than the duration of typical hypoxic episodes in the York River, suggesting that hypoxia may cause little mortality for many species in this system. Predation by a variety of taxa decreased during hypoxia in the laboratory, because many mobile predators had higher mortality than sessile prey, and because predation rates decreased. Peak recruitment of dominant taxa, and of total epifauna, in the York River occurred during neap tides in the downstream study area, coinciding with the lowest oxygen concentrations. In the laboratory, low oxygen decreased recruitment of dominant taxa, but some recruitment continued in hypoxia for most taxa, indicating that larvae of dominant epifauna are tolerant of hypoxia. Larval tolerance of hypoxia may allow communities to persist even though the recruitment season of many epifaunal species coincides with the peak season of hypoxia. These findings supported some predictions of the consumer stress model, but not all. as predicted, when stress increased, the importance of disturbance for determining community structure increased, while the importance of predation decreased. Unlike predictions, stress changed recruitment rates in the laboratory. There were few effects of stress on abundance and diversity, possibly because in this system hypoxia is mild, brief, and because the species in this community can tolerate stress, colonize disturbed areas quickly, and grow quickly enough to complete life-cycles between hypoxic episodes

    Functionalized magnetoelastic resonant platforms for chemical and biological detection purposes

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    211 p.In recent years, research on magnetoelastic materials has focused on their applications as sensors to observe, measure and control different kind of physical, chemical and biological parameters, taking advantage of the remote query and answer of this kind of materials. In order to use those magnetoelastic materials for sensing purposes, they must be coated with an active layer which will be the responsible of selectively detect and trap the target molecule or analyte desired to be detected. This thesis work is devoted to different functionalization processes performed using different active materials as a polymer, ZnO or zeolites onto magnetoelastic materials. Polystyrene depositions allowed studying the main two parameters affecting the detection process, the sensitivity and the quality factor. By following the change on the resonance frequency with the deposited polymer mass it has been probed that the linearity of the detection process can be applied just for small-deposited mass changes.Different methods to form a homogenous ZnO film onto the magnetoelastic material were tried. Finally, ZnO depositions were performed by casting a nanoparticle suspension onto the Metglas materials. This allowed to measure by using the resonance-antiresonance method the Young modulus of the ZnO deposited film. As ZnO is biocompatible and allows protein immobilization, a H2O2 sensor was fabricated by pinning hemoglobin onto the ZnO layer. Hemoglobin reacts with hydrogen peroxide, which plays an important role in some physiological and biological processes. The response of the sensor was followed for first time by using simultaneously two methods, the magnetoelastic resonance method in order to study the evolution of the resonance frequency and by cyclic voltammetry measurements as the reaction between H2O2 and hemoglobin is electrochemical.The third material used to functionalize the resonant platforms were zeolites. Three different zeolites, LTA, FAU and MFI were hydrothermally synthesized onto a homemade magnetoelastic material in order to use those systems as sensor for o-xylene detection.BC Materials:basque center for materials, applications & nanostructure

    Merkataldegi handien eraentza eta Europar Batasunaren ustea euskal zerga-laguntzei buruz

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    La Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco procede a desarrollar la Ley 7/1994, reguladora de la Actividad Comercial, y así, modifica la redacción del artículo 13 de la citada Ley, fijando el régimen de los grandes establecimientos comerciales. Por otra parte, la Comisión Europea ha abierto un período para presentar observaciones sobre los regímenes de ayudas fiscales que, en forma de exención del Impuesto sobre Sociedades para determinadas empresas recientemente creadas, fueron establecidos por los Territorios Históricos. A este respecto, la Comisión considera que, dado que las citadas medidas no pueden calificarse como de minimis, deberían haber sido objeto de notificación previa. Del mismo modo, plantea sus dudas respecto de la compatibilidad de tales ayudas fiscales con la normativa europea.Euskal Herriko Autonomia Erkidegoak, bere Autonomia Estatutuaren 10.27. artikuluan ezarritako konpetentziaren arabera, Merkataritza Jarduera arautzen duen 7/1994 Legea garatu du, eta bertako 13. artikuluaren idazketa eta edukia aldatu ditu, merkataldegi handien eraentza osatuz eta finkatuz. Bestalde, Europar Batasuneko Batzordeak oharpenak aurkezteko epealdia zabaldu du, Lurralde Historikoek berriki sorturiko zenbait enpresei Elkarteen gaineko Zergaren salbuespen formapean emandako zerga-laguntzeen eraentzei buruz. Batzordearen iritzian, halako estatu laguntza neurriak ezin direnez de minimis gisa sailkatu, aldez aurretik jakinarazi behar ziren. Era berean, zalantzak ditu halako zerga-laguntzek Merkatu Batuarekikoduten bateragarritasunari buruz.La Communauté Autonome du Pays Basque procède au développement de la Loi 7/1994, régulatrice de l'Activité Commerciale et, de cette façon, modifie la rédaction de l'article 13 de cette Loi, en fixant le régime des grands établissements commer-ciaux. D'autre part, la Commission Européenne a ouvert une période pour présenter des observations sur les régimes d'aides fiscales qui furent établies pour les Territoires Historiques, sous forme d'exonération de l'Impôt sur les Sociétés pour déterminer des entreprises récemment crées. A ce sujet, la Commission considère que, étant donné que ces mesures ne peuvent être qualifiées de minimes,elles auraient dû être l'objet de notification préalable. Elle présente également ses doutes en ce qui concerne la compatibilité de ces aides fiscales avec la réglementation européenne.The Autonomous Community of the Basque Country has developed Law 7/1994, on the regulation of Commercial Activity, and in that context decided to modify the wording of article 13 of the mentioned law, which establishes the regulation of large commercial establishments. On the other hand, the European Commission has opened a consultation in which to file observations on fiscal assistance, in the form of exemptions on taxation on Societies for recently created companies, which were established by the Historical Territories (Basque provinces). To this respect, the Commission considers that, since the afore mentioned measures cannot be qualified as minimum regulations, there should have been some previous notice. At the same time, it outlines its doubts with respect to the compatibility of such fiscal assistance with European regulations


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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, 201

    Euskal Herriko Kooperatiben Lege berria

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    La entrada en vigor de la nueva Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil supone un intento de lograr la efectividad de la tutela judicial civil, lo que permite su estudio desde muy diversas perspectivas. Por lo que se refiere a los Mediante la Ley 1/2000, de 29 de junio, la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca ha reformado parcialmente la Ley 4/1993 de Cooperativas de Euskadi, entre otras causas para acomodar la normativa autonómica a lo establecido en la vigente Ley estatal 27/1999, de 16 de julio, de Cooperativas, así como para regular los conceptos relativos a la suspensión y extinción del contrato de los socios trabajadores que prevé la nueva normativa laboral (causas técnicas, económicas, organizativas, de producción o de fuerza mayor). Los cambios más sustanciales se han producido en lo que respecta a la cuantía del capital social mínimo, la vinculación de los socios a la Cooperativa, las "aportaciones financieras subordinadas" y "participaciones especiales" y al nuevo concepto de Grupo cooperativo.Euskal Herriko Autonomia Erkidegoak Euskal Herriko Kooperatiben 4/1993 Legea aldarazi eta erreformatu du zatikako eran, besteak beste, Erkidegoko arautegia Estatuko uztailaren 16ko 27/1999 Kooperatiben Legeak ezarritako arautegira egokitzeko, bai eta, bazkide langileen esparruan, kontratuen etendura eta iraungipenari dagokienez, lan-arautegi berriak ezarritako kontzeptuak (kausa teknikoak, ekonomikoak, eratzaileak, ekoizpenezko kausak edo ezinbesteko indarrezko kausak) onartzeko ere. Bestalde, aldarazketa garrantzitsuenak hurrengo gai hauetan egin dira: gutxienezko kapital kopuruan, Kooperatibarekiko bazkideen loturan, "menpeko finantzaketa-ekarpen" eta "partaidetasun berezietan" eta Kooperatiba-talde kontzeptu berrian.Par la Loi 1/2000 du 29 juin, la Communauté Autonome Basque a réformé partiellement la Loi 4/1993 de Coopératives d'Euskadi, entre autre pour ajuster la réglementation autonome conformément à la Loi d'état 27/1999 en vigueur, du 16 juillet, de Coopératives, ainsi que pour régler les concepts relatifs à la suspension et à l'extinction du contrat des travailleurs membres, qui prévoit la nouvelle réglementation du travail (causes techniques, économiques, de l'organisation, de production ou de force majeure). Les changements les plus substantiels concernent le montant du capital social minimum, le lien entre les membres de la Coopérative, les "contributions financières subordonnées" et "les participations spéciales" et le nouveau concept de Groupe coopératif.By means of Law 1/2000, dated 29th June, the Basque Autonomous Community has partially reformed Law 4/1993 on Cooperatives in the Basque Country. This is, among other reasons, to accommodate autonomous regulation to what had already been established in the current Spanish law 27/1999, dated 16thJuly, on Co-operatives. This was also done in order to regulate the concepts related to the suspension and extinction of the contract between working associates that is anticipated in the new labour norms (for technical, economic, organisational, production orforce majeure causes). The most substantial changes have been taken place so far reference to the minimum social capital, the links of the associates to the Co-operative, the "subordinate financial contributions" and "special participations" and to the new concept of co-operative corporate group

    Social Implications of Adult Literacy: A Study Among Migrant Women in Peru

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    INTRODUCTION Before, I was a \u27little ignorant\u27. I didn\u27t know what was happening. I didn\u27t care what was happening around me ... But now, now I at least know something. Now I am a person who knows. I am another person! Agripina Today we are witnessing an unprecedented drive for education throughout the world. Efforts to increa$e the incidence of literacy among adults form an important part of this drive, particularly in underdeveloped countries. But ·what happens to an adult in such settings, once he becomes literate, no one really knows. Prior research provides no evidence and few clues as to the personal and social implications of newly acquired adult literacy. This is the central problem toward which the present study is addressed

    Conocimiento y desarrollo: ensayos sobre ciencia y tecnología

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    Este libro reúne ocho ensayos sobre el tema de la ciencia y tecnología en el desarrollo, escritos durante la década de los ochenta. Son trabajos de carácter general sobre el papel de la ciencia y tecnología en el desarrollo, trabajos referidos a América Latina en conjunto, y ensayos sobre el Perú. Incluye trabajos de carácter conceptual, de diagnóstico y de propuesta