306 research outputs found

    An advanced computational intelligent framework to predict shear sonic velocity with application to mechanical rock classification

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    Shear sonic wave velocity (Vs) has a wide variety of implications, from reservoir management and development to geomechanical and geophysical studies. In the current study, two approaches were adopted to predict shear sonic wave velocities (Vs) from several petrophysical well logs, including gamma ray (GR), density (RHOB), neutron (NPHI), and compressional sonic wave velocity (Vp). For this purpose, five intelligent models of random forest (RF), extra tree (ET), Gaussian process regression (GPR), and the integration of adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) with differential evolution (DE) and imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) optimizers were implemented. In the first approach, the target was estimated based only on Vp, and the second scenario predicted Vs from the integration of Vp, GR, RHOB, and NPHI inputs. In each scenario, 8061 data points belonging to an oilfield located in the southwest of Iran were investigated. The ET model showed a lower average absolute percent relative error (AAPRE) compared to other models for both approaches. Considering the first approach in which the Vp was the only input, the obtained AAPRE values for RF, ET, GPR, ANFIS + DE, and ANFIS + ICA models are 1.54%, 1.34%, 1.54%, 1.56%, and 1.57%, respectively. In the second scenario, the achieved AAPRE values for RF, ET, GPR, ANFIS + DE, and ANFIS + ICA models are 1.25%, 1.03%, 1.16%, 1.63%, and 1.49%, respectively. The Williams plot proved the validity of both one-input and four-inputs ET model. Regarding the ET model constructed based on only one variable,Williams plot interestingly showed that all 8061 data points are valid data. Also, the outcome of the Leverage approach for the ET model designed with four inputs highlighted that there are only 240 "out of leverage" data sets. In addition, only 169 data are suspected. Also, the sensitivity analysis results typified that the Vp has a higher effect on the target parameter (Vs) than other implemented inputs. Overall, the second scenario demonstrated more satisfactory Vs predictions due to the lower obtained errors of its developed models. Finally, the two ET models with the linear regression model, which is of high interest to the industry, were applied to diagnose candidate layers along the formation for hydraulic fracturing. While the linear regression model fails to accurately trace variations of rock properties, the intelligent models successfully detect brittle intervals consistent with field measurements

    Raman superradiance and spin lattice of ultracold atoms in optical cavities

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    We investigate synthesis of a hyperfine spin lattice in an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate, with two hyperfine spin components, inside a one-dimensional high-finesse optical cavity, using off-resonant superradiant Raman scattering. Spatio-temporal evolution of the relative population of the hyperfine spin modes is examined numerically by solving the coupled cavity-condensate mean field equations in the dispersive regime. We find, analytically and numerically, that beyond a certain threshold of the transverse laser pump, Raman superradiance and self-organization of the hyperfine spin components simultaneously occur and as a result a magnetic lattice is formed. The effects of an extra laser pump parallel to the cavity axis and the time-dependence of the pump strength on the synthesis of a sharper lattice are also addressed.Comment: Accepted for publication in New Journal of Physics. 16 pages and 6 figure

    Experimental investigation on compression ignition engine powered with pentanol and thevetia peruviana methyl ester under reactivity controlled compression ignition mode of operation

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    In the current study, an effort is carried out to study the influence of pentanol as low reactive fuel (LRF) along with diesel and Thevetia peruviana methyl ester (TPME) as high reactive fuels (HRF) in reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) engine. The experiments are conducted on dual fuel engine at 50% load for RCCI mode of operation by varying pentanol percentage in injected fuels. The results revealed that RCCI mode of operation at 10% of pentanol in injected fuels exhibited higher brake thermal efficiency (BTE) of 22.15% for diesel and pentanol fuel combination, which is about 9.1% and 27.3% higher than other B20 and pentanol, B100 and pentanol fuel combinations respectively. As the percentage of pentanol increased in injected fuels, hydrocarbon (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions are increased while nitrogen oxide (NOx) and smoke emissions are decreased. Among various fuel combinations tested diesel and pentanol fuel combination gives lower HC, CO and smoke emissions and higher NOx emissions. At 10% pentanol in injected fuels, the highest heat release rate (HRR) and in-cylinder pressure are found for diesel and pentanol fuel combinations compared with other fuels

    A survey of some biological aspects of cobia (Rachycentron canadum)

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    Biology aspects of cobia (Rachycentron canadum) were investigated from October 2005 to December 2006 in Northern waters of Persian Gulf (Hormozgan province).The reproduction cycle, sexual maturity, sex ratio, Fecundity, Lm50, feeding, length frequency, growth parameters and mortality of cobia were studied from total of 509 specimens ranged from 19 to 159 fork length. Gonadosomatic index peaked during spring and summer with main peak in June. Spontaneous spawning occurs around the year with peak in June. The overall female to male ratio was significantly 1 : 1.49 (P<0.05). Batch fecundity were estimated 1684954±118990 in 15 females. Relationship between total length and fecundity were calculated F=1.3717TL 2.9567 (r^2= 0.82). Feeding studies indicated that the bony fishes were main food of cobia (76%) and followed by crustaceans (25%) and mollusks (11%). Rays were least food items (22%). Maximum and Minimum GaSI were observed in March (33%) and August (0.07%) respectively. Females reached 50% sexual maturity at 81.25 cm TL. The total length -weight relationship was W=0.0042L3.1162 (r^2=0.9852). Thetotal length-fork length relationship was TL= 1.1561FL-2.533 (r^2= 0.9933). Growth parameters K, L, and t_0 were calculated by von bertalanfy growth equation: 0.11 (year1), 168.65 cm, 3.49 and -0.97 respectively. The instantons rate of total mortality (z), natural mortality (M) and fishing mortality estimated by catch curve analysis were 0.30, 0.25, 0.14 (year1). Exploitation rate and Tmax were 0.36 and 28 year respectively

    Overview of hydatid disease in Iranian children

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    Background: Hydatid disease (HD) is still an important health hazard in the world. This disease is a parasitic infestation endemic in many sheep- and cattle-raising areas such as Iran. Objectives: This study aimed to review the clinical manifestations, laboratory aspects, imaging findings, and management of HD. Patients and Methods: Data were collected from the medical records of patients diagnosed with HD in eight referral hospitals in different provinces of Iran from 2001 to 2014. Results: Overall, 161 children at a mean age of 9.25 ± 3.37 years (age range = 1 - 15 years old) hospitalized with a definite diagnosis of the hydatid cyst between 2001 and 2014 were studied. The male-to-female ratio was 1.6:1. The most commonly involved organ was the lung (67.1), followed by the liver (44.1) and a combined liver and lung involvement was found in 15.5 of the patients. The cysts were found more frequently in the right lobe of the liver and lung than in the left lobe. The most frequent complaints were fever (35.4) and abdominal pain (31.7), and the most frequent sign was an abdominal mass in the liver involvement and cough in the lung involvement. There was a high eosinophil count (> 500/micL) in 41 of our cases. A high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (> 30) or positive C-reactive protein (based on the qualitative method) was found in 18.6 of the patients and leukocytosis > 15000/micL in 29.2 of the children. Ultrasonography was the main imaging test, with an accuracy rate of 96, and chest X-ray was helpful in 88.6 of the cases. Surgery was performed in 89 of the patients, and selective patients underwent percutaneous aspiration-injection-reaspiration drainage or medical treatment. Conclusions: The lung was the most commonly involved organ in the children recruited in the present study. Given the high probability of multiple organ involvement, we recommend that patients with HD be assessed via ultrasonography and chest X-ray. In endemic regions, unexplained eosinophilia should be considered as a parasitic disease like HD and its complications. © 2015 Pediartric Infections Research Center

    Electrical contacts to single nanowires: a scalable method allowing multiple devices on a chip. Application to a single nanowire radial p-i-n junction

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    Semiconductor nanowires are currently at the forefront of research in the areas of nanoelectronics and energy conversion. In all these studies, realising electrical contacts and statistically relevant measurements is a key issue. We propose a method that enables to contact hundreds of nanowires on a single wafer in an extremely fast electron beam lithography session. The method is applied to nanowire-based radial GaAs p-i-n junction. Current-voltage characteristics are shown, along with scanning photocurrent mapping

    Liquefied natural gas for the UK: a life cycle assessment

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    PURPOSE: Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is expected to become an important component of the UK’s energy supply because the national hydrocarbon reserves on the continental shelf have started diminishing. However, use of any carbon-based fuel runs counter to mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). Hence, a broad environmental assessment to analyse the import of LNG to the UK is required. METHODS: A cradle to gate life cycle assessment has been carried out of a specific but representative case: LNG imported to the UK from Qatar. The analysis covers the supply chain, from gas extraction through to distribution to the end-user, assuming state-of-the-art facilities and ships. A sensitivity analysis was also conducted on key parameters including the energy requirements of the liquefaction and vaporisation processes, fuel for propulsion, shipping distance, tanker volume and composition of raw gas. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: All environmental indicators of the CML methodology were analysed. The processes of liquefaction, LNG transport and evaporation determine more than 50% of the cradle to gate global warming potential (GWP). When 1% of the total gas delivered is vented as methane emissions leakage throughout the supply chain, the GWP increases by 15% compared to the GWP of the base scenario. The variation of the GWP increases to 78% compared to the base scenario when 5% of the delivered gas is considered to be lost as vented emissions. For all the scenarios analysed, more than 75% of the total acidification potential (AP) is due to the sweetening of the natural gas before liquefaction. Direct emissions from transport always determine between 25 and 49% of the total eutrophication potential (EP) whereas the operation and maintenance of the sending ports strongly influences the fresh water aquatic ecotoxicity potential (FAETP). CONCLUSIONS: The study highlights long-distance transport of LNG and natural gas processing, including sweetening, liquefaction and vaporisation, as the key operations that strongly affect the life cycle impacts. Those cannot be considered negligible when the environmental burdens of the LNG supply chain are considered. Furthermore, the effect of possible fugitive methane emissions along the supply chain are critical for the impact of operations such as extraction, liquefaction, storage before transport, transport itself and evaporation

    O-C Study of 545 Lunar Occultations from 13 Double Stars

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    International audienceIn this article, we have studied the reports of lunar occultations by this project observation's teams (named APTO) in comparison with other observations of the objects. Thirteen binary stars were selected for this study. All the previous observations of these stars were also collected. Finally, an analysis of O-C of all reports were performed

    Fabrication and characterization of a Gallium co-doped Erbium optical fiber

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    In this paper, fabrication and characterization of a Gallium co-doped Erbium fiber is presented, highlighting Gallium as a new potential co-dopant to be used in rare-earth doped fibers. This fiber was fabricated using standard MCVD and solution doping method. Fiber characterization setups for fluorescence lifetime, absorption and ASE spectrum are discussed in detail. We go on to show that fluorescence lifetime of 6.02 ms, NA of 0.12, cutoff wavelength of 1.4 μm and a peak absorption of 45 dB/m at 1550 nm is achievable using Gallium as the co-dopant for an Erbium doped fiber