9 research outputs found

    Webinari kao alat za postizanje učinkovitog poučavanja

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    Purpose of this paper is to describe the use of online seminars (webinars) to improve the learning experience for parents fostering critical thinking through indicators for efficient teaching. Eight online seminars (webinars) for parents were developed from March to June 2020 during the time of COVID-19 in Croatia. It was an open call through social networks, so the sample was mixed with parents, people who work with children at all educational levels, social workers, students - all who were interested in offered pedagogical themes. Participants attended the lectures in the same web room (platform) as the presenter but from distant locations. Participants interacted with the presenter using their personal computers, tablets, or smartphones. They were able to ask questions and get the answers in place for a chat. The lecture dynamics consisted of interactive presentations complemented with downloadable materials for further use. The evaluation was performed at the end of each topic via a questionnaire.This method allowed for the exploration of the teaching and learning of scientific knowledge and the acquisition of other pedagogical competencies (specific topic-oriented). The interactive activities and immediate feedback gave attendees the chance to participate actively and reflect on the topic, correct conceptual errors, and exercise critical thinking. All these factors are necessary for learning. The study recommends a research-based determination of teachers in online setting quality indicators that best correlate with efficient teaching and their infusion into online teaching practice assessment instruments.Svrha rada je opisati uporabu mrežnih seminara (webinara) za poboljšanje iskustva učenja kod roditelja potičući kritičko razmišljanje kroz pokazatelje učinkovitog poučavanja. Osam online seminara (webinara) namijenjenih roditeljima razvijeno je od ožujka do lipnja 2020. u vrijeme COVID-19 u Hrvatskoj. Bio je to otvoreni poziv putem društvenih mreža, pa je uzorak osim roditelja sačinjen od, profesionalaca koji rade s djecom na svim odgojno-obrazovnim razinama, socijalnim radnicima, studentima - svima koji su bili zainteresirani za ponuđene pedagoške teme. Sudionici su predavanja pohađali u istoj web sobi (platformi) kao i predavač, ali s udaljenih mjesta. Sudionici su s izlagačem komunicirali pomoću svojih osobnih računala, tableta ili pametnih telefona. Imali su mogućnost postavljanja pitanja i dobivali su odgovore na mjesto predviđeno za razgovor. Dinamika predavanja sastojala se od interaktivnih prezentacija nadopunjenih materijalima za preuzimanje za daljnju upotrebu. Vrednovanje se vršilo po završetku svake teme putem upitnika. Ova metoda omogućila je istraživanje učenja i poučavanja znanstvenih spoznaja i stjecanje drugih pedagoških kompetencija (specifičnih orijentiranih na ponuđene teme). Interaktivne aktivnosti i neposredne povratne informacije pružile su polaznicima priliku da aktivno sudjeluju i razmišljaju o temi, ispravljaju konceptualne pogreške i vježbaju kritičko razmišljanje. Svi su ovi faktori potrebni za učenje i učinkovito poučavanje. Istraživanje preporučuje daljnje utvrđivanje znanstvenih odrednica učitelja u online mrežnim postavkama pokazatelja kvalitete koji se najbolje povezuju s učinkovitom poučavanjem i njihovom infuzijom u instrumente za vrednovanje nastavne prakse na mreži (online)

    Webinari kao alat za postizanje učinkovitog poučavanja

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    Purpose of this paper is to describe the use of online seminars (webinars) to improve the learning experience for parents fostering critical thinking through indicators for efficient teaching. Eight online seminars (webinars) for parents were developed from March to June 2020 during the time of COVID-19 in Croatia. It was an open call through social networks, so the sample was mixed with parents, people who work with children at all educational levels, social workers, students - all who were interested in offered pedagogical themes. Participants attended the lectures in the same web room (platform) as the presenter but from distant locations. Participants interacted with the presenter using their personal computers, tablets, or smartphones. They were able to ask questions and get the answers in place for a chat. The lecture dynamics consisted of interactive presentations complemented with downloadable materials for further use. The evaluation was performed at the end of each topic via a questionnaire.This method allowed for the exploration of the teaching and learning of scientific knowledge and the acquisition of other pedagogical competencies (specific topic-oriented). The interactive activities and immediate feedback gave attendees the chance to participate actively and reflect on the topic, correct conceptual errors, and exercise critical thinking. All these factors are necessary for learning. The study recommends a research-based determination of teachers in online setting quality indicators that best correlate with efficient teaching and their infusion into online teaching practice assessment instruments.Svrha rada je opisati uporabu mrežnih seminara (webinara) za poboljšanje iskustva učenja kod roditelja potičući kritičko razmišljanje kroz pokazatelje učinkovitog poučavanja. Osam online seminara (webinara) namijenjenih roditeljima razvijeno je od ožujka do lipnja 2020. u vrijeme COVID-19 u Hrvatskoj. Bio je to otvoreni poziv putem društvenih mreža, pa je uzorak osim roditelja sačinjen od, profesionalaca koji rade s djecom na svim odgojno-obrazovnim razinama, socijalnim radnicima, studentima - svima koji su bili zainteresirani za ponuđene pedagoške teme. Sudionici su predavanja pohađali u istoj web sobi (platformi) kao i predavač, ali s udaljenih mjesta. Sudionici su s izlagačem komunicirali pomoću svojih osobnih računala, tableta ili pametnih telefona. Imali su mogućnost postavljanja pitanja i dobivali su odgovore na mjesto predviđeno za razgovor. Dinamika predavanja sastojala se od interaktivnih prezentacija nadopunjenih materijalima za preuzimanje za daljnju upotrebu. Vrednovanje se vršilo po završetku svake teme putem upitnika. Ova metoda omogućila je istraživanje učenja i poučavanja znanstvenih spoznaja i stjecanje drugih pedagoških kompetencija (specifičnih orijentiranih na ponuđene teme). Interaktivne aktivnosti i neposredne povratne informacije pružile su polaznicima priliku da aktivno sudjeluju i razmišljaju o temi, ispravljaju konceptualne pogreške i vježbaju kritičko razmišljanje. Svi su ovi faktori potrebni za učenje i učinkovito poučavanje. Istraživanje preporučuje daljnje utvrđivanje znanstvenih odrednica učitelja u online mrežnim postavkama pokazatelja kvalitete koji se najbolje povezuju s učinkovitom poučavanjem i njihovom infuzijom u instrumente za vrednovanje nastavne prakse na mreži (online)

    Status of kinesiology in European Union

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    Glavni cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je utvrditi u kojem obliku kineziologija postoji u zemljama članicama Europske unije i opisati položaj kineziologije u Republici Hrvatskoj. Kao važan čimbenik razumijevanja cjelokupne situacije opisana je i Europska Unija te njezina kratka povijest kao i članice. Problematika u korištenju različitih pojmova za isto područje, tj. istog pojma sa drugačijim značenjem ključan je dio, uz usporedbu utvrđenih položaja i oblika korištenja „kineziologije“ unutar pojedinih zemalja članica Europske unije, sa položajem koji ima u Republici Hrvatskoj.Main goal of present thesis was to determine in which sense kinesiology exists in countries which are part of European Union and to describe status of kinesiology in Republic of Croatia. As a crucial part to understanding present situation, there is short description of what European Union is, it's short history and it's members. Problem of different names usage for the same field i.e. same names with different meaning is an important part along with comparison of status and usage of kinesiology in countries members of European Union with the one it has in Republic of Croatia

    Regional differences in incidence and clinical presentation of type 1 diabetes in children aged under 15 years in Croatia

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    AIM: To determine regional differences in the incidence, incidence trends, and clinical presentation of type 1 diabetes in children under the age of 15 years in Croatia in a 9-year period (1995-2003). ----- METHODS: We included the patients who had been diagnosed with the disease and had started the insulin treatment before they were 15 years old. Regional differences between eastern, central, and southern Croatia were observed. The gross incidence was expressed by the number of newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes patients in 100000 children of the same age and sex per year, ie, for the 0-14 age group, and for the 0-4, 5-9, and 10-14 subgroups. ----- RESULTS: The highest incidence was observed in southern Croatia (10.91 per 100000/y) and the lowest in central Croatia (8.64 per 100000/y), and in eastern Croatia the incidence was 8.93 per 100000/y. All three regions showed a growing incidence trend, which was significant only in eastern and southern Croatia. There was 35.9% of patients with diabetic ketoacidosis in eastern Croatia, 41.7% in central Croatia, and 31.28% in southern Croatia. ----- CONCLUSION: Croatian regions show differences in the incidence, incidence trends, and disease presentation of type 1 diabetes. A further follow-up is needed to establish whether the regional differences are a consequence of the population dynamics in the observed period or they will continue to exist, pointing to differences in environmental risk factors

    Variable immunodeficiency syndrome and pneumonia: a case report

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    Tridesetsedmogodišnji bolesnik primljen je u Kliniku za infektivne bolesti "Dr. Fran Mihaljević" u Zagrebu zbog obostrane upale pluća komplicirane razvojem pleuralnog izljeva. Upalu pluća prebolio je u dva navrata: 2004. i 2010. godine. Od 2004. godine više je puta liječen zbog upale paranazalnih sinusa. Unatoč nizu infekcija respiratornog trakta u bolesnika dosad nije učinjena elektroforeza proteina u serumu, uz pomoć koje smo tijekom ove hospitalizacije postavili dijagnozu osnovne bolesti-obične varijabilne imunodeficijencije. Ultrazvuk toraksa, uz sumacijske rendgenske snimke torakalnih organa, koristio nam je u praćenju tijeka i prognoziranju ishoda bolesti.Athirty-seven-year-old patient with bilateral pneumonia complicated by pleural effusion was admitted to the University Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Zagreb. He already had pneumonia in 2004 and 2010. Since 2004 he has been treated several times for sinusitis. Despite a significant number of respiratory tract infections, serum protein electrophoresis has not been done until recent episode, when it became a crucial test for confirming the diagnosis of common variable immunodeficiency. Ultrasonography of pleural space, along with chest x-rays, proved a valuable diagnostic method in monitoring the progress and outcome of the disease