220 research outputs found

    Matrix interpretation of multiple orthogonality

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    In this work we give an interpretation of a (s(d + 1) + 1)-term recurrence relation in terms of type II multiple orthogonal polynomials.We rewrite this recurrence relation in matrix form and we obtain a three-term recurrence relation for vector polynomials with matrix coefficients. We present a matrix interpretation of the type II multi-orthogonality conditions.We state a Favard type theorem and the expression for the resolvent function associated to the vector of linear functionals. Finally a reinterpretation of the type II Hermite- Padé approximation in matrix form is given

    Making the invisible enemy visible.

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    Structural biology plays a crucial role in the fight against COVID-19, permitting us to ‘see’ and understand SARS-CoV-2. However, the macromolecular structures of SARS-CoV-2 proteins that were solved with great speed and urgency can contain errors that may hinder drug design. The Coronavirus Structural Task Force has been working behind the scenes to evaluate and improve these structures, making the results freely available at https://insidecorona.net/

    ModelCIF: An Extension of PDBx/mmCIF Data Representation for Computed Structure Models

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    ModelCIF (github.com/ihmwg/ModelCIF) is a data information framework developed for and by computational structural biologists to enable delivery of Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) data to users worldwide. ModelCIF describes the specific set of attributes and metadata associated with macromolecular structures modeled by solely computational methods and provides an extensible data representation for deposition, archiving, and public dissemination of predicted three-dimensional (3D) models of macromolecules. It is an extension of the Protein Data Bank Exchange / macromolecular Crystallographic Information Framework (PDBx/mmCIF), which is the global data standard for representing experimentally-determined 3D structures of macromolecules and associated metadata. The PDBx/mmCIF framework and its extensions (e.g., ModelCIF) are managed by the Worldwide Protein Data Bank partnership (wwPDB, wwpdb.org) in collaboration with relevant community stakeholders such as the wwPDB ModelCIF Working Group (wwpdb.org/task/modelcif). This semantically rich and extensible data framework for representing computed structure models (CSMs) accelerates the pace of scientific discovery. Herein, we describe the architecture, contents, and governance of ModelCIF, and tools and processes for maintaining and extending the data standard. Community tools and software libraries that support ModelCIF are also described

    Polycation-Ï€ Interactions Are a Driving Force for Molecular Recognition by an Intrinsically Disordered Oncoprotein Family

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    Molecular recognition by intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) commonly involves specific localized contacts and target-induced disorder to order transitions. However, some IDPs remain disordered in the bound state, a phenomenon coined "fuzziness", often characterized by IDP polyvalency, sequence-insensitivity and a dynamic ensemble of disordered bound-state conformations. Besides the above general features, specific biophysical models for fuzzy interactions are mostly lacking. The transcriptional activation domain of the Ewing's Sarcoma oncoprotein family (EAD) is an IDP that exhibits many features of fuzziness, with multiple EAD aromatic side chains driving molecular recognition. Considering the prevalent role of cation-π interactions at various protein-protein interfaces, we hypothesized that EAD-target binding involves polycation- π contacts between a disordered EAD and basic residues on the target. Herein we evaluated the polycation-π hypothesis via functional and theoretical interrogation of EAD variants. The experimental effects of a range of EAD sequence variations, including aromatic number, aromatic density and charge perturbations, all support the cation-π model. Moreover, the activity trends observed are well captured by a coarse-grained EAD chain model and a corresponding analytical model based on interaction between EAD aromatics and surface cations of a generic globular target. EAD-target binding, in the context of pathological Ewing's Sarcoma oncoproteins, is thus seen to be driven by a balance between EAD conformational entropy and favorable EAD-target cation-π contacts. Such a highly versatile mode of molecular recognition offers a general conceptual framework for promiscuous target recognition by polyvalent IDPs. © 2013 Song et al

    Towards a comprehensive structural coverage of completed genomes: a structural genomics viewpoint

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    BACKGROUND: Structural genomics initiatives were established with the aim of solving protein structures on a large-scale. For many initiatives, such as the Protein Structure Initiative (PSI), the primary aim of target selection is focussed towards structurally characterising protein families which, so far, lack a structural representative. It is therefore of considerable interest to gain insights into the number and distribution of these families, and what efforts may be required to achieve a comprehensive structural coverage across all protein families. RESULTS: In this analysis we have derived a comprehensive domain annotation of the genomes using CATH, Pfam-A and Newfam domain families. We consider what proportions of structurally uncharacterised families are accessible to high-throughput structural genomics pipelines, specifically those targeting families containing multiple prokaryotic orthologues. In measuring the domain coverage of the genomes, we show the benefits of selecting targets from both structurally uncharacterised domain families, whilst in addition, pursuing additional targets from large structurally characterised protein superfamilies. CONCLUSION: This work suggests that such a combined approach to target selection is essential if structural genomics is to achieve a comprehensive structural coverage of the genomes, leading to greater insights into structure and the mechanisms that underlie protein evolution

    Coverage of whole proteome by structural genomics observed through protein homology modeling database

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    We have been developing FAMSBASE, a protein homology-modeling database of whole ORFs predicted from genome sequences. The latest update of FAMSBASE (http://daisy.nagahama-i-bio.ac.jp/Famsbase/), which is based on the protein three-dimensional (3D) structures released by November 2003, contains modeled 3D structures for 368,724 open reading frames (ORFs) derived from genomes of 276 species, namely 17 archaebacterial, 130 eubacterial, 18 eukaryotic and 111 phage genomes. Those 276 genomes are predicted to have 734,193 ORFs in total and the current FAMSBASE contains protein 3D structure of approximately 50% of the ORF products. However, cases that a modeled 3D structure covers the whole part of an ORF product are rare. When portion of an ORF with 3D structure is compared in three kingdoms of life, in archaebacteria and eubacteria, approximately 60% of the ORFs have modeled 3D structures covering almost the entire amino acid sequences, however, the percentage falls to about 30% in eukaryotes. When annual differences in the number of ORFs with modeled 3D structure are calculated, the fraction of modeled 3D structures of soluble protein for archaebacteria is increased by 5%, and that for eubacteria by 7% in the last 3 years. Assuming that this rate would be maintained and that determination of 3D structures for predicted disordered regions is unattainable, whole soluble protein model structures of prokaryotes without the putative disordered regions will be in hand within 15 years. For eukaryotic proteins, they will be in hand within 25 years. The 3D structures we will have at those times are not the 3D structure of the entire proteins encoded in single ORFs, but the 3D structures of separate structural domains. Measuring or predicting spatial arrangements of structural domains in an ORF will then be a coming issue of structural genomics

    Combination of Two but Not Three Current Targeted Drugs Can Improve Therapy of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

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    Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a cancer of the hematopoietic system and has been treated with the drug Imatinib relatively successfully. Drug resistance, acquired by mutations, is an obstacle to success. Two additional drugs are now considered and could be combined with Imatinib to prevent resistance, Dasatinib and Nilotinib. While most mutations conferring resistance to one drug do not confer resistance to the other drugs, there is one mutation (T315I) that induces resistance against all three drugs. Using computational methods, the combination of two drugs is found to increase the probability of treatment success despite this cross-resistance. Combining more than two drugs, however, does not provide further advantages. We also explore possible combination therapies using drugs currently under development. We conclude that among the targeted drugs currently available for the treamtent of CML, only the two most effective ones should be used in combination for the prevention of drug resistance

    AlignNemo: A Local Network Alignment Method to Integrate Homology and Topology

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    Local network alignment is an important component of the analysis of protein-protein interaction networks that may lead to the identification of evolutionary related complexes. We present AlignNemo, a new algorithm that, given the networks of two organisms, uncovers subnetworks of proteins that relate in biological function and topology of interactions. The discovered conserved subnetworks have a general topology and need not to correspond to specific interaction patterns, so that they more closely fit the models of functional complexes proposed in the literature. The algorithm is able to handle sparse interaction data with an expansion process that at each step explores the local topology of the networks beyond the proteins directly interacting with the current solution. To assess the performance of AlignNemo, we ran a series of benchmarks using statistical measures as well as biological knowledge. Based on reference datasets of protein complexes, AlignNemo shows better performance than other methods in terms of both precision and recall. We show our solutions to be biologically sound using the concept of semantic similarity applied to Gene Ontology vocabularies. The binaries of AlignNemo and supplementary details about the algorithms and the experiments are available at: sourceforge.net/p/alignnemo
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