375 research outputs found

    Surface characterization

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    The biocompatibility of commercially pure titanium and its alloys is closely related to their surface properties, with both the composition of the protecting oxide film and the surface topography playing an important role. Surfaces of commercially pure titanium and of the two alloys Ti-6Al-7Nb and Ti-6Al-4V (wt %) have been investigated following three different pretreatments: polishing, nitric acid passivation and pickling in nitric acid-hydrogen fluoride. Nitric acid treatment is found to substantially reduce the concentration of surface contaminants present after polishing. The natural 4-6 nm thick oxide layer on commercially pure titanium is composed of titanium oxide in different oxidation states (TiO2, Ti2O3 and TiO), while for the alloys, aluminium and niobium or vanadium are additionally present in oxidized form (Al2O3, Nb2O5 or V-oxides). The concentrations of the alloying elements at the surface are shown to be strongly dependent on the pretreatment process. While pickling increases the surface roughness of both commercially pure titanium and the alloys, different mechanisms appear to be involved. In the case of commercially pure titanium, the dissolution rate depends on grain orientation, whereas in the case of the two alloys, selective α-phase dissolution and enrichment of the β-phase appears to occur. © 1999 Kluwer Academic Publisher

    The implant material, Ti6Al7Nb: surface microstructure, composition and properties

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    The excellent biocompatibility of titanium and its alloys is intimately related with the properties of the surface in contact with the biological environment, and therefore it is closely connected with the stable, passivating oxide layer that forms on its surface. In the present paper, the oxide layer on the alloy Ti6Al7Nb has been characterized using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning Auger microscopy and pH-dependent lateral force microscopy. The alloying elements Al and Nb are incorporated in the oxide layer and detected in their most stable oxidized form, as Al2O3 and Nb2O5. Their distribution in the oxide reflects the underlying α-β microstructure, with enrichment of Al in the α- and of Nb in the β-phase (determined by electron microprobe). Friction measurements (lateral force microscopy) indicate slightly different, pH-dependent, lateral forces above the α- and β-phase structures that point to small local variations in surface charges. © 1999 Kluwer Academic Publisher

    Музыкальный информационный поиск с запросом по напеву

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    In this paper the problems of Query by Humming in Music Information Retrieval systems are analyzed. A statistical approach to the problem of retrieval is presented. The processes of segmentation as well as of the extraction of pitch and duration data are described. From the extracted data the characteristic vector is formed for each segment. The method of using the vectors in melodic search if proposed

    Evidência de acesso lexical não seletivo em crianças de uma escola bilíngue português-inglês

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    The issue of language selectivity regarding lexical access of bilingual adults has been thoroughly reported in the literature. However, studies with bilingual children are still limited, especially in the Brazilian context, where the number of bilingual schools has been increasing rapidly in the last few years. To fill this gap, the present study was conducted with the goal of investigating whether the same cognate facilitation effect reported for bilingual adults is also true for bilingual children. To do so, two experiments were carried out. In Experiment 1, 53 Portuguese-speaking (L1) children learning English as a second language (L2) from 3rdand 7thgrade completed lexical decision tasks, which included cognates, noncognates and pseudowords, in both Portuguese and English. In Experiment 2, 18 age-matched English monolinguals performed the English version of the lexical decision task. The results of Experiment 1 showed that the cognate effect was evident for both 3rdand 7thgraders, when the task was performed in the L2. However, no statistical difference between the two grades was found. When performing the task in the L1, the bilingual groups showed no cognate effect, which suggests that these participants had not reached a level of proficiency in which the L2 can influence L1 processing. The results of Experiment 2 showed no cognate facilitation effect for monolinguals, indicating that the results of the early L2 learners, in the English version of the lexical decision task, were indeed due to the cognate status of the words of the bilingual'stwo languages. In short, the present results favor the nonselective view of lexical access and the effect of proficiency in the perception of cross language similarity.A questão da seletividade da língua no acesso lexical de adultos bilíngues tem sido amplamenterelatada na literatura. No entanto, estudos com crianças bilíngues ainda são limitados, principalmente no contexto brasileiro, no qual o número de escolas bilíngues tem aumentado rapidamente nos últimos anos. Para preencher essa lacuna, o presente estudo teve com o objetivo investigar se o mesmo efeito de facilitação cognata relatado no caso de adultos bilíngues também é verdadeiro para crianças bilíngues. Para isso, dois experimentos foram conduzidos. No Experimento 1, um total de 53 crianças falantes nativas de português (L1) aprendendo o inglês como segunda língua (L2), de 3ª e 7ª série, realizaram uma tarefa de decisão lexical que continha cognatos, não-cognatos e pseudopalavras, tanto em português como em inglês. No Experimento 2, 18 monolíngues falantes de inglês realizaram a tarefa de decisão lexical na versão em inglês. Os resultados do Experimento 1 mostraram que o efeito cognato foi evidente para os dois grupos de bilíngues quando a tarefa foi realizada na L2-inglês, embora não tenha sido encontrada diferença estatística entre as séries. Ao realizar a tarefa na L1, os grupos bilíngues não apresentaram efeito cognato, o que indica que esses participantes não atingiram um nível de proficiência em que a L2 pode influenciar o processamento da L1. Os resultados do Experimento 2 mostraram que não houve efeito de facilitação cognata para os monolíngues, indicando que os resultados dos aprendizes precoces de L2, na versão em inglês da tarefa de decisão lexical foram, realmente, devido ao status de cognato das palavras das duas línguas dos bilíngues. Em suma, os presentes resultados favorecem a visão não seletiva do acesso lexical e o efeito da proficiência na percepção da similaridade entre línguas

    Prüfung von Perkolations- und Elutionsversuchen zur Schadstofffreisetzung aus mineralischen Ersatzbaustoffen

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    In einem groß angelegten Ringversuch wurden die DIN-Normen DIN 19528 und DIN 19529 verifiziert. In dieser Arbeit haben wir die darin vorgesehenen Experimente durchgeführt, das Versuchsprogramm erweitert und die Ergebnisse mittels verschiedener mathematischer Verfahren ausgewertet. Schüttelversuche, wie in DIN 19529 vorgesehen, haben wir durch Ansätze mit weiteren Wasser-/Feststoffverhältnissen erweitert. Diese Ergebnisse wurden zur Ermittlung der das Verteilungsverhalten bestimmenden Parameter mittels MuBaX (Iden und Durner, 2007) ausgewertet. Die Säulenversuche nach DIN 19528 wurden ebenfalls in ihrer zeitlichen Dauer erweitert und durch Fließunterbrechungen ergänzt. Für die Abschätzung der kurz- bis mittelfristigen Freisetzungen wurden reproduzierbare und zwischen den unterschiedlichen Methoden vergleichbare Ergebnisse erzielt