20 research outputs found

    The sensitivity of BAO Dark Energy Constraints to General Isocurvature Perturbations

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    Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) surveys will be a leading method for addressing the dark energy challenge in the next decade. We explore in detail the effect of allowing for small amplitude admixtures of general isocurvature perturbations in addition to the dominant adiabatic mode. We find that non-adiabatic initial conditions leave the sound speed unchanged but instead excite different harmonics. These harmonics couple differently to Silk damping, altering the form and evolution of acoustic waves in the baryon-photon fluid prior to decoupling. This modifies not only the scale on which the sound waves imprint onto the baryon distribution, which is used as the standard ruler in BAO surveys, but also the shape, width and height of the BAO peak. We discuss these effects in detail and show how more general initial conditions impact our interpretation of cosmological data in dark energy studies. We find that the inclusion of these additional isocurvature modes leads to an increase in the Dark Energy Task Force Figure of merit by 140% and 60% for the BOSS and ADEPT experiments respectively when considered in conjunction with Planck data. We also show that the incorrect assumption of adiabaticity has the potential to bias our estimates of the dark energy parameters by 3σ3\sigma (1σ1\sigma) for a single correlated isocurvature mode, and up to 8σ8\sigma (3σ3\sigma) for three correlated isocurvature modes in the case of the BOSS (ADEPT) experiment. We find that the use of the large scale structure data in conjunction with CMB data improves our ability to measure the contributions of different modes to the initial conditions by as much as 100% for certain modes in the fully correlated case.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figure

    Neutrino mass from cosmology: Impact of high-accuracy measurement of the Hubble constant

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    Non-zero neutrino mass would affect the evolution of the Universe in observable ways, and a strong constraint on the mass can be achieved using combinations of cosmological data sets. We focus on the power spectrum of cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies, the Hubble constant H_0, and the length scale for baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) to investigate the constraint on the neutrino mass, m_nu. We analyze data from multiple existing CMB studies (WMAP5, ACBAR, CBI, BOOMERANG, and QUAD), recent measurement of H_0 (SHOES), with about two times lower uncertainty (5%) than previous estimates, and recent treatments of BAO from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We obtained an upper limit of m_nu < 0.2eV (95% C.L.), for a flat LambdaCDM model. This is a 40% reduction in the limit derived from previous H_0 estimates and one-third lower than can be achieved with extant CMB and BAO data. We also analyze the impact of smaller uncertainty on measurements of H_0 as may be anticipated in the near term, in combination with CMB data from the Planck mission, and BAO data from the SDSS/BOSS program. We demonstrate the possibility of a 5 sigma detection for a fiducial neutrino mass of 0.1eV or a 95% upper limit of 0.04eV for a fiducial of m_nu = 0eV. These constraints are about 50% better than those achieved without external constraint. We further investigate the impact on modeling where the dark-energy equation of state is constant but not necessarily -1, or where a non-flat universe is allowed. In these cases, the next-generation accuracies of Planck, BOSS, and 1% measurement of H_0 would all be required to obtain the limit m_nu < 0.05 - 0.06eV (95% C.L.) for the fiducial of m_nu = 0eV. The independence of systematics argues for pursuit of both BAO and H_0 measurements.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, 12 table

    Constraints on the CMB temperature redshift dependence from SZ and distance measurements

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    The relation between redshift and the CMB temperature, TCMB(z)=T0(1+z)T_{CMB}(z)=T_0(1+z) is a key prediction of standard cosmology, but is violated in many non-standard models. Constraining possible deviations to this law is an effective way to test the Λ\LambdaCDM paradigm and search for hints of new physics. We present state-of-the-art constraints, using both direct and indirect measurements. In particular, we point out that in models where photons can be created or destroyed, not only does the temperature-redshift relation change, but so does the distance duality relation, and these departures from the standard behaviour are related, providing us with an opportunity to improve constraints. We show that current datasets limit possible deviations of the form TCMB(z)=T0(1+z)1βT_{CMB}(z)=T_0(1+z)^{1-\beta} to be β=0.004±0.016\beta=0.004\pm0.016 up to a redshift z3z\sim 3. We also discuss how, with the next generation of space and ground-based experiments, these constraints can be improved by more than one order of magnitude.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figure

    Unbound Particles in Dark Matter Halos

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    We investigate unbound dark matter particles in halos by tracing particle trajectories in a simulation run to the far future (a = 100). We find that the traditional sum of kinetic and potential energies is a very poor predictor of which dark matter particles will eventually become unbound from halos. We also study the mass fraction of unbound particles, which increases strongly towards the edges of halos, and decreases significantly at higher redshifts. We discuss implications for dark matter detection experiments, precision calibrations of the halo mass function, the use of baryon fractions to constrain dark energy, and searches for intergalactic supernovae.Comment: Significant improvements following referee suggestion

    The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: constraints on the time variation of fundamental constants from the large-scale two-point correlation function

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    We obtain constraints on the variation of the fundamental constants from the full shape of the redshift-space correlation function of a sample of luminous galaxies drawn from the Data Release 9 of the Baryonic Oscillations Spectroscopic Survey. We combine this information with data from recent CMB, BAO and H_0 measurements. We focus on possible variations of the fine structure constant \alpha and the electron mass m_e in the early universe, and study the degeneracies between these constants and other cosmological parameters, such as the dark energy equation of state parameter w_DE, the massive neutrinos fraction f_\nu, the effective number of relativistic species N_eff, and the primordial helium abundance Y_He. When only one of the fundamental constants is varied, our final bounds are \alpha / \alpha_0 = 0.9957_{-0.0042}^{+0.0041} and m_e /(m_e)_0 = 1.006_{-0.013}^{+0.014}. For their joint variation, our results are \alpha / \alpha_0 = 0.9901_{-0.0054}^{+0.0055} and m_e /(m_e)_0 = 1.028 +/- 0.019. Although when m_e is allowed to vary our constraints on w_DE are consistent with a cosmological constant, when \alpha is treated as a free parameter we find w_DE = -1.20 +/- 0.13; more than 1 \sigma away from its standard value. When f_\nu and \alpha are allowed to vary simultaneously, we find f_\nu < 0.043 (95% CL), implying a limit of \sum m_\nu < 0.46 eV (95% CL), while for m_e variation, we obtain f_nu < 0.086 (95% CL), which implies \sum m_\nu < 1.1 eV (95% CL). When N_eff or Y_He are considered as free parameters, their simultaneous variation with \alpha provides constraints close to their standard values (when the H_0 prior is not included in the analysis), while when m_e is allowed to vary, their preferred values are significantly higher. In all cases, our results are consistent with no variations of \alpha or m_e at the 1 or 2 \sigma level.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures. Submitted to MNRA